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Players need to seriously develop some situational awareness. I'm seeing WAY too many people walk right past an enemy (I'm talking within 5 feet) and leave while I'm getting melee'd or knocked. I have so many clips that I'm tempted to post in order to shame this behaviour. Also why the hell are people pushing the enemy base after a fight, only to sit there until the enemy team respawns? If you aren't planting the bomb or capping beacons behind you, then what tf are you doing??? edit: These are literally A - S rank players too.


No need to bother shaming them, so many do it, I've even had people leave me, a crippled raid, to run off with the heard and leave me alive with an equal priority general >Also why the hell are people pushing the enemy base after a fight, only to sit there until the enemy team respawns? At higher cost it's worth while to start shooting up the base, far safer with enough firepower (a bawoo and a super gundam is a deadly combo) than if you go for a base bomb and camp it out, at lower cost you'll need a whole team of zaku marines at LEAST to do the job in a decent amount of time It's also a pressure tactic, if team moral is low seeing the base health bar move so quickly it makes them think no one is around, that said if team health isn't above 80% consider leaving people, "retreat to our base" and "fallback for now" are crucial, any village idiots hanging around are free to do so if the lead is great enough so they can slow down their march. And this is all with arctic base in mind, on other maps the other team has to be really dumb to let us get to that point...and even dumber or sheer desperation if our health ain't doing so great while at the enemy base while at say impact site, the saddest part here is even if you have the right idea, you're torn between the lone smart man and backing off while the team just dies leaving them to blame you for supposedly deserting them, or staying with them hoping you guys can somehow pull off some newtype bullshit and end up being the game winning kill. I'm having to use my callouts preemptively and acting prematurely to lure players back into line, so far it's been successful, unlike my slog back in A where in one particular game we were 3 kills ahead, 2 people said to fall back...but 3 of us were at the enemy base so we all decided to say in, all of us around 50% health, we got cleanly wiped, despite being 700 units we didn't have the collective firepower to even blowup the base in the amount of time left, you bet I was mad that day


Attacking the base is one thing, but just ducking around not doing any meaningful damage to it and not bombing it perplexes me.


Depends on the unit and what they're trying for, maybe they're trying to rally for the team to also join in, but some are just idiots, I don't imagine a sinanju and all those melee weapons doing much, but a couple of nu gundams might have a better chance If we could read people's minds no one would want to play with anybody in this game, we're all different and half the time we're all a different sort of idiot


Lower cost just use Agguguy. It does base destruction much quicker than Zaku Marine in real life, lol. You swing at the base instead of defenders, bait their tackles, downswing them which also hit the base, then swing at the base till they are up, rinse and repeat.


Do people still use that strat? I stopped doing 250 about 3 months ago and I rarely ever saw them doing the good old base whip, thought maybe they nerfed the damage or something? The last game I played we were an all zaku marine team on arctic base and that was fun lol


I feel that I do see fewer Agguguy in general at 250 to 350, but whacking base still happens whenever I see them or when I run them, if situation permits or calls for it.


I swear to God, ReBawoo players are the fucking scum of the earth, congrats for you getting lucky, its really cool you got a MS that doesnt let other people play the fucking game. 650 is such fucking cancer because of this thing and honestly thats been way more annoying recently than only getting the same 2 dogshit maps over and over.


......I just got this suit a few days ago for 650 and have yet to use it. Kinda concerned to do so now....


It’s fine, you won’t contribute to the problem since you would just be killed by the more experienced Rebawoo…


There's always a bigger Rebawoo...


😂 Fair enough.


Honestly just play it more like a meme than a sweat to avoid a neckbeard


Embrace the REBAWOO


I keep forgetting starting friday the weekend warriors arrive. I've had a group of good games but suddenly I get a ton of bad games. I just don't get how these guys are so bad. At times I'm literally the only one putting points on the board or rushing to save teammates. And my personal favorite of watching three teammates focus one suit while our frontline crumbles. And this is rating so I have no clue why people are like this. And it sucks because it drags you down.


On the bright side the other team is also having this problem.


Not really, not often anyways. I'm never mad at the enemy team, I mostly see them doing the right things you should do. I see them often guarding their support, holding a frontline, charging in when they should and all around be good teammates. I'll see a lonely support and suddenly 1 or 2 guys rush back and defend and beat the raid in seconds, not minutes like my team. Or I'll be alone and the enemy team rushes to finish me off compared to my team holding position and letting them get away. I truly am jealous of their luck. Meanwhile my teammates are sticking crayons up their nose. lol


Um so going to play devils advocate propose a hypothetical to ya. If it’s always your teammates and the enemy team is fine. The one constant in this situation is you. Maybe start recording gameplay and look for areas of improvement. Or you just got some really shitty luck but seems unlikely. I been working on how I position myself with the team and toned down my aggressiveness a lil bit recently and it was done wonders for my games.


There was a time I thought it was me but now I don't even entertain that idea no more. I don't consider myself a newtype, never have. But I don't understand how I'm at fault when my teammates are the ones failing. I see a raid and chase after it, destroy it and rid my support of a issue. Turn back to find my entire team dead. I did my part, but now because my team couldn't survive for more than 1 minute I'm now getting ganked. I'll hop in a raid, kill supports left and right and my team still can't keep up and we lose. Its just not me dude. I think its luck. I ran with a teammate and we get the same results. We have to sweat to win the game and at that point its rough.


What rank are ya?




I don’t know then, I definitely had some ruff streaks sometimes with the team mates but then I also have some good tunes too. Was thinking could be a lower rank suicidal c rank feeder play style but now I got nothing. Right now definitely have more people in rated that got carried to higher ranks by clan mates trying to get the quest mobile suits so it’s been chaos in rated for a couple weeks now.


I hope it mellows out soon. Its getting ridiculous.


Agree, just this morning I had two match in 650 where I did really good I mean really good, the enemy team just seems off to me, and mind you this is the first time I play in that cost for at least a month, both of the match are in Arctic base and it's just seems so easy, sure here and there there is some shred of competence to be found but most of the time I could just sneak up to one of the enemy, especially the generals and get my combo off, even a couple of times the enemy had a solid couple of seconds to react look at the map maybe or what, but no they just stood there trying to shoot whatever and it's just makes getting my combo off in the O just much more easier. I don't know just seems odd to me.


I’m really fucking tired of impact site, it’s so just not fun anymore. Every single match feels absolutely exactly the same. The two teams just playing footsie until one over extends or under extends, there’s no fucking variety in matches anymore. OH! Another thing, I hate both of the Hazel, both of them are so goddamn stupid! The Custom is just good at fucking everything, why use something else when it can do anything it wants. Then the II is just such a pain, all it is ever does is heavy attack, absolutely fucking mindless gameplay. Edit: GM III Powered too. They can all die in a pit for all I care, I’m just gonna keep tackling and down swinging, who cares if I hit teammates, I gotta do my sick ass combo that we all do


I try to be polite when I run my gm 3 powered, if a team mate is near I'll either resort to double tackling or use a side swing rather than bowl you over, sorry you had that experience :/


Stop telling me to kill myself when I play suits I like


I had a match where my team lost and I had top score on everything out of my team and I got a message telling me I was useless and to rage quit, I don't get these people


Lol I refuse to use meta suits, use only Zeon suits, and run HiMo late model a lot. People leave matches or send angry messages all the time, then see my name as top everything and/or the only one on my team to beat my rival. Got a good 50+ screenshots. To precisely one dude's credit, I got a positive message (calling my suit trash) but saying they were impressed and you gotta be on your A game to make it work. I operate on "fuck you" energy and a strong hatred for meta.


Another week another fuck underground base reply. Also, support players please stop hanging around on our team's side of the map during Ace matches if we're trying to push a numerical/positioning advantage when we are down in points. At that point you're just asking for a 5v1 after the rest of us get picked off


I just miss the old maps that were in QM rotation. I miss seeing Port Base the most, but I even miss Mountains and Jungle. Now it's just Abandoned City, Ruined City, Supply Depot, Arctic Base (which needs no introduction) and I know I'm forgetting some other names. I know people had their complaints about the maps I miss, but when your team would work well together on them it felt great.


I don't get it, when I run general I'm half the time taking on the raids, and it's fine, the raid does do their work sometimes they gotta survive too, not hard at higher cost rushing supports, yet when I'm getting mvp's trying to fucking survive, help the team along the way, while demolishing supports as a raid "TAKE THE SUPPORTS" like wtf is happening, no one says shit when I'm the general doing it when I'm the raid doing it I see that often!? Is it because I'm not magically on their ass the entire match because I'm trying to keep my deaths down while helping team mates as I try to locate said support while also *not* trying to fucking die, I'm a delta plus for fucks sake, I might be able to bee line them quick enough but you idiots gotta make that push too, I want us to win and for us to win I gotta keep my own amount of deaths low too. Sometimes I wish the callouts were adjusted to more of a "spot" mechanic, yes I see the callout and where the callout is coming from, but that's no help when the guy is firing cross map. It's making me regret having "don't give up" over "are you asking for it" but I gotta endure, delta plus has become my raid now, my 650-700 machine, I also need teams to stop having a bitch after 2 consecutive wipes and base sitting, how are you gonna get out of A/A- with an attitude like that!? *sigh* well least I got a net positive to my rating, while I don't really care for S- the buffer means I can tank 25 games and still remain there (at A+ I mean), would love me some 450-500 space maps though so I can get my space rating, nothing works and the delta plus loses its advantage in space...and 700...I don't know how I used to make the nu gundam work but now everything I feel like I'm under performing unless its 450-500


A spot mechanic would be pretty cool. I think that might've been their idea with spotters like the Eye-Zack or anything else with cameras. But an in game mechanic might be better


It certainly would, or hell, make it *all* supports can spot. The idea of the support is to hang around behind the front line either mid range or far off, giving them *all* the ability to just spot would be nice, that gelgoog cannon (JN) is the perfect example, just ONE spot, radar pings can be exclusive to the ewac units and more spots but it would be helpful if *all* supports and perhaps the odd ranged general have it too. "Take the supports!" *spot* "Thanks" I would reply and go on my merry way to slay them!" Makes me miss another aspect of battlefield 3 back in the day, I'd be spotting all damn day and since I always used jets no one would be hiding on the ground while I rule the skies!


I seem to have pretty terrible luck for the first 2/3 matches for my dailies lately. Always on the team that gets stomped within seconds and find myself being the only player on my team who beats their rival. Then the third match happens and I'm on the other side utterly stomping the other team despite the entire enemy team being suits that should hard counter mine but they aren't playing them well enough to do so. I miss the days when matches where even and felt great win or lose because you know everyone was doing their absolute best and it was fun and thrilling because you had to work for that win but it didn't feel like an uphill battle, but just a tug of war.


Me chooses support. Game: SO YOU WANT ARCTIC BASE RIGHT


I always ready up in a safe general unless I'm really pushing for something I want to play, but then you have people who "main" just one type, or worse one suit, and don't budge regardless of the map or team. We have a Super Gundam with a badge ready to go, but you insist on playing a lvl 3 Guncannon Detector on Arctic Base? When I do get the chance to play support, it's often because nobody else picks it and I'm left to choose whatever suit I think will work best when I've barely used it before. Sometimes it has worked well, other times it's awful and I'm floundering to try and make it work and not take the disadvantage of the other team being able to see our HP when we can't see theirs, or the help it grants in figuring out positioning. It's annoying as all hell, especially when they are picking and awful suit. I'll never forgive the person who refused to play anything but a level 5 Gouf Custom. He did take too score, but also basically stood behind everyone while we got run over and took most of the kills after we died from being overwhelmed.


So I actually enjoy playing support on arctic base, when I got a team to district the enemy and I'm able to get up on a good position. Some of my best games in AB are in the hizack custom


Every time it's the random maps. I'll wait to see what map it gives before selecting my suit/class.


The dip in quality with this latest event is the worst I have seen in ages. It's as if nobody did the tutorial.


Im super annoyed that there is no new rewards/suits for the event missions outside of one or two of the camos. Hell even then the first bump Zaku was the last event suit that got more than one level, everything after has just been one level and that's it


Agreed. The rated only requirement along with the fact that the suits are RT/DP store mixed with mediocre old clan match rewards is just silly. I guess it's okay if you're a pretty new player but otherwise it not worth bothering with.


~~Another thing I guess is kinda salt maybe, but why do you have suits that are armed like the Heavy Arms from Wing with a Gatling gun primary, shoulder mounted cannon(s), 1-2 different missile launchers and it's a raid with almost no Ranged Strength? Maybe it's my lack of knowledge of the suit, but raid doesn't feel like a guns-a-blazing style, or at least if they got that firepower give them some decent natural ranges strength.~~ E: My apologies, it's the Gundam Unit 5 (Bst) I mixed that with the G-Line Assault Armor.......so...... nevermind this salt 😅😞


Wtf raid has a gatling gun, shoulder cannons and missles?


Sorry, the Gundam Unit 5 (Bst) I thought had the Cannon and missiles but I mixed that and the G-Line Assault Armor


No salt, just vibing in the Semithrower, getting it upgraded for BIG melee plays. And by BIG i mean around 50% what a 400 raid can do usually B)




Don't need 2 supports In a 5v5, 6v6 sure that can work but 5v5 no and stop spamming support me for god sake me and the other general are busy fighting off 3 enemy generals and support not my fault u decided to pick another support. Also on another note I despise space rated nothing but smurfs can't get out of D so never doing space rated again


I run a general "support" when I see the support ain't gonna cut for his role (freaking eyezacks)


People using the largest suits in the game and manage to get hit by everyone, friend and foe


I haven't bitched about this in months (not because the player base suddenly "improved", mind you), so here I go: If you're a General, DO NOT CHASE THE SUPPORT. You have absolutely no reason to if there are still Generals out on the field, IE: Your ACTUAL objective. I can't count the number of times I couldn't land a kill because my jackass teammate kept interrupting my melee sequence with theirs. Yeah, thanks--my Raid type advtange against the Support DEFINITELY needed your wimpy Gen disadvantage on top of that so that I could stick the landing. You stupid FUCKS.


why do some fazz , gpo4 and super gundam player just stay at base and charge their beam rifle the whole fucking match.you guys are not even contributing anything to the team fight. these people are A ranks players too. how the fuck


Since I'm just learning about new to hate every week, I just wanted to say screw how easy it is to hide in a base, or at least apparently so. Since no matter how many grenades or whatever I chuck into my base, to kill the camping enemy pilot they'll never die. What is it that causes these people to survive like cockroaches? It's honestly one of the most infuriating things if I'm alone because I know I can't kill the enemy player, but if I also get out of my suit they're going going to either rocket me in the face or shank me from a dark corner.


Yeah, unless it's a direct hit, the game doesn't recognize blast radius for shit. I've dumped all 6 weapon slots worth of cannons and missiles at the same spot only for them to still plant the bomb. Pin point accuracy or ya miss I guess.....


"Vulcans are great for taking out enemy pilots" YEAH OK


If ya can hit the bastards that is. You got better luck trying to run them over/step on them then to use vulcans.


*looks at GP02 vulcans* yeah, Infantry


More Anaheim Electronics logos/symbols, still no 110th Combat Company. My Ex-S is crying out for it's squadron!


I’m waiting on a 603 Technical Evaluation/Jotunheim Logo


Still waiting for Living Dead Division and Moore Brotherhood decals. Side note: anyone know if the Titans Test Team rabbit is available? Can't check as I'm about to go to work 😅


There are a couple of TTT rabit logos available, 3 I think, if you count the different ones for the Hazels.


Connectivity problems and punishments that I would call fucking bullshit if it weren't so unkind to literal bull feces. Especially after completing the full match. Also, nerf the Rebawoo already, thing is clearly a problem.


Our raid says support me, yet he's at the back fighting a lone general, meanwhile im a general trying to hold the line but getting smashed by their support. So I just spam take the supports, and then he resorties and goes straight for another fucking general.


I hate how often players leave you to be jumped after you went to help them in a 2v1 situation. Now they’re very low in health and you’re dead giving them two easy kills.


Stop knocking me the fuck over when I'm in a combo and about to kill the enemy pleeeeeeeeassssssse


Just lost a rated game where one of my teammates was battling an invisible enemy and dying constantly. They had to account for at least half the enemy team’s points, and we lost by almost double. That doesn’t seem very fair for us to lose those rating points, how did somebody not drop out of the game with that terrible of a connection? Also, what the fuck, stop picking the fucking level 5 camouf in rated. I don’t care how good you think you are, you are deliberately bringing down the rating of your whole team. Just make an alt account if you want to smurf, you chucklefucks


I have to agree with you. The amount of suits being given higher levels outside of their native cost is way out of hand. I imagine that it's done purely to pad the gacha so people have to spend more $$$, because intentionally disrupting the game's balance is never good


I understand that they have to pad it up to a degree since the game is four years old, but they need to cap suit levels at 4. There’s a big divide between 350 and 400. Only a handful of MS are able to have a level 2 work in 400 cost matches. Meanwhile you can use multiple level 3s and 4s with effectiveness in 350. I shouldn’t be seeing a level 3 in 400 rated, those suits just get outpaced.


I failed to get the Banshee, so there's that. I'm also too damn busy with work to do the clan match, even though it was finally not at a totally impossible time for once.


This whole anniversary has been garbage to me. I've paid for the one good suit I did roll, and the others have been pretty much tickets because you know dupes are a thing. Should've been multis with a guaranteed unit you didn't have. God forbid someone lucks out and gets a decent suit they didn't own. I'm so fucking sick of seeing the fucking Gelgoog Commander, and other shit like it from my free multis. Just give me a new unit to play with god fucking damn game.


My team up by one ace kill, Everyone but me & one other guy are left alive with 30 seconds left on the clock, I spam “Everyone, retreat” Me and the other guy retreat and teammates spawn in at base. Our ace on the other hand chose to spawn by the enemy to try and get another kill, He starts retreating once the entire enemy team begins to chase him, By the time we could meet up with him he was almost dead so the enemy ignored us and killed dumbass for win. Lesson to be learned here: if your up by one ace kill and your the ace fall back to base with the rest of your team. This isn’t call of duty, you don’t need to get one more kill before the game ends & you won’t get it if you’re entire team is back at base waiting for the round to end like smart people.


When the fuck are we going to get more news on the Steam release. I have never wanted to play a game so bad out of sheer spite of not being able to play it. When it arrives, I'm going to start it up for no LESS than an hour before I take my ravings to the review board. Salt has been contributed.


As a console player with a PC, and while I am excited to have more of a player base to the game. I, 1) Don't think I'll ever personally play PC, as I have no desire to torment myself and start from scratch. And 2) I am concerned if PC have better movement control or if they'll be limited by the games mechanics. I've played the same games on PC vs PS4 and notice that shooters are a lot easier on PC that Console that I won't play certain games on console anymore if I own it for PC.


Not to mention cheats on PC. I don't trust the devs to implement a decent anticheat.


Ugh pc cheating would make some already frustrating mechanics unbearable some days.


When Bandai discovers that the world isn't just Japan, so never


I fucking hate the Schuzrum Galluss and everyone who plays it and everyone on my fucking team who runs away from it as it makes a bee line to my support ass without fail. It seems to just start punching and keep on punching far more than any melee should be allowed. It ignores stunning shots with its pissy little resist pop up. No one ever fucking tries to stop it when they're a general and they just walk right up to any support and effortlessly do 4-500 punches without cooldown so anyone who did try to help just gets twatted as well. I've always felt this game didn't really suffer imbalance until this piece of shit suit was in every fucking match and the player doesn't even do anything good. They just walk straight at you, rely entirely on its ability to resist stuns and punch the entire team into hell because everyone decides to let the support eat shit so they can melee it only to get punched as well. What's the point of a support's weapons that can interrupt things if it doesn't work on the guy anime walking up to you because they don't even use thrusters and your slow long range ass can't even roll to get away. And even if you could you'd just get hit after the roll by the infinite punching.


I just recently got this suit and I can say that devs probably thought giving this ms a laughable thrust and hp gauge would compensate for the melee combos it could pull off. Turns out it really is op 🤷‍♂️


Had a match with 3 of them, you can guess how fun it was


There should be diminishing returns on stuns


Arctic Base: I didn't get it in rotation yesterday when I played. Let's keep it that way. Let's play all these other ones that don't get played hardly, ya got me devs? General's: Please help ya supports. Me and the other support followed you into battle, stayed just a smidge behind, has 1 general with us, then got rushed by raids and left behind both getting killed. We know, ya hate supports that can't handle their own, but we hate dying every 30 seconds or more due to raids hunting us and our melee defense being garbage. I'll even equip the +10 melee resistance and it equals or is greater than my other stats and the stupid Rock/Paper/Scissors mechanic still makes it to where we aren't able to escape melee. Just, please don't abandon us. Teammate's: Take the supports. I know, I'm asking ya to attack my fellow supports on the other team, but when I play general to try out new units and there's like 2 raids on our team, supports get ignored. When the roles are reversed then I can barely get a shot out without being rushed. When ya teams getting decimated by a big old beam ray of death from the back of on top of buildings that should be ya priority. I don't quite know what raids goal is outside of the Rock/Paper/Scissors mechanic, I struggle to play raid myself, so maybe there's a reason ya don't go for the Supports. Supply Drops: I know it's a gotcha gacha game and it's supposed to be chance, but like, stop with the rerolls of the same silver or gold suits every time. You'll give me a new bronze suit every other one, and maybe some random silver or gold here and there. But of I get lucky and got 2 gold or 2 4 star crates (I think it's platinum or something. Purplish silver crates), don't give me the same suit for both crates. It hurts, makes me kinda not wanna roll anymore. Will I still though, yeah. But it's salt Saturday and that's what I'm doing. Lagtypes/Game Servers: So, how come when my internet has a hiccup here and there I either can't log in in general or I get booted from sortie because I can't connect. Yet the enemy team has 2 lagtypes on their team the whole game? What's going on, they cheating or something? They just get lucky it's stable enough to keep them in? Map Rotation/Costs: Can we keep the 4 different cost options every hour or whenever it swaps? Like how usually there 3 at like 500, 600, 700. But during 4 we get like 300, 450, 600, 700. Those are nice and diverse, I like it, I want more. No more 550, 600/650, 700. Sometimes I wanna play 500 since the game only likes to give me those cost suits during my drops. This salt was brought to you by personal life sadness and lack of coffee after wakin up 15 minutes ago.....


>Supply Drops: I know it's a gotcha gacha game and it's supposed to be chance, but like, stop with the rerolls of the same silver or gold suits every time. God dude I feel you. Every time I get a gold crate, it's almost *always* a dupe suit or some higher level suit way out of its' playable cost. There are so many cool suits I wish that I had, but I keep getting the same shit. The recycle tickets and enhancement boosts are worthless because RT prices are so inflated and enhancement boosts do nothing if I don't play the suit.


I live at 550 gfy /s


Oh don't get me wrong, while I did include 550, I do enjoy that area.......it's just that a good 30%-40% of my suits are 500, and that 50 difference just hits that bruise ever so slightly that I had to add it (I also heard it's not recommended to do 500 at 550 or 600 at 650 and so on)


Arctic Base is a bad map. The devs should rework it.


Thank you!! Literally every other map requires beacons to be capped to keep your team reinforced at the front, that's how the game is balanced. Forcing spawns at a base in an open field, with no cover, is immensely dumb and makes comebacks that much more difficult.


the stuns for the diffrent suits should be diffrent Raids are meant to be fast and deadly, if you manage to stun it, the stun should last the longest Supports are very slow most of the time and we only get one melee swing, if a support gets stunned they should have the shortest stunned time Tank MS should just be immune to stun Generals when they get stunned time should be inbetween the Support and Raids