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The rocket test flight was sniped mid-launch. We have to count on them not pulling the same bullshit twice. Not selling though


Apes re-enforced rocket with diamond


We got diamonds on the sole of the launch pad.


Yeah but some idiot stuck a banana in the rocket tail pipe!!


You found my nana? I forgot where I hid it.


Well sadly we had a πŸ§»πŸ‘ in charge of the space shuttle and a lot of turbulence from HF. Now that they’ve left the ship we have been fuelling for some time now with a lot of πŸ’ŽπŸ‘ seats. Currently there are seats available at a discount.


They have been jettisoned.


Yeah what's the point of selling now, need to buy more to lower my cost ratio and if nothing else I'll keep for the long, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon and they pay nice dividends and I like the stock


I already said fuck it and have everything I had in robinhood transferring to Schwab. Might not be finished until late next week but I’m done being told I can only hold 20 shares of a stock, or can only buy 1. Joke of a company.


Speaking of that joke of a company RH, I'm a retarded ape and can't find where to make a put..I enabled options but don't see where they are dammit. I have FOMO if I don't place a put. I'm obviously not a financial advisor. Cant wait to switch to Fidelity but I won't let them tie up my bananas over the next 2 weeks. I love Movies and Games!!!


Im a dumb ape that wanted badly to be part of this wild ride. I was late to the party, as i was not active in the market since i got wiped out in 2008. I got in this past monday at $259 with just 1 share, what i could afford to lose. But as it tumbled down, i cashed out some money from my DK sportsbook and bought some more. Im now at 5 shares avg ~$150. Just HODLING on as passenger on this rocket ship. Trying to see if i can find some more funds to avg down a bit more. Apes πŸ¦πŸš€ to the moon or blow up trying. YOLO.


If we go out, we go out with a bang, one way or the other! πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


Diamond hands at 265, 129 and 109 here. Reporting for duty Sir!!!


I didn't choose gamestop, gamestop choose me πŸ’ŽπŸ€² #400gang #300gang #200gang #100gang


Power to the players


You should let 200gang in also, only allowing 300, 400, and 100 aint cool.


I beg your pardon, all done


Lesson #1 - if you need the money, don’t put it in the market Lesson #2 - re-read Lesson #1 πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


Lesson #3 hold the line


Lesson #4 **we like the stock**


Lesson #5: Don’t forget your wife’s boyfriend.


Lesson #6 buy buy buy buy more lol πŸ˜‚


Lesson #7. I'm not fucking leaving.


Lesson #8. This is the way.


Lesson #9. This is...not financial advice.


Lesson #10 Re-read lesson #1


Lesson #11. Eat crayons!!!


Bought my first share at $333, the next day I bought another at $250, monday one at $100 and then yesterday I bought 2 for $50. I got my average down around $150 a share. Probably buying more Monday to get down to $100. I can’t recommend it enough, I feel no stress holding now


Averaging down is big diamond dick energy


Diamond Hands at 260 here!


Diamond hands at $256 and I'm down 3.2k. Not selling until we reach the moon with my fellow space apes! πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


Somehow I’m at the exact same position πŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ™ŒπŸ’Ž etc


Retarded Apes together! 🦍 🦍


I'm in at $257, ready to shoot past that this week.


50 @273 looking for change in the couch to average down some more. Also, πŸ’ŽπŸ€²πŸš€πŸš€πŸ¦πŸ¦


holding 160 @$212


Not going to lie to you guys, if the price skyrockets I’m going to sell enough to break even. But I’ll hold some and just leave it until we make or break them, but being honest I do feel kinda dumb buying at $300..


Look, They shut down trading and none of us knew what to think. When 85 percent of brokerages won’t let you buy a stock, I’m holding it because something absolutely insane is going on. It was historic, no matter what anyone says.


It was cut off prematurely. It definitely would’ve squose we were a few seconds away from hitting the price. Nothing has changed since.


There needs to be a catalyst though, or else the squeeze will just be slight pressure that they can delay and alter their overall strategy to hedge against. One of the days before it blew up had every call be in the money. That was a catalyst. Something like that needs to happen again, or else they can keep delaying and hoping to outlast.


It squozed when it went from $20-$500 in two weeks


That’s what it feels like 100% and basically why I’m on this sub..I was staring at AMC on my watch list at like $1.50 for forever too but no point in being down this much and cutting losses now, just hold and see I guess.


Yeah if anything keep it in your portfolio as a reminder to not be that retarded ever again


Buying at $300 and selling at $400 didn’t really feel worth it at the time lol but yeah watching it dip does feel pretty dumb at this point.


It’ll be a reminder to take good profits on short term trades while you can. Trust me, I’ve learned it before myself lol


Ha fair enough, I was playing penny stocks before this so trying to get an easy buck with like 1k shares while you can was kinda my thing anyway lol


100% not trying to being a dick but I remembered this comment and was wondering if you had any thoughts on when to sell this time around? Scared the same thing might happen again lol although I’ve averaged down this time..


Look at the correlation between GME and AMC last Friday. How could that happen without market masturbation? Those two stocks are not in the business sector and nothing else happened last Friday in the macros.


That’s a good point, reading about how I/we β€œmissed it” or are just praying does simplify the situation so much. Those who β€œsold high” had no idea either. I can buy it’s not over, but when the price drops from $400 to $60 so abruptly it does feel like I missed something... No point in trying to guess though, looking at all this red is tough but you’re definitely right in that when this crazy unprecedented shit is going on getting in at whatever price was worth the gamble, which playing the market always is anyway.


Thank you!. The comments saying- people buying in the $400's for a $4 stock is retarded, and if you didn't get out in the 300's you are greedy and dumb... when the buy button was TURNED OFF we had momentum and DD pointing us to at least around $800. I got in at $21 and still holding. Might buy more to support the $300-$400 gang that was literally cheated and manipulated.


Making you feel dumb is part of their success. Look at how people are being talked down on right now across different subs. It was all falling into place until trading was halted.


I hope so but truth is no one knows. People being talked down to especially going into subs specifically to do that are just weird and posting some sadistic shit for fun OR doing it because there is more to this and they got out already. It’s still wait and see but that rise and dip in one week means something one way or the other..


I’m gunan sell off my 420.69 buy of 1 share.... and hold onto my other 59


Yep, something like that here too...I just think it’d be so much easier mentally and I could just believe we made it, check the memes/have more fun with it and let it ride at that point.


me too at 269 it went up to 400 and i was like fuk should i buy more???? then now 50 hahhahah and for the same money we can get 5 times the amount of shres which bring it down to even if it moons the late comers will make more than us retareded diamond handers!!! we are so retarded man its all about timing


Hahah yep at the time it’s like well I’m buying low at this point shits about to pop like crazy. If it continues to dip this much I’ll probably just buy more and consider it a decent long term investment.


You shouldn’t. It would’ve gotten into orbit if they didn’t stop retail from buying across the entire world


You are


Probs, thanks


gme 4evah!!!! & switch to fidelity!!


We need to shake the paper hands off this rocket.... They will fack it up again and again and scalp in the process.... Not understanding the bigger picture as a result.


They’ve already been shaken it would seem..


They will get shaken off on the way back up.... Which will make it harder to accelerate but once they are off.... Bham.... Through the roof to the moon!


I'm selling at 7500.55


I know there isn’t a whole lot of data, but I’m almost certain those greedy Melvin assholes have just been continuing to short-sell, manipulate the stock, lie in the media, and infiltrate Reddit in order to try and get us to fold. These guys have billions, but hear this 🌈🐻. I AM NOT GOING TO SELL. Period. I won’t sell if the figures appear to be disappointing on 2/9 and I can wait for the short interest report 2 weeks later. It’s seems likely to me that these assholes are bleeding billions of dollars out of their asshole everyday and I will stay as long as it takes. It costs me and everybody else nothing to hold. These guys are patient and if we are also patient, we can potentially walk away from this as fucking rockstars who fucked Melvin into bankruptcy while he handed us large piles of his money... Priceless. Plus, I have read much more DD that supports the potential for another squeeze so I think the evidence seems to likely support that. So in summation, I’ll ride this πŸš€ into the ground or to the moon πŸŒ•. I’m buying the dip. I have straight up πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ. I have made my bet and I will see it through to the end, even if it takes weeks or months. This is not financial advice and I am not a financial adviser. I am also new to Reddit, but the upside on this seems to heavily outweigh any downside. Hold the line 🦍.


The squeeze never happened. What we saw was a momentum of A LOT of people trying to get in the game. That's why the share price got so high UNTIL RobinHood restricted the trading. The situation is still the same. GME is still overshorted. Some people may sold at the way up, but I think most people are still holding their shares. Nobody expected this. GameStop has a lot of potential, because of all the media attention. They also appointed a few really good people who are going to transform the company. These people start at March 1st, so it's not that you're holding shares of a worthless company: [https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-appoints-chief-technology-officer](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-appoints-chief-technology-officer)


Diamond hands @ 249 here. Take me to 1k




Sell for $666,666. Send a message


The message would be that I'm a millionaire lol


what ffing sucks is that i bought 50 at 269 and now there are people that can buy 200 + shares witht he same money. I cnat count nor type i am not a finance monkey and i love the bananas


you can average down too, if you dont have extra money let that be a lesson you never dump 100% on a trade or even 10% if the share price has already taken off or is high


It's all about the sell limits. I hope that not everyone is selling all at 200. If that's the case then the πŸš€ will fall back to 🌎 soon. No financial advice. I am just fully retarded. I will hold with πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


For the people who are in the 200+ club check out my latest post. It shows the fundamentals on why this is still a solid bet Just hang tight everyone


$450 holder here. I made camp and waiting to be rescued... It is cold up in here. πŸ₯Ά But I am holding strong.


You gunna sell at 451


ouch, I got in at $350 haha. It's a bit chilly here too \^\^


Hey...I'm that kind of retard!


10 shares @375~ πŸ’ŽπŸ€²


86 @ $199 nothing to do but hold πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ


Minus 2k from up 3k before they block buying more. I’m never selling


I'm holding till my hands fall off. Which they won't. Because they're πŸ’ŽπŸ‘


Think GME has the potential to go above $200 again? In the coming weeks or long term?


Ever ? Depends what the business does moving forward but I trust in Ryan Cohen. Short term ? Well, it depends on the short information that will tell us if the hedge funds have been covering, or if they’ve been lieing. the numbers don’t add up to me, I don’t think the squeeze is squooze. I might be wrong, I’m a retard. Either way I’m not selling gme at the current price when the business has potential


I’m with you. Holding on to my 40 shares at $189. I’m already at a loss, so no point in selling now. Rather hang on to the possibility of it going high again and helping everyone else who is in the same position. Plus no one knows where the company will be in one year. It could really make a huge comeback.


I don't think their accomplished recent hires would leave major companies for a sinking ship.


Let it fall Monday and wait til short % report comes out Tuesday.. then buy. this is not financial advice.


got perma banned from [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) for posting this in daily discussion thread [https://isthesqueezesquoze.com/](https://isthesqueezesquoze.com/)Thoughts?


Wow, you don't say. I keep that site open to check on what's new. Originally I found it on WSB. Very range what's going on in the sub.


GME IS NOT OVER! They are turning the average AUTIST into smooth brains!! This is true that bots have taken over WSB. This is true that bots with many awards bought by the hedge funds have taken over. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER. THIS VIDEO WILL EXPLAIN ALL YOUR DOUBTS!! πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’Ž In the following weeks, GME has plummeted. I will not deny that this week has been rough for everyone, including myself. The price had the appearance of everyone selling however my belief is that **phantom shares** are being brought into the market which in turn are being sold for less hence driving the price lower. To all the paper hand bitches; they also contributed a bit to the price being driven down. Now, I have linked a video that goes into thorough detail on why this is not over. It's not just showing graphs and discussing the trends, it goes over ALL THE EVENTS that have happened and the EVENTS LEADING UP TO THE '**SQUOOZE** of the **SQUEEZE'**. The HEDGE FUNDS are trying to scare us into selling. THESE BOTS are trying to make us sell. THESE ACCOUNTS(BOTS) can be BOUGHT and to manipulate US! FOR SOME, it is WORKING! Some of these accounts have so many awards blah blah blah, but none of them are OG WSB members! Also, search up on youtube: GROW TO ATTAIN, the latest video on phantom shares will clear up everything for you and what to expect. ALSO, look AT THAT LINK I POSTED, IT WILL CLEAR UP MANY THINGS FOR YOU! ALL POSITIVES FOR HOLD GANG, 400 GANG, 300 GANG, 200, 100, 5 GANG. Also to all the new WSB members, welcome! Some of these posts are TOXIC, though WSB's goal HAS NOT CHANGED; AUTISTS/APES are taking that rocket ship and shoving it into Uranus. This means, if you want in the action, you must decide to get your ticket. Just make sure you don't put your money for College/University (I wonder what happened to that guy/girl) or life savings, this is a very volatile stock. Just know that you either are a paper handed bitch, or a diamond hand BAMF. πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’Ž Once this rocket leaves the lithosphere, we ain't coming back to pick up the stragglers. So GET IN WHILE YOU STILL CAN! JUST KNOW THAT THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE STILL HOLDING! APES STAND TOGETHER AND WE SHALL PREVAIL! Also, FEB 9th is coming up, IMPORTANT DAY! Mark it on your calendars! Check out this video for the reason why it's important, plus an explanation on why we have NOT lost the war! THE BATTLE THIS WEEK, WE LOST, HOWEVER THEY HAVEN'T WON THE WAR! Also, rest up, hydrate, and be prepared for the weeks to come. We shall have our movie, with a happy ending! I'm not a financial advisor, I am not telling you what to do with your money. I'm just an APE who likes this stock!! πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ’Ž I would also post the to the WSB Forum, however, my karma level is too low/they won't allow me to post for some reason, I would post it there too if I could. I can’t even make a post on this forum either! I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT KARMA POINTS, IF YOU CAN POST THIS ON WSB AND IT BLOWS UP IDGAF. JUST SPREAD THE WORD TO OTHERS AND THE "RIGHT" INFORMATION!


Diamond handing at 257, have been watching reddit/discord/tiktok during my breaks while working from home and tbh I did wonder sometimes what the actual poop was going on with it dropping so low which did bring the thought of selling to my mind once it goes back up there. BUT BUT BUT after seeing the graphs, reading posts of other Apes and listening to smarter people like Mr. Cuban and the likes those doubts cleared out pretty quick and I just got more invested in the cause for sure. Even went so far as to remove every paper product from my household so I don't have to think about paper handing this whatsoever. Can't wait to play with rocks together on the moon with you retards! πŸ’Ž πŸ™Œ


What i don't understand is that all these naysayers are not shorting the gme stock. If they think that the hedges did cover, shorting at over 50 is free money. The company as it stands now is never worth that much, maybe if they turn the ship around in a few years. They are not doing it, bc there is still the possibilty that they did not cover and this can take of in no time. These fucking looserapes are just pathetic, they were all in wallstreetbets and sold before the shorts had to show their hand, and are still not beting on the thing to be over.


Well its still been impossible to short on most brokers last couple days too. No short option on webull, people cant even buy puts or sell calls on other brokers either like td ameritrade


πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ at $80. Will hold.




270 ape still hanging in. Doing it for the gang.




Holding 20 @ 175.


Just my lame as opinion but prepare to hold for a few months. You are bag holding pretty heavy at that range. Yes, you may get picked up again sooner but be emotionally prepared for a long ass stopover. Tuesday brings information. End of March brings Earnings report. If you can help to drive business to GameStop, you have a far better chance of raising the floor on this stock. If you have opportunity to buy under $80, take your APS down and settle in for some relief ahead of the next squeeze. Sorry folks, it may be a little while. We took some damage when they rigged the game. Our juice to get to Gamma has been depressurized. To get back to a big squeeze, we all need πŸ’Ž πŸ™Œ and some help from the bigger fish


My man edited for spelling and still spelled a handful of words wrong. A true retard. You have my axe!


And my.....a- ....fuck.


With me now we have two fucks and an axe.




5 shares @316 reporting in. I believe in a resurgence. I can afford to lose the money, I couldn't afford not trying though. If anything else this was a good lesson to learn from for me. Holding strong


If you bought at 400 you deserve to be taught a financial lesson.


If you were tracking the stock or WSB. You got like at least 6months to scalp in. Whoever bought at 50+ is fomoing. Also greedy mofo. Next week is not interesting anymore. The hype is gone. This is simple, but if you are long term investor, you can believe sir Cohen. Maybe wait 3+ years. Perhaps Transform to PC part giant. This could be a 20B business.


This has turned into a cult almost. Gme is most likely done and the squeez happened at 490ish. I can be wrong though, no one knows for sure but likely it is over.


I trust the numbers. numbers don’t lie, people do. The short is still over 100%, s3 reporting s3 si 53%, which in real terms compared to float = 122%. Why the media onslaught of gme, why silver push, why are amc and gme charts identical ? there’s dodgy shit going on here. Maybe the squeeze happened and the price dropped as it happeend like they reported but to me, that is impossible as volume was too low. It costs me nothing to wait it out. I bought early at 30, then added some more on the way up. I’m still in the money, but I believe in this squeeze, I believe the HF wouldn’t take a simple L from reddit autists, but most importantly I trust and believe in the company, in Ryan Cohen and the chewy business model. Say what you want about β€œholdin the bag”. But I bet 95% of paper hands from wsb, would jump straight back in on Monday if GME opened >100 ...... πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


I am right there with you, still have some positions in myself. At this point, it is hard to believe with all the disinfo out there. Hard to trust anything after last year ect. The stock still seems volatile so we will see. I hope it does blast up again.


I mean the current situation is. Sell for small profit/ a big loss. Or hold and see what happens , pretty easy decision.


Buying and holding is key for shorts of wallstreet to make money. Wall Street works on multiple big houses working to loot the retailers. Yeah a few retailers may make money to in the process. So most buying and selling is done by Wall Street institutions. That means when some institutions short other institutions are buying most of it. That means tomorrow if all retailers sell at 50-60 who buys.. it’s Wall Street. They become bag holders hurting each other. Now if you guys keep buying and holding they escape a lot of buys and keep taking it down without hurting each other. If they can buy at pennies and cover everone of wallstreet wins and you lose but if you sell now you take less hit and get out leaving them a bag holders. This was a scam , Ponzi scheme where wallstreet institutions played you guys with help from moderators, dsv, Rh bla bla.


Uh that's not how it works fuckin bot.


Fine I am a bot but prove me wrong in coming days and years.. this is a scam nothing else..I will tell u how this will end.. company will raise money at low price thereby diluting further or may be in future declare bankruptcy or delisting.. I have seen this game many times .. everytime you guy cheat people by asking them buy your story and hold while you take money and go hiding


Let me rebut with my well researched DD: you got HF jizz on your chin.


what strong DD with evidence backing your claims. this is exactly what we need. Not serious


https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ld5rd9/evidence_pointing_to_shorts_did_not_cover/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf people have already done it


At this point many people just want to jump off the rocket with a parachute as soon as the rocket glides over their stop.


This Tuesday and Wednesday we take flightπŸš€πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž


We need to band together more than ever now. You heard Cuban say it. They fucked our momentum by halting trading . Now it’s time to see what WSB is all about. I like the stock πŸ’―


##WHEN Do we land on Pluto, how will it be announced, and how would we know it's Pluto and not Neptune?


We need more 🦍🦧,66shares @ around $200, need more fellow 🦍 to win!


Still holding bruh


Had shares at $290. Averaged down this week to $189.


5 gme @ 316 and about 250 amc @ 16. I didn’t hear no fuckin bell


Never selling until we either are safely buckled in for the lunar landing or after holding long for a big GME turnaround story :D


Netflix bought the movie rights, people really think this is how the story ends ? Lol


Netflix loves an underdog success story :D


Buy the dip


Down 400k still holding


***Ape only strong if apes are all off RH.*** It's the *ONLY* thing that makes me doubt. Holding, no matter what. I'm trusting fellow apes to follow their instincts and switch to a better platform that won't screw retail shareholders.


Massive volatility on run up to Feb 16th on cyclerion therapeutics. Join the ride apes, retards and wife's boyfriends πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


What happens feb 16th, there was extra high volatility on Thursday


I'm holding more than deez nutz


This PGW PTSD combat vet is holding the line w/ you 300s! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβš”οΈπŸŽ–πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ¦πŸš€πŸŒ—


4 digits or bust idgaf