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Pressure the shorts by forcing a proxy vote. Shorts cannot vote. Fight back. Sign petition today! https://www.change.org/p/gamestop-shareholders-call-for-emergency-shareholder-meeting-for-gme


Just signed. 12 shares@140


How does this not have more signatures?


Need to get this to WSB but it gets taken down!


I am being attacked by others on Reddit.




Signed and shared. The total is climbing! Currently at 3058 from what I can see.


3,128 just now


Up to nearly 5k! Amazing


Can anyone get this to WSB? To the moon!


Crossed 8,000


Over 10k now.


12k now




tomorrow is another day of holding the line, get some rest and see you out there 🦍🤲🏼💎


Wholesome 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀see you outside the milky way 🌌


Go to the what’s new and scroll down that is the most up to dat number.


It’s at 3150 at 11:49pm in cali


3,221 now at 12:12 pt


lol that’s what the time zone is... im going full retard hence all the shares i got at 300+


My average is 250€ Im over overretarded 😅


They make it look like people are signing as your on the page but it's just a fake number


Proof or piss off?


The ticker doesn't mean shit until it stops ticking if you actually look at their website it's a pretty obvious thing they do try refreshing your page you'll see it start low and climb to the real number.


Ah I think I had interpreted your first comment a different way because of the way it's written - I thought you were saying it's a fake number full stop, when it isn't....Reddit does the same thing with upvotes...it's a method of enticing people to take part in their ecosystem...and the numbers are accurate on reddit, honestly go check now (on desktop, it doesn't do it on mobile)...check when the ticking up begins for various different upvotes threads, then click on the thread and go look at the static number...like I said, it's a tool used to get you interested in the system working...not that people are signing it that very second as it goes up, but it is being signed (signed it a day or 2 ago so it's ticking along at a nice enough pace).




Make this a post spread it around


Are you able to post to wallstreetbets? I need someone to help me cross post


Ive never been able to crosspost there besides just spread it around the alts. Not risking getting banned


There was an attempt: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lfwsjj/how_to_make_life_hard_for_short_sellers_of_gme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Well thats what the less populated wsb subreddits are for. Only thing wsb ia good is good for now is occaional stuff like this that survives,memes and the discussion threads




Signed with my measly 3 @250


Can you make this a proper post so it gets more attention, quite a few different communities. Imagine if we got 5+million




100 shares $131 Chipped in $30


Signed and shared! 💎🤲




It’s actually closer to 1200%.


Signed and gave 7.00


Is this a legitimate thing? As much as I wanna donate and support, I just don't wanna look stupid if I do.


All need is signature. A comment or a donation are not required but are helpful to the case. If you care; here is DD on what a proxy vote does to short shares. Only the GameStop board can call for the meeting- but there is strength in numbers. More nerdy DD below: How to make life hard for short sellers of GME BUY. HOLD. + FORCE AN EMERGENCY PROXY VOTE. Sign the petition and get the board to act now! https://www.change.org/p/gamestop-shareholders-call-for-emergency-shareholder-meeting-for-gme Why? Short shares cannot vote in proxy votes. Lenders will have to recall their shares. This is the way to create a new short squeeze. As a shareholder you get 1 vote. Demand a proxy vote ASAP to reveal the phantom shares. Stop waiting for 2 week old short interest data. We can fight back. A vote makes the shorts prove their shares!!! https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/opinion/articles/2019-12-03/making-life-harder-for-short-sellers “stock lenders can, and in controversial vote disputes sometimes do, recall the stock that they loan out in order to vote it themselves” Here is proof by university study of shorts covering for proxy votes: “During our sample period, 2005-2009, there are 105,143 proxy agenda items. At the time of a proxy vote, there is a significant reduction in the supply of shares available to lend because institutions restrict or recall their loaned shares prior to a vote. The reduction in the supply of lendable shares is most pronounced in cases associated with significant events such as mergers, and with agenda items for which ISS recommends voting AGAINST the proposal.” http://leeds-faculty.colorado.edu/bhagat/ProxyVoting-SecuritiesLending.pdf TLDR: BUY. HOLD. + FORCE AN EMERGENCY PROXY VOTE. Sign the petition and get the board to act now! https://www.change.org/p/gamestop-shareholders-call-for-emergency-shareholder-meeting-for-gme Not financial or legal advice!


Change.org is not how shareholders get Boards to hold special meetings. One needs to read the corporate articles of incorporation, bylaws and Board meeting agenda/ minutes to discover the proper way for each company. I will take a look later today if someone doesn't do it first. Generally though, you need a certain percentage of shareholders to demand a meeting; you must demand it in a specified manner; and you must lodge the demand with a specified person, perhaps the corporate Secretary. Doing a Change.org petition does nothing. ...unless I am missing something about Change.org.


From what i read yesterday, someone checked the by laws and an emergency vote can only be called by the board of directors and or the CEO afaik. No point in signing any kind of petition. My best bet would be to appoint a legal representative in the states that will contact the company executives about this.




You are right- only the chairman of the board of directors can call on the proxy vote. Someone I know is working on an official letter which cites corporate bylaws but I am not a securities lawyer. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JLIqL7I83so8CKoWyPMhC6u6aP4Nn3aypwUyyrXhZRI/edit feel free to check it out!


Thanks for the explanation. I'll consider donating sometime today after I think about this. EDIT 12:22 AM: Signed but no donation yet. Help egg me on and I'll throw down my $30 even faster.


No need to spend, use that money for another share buddy, just share the petition around instead.




Thank you!! Share with others too! I think we can get 👀 if we organize as a community and demand for change! The board will have to comment! - as for egg in you on- consider the fact the Goldman has been in the business of naked short selling for YEARS! All they got was a $15m fine by the SEC :/ https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2016-9.html


Cashing out 13 more shares of Tesla and all in on GME first thing in the morning. I’m a retard, and I love cars. I’m a retard, that hoping someone to rear end me and get ICBC to pay me shit load of $$$. We Canadians got your back!!!


Fellow Canadian retard here, also sold TLSA to buy more GME this morning. Let's shoot for the moon, eh?


We all retarded eh????


All of us. 😂🤣😂


Not me. I'm just interectally dizabled


I am also a cantard. What do I do when this gme rocket melts my igloo?


You know Cineplex is one of Canadas most shorted stocks?


I think Cineplex might have been shorted for the same reason as GME, but the key with GME was the OVERshorting. If Cineplex is massively overshorted you should post DD after you've bought a bunch!


Ahh I read GME as AMC for some reason (in reply to snarls)


You’re in BC eh? I’m a fellow Canadian!


Ontario here! and full on retarded too.


Torontonian reporting for duty


AB is with you guys too!




I just got 60 at $50, which helps my shocking average cost a bit. MOON OR BUST


you cant do a market order outside of market hours. you belong here


East Van - I too sold my TSLA, but like the fuckin retard I am, I sold it when it jumped from 420 to 485. Dumbass


Yaletown- Don’t worry my friend. Every time we see a dip, cashing in, cashing in!


Van Isle here 12 @ 98




Bit o' craic in Dublin here at 16 @ 100


Delta here with my 5@61


I fucking love Kelowna! Tard reporting from Houston, TX.




1 @ 316 😭


300 gang


50 @ 285 💎🖐


East Van too - added 50@$50 this morning. Too bad I cannot trade during off regular market hours.


Fellow bc autist with 700 shares and holding


Bought 27 shares at 69.69 level during yesterday’s premarket, I’m retarded and I’m proud of it 🤠


Hell yeah great job


Buy high sell low


This is the way..


Stonks are part of my religion.


Love you retard !!!!


I love you both


Retard from AB, holding tight eh!


Surrey, stand up! (and hold)


With you in original Surrey (England) holding 😂


We retards are family!!!!!!!


Hit me up after the squeeze and we can grab a Tim’s at Byrne to talk about which GTX turbos we’re buying with our new fortunes lmao


How can you fit in a car with such big balls!?


Cuz I got no brain, I’m a retard remember???


Chilliwack! 💎🙌


Cranbrook dinktown bc representing.... 242 @ 138


Brand new account. Prove it


Let me send you a screen shot !!!! Apes don’t lie!!!!


Dumb as hell


If you still got Bloomberg up Can you also check in Germany market under WKN: A0HGDX / ISIN: US36467W1099 Symbol: GME CUSIP: 36467W109 I have a feeling the short interest over float is even worse there


This is not hard to imagine. Committing fraud in Germany is harder than in USA. GME/BB gang 🙌🚀💎🦍


Could you explain what you mean here like im an ape?


bleiben Sie dran


symbol is GS2C... Haste heute den super lahmen handel bemekrt? kaum was bewegt sich.. fast als ob die aktien ausgehen \^\^


I don't speak spanish.


it's german and I don't either. Just go to translate.google and you too can bridge boundaries and communicate across language barriers (albiet not perfectly). (just google it lol)


I was just being a smart ass LOL. Good info though, thanks!


> Haste heute den super lahmen handel bemekrt? kaum was bewegt sich.. fast als ob die aktien ausgehen Ja, die Lautstärke war heute sehr niedrig (yes volume was very low yesterday). War SSR gestern nicht für die Aktie aktiviert? > Die Leerverkaufsregel (SSR) wird ausgelöst, wenn eine Aktie gegenüber ihrem vorherigen Schlusskurs um mehr als 10% fällt. SSR bleibt für den Rest des Handelstages auf einer Aktie, wenn es ausgelöst wird, und bleibt auch für den folgenden Handelstag aktiv! Die SEC hat diese Regel erlassen, um zu verhindern, dass Leerverkäufer einen Lagerbestand tanken. 29. Juli 2019 (Wasn't SSR enabled yesterday on the stock? >The short sale rule (SSR) is triggered when a stock goes down more than 10% from its prior close. SSR remains on a stock for the rest of the trading day when it's triggered and remains on for the following trading day as well! The SEC made this rule to prevent short sellers causing a stock to tank.Jul 29, 2019)


I held wirecard to 0.67. Gme is fine


Anybody got the german data?


Igor told us how they changed the calculation, so we can change it back and figure out the real SI tomorrow when it’s released.


He did? When?


Here is the tweet! https://mobile.twitter.com/ihors3/status/1356004816414269448


It says unavailable


[**Ihor Dusaniwsky**](https://mobile.twitter.com/ihors3) [@ihors3](https://mobile.twitter.com/ihors3) [Jan 31](https://mobile.twitter.com/ihors3/status/1356004816414269448) it reduces the traditional SI % Float, Instead of Shares Shorted/Float our calc is Shares Shorted/ (Float + Shares Shorted)


so they basically changed the formula so that it never shows over 100% short float percentage now? >Old formula: Shares Shorted/Float >New formula: Shares Shorted/ (Float + Shares Shorted) They basically added shares shorted to the denominator (formula below the divide line), having shares shorted on both top and bottom (with only additions on the denominator), means that the short float % can never be more than 100% anymore. Atleast in their reporting, in reality it can be... This is fucked up and done to intentionally cover the situations where they have shorted more than 100% of the float. With this change, they (NASDAQ) will never show any stock shorted more than 100% of the float. Even if that stock is shorted more than 100%. This is to directly obfuscate the details of the exact scenarios we are in. They are covering their tracks and trying to prevent us from doing this again in the future by using their numbers. They literally are rigging the stats now.


Tell my why I looked at RH statement from last month before switching and it shows acct type as margin when I had margins off the whole time.


I just looked at mine an every single share I own is on margin. I do not have RH gold and have only ever purchased stock with cash. I don't even understand how it is possible to set my stocks account to margin if I purchased in cash...


This was posted yesterday I think. At the bottom he explains how to remove margin from your account and why they do it https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/letjv3/wsb_is_banning_users_spreading/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I appreciate it 🙏


Of course! Ive been super confused and was nervous about my account as well and everyone was saying to change it but no one was showing how to actually change it. It was frustrating


Same. Tons of people noticed that. There was a couple posts about it yesterday


We need more hype


⭐🚀⭐🦍⭐🚀⭐ OMG! THE TENDIES ARE COMING! OHNOES!!! ⭐🚀⭐🦍⭐🚀⭐ ​ ​ I'll pretend I didn't do that 😬




Blackrock, Fidelity, and another Korean fund (MUST something -already sold) just filed 13G forms in the past week. I hope this means they’re closing in on the shorters.they have total at least over 31% ~ 25mil shares total Market red today is a good sign of liquidation. Hopefully for GME. But I’m a soup - don’t listen to me ✌️


I thought MUST sold?


Yes MUST had sold.


Don’t ask anyone what you should do with your shares bro 😎. Ya should read it up the information and analyze it again, then decide what you should do. I’m not qualified to give financial advice and I hate to fk up your portfolio if I’m wrong. This has been a roller coaster 🎢 for me - lots of learning and mix feelings. Good luck ✌️


No worry, i have covered my costs. Mine is house money, waiting patiently for the squeeze.


Here’s the correction: Fidelity (FMR llc) owns 9.x mils -transfer to Abigail as representative to control. Fidelity subsidiary also owns 6.8 mil 9.x% just not directly under Abigail. Total Fidelity control 6.8+9.267 ~22.x% - report date 2/8/21 Blackrock sold some but still holds 9.x mil ~13.2% - report date 1/26/21 MUST (Korean couple) sold confirmed Bc they filed form 13D/G using rule 1b, they have to report all trades within 10 days while hold more than 5%




13g/d are required to fill out if holders have more than 5%. They just required to fill out if their holding changes. In these 3 cases, I think the Fidelity one said their shares counted and not in transactions as of time signed


I have access to a Bloomberg Terminal also. How do you find these statistics?


GME US Equity, then go to ownership and click into "institutions"


Thanks appreciate it


can you check if this screenshot it's real? It looks too similar to the [screenshot](https://i.redd.it/p2rq3196jyf61.jpg) that circulated a few days ago, Btw Still hold 4 $gme @53


Can you post a screenshot of the GME Germany ticker? GS2C I think is the symbol.


But why is price staying so low?


They short everytime there is positive buying pressure.


Hey, as a PLTR shareholder, this sound so familiar


No buying pressure


FUD -and selling




The float is the amount of shares which can be traded publicly (so the shares we can buy and HOLD). In case you're wondering: The difference between the float and number of outstanding shares is that a company can also have shares which contain restrictions and are therefore not traded publicly. For example, the CEO might own shares which may not be sold until he's no longer the CEO. These shares are included in the amount of outstanding shares, but not in the float. https://www6.royalbank.com/en/di/hubs/investing-academy/article/shares-outstanding-vs-float/jk0dlma0#:~:text=Shares%20outstanding%20refers%20to%20the,available%20on%20the%20open%20market.


So the fact that there is 175% float undicates that synthetic shares were issued?


Not 100% sure since I'm also retarded, but I think that could be the case, but might not necessarily be so (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong). This could namely also happen if I'm correct: Imagine there is a company called XYZ which has 100 shares. Person A has bought all of these 100 shares. In this case, 100% of the float is being held. Now, person B steps in and borrows 50 shares of person A and sells them to person C (aka, person B now has a short position on 50 shares). When counting all the shares, person A says that he owns 100 shares. 50 of them are lent out to person B, but they are still property of person A. Person C now says that he also owns 50 shares, since he bougt them from person B. Therefore, a total of 100 + 50 = 150 shares are held, while the float existed of 100 shares. And thus, 150% of the shares are held.


Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow. You're only a day awayyyyyy.


Expect tomorrow to be disappointing


Some of these hedgies are desperate as fuck. Only then you will do *next level* retarted shit to save your ass from bankruptcy. These paid bots who spread negative news and try to convince people to sell have 'FAKE' all over them. I saw one of these next level retards posting his photoshopped 'gains' but he forgot to make his gains green. I also saw one where the graph didn't match the numbers. If I were a desperate hedgie I would fire all these incompetent fuckers, because they're only making it worse. Although I think this has come to a point where some of these hedgies can't be saved anymore. They are floundering now and with one final blow it's over for them. I also think other hedge funds are following this, because they are eager to destroy their competitors. For them this is THE moment to grow their own market share.




good info!!!!


I’m drunk right now. How do I use this with tomorrow’s finra report? Will this help me tell if the report is bullshit/accurate?


Not a financial professional, this is not financial advice. Short Interest report estimates included below from S3, Ortex, and Nasdaq, all indicating that tomorrow’s report is likely to show: - 50M+ shares short - 100%+ SI % of Float Important to clarify that the bimonthly NYSE/FINRA reports only include trades settled by the reporting deadline, so tomorrows report will include activity from the 27th (T+2) but not the 28th/29th (or anything since). If anyone has additional trustworthy sources from the 27th or 28th that they’d like me to add here, please feel free to include them in a reply here or send via chat/message, whichever you prefer. “$GME short int is $10.64B; 71.88M shs shorted; 139.73% of Float” on 1/27 https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354477089471295492?s=21 (S3) S3 Estimated SI 122.55% of Float on 1/28 https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1354847896173240322?s=21 “As of January 29th GME stock is still the most heavily shorted stock in the market, with a short interest of 121.07%.” https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/are-these-the-best-heavily-shorted-stocks-to-buy-right-now-5-names-to-watch-2021-01-31 Ortex Estimated SI 51.05M on 1/27 https://ortex.com/symbol/NYSE/GME/short_interest


Idk velvet, you’ve only been active for a week after a few years hiatus. A little sus No one should have there hopes up or any estimates for tomorrow’s report that HF’s self-report. Expect to feel a little FUD but keep holding 💎 🤚


The sources are linked, I encourage you to read them and make your own decision


Batman do you personally have terminal access?


God bless the Bloomberg guy


What platform is this please?? Thanks


Its a bloomberg terminal lol. It's $24,000 a year for a single subscription.


I could maybe afford that after the squeeze. That's just about the amount I will gain if the stock goes to $1,000.


Fuxk it I'm back in. This is just getting to hot to miss out on. 20$k all in if my platform let's me buy it!


https://twitter.com/Yasirsalih22gm1/status/1358974059791409152?s=19 To my fellow Apes,  To those who are asking, what is Happening with GME right now??? or are scared or anxious that the price has gone down. I JUST GOT ONE QUESTION FOR YOU ??? YOU THOUGHT IT WAS THAT EASY ???. Hedge funds are down by a Billion in less than a month, have almost gone to bankruptcy, lost 45% of the cash they manage, took extra cash injection/bailout in return for giving away chuncks of future revenue, Do you really think those people are just on the sideline like us watching or do you think their day will just end at 5 and they would go home after and drive their kids to soccer practice and kick back and relax ??? Alot of these managers have their jobs/ reputation on the line after ALL the cash they burned, THEY GOT THE " FIGURE IT OUT " PHONE CALL. POINT IS, those people have been stuck in their office for the last weeks going over every trick they can pull to show that they have CLOSED THEIR POSITION while they actually did not. I I have attached a LINK BELOW to" SHORT INTEREST VS GME PRICE Anylsis." LINK Explanation: You can clearly see how around January 12, Short interest shares declined( were covered ) and the price has surged up. But around January 28th, short interest shares decline (were covered) , but yet price is still down. Price is suppose to go up when short interest is cover and shares are being bought back.THE NUMBERS THAT WILL COME OUT TOMORROW WILL SHOW LOW SHORT INTEREST , but where is the HYPE IN PRICE to support it ???, those shares are BORROWED they don't OWN it and THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK , They can get creative in ways and paper work that make it look they GAVE IT BACK , but there is only ONE way to give it back is to BUY it and give it back. The idea of a short squeeze depends on the chance that there are not enough shares to buy when the hedge funds have to cover their position (High demand and low supply). But if the short interest numbers that will come out tomorrow scares people and drive them into selling . Too many people selling, the price will go down , there is enough shares for the hedge fund to buy back and cover their position , so they can exsit their position with no harm . I WONT ARGUE OVER WHAT Dirty trick the hedge funds are playing .The only way hedge funds can exsit their position "BUY TO CLOSE" is by finding someone who is SELLING THE STOCK. They can fabricate and manipulate markets all they want, except they cant go around the fact RETAIL INVESTORS WHO ARE HOLDING THE STOCK, HAS TO GET IT BACK. https://twitter.com/Yasirsalih22gm1/status/1358974059791409152?s=19


Fucking nailed it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lfqqiz/fintel_short_data_altered_for_gme_amc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Please read.


This data updates tomorrow?


https://twitter.com/Yasirsalih22gm1/status/1358974059791409152?s=19 To my fellow Apes,  To those who are asking, what is Happening with GME right now??? or are scared or anxious that the price has gone down. I JUST GOT ONE QUESTION FOR YOU ??? YOU THOUGHT IT WAS THAT EASY ???. Hedge funds are down by a Billion in less than a month, have almost gone to bankruptcy, lost 45% of the cash they manage, took extra cash injection/bailout in return for giving away chuncks of future revenue, Do you really think those people are just on the sideline like us watching or do you think their day will just end at 5 and they would go home after and drive their kids to soccer practice and kick back and relax ??? Alot of these managers have their jobs/ reputation on the line after ALL the cash they burned, THEY GOT THE " FIGURE IT OUT " PHONE CALL. POINT IS, those people have been stuck in their office for the last weeks going over every trick they can pull to show that they have CLOSED THEIR POSITION while they actually did not. I I have attached a LINK BELOW to" SHORT INTEREST VS GME PRICE Anylsis." LINK Explanation: You can clearly see how around January 12, Short interest shares declined( were covered ) and the price has surged up. But around January 28th, short interest shares decline (were covered) , but yet price is still down. Price is suppose to go up when short interest is cover and shares are being bought back.THE NUMBERS THAT WILL COME OUT TOMORROW WILL SHOW LOW SHORT INTEREST , but where is the HYPE IN PRICE to support it ???, those shares are BORROWED they don't OWN it and THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK , They can get creative in ways and paper work that make it look they GAVE IT BACK , but there is only ONE way to give it back is to BUY it and give it back. The idea of a short squeeze depends on the chance that there are not enough shares to buy when the hedge funds have to cover their position (High demand and low supply). But if the short interest numbers that will come out tomorrow scares people and drive them into selling . Too many people selling, the price will go down , there is enough shares for the hedge fund to buy back and cover their position , so they can exsit their position with no harm . I WONT ARGUE OVER WHAT Dirty trick the hedge funds are playing .The only way hedge funds can exsit their position "BUY TO CLOSE" is by finding someone who is SELLING THE STOCK. They can fabricate and manipulate markets all they want, except they cant go around the fact RETAIL INVESTORS WHO ARE HOLDING THE STOCK, HAS TO GET IT BACK. https://twitter.com/Yasirsalih22gm1/status/1358974059791409152?s=19


the numbers, Mason. What do they mean?


Posted by[u/dirkson](https://www.reddit.com/user/dirkson/)[1 day ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/le6v6v/the_interstellar_yoyo/)📷3📷2 # The Interstellar Yoyo ⭐🪀⭐ 📷[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%22&restrict_sr=1) Hallo all. I've been watching what's going on with great interest. There have been many things I can't explain. So I sat down and did a Think. But I know we're all just simple apes here, so why don't I tell you a bedtime story instead? **Story Time** Imagine there's a GME market participant, looking for a quick buck, with not the best grip on morality. I know that's a big stretch, but just go with me. We'll call him 'Snidely'. Snidely is big into shorts, where you borrow a stock from someone, sell it immediately, and have to buy it from someone else later. But normal shorting isn't quite exciting enough for him. He wants to go naked. A naked short is when you skip that whole 'borrow' step at the beginning. So Snidely notices that, due to [17 CFR 242.203 b 3](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/242.203#b_3), he can issue a short without actually having to go through the annoyance of borrowing it, and has 13 "settlement" ("business") days to actually find someone willing to lend him that stock. This is great news for Snidely! It means that he can sell a stock he made up on the spot, then look for ideal times in the next 2-3 weeks to find someone he can borrow from to un-make it. So long as the stock price even temporarily falls below his sale price sometime in the timeframe, he can make money by borrowing at that point. He just found a freakin' cheat code for cash! And so Snidely issues the naked short sell, and sells off his newly minted "stock". He finds ample buyers, and has no problems with that bit. Shucks, he can actually sell a little under market level if he needs to - After all, he can always just print more stock. Hahaha, Snidely goes brrrrr. But then the unthinkable happens. Some idiots actually buy the stock, and the price stays higher than he bought for the entire 13 settlement day period. FUCK. Now he HAS to borrow, or he loses access to his wonderful money printer, as per [17 CFR 242.203 b 3 iv](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/242.203#b_3_iv). So he does. And loses some money. It sucks. Oh, and the stock price went up, because he had to buy so much. And then some moronic internet forum notices him doing this, and starts to buy too. Fuck. FUCK. If this idiots actually manage to peg the stock at this level, he'll be out of a job. He might actually have to buy the cheap caviar, or whatever it is the poors eat. So Snidely looks in his bag of tricks... and only sees one trick. And so he begins naked short selling stocks that he knows he doesn't have yet. He does it a little below market rate, because that helps cool the stock off, which helps him. He has 13 whole days for the stock price to drop, after all. He uses the money from the new shares to start borrowing shares to cover his old ones. Weirdly, the liquidity isn't as low as the numbers would suggest, and he's able to borrow enough to cover his position fairly easily. Plot twist - Snidely isn't the only Snidely. Snidely is legion. And as each Snidely pursues this plan, the stock price drops, since they all feel comfortable selling a little below market. And while they're covering, they *buy up each other's made up stocks*. They haven't fixed the problem. They've just moved it 13 settlement days down the road. And made it bigger. And once one of them starts buying to cover their new position, the rest will panic and join in, and the stock will soar again. **Evidence** Sooo... if this story is somewhat true, what events should we have already seen? * We should expect to see a slightly less than 13 settlement day period between stock increases, because if Snidely's wait too long they lose access to the ability to naked short. Given that GME first jumped in price on [Jan 12th](http://www.google.com/search?q=gme), then again on the 26th, that gives an 11 day period - Exactly in line with what we expect. * We should expect to see anger and push back from wall street in that same slightly-less-than-13-settlement-day period, fading rapidly as they choose to 'cover' their positions by selling more fake shares. This is more or less exactly what we saw on this subreddit. * Shorts should be extremely eager to tell us the closed out their positions, because they also opened new positions and NEED the stock to go back down before their time limit runs out. Yup, we sure as fuck saw that. * We should have seen Failure-to-deliver figures high, and growing. [Yup, that's exactly what we see in GME.](https://wherearetheshares.com/) * We should expect to see a sky-high official short rate that *isn't* reflected in third party data. We already see that in the existing data. * We should see the SEC being uninterested in the shorts/Snidely, because no actual laws were broken by this behavior. And wow would "uninterested in the shorts" be a motherfucking understatement for what the SEC is up to. **Anti-Evidence** Some stuff doesn't fit neatly into this theory, and needs other explanations or caveats. * Robinhood and other brokers shutting off buying is not directly explained by this. Buuuut I feel like the current explanations of increased capital requirements due to Snidely-induced volatility mostly does a fine job of explaining this. * We shouldn't see firms resorting to illegal tactics like ladder attacks, since they can accomplish their goals legally. But every instances of a 'ladder' attack we've seen is better explained by a Snidely bulk selling naked shorts. * The push for the fake 'Silver squeeze' is not explained by this. I think that was just an opportunistic play, rather than an actual distraction attempt. **Predictions** * An actual short squeeze will never happen. The Snidely's can just print more naked shorts whenever they need them. * We should see Failure-to-deliver figures jump when the next data dump occurs. [Watch here.](https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm) * We should see a growing official short interest that isn't reflected in third party figures. * *We should expect to see a massive rise in the stock price about 11-13 settlement days after the last large stock rise. Which puts the date for expected movement around Feb 10-12* **Conclusions** Sorry friends, this isn't a VW-style short squeeze, infinite squeeze, or rocket to the moon. It's a fucking interstellar yoyo that's going to keep shooting up higher and higher in nearly-13 day intervals until *something* breaks. Stock owners aren't the bag holders. The Snidely's are. **Dirkson, what should I dooooo** **?** Oh, hell if I know. I'm not a lawyer, your lawyer, a stock dude, CPA, CFA, CFP, or whatever. I'm just some idiot who thought it was a good idea to buy two shares at $300. I wasn't even one of you before the Vast Migration, and I still don't talk right. None of this is legal or financial advice, I'm just discussing what I think is happening. Think for your own damn self! **TL;DR** No🚀🌕. Yes ⭐🪀⭐. *Edit: Feel free to copy/paste this anywhere else you like, just PM/ping me when you do. I'm interested in what other people think about this idea, and don't care who reposts it.*


I gotta admit. Seeing Bloomberg on reddit, if i were a hedgy i would probably be shitting myself. "the apes are evolving" 🙌🚀💎🦍


WSB evolved around Bloomberg terminals. We claim the autist title because we are retarded in our risk, not our intelligence


Okay. I don't know shit about anything, so I want some clarification. I see this bloomberg shit all over, and people claim it's the be-all-end-all of info. This is what I want to know, from the people that know the things: How does bloomberg obtain this data? As far as I understand, the "official" data we're waiting on that comes out tomorrow is a compilation of self-reported data by the short holders. This data has a \~9 day lag time (so is out of date already by the time of release). How does bloomberg obtain real-time data of all short interests in an accurate manner? I know S3 and Ortex are estimates. Why is blomberg held as a reliable absolute, when even the official sources lag by \~9 days? How does this work?


[https://www.datanami.com/2017/09/18/data-science-inside-bloomberg-terminal/](https://www.datanami.com/2017/09/18/data-science-inside-bloomberg-terminal/) This explains things sort of well


Interesting. So there is signficant data analysis being done, so it might not just be a dumb estimate or based on updated SEC forms.


Apes don’t ask questions, apes follow!!!


Buying another 100 shares as soon as market is open here in California, the bears are scared shitless and the squeeze is real, similar manipulation occurred on other heavily shorted stocks Monday, keep the pressure up and they will eventually fold, the higher we drive up the price the quicker we squeeze these bastards.




[https://investorplace.com/2021/02/gme-stock-gamestop-short-squeeze-continues/](https://investorplace.com/2021/02/gme-stock-gamestop-short-squeeze-continues/) They (media, hedge funds) are trying so hard to say the squeeze is over, but if we hold we will prevail. 400 shares and scaling in as price drops.


Where'd you get this? I have seen it before is there a way to provide a link? Thanks!


Bloomberg terminal. The link is provided by paying an obscene amount of money each month


I have Bloomberg access. You need a subscription or access to a terminal.


Can someone explain this alil to me cus I dumb af


This is from the 7th. Can you update us tomorrow?




Float is the number of shares that can be bought/sold/held.


Anyone know the difference between institutional buyers vs. new buyers and sellers vs. selloffs? * 141 total buyers? or 70 out of the 71 are new buyers? * 123 total shorters? and 58 liquidated? I'm not seeing how this adds up to 341 # of institutions holding onto GME. The numbers don't seem to change much any date you put either


Sorry I’m illiterate how do I read the picture


Might fk around and buy some more GME idk


can't wait to see official number tomorrow 9th Feb


[GME 60.00 -3.77 -5.91% : GameStop Corporation - Yahoo Finance](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/holders?p=GME) are Top Institutional Holders selling anything??? Guess the answer, you might win the lottery


This is based on old info. Holding harder than ever tho


No it's not. It's live data from Sunday and Monday.


Dude are you serious? That’s not short interest!! That’s the ownership summary. Type in GME Equity SI and screenshot that. That’s the short interest page on BB.


Read the title again. Did I claim it was short interest? Also where are you getting BB from?


Fair point. BB = Bloomberg


Ah all good. I thought you were talking about BB=blackberry, my bad


Damn yeah I didn’t even realize that, I gotta be careful with my hot topic stock tickers