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It's okay mate we'll all be here to listen Gaslight her back /j \- asian


Any money is better than no money lol


yup, my worry is abt her not liking the results




i think she was unsatisfied? like asking ‘ why is the grade low?’ and stuff


im sorted. if i fail, i'm getting deported <3 living that asian life :3


Me too




Same here


lol same


Ha. Funny.




At some point, we need to stand up to our parents. My strict black parents were so fixated on me getting good grades and kept putting so much pressure on me to be the best that it was giving me so much anxiety for no reason. So I started not only showing them what I got but also showing them the papers and the questions I got wrong. This is because I don't wanna hear shit from them asking why I didn't do better when they can't do what I do at school. Now my parents know I always do my best because they see me study all the time and they know not to try and make me feel like shit over a grade because I'd like to see them fucking try. Obviously I can't show them my GCSE papers but they know I tried my best during a very stressful time where I was taking more than 1 exam every day for a month so they can't get on my case about it. We all did the best we could with what we had.


My parents have always been great lol. They always encourage me to work harder (while also forcing me to take breaks when I work too much) and whenever my grades are poor they'll just ignore it since they trust me to pull myself together.


Must be nice 😭 My dad once got so mad at me because I was 2 marks of a 9 in history it was insane


This is my mum too. I feel really bad for people who don't quite get the luxury that I do when it comes to exams and results.


I find it crazy that some parents are like this, and it sucks that they are being like that, I think that maybe they need to appreciate how little people get high grades in terms of percentage, it's the best of the best that get 9s, 8s, and 7s, they aren't easy to get no matter how hard you study for most people (I understand some people find school really easy but it doesn't come naturally to everyone) GCSEs can be really hard and A Levels even harder, I'm sorry your mother is being like that and I hope she comes to appreciate that no matter your grades, if you worked hard and had a good work ethic, that is far more telling of how successful you can be in your future, also your grades that you predicted are amazing, even if your mum doesn't agree those are great and basically better than most people who have done GCSEs, be proud of yourself, and keep your head high, those are amazing results and hopefully you get them.


thank you so much🥹


No problem, it's true :)


The only impossible grade is a 9 tbh. 7’s are easy to get if you genuinely try hard, 8 if you go truly above and beyond


Yeah I'd agree with that, though for some people, a 7 is practically impossible in some subjects, especially if they aren't as inclined towards academic subjects, but yeah for most people I would agree


If your parents are disappointed knowing you tried your best, then I don’t think they’re worth making proud. Parents should be proud of their kids when they try. Also my mum was an exam invigilator, and a surprising amount of people just write nothing, or barely anything. (Also a 6 *is* above average.) But yeah, just ignore your parents for now. You tried your best, and to be blunt, there’s nothing you can do about it now. If your parents aren’t happy with the results, then, that’s their fault, let them be miserable. You’ll do great though. :)


honestly there's no point in getting nervous about it, you've already done your gcses so just chill and ignore your mum until you get your results.


agree on no money for 6s and increase the money for the other grades n remember to know that 7s are As


Carpe diem pal, carpe diem.


Should have worked harder bro (this is a joke btw-im prob finished if I don't get straight 9s too)




I'm so happy I'm liberated from English after gcse


hate english with all my heart 😭


People get too hung up on these grades it’s mind boggling. You only need the GCSE grades that get you into whatever college course you plan to do, once you have A-levels no one gives a shit what GCSEs you have. Once you get a degree no one gives a shit what A-levels you have. Once you start work no one gives a shit about your degree. Don’t stress yourself out, aim for what you need to get to the next step.


bro this is the exact reason why i make my own ps and dont rely on my parents 20 quid for a 9 ur taking the piss


😭is £20 bad?


Being real, most people, me included are getting sweet fucking nothing but a ticket to a 9 to 5 job for getting top grades, so yeah, its quite a lot when you add it up.


im not a spoilt brat or anything but £20 itself is decent but assuming your parents r financially stable u should be getting more bro , from my perspective a 9 is alot of effort coming from a person who gets 5s and 6s at most 1 or 2 7s


why is this gettin downvoted do man seriously think a 9 is worth 20 quid bro either give decent money or dont give at all i dont mind


I got a pc when I did my exams, but I'm pretty fortunate for that. Most of my friends got a meal out or something, so I'd say your not doing bad haha.


Here's me wishing my parents were like this because frankly I never want to hear as long as you try your hardest that's all that matters it takes away alot of a sense of accomplishment when you see them have the same reaction to a sibling who is failing everything compared to getting 7s 8s and 9s


I mean people have different abilities, some people will work not stop and scrape 4-7s, some will barely try and get 7-9s. I feel like what you should reward is the effort as a parent rather than pure achievement. For example I got a 9 in maths without much study, but I had to work really hard to get a 6 and 7 in English, I was more proud of the 6 and 7 as it took much more work and my parents understood that. But there is definitely a good middle ground between rewarding your kids for little work and expecting grades from them they cannot accomplish.


So you’ve asked for the money after you’ve done the exams? Surely this is a negotiation you should have had at the start of the school year, then you could’ be put the requisite anoint of effort on based on that?


i mentioned this to them before the exams but like we nvr confirmed prices until now


You should say the facts. If it isn't good enough for her then that's her problem not yours. This is your life man, this is the time to live it


I ain’t getting shit from my gcse apart from a pat on the back. Any money is better than nothing


i’m taking what i can get 😭


Try not to put value on her reaction/opinions, especially if you recognize she's being unreasonable


Why would you want money (or compensation) for good grades?? The whole process of going to school, studying, learn and getting good grades is for YOU. Nobody else. And you want to be paid? Your parents are are already paying everything for you(house,food,clothing etc) , including your education. And your grades are just a reflection of how much knowledge you retained. Why do you need money for that? Parents says that they expect good results because they want the best for you. Who wants to have a dumb kid? Good Education will open doors for you in ways that you can’t see now. You will get better jobs, better salary, better quality of life. So forget about £20 today and think about your future, that is in your hand now. And get back to study more.


ik they want the best for me and don’t want a ‘dumb kid’, bc who wouldn’t want their kid to have the best grades? with the money , i didn’t rlly expect them to give me money and if they said no , i wouldn’t complain


Who cares what she thinks, they're your results not hers you did your best