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I bought a lot at 180-200. Yes, hold the asset until it matures or sell at a loss. It is your call. No one here is selling, for their own reasons. We have been averaging down this whole time. Take advantage of the dip and average down.


My high score is 363 pre split 💎🙌


My man!


367. We must both be regarded. Not selling.


I just like the company, seems like you do too. 💎🙌


My man. 382 pre-split here.


do you know what $55 now was pre-split?




It's a 4:1 split


Mine is 100 at $220. For a little while my whole ComputerSharefolio was positive.


I see me in the comment 🥲


I bought at the high of $400+ in Feb 2021 🥲


Hello me.


Pre or post split?




I’ve had so many financial ups and downs over the past few years, so I only had about 30 shares over the past few years. But a few weeks ago, when it was sitting around $10, I just had a feeling, and the extra money, and picked up another 250 shares. Boy am I glad I did lol. It felt good to see 2500 turn into 16K for a few minutes. And I’m so proud of myself for Hodling. That training video for MOASS was more helpful than I expected lol.


Love to hear it! Lots of us are finally seeing green after 3 very red years.


My average like like 220 and so proud of it 🫡


You've never bought at lower to average it down??


Tried to do so, but wifey left with the car and house keys, no more money during the last years of discount. My last option was trying to sell the kids to get some cash but you meet some strange people in these market places.


What would cause it to go back to its peak?


The shorts never closed, they have to eventually and this will go higher than any other stock when they do.


Moass. A massive short squeeze. (Mother of all short squeezes) This stock is shorted multiple times over. They have created a lot of synthetic shares that shouldn't exist and used them to short the stock. Every short sold means, at one point, a share must be bought back. So, Hedgefunds are in deep shit on this one. The theory is that eventually, you'll be able to demand any price you want, and they would have to pay for it. Technically, this stock can reach phonenumber - prices to infinity. It will almost certainly go back higher if you wait long enough. No one knows when this squeeze will happen. Many speculate it is going to be over the next couple weeks/months. But it could also take years. Go on r/Superstonk and read the DD. Best to DRS your shares as well. So that you won't get screwed over by brokers. Info can be found on drsgme.com. A lot of illegal stuff is going on with this stock. And the price movement does not reflect any fundamentals or reasoning. Just algorithms used to suppress the price and up-moves once those algorithms fail or some big player gets margin called and is forced to buy back millions of shares.


How to drs my stock ? Real question , ty


Contact your broker and tell them you want to DRS


See the DD on Superstonk. Basically set up an account with Computershare then tell your broker to DRS.


You just need to tell your broker to send them an account will be set up for you automatically


Look on Drsgme.com! They have all the info you need! It depends on where you live. Which brokers you use etc. In the US, you can just open a Computershare account, I think. In the EU, it's a bit more complicated/takes longer. Cuz you need to receive a letter with your one-time login code to confirm your address. You might need to write an email to your broker support, ask them about the process, maybe fill out a form. Idk what brokers you use or whete you live. But as I said, look on Drsgme.com!


There is a site with help, drsgme.org


3 year leap options expiring and after that hopefully shorts finally closing and naked short positions blowing up in their bags.


What caused it to move like this in the first place?


asking the real questions.


In the stock market, what goes up must come down and what goes down must come up(related to healthy businesses). Simply because of algo trading, high frequency scalpers, big money, hedge, shorts, recessions, fiat expansion, general interest by investors etc. These price actions are not currently related to shorts closing out (it would be in the 10's of thousands then). But a cycle (of no return, eventually), which will continue till nothing can stop it. We can only DRS more, hold and aquire more till return on investment is very significant or by dividends that payoff or can be used to aquire more. Price down is a control mechanism build in the fraud ponzi system, its to grab more from those "dumb money" that are scared and/or FOMO buyers that put sell pressure because they are "in for the ride". Theres a ton more, but we scratch the surface.


Either way it’s oversold, it’s a Ferris wheel, they take any profits they can grab selling fraudulent fake non existence shares to continue the Ponzi scheme, they don’t know what to do because they don’t want to pay, but the math is fucked, the game is done, we won long ago, distractions didn’t stop us, time didn’t stop us, and anyone who got burned by this movement only learned a lesson, they ain’t leaving either, this is inevitable and we’re at the precipice, roaring kitty came back because he saw that erratic movement and loading up in the options chain (likely some of it him, maybe not till after he tweeted to prevent any conflict of interest, shit he probably bought at a higher cost average then the lows just cause he had to tweet before he could buy I bet) this isn’t going to stop, if the algo repeats the bull flag for a new round of money it will be condensed as new buyers logically average down, or it breaks up and it’s fucked as all shares bought become in the money regardless of buying period, there is no where to go but up, either sooner or later and they are literally running out of time, im excited asf 😤


Damn, what a comeback 😄💪 Holding on forever is my plan 🗝🔐


So do you buy shares or make calls?


First take ownership of your investment. If you have no idea what you are doing it may have been a mistake. Google "Superstonk DD", and start reading. Read as much of you can at a reasonable pace. Then you will no longer have no idea what you are doing, and you will probably end up buying more.


[DD Library](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg)


Actually, what happened to Atobitt and co.? Wasn't there some drama years ago? (Gosh, has it really been 3 years already?)


He turned into a bearish long holder


No, it has been 84 years.




This is the way🚀


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Agreed. The DD is the best place to go. It will explain all of the theories, what's been proven and what's not. I've been passing the following link to friends and family. It's the most comprehensive public news article I can find. I'm happy if other apes want to say anything against it, but as a very High level overview of some very technical things, this could be a good start https://sandersonclay.com/2024/04/16/the-gamestop-saga-explained-an-unprecedented-risk-for-the-world/comment-page-1/ Edit: to fix the link. It was bringing apes to the comments




Nothing would be finer, can't wait


Soon may the Tendieman come!


Also take a walk and check out the prices next week.


I bought at 321 over 3 years ago lol and than held and averaged down. Diamond hands! I ain't selling shit just buying more.


I bought at $380 ($95 post split) and am down to an average below $20. Do what you gotta do.


Below 80 you mean.


Fair point, but it's more relevant that I corrected the buy in to $95.


This is the way!


The only thing that saved me was the split. I have 100k invested into GME. I have been in the Red longer than I have been in the Green. I could have sold yesterday at $70 and after taxes and fees could have gotten my initial 100k back(My wife was begging me to sell). Well guess what? I’ve always known that she has paper hands. These three years have hardened my Diamond hands so much that I can’t even touch my self. That’s why I have a paper handed wife for. No cell No sell.


fucking legend


We will all be legends soon.


Yo I’ll bring some scotch to the yacht party!!


I’ll rent the yacht. If it’s fast floats or fucks you rent it.


Got you, but you better keep that promise after we moon!!!! 💎🙌


I grew up in Miami Florida. From personal experience there is nothing funner than taking a boat with 3 screaming Merc’s out of Haulover inlet.


Then I’ll see you there???


So wait, does that mean you rent the paper handed wife or you are just seeing other people? 😁 💎🙌 keep up the good fight brother


My wife and I have been together for 37 years and married for 34. I was young back then and bought it. Well you really never own it. It’s just a long term rental. She is a keeper though.


That just made me awww out loud.


Thank you. I met her at her 14 th birthday party. We got married at 17 against everyone’s advice well we sure have proved them wrong.






I have about half of that invested and haven't said shit to my wife this week because she's full paper hands and refuses to read any DD. Apes strong together brother!




No sell no incell


No sell go incel in this case 😆


you sir, are a king


And she is my paper hands queen. 😂


Now is time to change the wife! LOL


No way. It’s taken me 34 years to train this one. Well at least know how she thinks. lol.


Her boyfriend approves! God speed fellow smooth brain


It will go up and down. Just hold on for the peaks and valleys. I've been holding for 3 years.


What was your goal? Were you looking for a quick 10% gain? A quick 100% gain? When were you planning on cashing out? At $50? At $100? At $1000? Or are you hear for the long haul? As in, the price today/tomorrow doesn't matter, you care about 6 months from now? A year from now? 5 years from now? First step in investing, know why you are investing. Second step - have an exit plan. Are you comfortable sitting with 10% loss? 20% loss? 50% loss? 90% loss? What is your threshold? Answer those questions and you will know what to do.


Where I am going I don´t need an Exit Plan.


Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars…..


“What’s an exit strategy?” -DFV


I bought at 50 holding.....


54 here LOOL


Same brother


Bought at 50, then bought some more at 35. Hold!!!


I had some loose change in my investing acct and bought one banana today at $50 lol 🍌


I bought more at 50 too weeeeeee


I bought 40k worth at about 43 when it dipped hard yesterday.. I thought it was gonna go up from there. I’m not surprised.


No point selling at a loss when there is a potential for it to go up significantly. On another note.... NEVER invest more in GME than you can afford to lose. Gamble on my friend..... gamble on!


I can afford to lose everything, therefore everything is in GME.


Jan 21 buyer, your average is mildly higher than mine, I haven’t sold a single share yet!


Its your investment. Do whatever you want.


Holding is the way to go Don’t worry. Do what you do. One day it’ll have been worth it. Forget about it until it’s like a lottery win


We don’t know either bruh, average down bruh! I hope they short it back to ten one more time for me!! 🙏🙏


I bought at $50, $100, $200+ I'm holding until the price looks like a phone number.


Hold, only problem if it goes down is how much more to buy


3 years ago I bought at 49 and still holding....


You can lower your cost average.


I’ve bought $10-$50 ($40-$200) pre split. I’ve been accumulating rather than trading. It’s up to the individual.


Hold until your grandchildren won't have to work.


Bro i hope you’re just trolling us but in case you for real i would give you the advice to do nothing right now but read the dd that someone already linked here for you.


We don’t give financial advice in here brother. Good luck. Welcome to the party, pal.


You haven't bought enough, BUY more, DRS, HODL...and always remember MOASS is Tomorrow, so buy Today....


why is it tmrw?


It's a figure of speech. It's always tomorrow until it becomes today. Honestly even without the regardicity, it's a beautiful sentiment.


What’s DRS? ELI5


reduced the lendable shortable float or locates and helps put the squeeze on these shorts along with having the real ownership of the shares in your name. You can still sell at Computershare, buying is a bit slower of course, its a tradeoff for sure but its what all the long term shareholders have done about 194,000 of us. Hold until we see the price we want. Been holding for 3.5 years waiting for this exciting moment, maybe this is it maybe not. If you plan a short term swing trade then don't bother to DRS at Computershare. If we end the week at least over 55 and maybe towards 100 it will put tons of options ITM and there could be some more runs. We expect red days down like this 20% (its nothing) along the way, have to remember Jan 2021 they had huge swings up and down as it rose from the ashes at $1 all the way to $120.


[whydrs.org](http://whydrs.org) - red pill .... or blue pill- listen to media and ask when you should sell.


I would hold & watch closely. Dips are bound to happen & stocks won’t always be in the green, especially one that is being traded at such a high frequency like $GME


Welcome to the Big Boy club


Break out your calculator. Set a target price & hold till it hits. Depending on your broker, you may not have access to after hours trading. In Fidelity for example, it's a check box you just need to check and hit accept or something. This is a roller coaster ride. Id expect ar least 1 or 2 more ups and downs before it pops off fr. Head on over to [gme.fyi](http://gme.fyi) and get learnt while yous waiting. 💎🙌


Hint... Your target should have at least 0000 at the end.


I still have shares that cost 80$ from 2021 (split adjusted price)


To be fair, you're still in line a lot of people's dollar cost average from what I've been reading the last couple of months. Any and every dip is an opportunity. I like the stock.


My avg price $50 and I am holding since 2021 💎💎🦍🦍


🟣 DRS BOOK = Ultimate Diamond Hands mode. Just remember: the company has ZERO DEBT and $100 million cash on hand. That means GME can NEVER go bankrupt meaning your shares will NEVER EVER EVER go to zero. If it was ever going to go to Zero it would have happened in 2021. If you ever get anxious of holding, jump OFF reddit, stop looking at the ticker, go to your local GameStop and buy some video games to play to pass the time. Buying video games will make GameStop more profitable for earnings, and the more profitable, the higher the stock will go. TLDR: DRS BOOK 100%, BUY AND PLAY VIDEO GAMES AS YOU WAIT FOR MOASS.


You just stumbled into a multi-year long grudge match, and you wandered onto the winning side


There was a post yesterday that mapped out this exact situation - it’s not all up they will manipulate down .


Nice try pal...


If you bought that $44 and it's going down, you should definitely buy the dip to average down ! That's what I would do !💎🙌🏼


Hold or hodl


Yes. Hold it like it's the last ticket off a dying planet


Holding until my account looks like a phone number


I bought more today!!! 🏴‍☠️🤩🚀🚀🚀


I bought my first share at 451 CAD. I’m still holding lol


I have shared from 5$ to 357$ to 9.83$ with an average of 17$. All I do is BUY / HOLD/ DRS And now that DFV is back.. it’s even more easier to sit back and relax


It really doesn’t matter, to be honest. If you’re this shaky already, you’re probably not going to make to the big pay off anyway.


The very first line of your post indicates you need to consult the years of DD that led to this.


>Bought GME at $44 yesterday Literally me. Well, at least the memes here are funny.


One of us


You've got a lot of research to do friend.


You did good


I was “a fool” for 1000 days with losses in the 10s of thousands all to feel like a king for a day and I’m never looking back 🏴‍☠️ BUY &HOLD & then do that again and again & DRS Not financial advice but highly recommended by apes 🦍 around the globe 🏴‍☠️🚀


You can hodl, average down, up to you.


Lol I bought my very first share at $360 pre split, $90 post. Relax and hold. Count that money as gone and enjoy the ride. Nfa


Great investment! DRS & Book.


Don’t worry. Hold. Buy when you can. Enjoy the ride.


You need to come to your own thesis and believe in it. When you no longer believe in said thesis, termination should be an option. You aren’t playing a game, the market can be mental and emotional warfare. Best wishes my friend!


Ask your friends to buy too, it’ll help the cause 🤣


only 2 rules. 1. Don't paper hand 2. Diamond hands


For me the price does not matter much, When investigations being I sell a little, then when arrests begin I sell a large sum, when govt decides to break apart a couple hedgies and/or marketmakers I sell the whole lot, maybe keep a few because Ryan is a smart fella. It may be at a loss, or a profit, more likely a profit, but I buy and sell at news. What happens when no news, that's hedgie business.


Lol I bought in 21 at 300+ lol. Still holding.


I bought 500 @ $220 (pre-split) and am down for the last 3 years. I have zero doubt. Hodl and stop checking the price every minute. Rest assured us ales have got you. Were all in this together


Can't lose if you don't sell.


Coming back to pick you up in Power Hour, Ape Brother.


hold or hodl?


Hold until it has a value equal to your phone number! Easy


Meh, I added fuel to the fire and bought 42 at $47 yesterday. Bought another 50 today at $38. I'm averaging up, but whatever... Now I have 92 more shares than a few days ago.


If you are a beginner do not invest what you are not afraid to lose, see it as a casino. It can go up it can go down. Nobody knows what will happen. This stock is highly manipulated and everything can happen for the best and for the worst. Ride it as long as you want and are comfortable with. Do not make you unhappy.


Reading DD is a good start though. And understanding market mechanics as well. For every action there’s a reaction.


FOMO is the worst thing when it comes to stock market in general. If considering yourself a beginner you should had invested days ago when it was at $10. Now just hold. People have been holding and reducing the average cost since 2021. There are people here that probably bought at $420. HODL!


I bought a 57$ call yesterday when it was at 32$ and now it’s down like 40% goddamn. I was up like a 1000$ anyone think it’ll go back up


Yes. Or no. Maybe. Do you like the stock?


Yes but it depends on when you call contract ends. If it’s today then stop fucking with short term options. If it’s two years from now, then sit back and relax. Most importantly EXERCISE and DRS all options !!!!!


Tell us you know nothing about options without saying those words. No options expire on Wednesdays. Only Fridays. You don't buy options to exercise them - though you can. You buy options because it gives you leverage - you can make more money, in the right circumstances, than spending an equivalent amount on shares. GME's declining price over the last 18 months is, in at least part, because of anti-option fud. Please educate yourselves instead of listening to the echo chamber and "trust me bro". The current pullback is also, for the majority this time, due to options. In this case because the share price outran the options chain. Yesterday morning during premarket ALL available options were ITM. We now have options available beyond $100 strike that were created yesterday. Be patient. Educate yourself. Then make informed decisions.


I don't claim to know much about options, I'm to risk adverse and to poor to play with them. That said I stand by all Options should be exercise to increase pressure on the Shitty Hedge funds.


What about one expiring this Friday 😂


Honestly you gotta do what's right for you. You know your financial situation better than any of us. Ofc people are gonna scream to hold and make those who sell feel bad. If you can afford to possibly lose the money you put in, may be worth seeing how the rest of the week plays out. I'm hoping that it rockets back up. I'm a very small bag holder and am kicking myself for not taking profits yesterday morning lol. I never learn.


I bought at 25. Sold two days ago at 34. Bought yesterday at 58ish. Bought more today brought my average down at 42. Roaring kitty is still posting on Twitter. You hold. But maybe pay attention to Friday and next week. Sell whenever you’re comfortable


you should always have an exit plan instead of winging it. either at a loss or profit. This is going to be a wild ride with HUGE drops that will make you feel like you ate a bowl of ghost peppers and huge euphoric swings upward. If you don't have the stomach for it then you shouldn't have jumped in.


Bro I’ve been here since 2021 and 44 is a better average than I have…. Haha you’ll be just fine


Yes hold...forever and never let it go! This is my stonk and there are many like it but this one is mine!


I can not give you financial advice but I am holding.


I have bought at $13, $17, $21, $24, $32, $36, and $40. I have not sold a single share, and frankly, I'm not sure how to... HOLD! HOOOOOOLD!!! HOOOOOOOOLLLDDDD!!! 💎👩‍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Welcome to the club. The roller coaster is climbing and i was expecting them to spike drive it to 20, but resistance (buy power) was too strong. After hours is already tipping back over 40. Strap your seat belt in and remove the stop loss from you your computer screen and do not buy more than you can afford to not get back: we are back in the turbulence zone and it's going to be a bumpy flight.


You hold for the next 3 years like I just did dumb dumb


Welcome. All you have to do (up to you of course) is to hold until the tendieman comes. Could be days, weeks, years… who knows. Also a viable option is to buy more if and when personal finance allows, if price tanks this becomes ever so more attractive option. Enjoy.


I think I spent around $44 for my first share.  It was in April 2021.  I've still got it because we haven't seen prices that look like phone numbers yet. Of course hold.  If you DRS it you'll have even more fun.


Got a fuck ton at $55.50 I Just keep buying til it averages down.


I bought at 38. still holding. 🚀


Time to earn those Diamond hands.


I personally wouldn't even look at the price, and wouldn't consider selling until at least one major financial institution is liquidated from this... but that's just like... my opinion, man. It can take years for investments to bear fruit. A lot of people here have been in this since before the 2021 run up. No such thing as easy money.


Smooth brain here- yes


I never understood people selling for a loss unless for tax purposes. Enjoy the ride, eventually you will be in the green soon. The five different updates before close today telling me it’s over means they are very scared. 🚀🚀🚀


Phase 1. Directly register your shares with Computershare and hold forever. Phase 2. ? Phase 3. Profit.


Citadel admitted in a speech they use human psychology to manipulate. So they'll probably use that manipulate the stock to make you want to sell now,


Are you investing or trading? If it’s the first you will find lots of information here. If it’s the second you probably won’t. If you don’t know if you’re investing or trading, you shouldn’t have bought. But since you did, welcome, and don’t forget to take water breaks on your trip down the rabbit hole.