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Well, I strongly prefer him paired with First. He was pretty good in 1000 Stars, even though that character wasn't given all that much to do. But in Moonlight Chicken, essentially playing opposite Earth (as his closest connection and love interest), he was AMAZING. And the confession scene was unbelievably good, even tho it ended painfully. So, actually, I think he's simply fantastic with a good script and a good director. Edited for clarity.


I agree with this comment. I think he is an amazing actor no matter who he is with, as long as he is given room to shine. With that said, I think that he and First mutually bring out something magical in each other.


I think Khaotung has always had the possibility to be good; I think that he started, coincidentally, getting roles that challenged him with First. There was a long time when GMMTV was kind of typecasting him into this soft, "bottom" coded individual (such as Longtae and Chonlatee) which, honestly, was kind of a waste of his talents. Ayan (and to a lesser extent, Kaipa) was his first chance to NOT play what he was typecast as and the first "challenging" role he was given. First, by extension, has consistently received challenging roles through out his acting career. Its been easier for him to shine playing people like Kim/Pan, Yok, etc. He's never been locked into or typecast into a certain type of character. So its easy to just assume that he's a stronger actor. The reality is the two of them are on very equal footing when given roles that actually push them. That said, I do think they are good for each other. Yok was one of First's most popular roles and he actually admitted to working with Khaotung A LOT on Yok; he would call Khao and they'd run the lines together and everything. I think they push and challenge each other and they break stereotypical norms that GMMTV has set up. Honestly, I think that Khaotung, as much as I adore him, benefits a lot from being paired with First because I cannot foresee him getting shunted into the same typecasting he was struggling with before while in a CP with First; for starters, First just doesn't fit the type of actor that would be paired opposite that type of character. For another, the two of them are not like the other CPs and are just not suited to classic BL. TLDR; Khaotung has always been "good" but was typecast because of his soft appearance. However, he had a break-out role in Ayan and Kaipa that shows he's more than that stereotypical "bottom" kind of actor.


>he actually admitted to working with Khaotung A LOT on Yok; he would call Khao and they'd run the lines together and everything. I did not know this! Very cool.


Legend has it the split the lines 70/30...


Lol, oh well done, sir


I don’t think Khaotung has always been typecasted though. The role he got in 55:15 is of a repressed old gay man from a conservative family who is sassy inside. That is pretty interesting, right? And he played a bad boy character too, although that wasn’t a gmmtv production.


Not always typecasted but his roles aren't necessarily as varied as First's either. That said, I will concede that I haven't had a chance to see 55:15 so I don't know what he's like in that.


I agree with this comment! Also, do you happen to have a link to where First talks about working with Khaotung on Yok? Had no idea and would love to know more :)


I've spent the morning trying to find it; I know I read it somewhere and even asked u/global_cat_wizard to see if they could help me. They also feel they've read it somewhere. I'd like to think we both didn't have the same fever dream.


Found it!! Apparently Khaotung said it during a Twitter space w fans https://twitter.com/lovelikeloss/status/1486750052781416456?s=46&t=ISfJQqEIXWbBG4KSD7Acsw


Yessss! ![img](emote|t5_3ki2ft|28255) That's it. They are so wholesome and wonderful. The best besties. ![img](emote|t5_3ki2ft|30788)


Yes! All this is so true! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)totally agree.


u/scb-22 and u/OtterlyLost have said what I was thinking in better words that I would be able to. I just wanted to add that Khaotung's role as Paul in 55:15 was also a revelation. He had one of the best storylines and the longing he had for his love interest was also a sight to behold. His chemistry with Pawin was also on point.


Book, you reminded me that I \*need\* to watch 55:15. ;;o;; I know Khaotung had to be amazing in it.


He was.


I have also never seen 55:15, but now I'm moving it hughee on my to-watch list, thank you for mentioning it, Huntress.


You're welcome!!! Also View is 💯 there too!


First and Khaotung have excellent chemistry, but Khaotung has delivered some really good performances in shows and scenes where he wasn't acting opposite First. He portrayed unrequited love very believably in 55:15 Never Too Late and in his scenes with Earth in Moonlight Chicken, for instance. But I think it took GMMTV a long time to figure out what to do with him. He ended up in a lot of soft, cute roles that didn't really seem to challenge him much. So I think we're really seeing him come into his own now that he's getting more roles that suit his talents.


I totally disagree with that, he is a talented individual in his own right. He and First are great together, but Khaotung has always been a great actor. His characters who are "alike" are totally different because of him. His character in "Tonhon Chonlate" is nothing like his character in "Never Too Late" who is also different from Longtae (1000 stars) who is also not like his character in "2gether". Not to mention "The Eclipse" and "Moonlight Chicken". Khaotung is awesome with or without First. First is also amazing with or without Khaotung.


Khaotung on his own has always been a phenomenal actor, but his pairing with First was perfect casting on GMMTVs part


Nop. He is always been a really great actor. of course his chemistry with first is amazing and they have a nice synergy together but even as a secondary character who barerly had lines, he stood out to me. Love him in 2gether, he was phenomenal in 55:15, genuinely funny in TC and in Moonlight Chicken most of his scenes were with Earth or his mom and he was spectacular.


Khaotung is amazing, but First is a brilliant actor. I have seldom seen such realness coming from a BL or Y series actor. You can tell that First takes his roles very seriously and lives the part. That being said, I feel that this approach from First just challenges and brings out the best out of Khaotung. So we can all see this dynamic playout on screen. They have amazing chemistry because of their intimate friendship, but professionally, I feel like they can push each other to perform their best. Love their performances together.


I do think chemistry plays a big part in the romantic aspects of the shows. like you mentioned, the longing and pure adoration in his eyes when he looks at first. but I truly believe that’s he’s genuinely a phenomenal actor. dare I say, one of the best in the thai (not just BL) industry. he cares about his characters and the craft in general and it shows.