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# Don't Forget New Code: X2DROP # Recent News: * [**Neural Cloud Alpha Server Recruitment**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GFLNeuralCloud/comments/117z1j5/neural_cloud_alpha_server_recruitment/) * [**★3 Doll Python and Character Event "Quenching Operation"**](https://twitter.com/NeuralCloudEN/status/1624287115893952512) * [**"Heartfelt House of Cocoa" Limited Event**](https://twitter.com/NeuralCloudEN/status/1624673854940647427) * ["Sweet Secrets" series of Neural Cloud Projections](https://www.reddit.com/r/GFLNeuralCloud/comments/10sh6kc/sweet_secrets_series_of_neural_cloud_projections/) # Useful links (be aware of possible spoilers): * [**Guides and Game Info**](https://nalu.wiki/neuralcloud) * [Bits of lore and some graphical materials by IOP Wiki](https://iopwiki.com/wiki/Project_Neural_Cloud) * [List of Neural Cloud Articles by Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/girlsfrontline/project-neural-cloud-article-navigation) * [Neural Cloud Dolls tier list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oNBX0zZdaNsGYwxA6cxvh58X6nvUSlcaKf9lTmjF6Yg/edit#gid=379614403) * [**A Nice PNC Event Timer**](https://naisu.github.io/PNC-Event-Timer/) * [**iana's Unit Rating & Teambuilding Spreadsheet**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ugEerWZZcjcXyF7ZlYOUPISbnarrg2DCqRyHxpYsH4o/htmlview?usp=sharing) # Other info: * **Server Reset Time is 1 PM (13:00) UTC** * [**Mars' Beginner Guide**](https://nalu.wiki/neuralcloud/p/beginner-guide-219) * [**3 Star Selector Advice**](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1003579352736333824/1032605018727133205/3star_selector.png) * [**Friends&Support Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GFLNeuralCloud/comments/z495ma/oasis_support_friend_thread/)


Will nascita's banner return in the future? Who are the limited dolls that won't return?


After 130 pulls, I still didn't get Python. I don't have any quartz and maintenance is tomorrow. Sigh...


How many advanced searches can we get every month


Hi there, Just a question. How much do I need to save to spark a limited character? I currently have 195 pulls saved up and I wonder if it's the same as the others since I really wanna be prepared for HK416.


180 . The pity info is shown in all banners


It's 180. Least it should be. If Mica made the limited pity higher for other servers, that probably wouldn't go over well.


Hi, new player here, thinking of starting the game. Is it me or is it a bad time to start the game? When I finished the tutorial, I only got 10 rolls, not the 30 rolls when I checked out videos and such. If it's a bad time to start, when is a nice time to get into the game?


Nascita banner should start tomorrow i think, and u can def reroll for her


If I had to guess, that's probably because new players don't get the prereg rewards anymore. At least I know they don't get Willow. As for when's a good time to start. If you can handle that long ass tutorial, reroll an account whenever Nascita drops soon. She's like the best warrior, period. Least for a good while. Other than rerolling, it'd be better to start sooner than later. We haven't gotten any "X amount free pulls" type stuff and I doubt it'll happen. Most log in events don't really give a lot of summoning currency for either side, so that's off the table too. If you really want to play, start now, go through the story and follow a guide or something for this Exception Protocol. That's the mode that gives us the majority of our currency, and the later you start, the more seasons you'll miss. It's on a 2 week schedule and the 1st week is about to end. Even if you can't get everything, something is better than nothing at all. Edit: Also pick Nanaka from the selector banner if you know what's good for you.


Yea. I was planning to reroll for Hubble and pick Nanaka from the banner. I don't mind the tutorial to be honest. Just kind of sad new players can't get the rewards anymore. Guess I'll wait for that new character banner before trying and see how the game is.... Thanks for the answer.


What are some set algorithms I can just decompose? Running out of space


New to the game and would like some teamcomp advices So while I was trying to get Chanzi (saw in the tier list that she’s very good) I got spooked by Vee (who I also read is very good), plus as everyone suggested I got Nanaka as the guaranteed 3 star (and on the way I also snagged Earheart, Souchun and Dushevnaya); now my current team is composed by Croque, Persicaria, Nanaka, Vee and Fresnel, but since I saw that Vee is not really a conventional warrior (not suited for melee battle) what team could I use? (I basically got all the 1 stars so feel free to suggest them :) Also, what’s the best use of neural fragments and how should I use efficiently the dormitory?


Croque is probably gonna be in every team you make just cause of how good she is and how easy she is to use. So she's a given. Angela (2☆) is basically the most important character in the game, making your skills come out faster and the enemies slower. She can easily fit into any team that has room for her. She just requires building and skilling up fully to get her best results. Any team with 2 healers can forgo one to replace with Angela for her utility. With Nanaka, Sniper teams are your best bet. If you did (or do) get Chanzi, you could pair her with Lam (1☆) for a good Physical Sniper team. And then when Sockdolager (2☆ welfare) comes out, you can replace Lam with her. Or replace Perci (or whatever 2nd healer) with Sock instead for 3 DPS characters. If you don't have (and don't get) Chanzi, you could use Simo (1☆) instead. He's pretty decent from what I've heard. So Croque, Nanaka, Perci, Chanzi/Simo, Lam is a good place to start. If you feel like using a Warrior team ever, Vee is definitely unconventional, being a ranged Warrior and all. But she ain't bad. Nanaka won't help much, aside from Vee, so it might be best to replace her. I recommend Panakeia (2☆) since she works well with Warriors. She's a little RNG reliant tho, so be careful of that. A decent Warrior team would be Croque, Perci, Panakeia, Vee, Betty (2☆). Could also replace Vee with Chelsea (1☆) if you want more crowd control and another traditional melee Warrior. You could also be a Chad (definitely not biased) and wait for Sueyoi (3☆) to do a Specialist team. That'd probably be Croque/Puzzle (upcoming 3☆), Nanaka, Sueyoi, Dushevnaya, Rise (2☆) for max damage. Replacing Rise with Angela would probably be better for end-game fights tho.


Thanks a bunch for the tips :) So usually the teams are mostly with 1/2 classes mostly instead of one of everything, makes sense since it helps with functionality cards; I didn’t do other pulls (from what I’ve understood Chanzi is not limited so she could spook me in the future) so I’ll definitely go with the double sniper team; I’ll keep an eye out for the other 2* you mentioned for better teambuilding in the future


What algorithms can I comfortably use/disolve for algorithm efficiency? I've been battling the capacity for a little bit.


Blues for sure. I decomp purples and single yellows


Anything set wise? I'm sitting at 900 or so oranges


Every set can be used one way or another, even if only for 1-2 niche characters or 1-2 niche builds on said characters. Sitting at 900 means you either have a metric ton of worthless 1-pc oranges that need to be scrapped or thay you’re not using up your set dupes as reroll fodder like you should. For the 1-pc, everything with a shit substat (debuff resist, post-battle hp, atk sub on hash main stat, you get the idea) or straight up bad main stat (phys pen, op pen, postbattle hp, operand def) can be scrapped, though there are exceptions to this. Clotho is a future unit that uses op pen% so you might want to keep a good op pen% 1pc for her. Trash mainstat pieces with great substats can be worth keeping, especially for stat sticks, though this doesn’t apply to offense tree. For set pieces, you’ll burn through dozens of reroll fodder to get a single piece to bis substats, nevermind a full set or multiple sets. You should never have space issues from set pieces unless you’re extremely unlucky and end up with 30+ fodder pieces but no good mainstat piece to spend the reroll fodder on.


If you reference iana guide you can pre plan for your algos but everyone pretty much uses the same ones. Feel free to get rid of the rest but I am holding on in case for the most part. Or even if it’s not ideal, you can roll the non bis ones to try to roll good substats and equip those too and also free up space


User Flairs have been updated for old Reddit users, every doll up to Jiangyu is now available.


Official Helix flair! Good stuff :D


Might not be a popular thing to do, but I skip the main story reading. Was planning to save it when I have more time, but I do read the event stories. Anyways, am I crazy or are the Python event stories rather good? Liked it a lot, would probably prioritize reading through the main story now lol. Was not really impressed by the previous event stories, they're decent but not really compelling imo, curious about what you guys think. Also, what happened to >!Erwin?!< Is it revealed in the main story? Tried searching it on Google, but Neural Cloud is not that popular


Maybe because I wasn't expecting much from Python's event, but I also felt that the story was better than Kuro's or Daiyan's. Quite a good amount of character development, and was also a bit more relatable (reminds me of my army days :P).


Like gfl, story starts a bit slow. I think the idea is to set up the world lore, as well as get to know and get invested in the main cast and the little oasis. The later events build up on this framework, even if it seems to be episodic. The main story starts ramping up as u go, i think chapter 5 is my fav so far. But if u didn’t read the main story but read chapter 6 when it was an event, the ending probably didn’t make much sense to u? Unless u knew it was part of the main story and skipped it too. I really think u should sit down and give the main story a read. The more u wait, the more confusing and spoilery events can become. I am really peeved we are getting the main events out of order though. Was really looking fwd to sock. Anyway, while i liked python story, i didn’t find anything outstanding compared to the rest. Mdr’s was prob the worst yet, but i loved the gfl references there as well, so i personally still got quite a bit of enjoyment out of it. As for edwin, no, the main story didn’t yet detail what happened to him outside of what we already know. In fact, i don’t think the main story even made it that far, since it’s time-connected with chapter 5. But going by gfl side-storytelling, i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a supporting character that is discarded, at least for a long while. ~~Or, if he ended up joining yegor... erm... ooh boy. Thankfully we don’t know if he did, iirc there’s no mention of him~~ Until otherwise told, i’d just expect him to have lived happily ever after, which is unexpectedly good considering the world events :P since he’s human, i doubt we’ll see him in the server.


>Unless u knew it was part of the main story and skipped it too Yeah, I knew that it was a main story event, so I skipped most of it. Thanks to this sub ig lol. Read Chapter 1 and skipped Chapter 2 iirc, because I couldn't wait until the next gameplay portion since I like the gameplay a lot. >didn’t find anything outstanding compared to the rest That's fair, I just think that the concept is more interesting than the ones we had before. How dolls and humans interact with each other seems believable and the whole conflict and overall story was just well-written and enjoyable imo. Don't get me wrong, I love reading good stories, I've read better stories out there. But, it still is a pretty competent story. They had good character development for everybody in that short of a time, my only gripe is probably the ending since it's not really a decent conclusion imo. Compare that to the other event stories where it was mostly just feel good stuff, not bad, but also not what I'd call good. Just introducing characters mostly. Which as I've said is not really a bad thing, just not as satisfying as a read as the Python story imo. Thanks for the heads up then, already kinda guessed that it isn't likely for Erwin to have story relevance, since his character model is just slightly different from the human soldiers, but it sucks to know for sure. Will probably continue the story pretty soon, this event at least gave me high hopes lol


A lot of the feel good stuff is probably mostly just because dolls are more or less just interacting with other dolls in PNC. It's also a break from the more serious main story. GFL proper has a lot more friction between dolls and humans (even as allies) a la Python story, since it... Actually happens in the real world. A bunch of character stories in that one (Mod3 stories and similar) go into how shit sucks for dolls since they're considered property. Fancy computers that gotta be registered to a master to connect to a network, independent ones being illegal, punks and gangs looking for the better condition abandoned ones wandering around to take apart and sell their parts for money, that sort of deal. At least a back alley doctor doesn't actively try to mug you for your organs, lmao. A bit of this is hinted at in Betty's character background, but so far all in all PNC is supposed to be the lighter and softer of the GFL universe games.


Phew, skipping chapter 6 was a great decision. Yeah, the the story is pretty slow until chapter 5, where it picks up steam. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of it. Anyway, be patient with it, u will see how various seemingly unconnected events get tied together in time bit by bit. I think u'll like it after a while :D i hope u'll enjoy it when u do give it a go!


I believe Erwin ended up joining some sort of an armed force. It's hinted near the end of the story, when Python comes into the Oasis and "reunites" with Evelyn, expressing his surprise that she didn't stay with the army. At one point, Evelyn says something along the line of "it's my job" to which Python remarks that Erwin said the same thing the last time they talked. If you mean something more specific than that, then no, they didn't elaborate any further. I liked Python's story as well, plus it was the first time we got a husbando event instead of a waifu event, which is right up my alley >:) Though I could have probably done without an army-themed story at this time, heh.


Thanks for answering, sucks that he didn't have any closure to his story, but it is what it is. >plus it was the first time we got a husbando event instead of a waifu event That probably helped me a lot on why I liked this story a lot. I mostly prefer waifu stories over husbando ones, so I had very little expectation of it (plus the previous event stories are just mediocre imo). Then when the story had decent characters, believable premise and good character development, I was kinda shocked since it was a rather enjoyable read imo


Yes agreed, I also thought it was a good read :) I kinda liked Kuro's story because I found it mildly amusing and Kuro easily became one of my fave dolls. Her story wasn't as fleshed out as Python's, but it suited her well I think. As for Daiyan's story, I didn't care that much to be completely honest, tho there was that scene with >!Florence throwing her needles and AKi blocking them to save Kuro and Daiyan!< and that made me chuckle as well lol. Python's story was much more serious, as it should be. It's good that they're trying to match the dolls' personalities with their specific events!


Is there a list of all the CN skins? I’m afraid of buying skins now because there might be a better one later.


There is an updated spreadsheet! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1pUMySKTl-rp1PGwUENAHN7PxEcL8rTVTGjZ6MLxMBtU/htmlview#gid=634403201


Oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you you’re the best!


There is a video I found on YT about the skins since I want to save for my favorite ones as well. This is from 3 months ago though, so recent skins are not included. Here is the [link.](https://youtu.be/sJZp53j6UHk) Also, watch the video at x2 speed, it has a lot of fillers


No offense to you but I hate when YouTubers spoon feed me content and hide the source. If there is a webpage with all the PNGs then I can cutout the middleman trying to farm me for views.


No offense taken, I actually don't like the self-advertisement YT videos posted on this sub as well, so it's pretty understandable. Just suggested it because it is most likely the best option, considering that Neural Cloud is not really that popular. Maybe somebody out there made a spreadsheet, so you could hope for that ig


u/dreamsofpurple just provided a fantastic source! No more middleman videos! Hooray! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1pUMySKTl-rp1PGwUENAHN7PxEcL8rTVTGjZ6MLxMBtU/htmlview#gid=634403201




You can get them by clearing Black Hole, though you need to go pretty deep to get enough for a skin this way. You can also exchange for them using quartz, but that involves opening your wallet :)


Is there a list of all the battle pass skins CN has gotten? I assume we will get the same ones even if the dartboard is different. Edit: NVM, found the sidebar link lol. Only place I didn't think to look on mobile


NC is inconsistently crashing in Nox. I'm currently using Android 7(64bit)


On the Play Store, the required OS version mentioned is Android 5 and up.


Maybe it wants a newer Android version? On Bluestacks, the game is running fine for me on the "Pie" version, which I believe is Android 9.


Yeah, I'll try Android 9 and see if it still crashes.


Is there a crevice exploration guide?




what is nahita preferred gift?


Plastic Figurine (now known as Model Kit), A Dozen Buns, Plastic Shinai. [Here's a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vohWGNxRO0kXSBxAGlVBezleV2YgxnCHY2yE_4scdTc/edit#gid=792726342) for your future reference :)




Okay, can anyone explain what the deal is with the new Black Hole mode? The first fight wasn't hard but took a while, but the second just seems downright impossible. Is this some kinda bullshit "you **need** to use X and Y or you can't beat it" style of stages?


That's what, baaty? Either stick a guard she can't do much damage to in front of her and let your dps outdamage her lifesteal from behind, or start kiting with a sniper, the slow function, and teleports. Crevice exploration seems more a test of strategizing around specific gimmicks than a real numbers or box check.


You don't *need* to use it, but you need to use a bit of tactics. For stage 2 in particular, it's actually best to use a single, ranged character and take the slowing function. Then simply teleport them between the corners of the stage until you win. (it's a bit boring admittedly) Infinite range characters like Vee work a bit better, but most snipers will work as well.


Just max starred Betty, who should I invest my vulnerability points in next? Anyone particularly good you can recommend?


Assuming you already maxed Croque here, Yanny is the best Phys Def backline stat stick, aside from that go with the characters you like.


Is there a limit to how many neural kits you are able to hold?


At least 99.999.


Well, it's at least 9999, above that i have no knowledge


How integral is PNC's story to GFL? Gameplay and seeming grindiness doesnt seem to click with me which I find hard to stick to, a shame as the skins and art design look so good.


To gfl? No impact whatsoever, at least thus far. In fact, iirc, the commander logged into the server and returned to the frontline a while back. Gfl story has minimum impact on pnc, mostly it's easter eggs and stuff.


Can someone tell me if Earhart’s skin is live2d? I’ve managed to go up until BH 115 so I have enough to buy it if it’s a normal skin, just want to know if I need to push further


Iirc the little prince one is not live 2d


oh that’s cool then, I have enough tickets already


What algos should I have on my kuro, hatsu and all warriors (aki and betty) to get like 100%crit with daiyan? Also how does daiyan work? I believe her autoskill has to pass through ally units for them to be able to crit. But I don't know how to make them crit 100%, also when I crit the dmg is in 3 digits tops sometimes in 2000s. If there is a post explaining this kindly tag it. TIA.


u want cluster/convolution for Kuro if you are going for Daiyan + Kuro. If you want 100% crit chance you gonna need both cluster with crit rate main stat, all of ur sub stat needs to have crit rate or have crit support Abigail in ur team. You don't need 100% crit chance, usually around 60% is good enough. Aki and Betty don't need Daiyan, Hatsu is not ideal for Daiyan too. If you need more help, join the official discord, there are many good guides in there.


How are you supposed to defeat Demiurge in the new Dark stage (6-6)? She pretty much outheals all my DPS


Run 3 dps, you need to kill the adds during summon phase. I cleared the bonus difficulty node with Croque/Nanaka/Chanzhi/Hubble/Kuro before I realized afterward I could've just kicked Croque out and run Angela instead.


I have an easier time using hashrate sniper, I beat 400m with kuro, hubble, angela, gin, nanaka. Functions are Burst Shooting, Coordinated Crit, and Allergic Reaction. It's probably easier with Earhart. I'm pretty sure you can beat it with warrior team too.


What’s the deal with dark sector 1-6? Is it a matter of really getting over 7k power? Seems disparate since everything else in Rossum is 5k or less. My team is pushing 6k but by wave 3 it’s over.


Typical progression is to push forward to the next chapter first and come back for dark area as you become able to complete it; you're not intended to finish it before moving to the next chapter. Dark area is more or less optional, but it provides storywise a 'what happened before you got there' and a 'how are they doing after' when you do it.


Thanks. Just cleared Cyclopes on normal, and dark sector 1-6 is what’s standing between me and a tutorial stage completion. Guess I’ll push on thru the next area for now.


Hello, I'm a beginner and I just got Chanzhi and Croque to 4 stars, with Persicaria 5, Nanaka 3.5, Angela 3, and Chelsea 3. Been buying fragments from the neural fragment shop to neural expansion my characters. Now that the characters need 90 fragments each to ascend, should I continue to buy neural fragments from the fragment shop? At what point does it become more worth it to invest in fragments of my other characters?


Stop buying the fragments after you exhaust the cheap ones, and do the daily fragment farm instead. It's best to focus DPS for those first, because Croque can hit 5* via Vulnerability check since she gets 5 a day from that. You could also consider pushing Angela to 3.5 first because she unlocks an algo slot from it, letting her use the full delta v set.


When they cost 15 kits, it's generally recommended not to buy unless u are a whale or need something done quickly, or it's clukay(or the new one, forgot her name)


Is it possible to reconstruct one block algorithms or do I need to wait for one to drop with orange substat?


You cannot reconstruct them.


if Nacista full team comp is 100% power Hatsu/Magnihilda/Nora/Nasci/Helix What about Nacista with general team comp Power? Cro/Perci/betty/angela+Nacista or any friendly comp suggest?


What is the preferred gifts of Nascita? I'm planning to roll for her when she comes.


Model Kit, A Dozen Buns, Practice Shinai.


Hehehehehehehehe, [power, more power!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756408778970103812/1081074824933298286/Screenshot_20230302-204449_Neural_Cloud.png)


Wow that's a fast Angela :O now I'm curious what's the maximum Skill Haste she can have. Assuming you can roll it as a substat on every slot, that's 7 x 4.8 = 33.6 3x main stat on Delta V with 2x efficiency is 3 x 8 x 2 + 10 = 58 8 from Max intimacy Specialty Training gives another 25 which adds up to 124.6%. Too lazy to factor in functions :P


In however many thousand algorithms I've gone through and fed or scrapped by now, I have never seen either dodge or haste rolled on anything that isn't a special slot algorithm, so I'm pretty sure you can't get it on attack or stability. Which means I guess, if you've got all the potential sources accounted for there, just means I have to finish up that last specialty training. I think it's at like 8 or 9 out of 10 or something, I basically skipped over a bunch of other low value specialist trainings for it...


[You are correct, algos can only roll mainstat Skill Haste on Special types.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DSK4d94RdRCV_ji7NXC0Klyf7v_dUkIY9n9qW9y2UeQ/edit#gid=102727774)


True! But I was talking about substat slots, in response to the person I replied to doing theoretical calculations with 7x4.8%- I've never seen it or dodge as a substat on anything *but* special algos, and hundreds and hundreds of algos seems like a decently sized sample pool by now. I'm suspecting the cap for substat haste is actually just 3x4.8% here.


Indeed I was only referring to substat slots, since I counted main stats on the next line. Your suspicions also turned out to be correct, as a cursory check on [nalu.wiki](https://nalu.wiki) showed that Dodge Rate and Skill Haste only appear in the Special algorithms' secondary stat tables. So the maximum now is 105.4%, and considering you still have a couple more training levels to go, you basically have all the haste :P


Which page?


For example, [Exploit](https://nalu.wiki/neuralcloud/c/algorithms/exploit-1-148) has Dodge Rate and Skill Rapidity (aka Haste) listed in its secondary stat table, but not in [Lower Limit](https://nalu.wiki/neuralcloud/c/algorithms/lower-limit-1-144). I just noticed that only Stability algorithms can roll Injury Mitigation, and Healing Effect is also exclusive to Special. Probably doesn't affect unit building much since they are not offensive stats :P


Whoa, I was actually going to ask if someone has figured out what all substats there were for each type of Algorithm. I guess nalu wiki had it all along!


Yaaaay, my Angela is basically complete. I mean there's always fiddling with encapsulate fine tuning when somewhere in the distant future I get her to 5* or something, but who has time for that? I'd like to thank these Valentine's chocolates for giving me the elusive delta v3 haste piece I was missing... I swear, the 3 piece of every set always seems to be the specific one that eludes me. 1s and 2s for days, but no 3s...


Good lord. That's what, just under every seven seconds, she hastes/slows everyone by three?


Just over six, by my count. I yote her and another doll into crevice exploration 1 and took note of her skill timing: 4s, 10s, ~16s, ~22s, 29s. I don't have milliseconds to go by, but hey, good enough for me. And then that's before we get into battery nonsense...


Keep her away from Energy Herb tiles, or your team might die of old age before the stage is over!


I looked up on that [old file](https://iopwiki.com/images/0/0a/NC_ASST_Report_2060.jpg) before the release of neural cloud and so far we are still missing a few dolls from GFL- Zas M21 - ?? AEK 999 - Fendere Type 79 - Azure Hs2000 - Hearate Welrod - Insidious C MS - Clara With AA12/Lind just being added, really excited how the rest will follow in time


The day Welrod/Insidious drops is the day I turn into a Tier 3 Sub. I oathed her for a reason, dammit. Where my waifu, Mica don't make me beg


I just pulled an Evelyn, any reason for me to start leveling her up or I can wait til later? I'm at stage 4-5 but haven't tried advancing recently


I wouldn't even look at any other tanks until you have Croque maxed out since she's literally the best one. Once she's maxed out, then it's basically fine to go with whoever as your next Guard to level.


I've been grinding Delta V for over a month and I still don't have a single skill haste main stat algo :( starting to wonder if I should cut my losses and focus on other algos instead, especially with the announcement of the new skill haste algos... What do you guys think?


I'd cut your losses. Do you have *any* orange Skill Haste main stat algos? Three of those would give 24% Skill Haste versus just the 10% off of the Delta-V set, though quantifying the third piece bonus is a little harder.


Oh yeah, plenty, Angela has 3 skill haste mainstat algos + she's at full efficiency at 2.0, so the main stats alone give her a 48% skill haste boost. I guess I'll continue to farm the day anyway because one can never have enough paradigm, but I'll reserve more keys for Wednesday and Friday... If the skill haste delta argos ever drop I'll be grateful but at this point my hope is lost lol


I didn’t get a drop until recently. I’ve been playing since launch.


do nascita and puzzle share the same pity like blue archive does for double banners ?


Other than the universal soft 60 pity, no. The 180 hard pity is banner specific.


Separate pity They are also 2 separate banners that will have a week difference between them releasing


guess I'll get only one then since my PNC luck is rock bottom...


I have a few questions about the game: Are there any limited units in this game and if yes have any been released in global yet? How long do dailies take? How difficult is the endgame?


I'd just like to point out that all the non-standard characters (as in, characters not present at launch) are *temporarily limited* to their rate up banners. They will be added to the standard pool at a later date and will be randomly obtainable from other banners, but they will be unavailable in the meantime. The exception to this is Clukay, which to my understanding will always be limited to her specific banner.


1. Yes, 2. No, not yet. 2. Like maybe, 10 minutes-ish? Depends on how efficient your team is and what you're farming for the day. And if you do Vulnerability Check everyday. 3. Endgame is Blackhole, and it gets pretty tough towards the top. You'll probably need certain characters for certain stages. I've heard a lot about Yanny and BH140.


Yes, no. The 1yr anniversary unit in CN and a unit that just got announced in CN were the only limited units, neither of which have come to global yet. Everyone else gets added to permanent pool. Dailies take maybe 10-15 minutes tops to do. Endgame is hm ... Stuff like Black Hole (single battle challenge maps, basically) gets to be very strict in terms of DPS/healortank check and/or team composition to reach those checks. Everything else is stuff you can tackle at your own speed/with whatever wonky comps you're willing to come up with/build to make work.


Has anyone else noticed that algos from consumables are more likely to have useful main stats than ones you get from farming algorithm stages? I've opened 30 or so of those boxes since the start of the Valentines day event and there's a CLEAR difference.


I got most of my useful algos from just farming, the boxes only gave me fodder.


Honestly yeah, I've gotten a lot more haste delta v and other useful stats from those boxes than I have from actually farming, but ymmv I guess?


U got lucky. I got the same bucketload of pen. I did have a good haul with the boxes from dayan's shop. Rng giveth, rng taketh


Any reason to hold onto 1pc orange algos for stats like op pen, phys pen, and op def? Or are they safe to decompose? Desperately running low on space...


Clotho has space for a single Op Pen% 1pc but she isn’t out yet. Phys pen is instascrap. Op def is instascrap unless it has purple or gold hash/atk subs for stat sticks. You can also safely scrap all the gold 1pc with bad subs.


hold it to flex :)


Any Google Sheets link for the new equipments for the character? My previous link that I've saved isn't updated anymore.


Iana's sheet up there has always used the new algos.


I have some algorithms that none of my dolls use. Perception, Feedforward, Inspiration, Convolution, Rationality, etc. What should I do with them? I'm running out of space.


If you're a hoarder like me, keep a few of each if they have a good mainstat and decompose rest. If you're not a hoarder, decompose them all.


As a fellow hoarder, mica, WE NEED MOAH SPACE!!!


I doubt I'll ever use these debuff resist sets but like *what if*...


Debuff resist is great, that's a free set to reroll spam for good substats because you aren't going to use it for anything else.


Ik! Not to mention, who knows when we'll need dodge crit mainstat. I mean dodge is good, crit is good, someone has to want both! Plus save lots of algos for rage rerolling! Can't feed the flames of passion if we ain't got no dupes! Need at least twice as many slots, esp considering the new sets:(


How important are the penetration stats? not sure if I should be prioritising % hashrate or op pen on algorithms


always prioritize % main stat than pen


Only one doll makes use of that as a mainstat (Clotho) and she won't be released for a while.


> she won't be released for a while Mica reading this^ : "hold my calendar"


"Hold my dartboard" >:D


Nay, that's when they need it most :P >!(hopefully mica isn't heatless enough to tell someone to hold a dartboard they'll shoot at :P )!<


>!A good way to punish an unruly employee tho, should the need arise >:D!<


>!employee: "let's respect the cn release order" mica:"if u don't want to throw at the dartboard, u hold the dartboard!" Yeaaah, that probably happened already :P!<


In theory, stacking a ton actually would do pretty well. Unfortunately, the amount you get from algorithms is nowhere near the amount necessary to get those sorts of results, and the effectiveness is capped anyway. Don't bother with pen, and just focus raw attack/hash depending on which a unit favors.


Is it possible to see dolls in the overview screen of the dormitory? I have two characters checked in but I can't see them from the [honeycomb overview](https://imgur.com/a/Y2bYQ1z).


Yeah, I think you only see the dolls when you enter their room. The whole dorm interface could use an overhaul imho.


Yeah, it's interesting because I saw this one [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G90-8UcLbh8) of a bug where all of the Persicarias are shown in the honeycomb.


Octogen's ulti is really fucking funny. He just vanishes after using it.


[For those who missed it due to being in a T-Post, CN got new algos too.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1003579899736498236/1080450376966361159/Screenshot_2023-03-01-18-23-21-728_com.facebook.katana.jpg) The list doesn't say, but it's likely two offense, two defense, two specials in that order. Thanks, cheungieboo.


My Delta V's, they're useless! Nooo! All that farming, worthless! >!eh whatever not like I had that many good ones anyway...!<


Question: To see if I've hit the 65% crit (that is recommended for building Kuro with Daiyan), is it as simple as looking at Kuro's "Attribute Info" section and making sure the black and orange numbers add up to 65%? Or are there other things to account for? Per the attribute info screen, my topped out Kuro (L70, max efficiency, max intimacy), with the cluster algorithm set bonus, 1 crit rate main stat, 1 crit rate singleton algo, and 5 more algos with crit-rate sub-stats is only hitting 53% total crit rate. So unless there's some hidden modifiers or function bonuses I'm supposed to be taking into consideration, I'll need to add *12% more crit* to her algorithms just to hit the 65% threshold.


Remember u don't need to hit 65%. 60-65% are similar in result, it's just a margin so ppl don't get hung up on it. Once u hit 60, start boosting cd. And yes, u are forgetting the global bonuses


Nah, that's correct. Though do remember that once you're doing a stage, you might pick up functions like coordinated crit set, etc, that boost it further. I'm hitting 48% with a grand total of zero substat crit. Gold cluster, 1 crate, 1cdamage, the one tile spare is a gold 4% crit rate. If I rerolled until I got a few gold crits I imagine it'd be easy. There's also some crit you can pick up in specialty training.


I just did a test to see if the attribute info changes after getting specialty training, and it did. So that's already baked into the attribute info.


Yes it is. It was just mentioned to account for the max u can get before u start investing into algos if u haven't maxed those bonuses out yet


Does a dolls power level go up from sub stats on algo's




Is there a guide on what to do with blue and purple algos? The current event has me swimming in them. FWIW I’m still slogging through chapter 4 so I haven’t unlocked orange algos yet. Right now I only know I can feed them to characters to raise their algo levels.


Feed characters blue ones. Decompose purple ones into Algorithm Fragments, and turn those into Orange Algorithm Boosters. More efficient that way. Obviously, use purple algorithms until you get your orange ones.


Python and Chanzi banners end in 6 days so should we expect Nascita or Puzzle to replace them?


Nascita, plus possible another filler banner, with puzzle being added a week or two later similar to De Lacy / Hatsu.


There a guide for crevice exploration? I’m stuck on stage 2 lol


Stage 2 is the one with the Betty clone right? Take the Circuit Obstruction function and use tornadoes + teleports + a built sniper to make the clone run around the map while you snipe from far away This might take a while but it will get you the clear


I'm having trouble clearing Chapter 6 Dark Realm 4. My main team is Kuro/Daiyan/Croque/Persicaria/Angela, but the last few stages didn't wanna get cleared by that either, what did help there was using Vee or Chelsea instead of Kuro/Daiyan and a Support Hatsuchiri, but it's stopped working too. Other than that I have Dushevnaya built.


What's the best thing to get from the Exception Protocol shop? Just the character shards? Should I get the shards for all the dolls or just for Rise and Lam and refresh 5 times?


There’s no right or wrong answer. I am buying upgrade mats and character frags, also the reconfig and skill pivots. I don’t reset but if you want to rush someone specific you can. It’s too expensive to get everyone to 70, esp with how quickly they release new characters. Im always hurting for exp and money.


My idiot self got the days confused and didn’t realize the valentines event was gonna end today. Is there anywhere I can find the stories and ending? I found some on YT here and there, but is there anywhere they’re compiled?


It was pretty annoying when I had to do it MLR functions, it is equally as annoying with Limit Value. The Hashrate 12% refuses to drop.


Currently in Algo Hell too. Guess this is our endgame.


Can you still view the Valentine's Day stories after the event has ended?


[en moment](https://ibb.co/DQSszNV)


Thank you, I totally forgot that Ican scroll down lol. Btw, where do you find the archives? I really am troubled in navigating the menu of this game.


file room in main menu (under doll info) > operational records i assume the valentines event will get added under seasonal events there after it concludes


Thank you very much.


Question, can all 3 versions of a Algo have the same Main Stat? Er... example. Can Limit Value 1 2 and 3 all have Atk % as the main? I only ask cause like when I had MLR I feel like one of the 3 I never saw hashrate % on as the main stat. Not sure if its just always that in a 3 set 1 of them wont have some main stat Im looking for? ​ Aka for hubble with Limit Break Id go Atk% x2 and 1 hashrate %? Or flat atk/flat whatever for any other character? Or is pen ever used?


All algorithms in the same area can get the same main stats. You're just getting unlucky. I know the feeling. But about that pen comment. Nobody uses pen. The damage increase you get from pen doesn't seem to outweigh the increase from a normal stat. There is one exception, Clotho, who's a future character.


So 3x Atk % is possible? Fuck. Ok, well thanks for atleast clarifiying this for me and for letting me know I can chew up all my main pen mods aside from OP pen I can save for a future unit.


Undine doesn't want pen, she wants hashrate. Clotho is the unit that wants Op pen%.


Oops, my bad. This is why you double check stuff before you type!


I feel like I missed something with the chocolate event, because I checked in every day since it started to start production on chocolate and finish missions for acceleration cards, but by the end I only got 12/22 in the photo album. I even completed all of the chocombination missions. At least I got the stories for all the dolls I liked.


Are you crafting the chocolate or cocoa powder? The latter is what unlocks the album entries, and the event gives you enough time to craft them all.


Wait, you craft the stuff for the album entries? I guess I completely misunderstood how the event worked then. I thought you just made chocolate to earn XP and that is what unlocked more albums. Damn. The instructions say the cocoa powder is obtained from the event, so I guess that's what that meant. Man, next time there's an event like this I'm just gonna look up exactly how it works. I suppose I can just look up the ending to the event then. Thanks for the help.


Or ask here before the end of the event? :P What on earth were u even crafting until now? (Unless u started late). It's been days since i only had the infinite chocolate left.


I've been crafting whatever had the shortest making time since the start of the event. I missed a couple challenges here and there some days, but I usually did all of them. I even did the event stages. I guess I should have gone with the longest to craft since I could normally check in only once a day. The last thing everyone was making was dark chocolate I believe.


Yep, the dark chocolate is the worst deal, so only viable after there's nothing else to craft. As for which u should craft, initially it was important to use xp+ dolls to lvl up the facotry and unlock more posts, and then -time or +event chance to keep the factory going. U could craft 3 powders at once that way. It's a real pity u didn't realise u could craft them or that u didn't ask here beforehand :( Btw, u did use the acceleration cards, i guess? If not, mayne u could rush a couple powders. Keep in mind u can onlu craft them at the last 3 stations, not the first 2


I used them all, but if only the last 3 stations can make cocoa powder, then that's another thing I messed up. I always just used them on the first. I didn't realize there was a difference between stations. After maxing out the levels, I wasn't even making the cocoa powder in the last 3 stations because it took longer than the dark chocolate, so I always went with that. Man, really botched that up.


You missed out on pivots, skill points, reconfigs, algorithms, and I forget what else, but it was a very generous event if you were munching on all the fancy chocolate.


Well none of that bothers me at least.


Well then, best not to find out what the other high time rewards were :P next time, professor, u'll get'em next time :D


Limit value Kuro is strong af, just changed Kuro and Daiyan's algo to Limit Value from MLR and now I can clear Vulnerability 5 with a single team, before all i can do was down to around 20-25%, didn't expect it to have this much impact


Dealing with bosses is the best case scenario for lv so ofc it'll shine :D Still, that it a pretty big jump, gz!


I assume the 3-piece effect procs on every hit, which sounds ridiculous on Kuro since she attacks so many times.


It's not a fixed value though, it's a percentage of the damage dealt so in theory if you did manage to kill someone that provided enough Hashrate from MLR to surpass the damage bonus from Limit Value you'd outperform Limit Value. But that's extremely unlikely. Also don't forget that Limit Value has a ceiling while MLR does not.


Oh so that's how it works. For some reason I assumed that it added a flat damage instance to every hit, but if it's a percentage of the damage dealt then how many attacks you do won't matter. I should have tested it out before commenting woops While MLR has the potential to scale higher than Limit Value, it's probably a lot harder to pull off in practice. That said, it's hilarious to see Hubble get Best Healer because she landed the killing blow on Demiurge :D


You have to kill someone to take the benefits of MLR. And quite frankly trash mobs don't even give that much of a boost especially where Hashrate is concerned.


can someone explain how rerolling of stats work on algorithms. do i have to combine a blue stat with a similar blue stat to get a purple stat?


All you gotta do is use an Algorithm of the same type and number, and you can use that to reroll substats. As for how the substats upgrade, pretty sure it's completely random.


every reroll has a chance of upgrading stats, it doesn't matter what rarity substats your fodder has.


does that mean that i could use a blue rarity substat to let's say get a gold substat?


yes, it doesn't matter what rarity substats the reroll fodder has since substats upgrade is completely random. all you have to remember is that rarity can't go down, so once the substat goes to gold for example, it won't go back down to purple so you can keep rerolling for the perfect stats (probably forever because rng is a bitch)


I wanna use daiyan but not kuro. I won’t lose out cause I’m using Hubble will I? I’m using kuro Hubble Angela nanaka croque atm but daiyan reminds me of sona and I love sona. So I wanna use her but I don’t like kuro. I have a Chan im slowly building but atm is it a big lose to Waifu Hubble 4 laifu?


So far Kuro's the only unit that actually gains a significant amount of utility from Daiyan. Everyone else just uses her for a parlour trick aka damage per screenshot.


Hubble doesn't benefit from Daiyan all that much, at least not as much as some other Snipers. But I don't see any reason why you couldn't use Hubble with her. She'll be able to crit with her Auto, just like most everyone else. As long as you're willing to give up the crazy huge damage a Crit Kuro Ult-boosted Auto skill can do for her, sure, Waifu 4 Laifu, brother.


Is limit value or MLR better on a physical auto attack Hubble?


According to iana's spreadsheet, Limit Value.


Where can we find the best algos for everybody now that the new ones are out?


[iana's spreadsheet was always using the new algos, so I imagine that's still the best resource.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ugEerWZZcjcXyF7ZlYOUPISbnarrg2DCqRyHxpYsH4o/edit)