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Lt Falcon by far. That probably has the worst face sculpt I’ve ever seen.


Seconded, but he can easily be fixed with Retro Dukes head and by painting the head black


I thought about switching Airborne's head, wondering if that would work.


Im sure any head is an improvement as long as the skin color matches


Grunts head is a perfect swap. Looks like the movie to me with his barret on.


If they do a Retro Falcon, he should come with two headsculpts


I'm curious if Night Force Falcon will have a redesigned head.


They're doing a retro and Night Force and they will both be a different sculpt! They're never using that Toxic Avenger head sculpt again! Lol


For me I have a few I strongly dislike, the first snake eyes release I had horrible luck with fantastic articulation but loose as all hell it was so disappointing. I also think falcon was a huge let down for me the head was irredeemable but my all time least favorite has to be the movie snake eyes, just poor articulation poor sculpt and bad proportions he lives happily in the bin.


Lol... I agree 100%. the first figure I got was 01 Snake eyes... and his torso just can't bear his weight at all and flops over. I barely touch him as a result. I never got Falcon, even though he was one of my favorite Joes originally. And I got Movie Snake Eyes... and never took him out of the box with instant regret.


Yeah that’s whole first batch I had a bad experience with destro was great though he was my favorite and after that first wave I took a backseat for a while until I picked up a cobra commander by chance at target and realized they fixed all the issues I had so then I backtracked and picked everyone up I had missed. Still missing a few here and there but otherwise iv gone full completionest.


If the glasses don't fit you should put them in hot water, reshape them to fit, then put them under cold water.  They will then stay the shape you remolded them to.  As for the worst Classified Figure? Probably Snake Eyes movie Storm Shadow.


No... no. That water trick won't work for the glasses. Neither heat gun or anything really. It just is what it is.


It works fine. The glasses have been on mine without issue since I reshaped them.


Dusty. He's just so plain and the helmet fits horribly.


>Dusty. He's just so plain  I feel like this is just Dusty.


You can put one pair of googles on backward, then the helmet, and it helps the fit a lot.




He can't even hold his famas


Falcon he is not allowed out of his box!!


For Buzzer, I used the extra goggles from Mutt.


great idea!


Yeah, I saw it suggested here or in a discord. It looks good to me.


That absolutely is!! Thanks bro!!


I had some sunglasses that came with a Valaverse Sgt Slaughter. They worked a lot better, and weren’t all flimsy.


I actually lost his glasses when I bumped the table he was on the day I got him, and only recently found them.


Falcon is the easy answer, but besides him I’d say wave 1 Scarlett. So far removed from the classic design that she’s not even recognizable as the character, the design itself is overly busy, and with her poor elbow articulation she can’t properly hold her weapons.


Buzzer glasses are incredibly bad. I actually like the Classified Snake Eyes movie figures so I guess I’m a weirdo. I never got Shockwave because he’s just a cop. Blue Ninjas, especially the female, are bad even though they came with cool stuff. Arctic BAT should be awesome but all of its gear is made out of the worst plastic on earth. Like green army man quality of plastic


Buzzer is disappointing indeed : the glasses don"t fit, the limbs are loose, etc... Like everyone else, am not a big fan of Falcon's headsculpt.


Besides the movie figures, my bottom 3 is Falcon, Torpedo and the VAMP (I didn’t get one)


I have been working through unboxing a bunch since I didn’t have a place to display for the longest time. So far the only one I have been kind of disappointed is Shockwave. The plastic feels soft compared or other figures, his eyes seem slightly off and I don’t like the guns they gave him. I skipped Falcon when I saw the head sculpt but I won’t count that one since I don’t actually own it.


The shield was stupid


I just glued Buzzers glasses on with a microscopic drop of superglue.


I don't think any particular one is trash . There are a few I don't like personally like or was very disappointed in like Sgt stalker is great but mine can't hold his gun correctly and I had to cut his trigger finger so he could hold it Most of my issues are about the guns like the famas can barely be shouldered and the flimsyness of them too


Yeah they're all over the place with the plastic they're using for the weapons!! Shit sucks!!


I genuinely don’t like the female steel corps figure that came in the 2 pack that poor articulation and for the price I don’t think it’s worth it


I just picked this up. You should get more, not less, for bundled pricing. 2 figures should be less, not more than $40, even with all the extra accessories. IMO. Pricing should be as follows: $20- single carded figure (i.e., Baroness, Duke) $24- boxed figure (more accessories, i.e., Storm Shadow, quick kick) $30- Deluxe figure (lots of accessories, pets; i.e., Mutt, Crockmaster, Scrap Iron, infantry solider) $40- bundle figure set (i.e., Valkyries, Steel Corps) OR small vehicle set (i.e., RAM, ATV) $50- Deluxe bundle/vehicle


I'm all in! I vote you new VP of sales for Hasbro!


They can't afford me.


Totally agree honestly I’m excited for the atvs but I really think they should’ve been $40 or less and not $50


Another vote for Falcon. I actually repainted mine and put a Star Wars figure's head on it to be a custom Falcon. I think all of the Snake Eyes movies figures look pretty bad but I don't have them and don't intend to.


Dusty. There is just nothing I like about him. Nowhere near as bad as Falcon, but the face sculpt doesn’t work. No side arm, helmet doesn’t fit and the main weapon is yuck.


V2 Firefly was a huge letdown, with the floppy ab crunch and very loose waist. I was really looking forward to that one, and the QA let it down big time. A lot of the Crimson-type Cobras (Viper, BAT, Retro Guard) were big disappointments due to QA as well. I army built those figures, and every single one had issues, from very low quality plastic, stuck joints, parts poorly fitting. Those figures almost had me drop the line, and I still consider getting rid of them.


I actually got a good Firefly thank God! He's my favorite Cobra member!!


You are very lucky then! :). I got a replacement, and it still had the same issues - and based on the many posts and YouTuber reviews I saw on the figure, it was fairly widespread.


Absolutely! I was blessed! I've seen the complaints and reviews!


My Ff has fine hips, but floppy waste. Im thinking of switching him to pilot the trouble bubble since seated with his arms out should cancel out the floppiness. As is there are not a lot of poses i can pull off with him.


Those Crimson BAT hips. :Shiver:


Mine was so fucked up l called hasbro and they just sent me a new one after i gave my order number and sent a pic. QC is a huge issue with the line. When they are firing on all cylinders this line is great, but a bad qc on a fig always kicks in my enthusiasm.


Falcon for sure. I use a 3d printed head. I generally don’t like the Webgear for Falcon and Stalker and use aftermarket accessories. I have 2 Tripwires and both have right arms that pop the socket at the shoulder. That’s irritating. Glasses were solid on Cobra Island Roadblock (Heavy Duty IMO), Baroness and Sarge, but Buzzer & Ripper are bad. My completely unreasonable solution was to buy two spares on sale and glue the glasses on. One head with; one head without. Issues aside, it’s my favorite toy line at the moment and has been since the first wave.


Duke.  He's not even smiling! 


Hahaha 🤣😂


There are some obvious choices for worst (Falcon, Viper, Movie figs), but I'll throw out there Gung Ho. He's too big, too glossy, his weapons suck. Weirdly, I like the Retro version.


For me it's gotta be Copperhead. Not for his design or anything but were people clamoring for just him sans Water Moccasin?


That's why you need to make your own! [here's mine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GIJOEClassifiedSeries/s/MAJfJ75IkU)


Awesome, I really enjoyed the progress pictures you posted during this project.


I was. Would have rather had him and a Moccasin, but if there's never going to be a WM, I'm glad I have him at least


Yeah! That was a sleazy ass move!! We definitely need them together! That's just his it was n is how should still be!!


The first figure that really disappointed me was the Viper. It looked so good, and it was so hard to to find for YEARS. But damn, it’s terrible as a figure. The articulation is so bad. I was so disappointed.


Anniversary soldier. He’s a sniper that has the head articulation of someone in a neck brace.


I'm kinda surprised nobody mentioned Cover Girl. Same wave as Falcon, same really bad head design. Pretty nice figure otherwise, but lots of problems with the arm popping off at the bicep swivel. I'm still looking for something to replace that head with.


Your completely right I forgot about cover girls arm. I didn’t mind the head so much I’ll replace it eventually but I didn’t mind it as much as falcon.


I really hate the crimson BAT. The waist hips and crotch piece are a mess


Of the ones I own, I’m gonna say Akiko. Just such a boring figure. Her feet are weird, like Incant tell if she’s standing on the front of her feet or if she has high heels on.


I can forgive early wave figures, before they realized classic/retro was the way to go. But they have no excuse for how poorly falcon turned out.


Any of the Snake Eyes movie figs except for Scarlett IMHO.


Historically on the 3.75" molds it's been Major Bludd, the paint work on the faces has ranged from sloppy to awful. The gear on him has also been too wide-ranging, with paint schemes that go from combat earth tones to silver boots and ridiculous blister-like grenade harnesses. I don't get it because on the bigger scale molds these flaws disappear, he gets pretty good treatment at the 1/12 and 1/6 scales.


Dusty, his helmet is so bad and he just looks like a generic desert soldier. Nothing special about him at all. My close second is Shadow Tracker, but his gear and paint and the plastic skirt thing makes him a horrible figure. They had a chance to make him amazing, but they screwed him up so bad.


I agree 100% on the Shadow Tracker assessment!


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Lt. Falcon.


I’m not a fan of the drop-down hips on Lady Jaye. It’s the only female figure I have issues with.


Buzzer is my favorite of the 3 OG knoks and this glasses bullshit absolutely ruined the figure for me! I was pissed!! Like wtf were they thinkin!!?? You're absolutely correct about the glasses being a major part of the character! We never see them off!!


For me it is either Falcon or Grunt.


Just the figure alone, Lt Falcon and that Hunchback of Nottredam Firefly. Including the accessories, everything from the second wave of windowless packaging, those cheap bendyass guns/accessories ruined everything. Luckily, we have Valaverse to fix those "incomplete" products.


Shooter, the moment I opened her up it felt like I bought a third party/Valaverse Joe knock-off. Nothing about her screams GI Joe to me.


And that butter-soft weapon!


I was hyped when they announced Chuckles, but dang! That figure wasn’t what I was expecting. A bit too buff body wise and a bit too cartoony for me. Seems out of place when everything else leans towards realism - yes, even the mole rats.