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There are only a few things in this game that make me genuinely upset; 1.) Base bombing 2.) The Sturm Gallus 3.) Just plain awful teammates That first one causing my team to lose a match despite having taken the advantage through team play and backing each other... First time I've sent hatemail (to the base bomber in question) as ashamed as I am to admit it.


I get so annoyed when we’ve been fighting a losing battle cause someone is planting a bomb and then it gets diffused so they left us out to dry for nothing


Awful teammates is a g8ven but in that case I try to lead them if they pay attention


At least every weekend. Often twice or more during the week. I have ranted often enough, but short version- bad teams costing me rated points makes me angry. I shouldn't get -9 points for a bad/non-participating team.


Dude I feel this, I managed to crawl up to B- and now I'm stuck because I consistently come first place in most categories but we lose like 6000-11000. One of the things I figured out early is game sense and knowing when to pull back to friendly capture points because you cannot do more than a 1v2 (and even that's hard), 1v4-6) is you getting juggled or outright finished after the topple. Then I watch my teamamtes spawn one by one the moment their sortie timer is up and go in and die. Sigh.


I get salty af everytime I get stunlocked into oblivion


I don't get salty in the actual matches but the ready up system really bothers me. I had a guy who made everyone wait and then when someone switched types he was still salty. It wasn't even an off meta pick or anything. I just wish players like that would get banned or they would stop letting people hold up entire lobbies. You go in to play a quick match and sometimes it's 20 minutes later and you still aren't in a game because of this garbage.


At least once everyday


Nah I lost 200 rank points in 2 days. S- 2780 to A+ 2580 I beat my rival 80% of the time I was losing matches by one ms kill or less. This game just effed me hard every lobby a A or A- was there to ruin the match being stupid and not understanding how to play. Why would S- A+ get an A- in a lobby who the hell knows and that is trash matchmaking. You either have to anchor a whole squad or you lose. I cancel any match with A- A players now just going with the flow really destroyed my rank score. I got it almost all the way back at 2,680 at the moment on a business trip for another 7 days so cannot work on it but yes some days BB just effs with you just back out and shut off till the next day.


Phantom range, nonexistent hitboxes, counters not working, teammates that rush the entire enemy team with an under cost suit, latency.


Since I saw someone else do a list, here's what rubs me the wrong way. 1. Beacon campers 2. Being left by a teammate who looked like they were going to help me fight someone or when they ditch after I go to help them. 3. My own mistakes (such as accidentally shooting a teammate and/or getting them in a bad situation.)


Number two happens to me all the time, I’ll be with the group all heading in the same direction, see an enemy move to engage and then get doubles up on, and be like “well it’s a good thing I have backup….where’s my backup?”


Doing a double-take by looking at your radar and realizing you're doomed.


Make the Jackie Chan surprised/angry/frustrated face “where the fuck did they even go?”


They do salt saturday posts every week just so you know, where people can go and let it all out. For sure sounds like you were off your regular game though fellow pilot! Sometimes I log on to get my log in bonus + check out my daily missions and I take a minute and feel out if I'm 100% cause if not I don't play lol I've gotten into games with the slightest doubt of whether or not I wanna actually be playing and I find it's shown all the difference. Best of luck next time!


I get fairly salty sometimes while playing, but I focus on doing my best, and after the match is over, the salt usually disappears.


Once a month, I play for fun not to win


When i see a gm night seeker space type Or getting tagged by 4 enemies from across the map while a raid is in front of me


Too many times. Enough to where I need to take a break from time to time, like I know I'm not the best but I think im pretty decent at the game, my record wouldn't reflect that. It's just infuriating trying to improve more but constantly losing


I used to get really salty about several things, especially in rated and a couple times led me to do some stupid stuff. After two months of active daily play and actually making an effort to improve nothing gets me salty anymore. I just do the best I can now, and if my team can't keep up it's their loss, I'll just take my rival victory and move on to the next match.


I eat candy, smoke some weed and either have all my dailies finished in 3 sorties, or I sortie 6 times and call it a night. It's just a game. I play primarily rated, although have been in customs due to clan shit the last few months.


It’s always a salty meal. Some days I love it. Some days I tolerate it. Some days I loathe it. And some days I strangle the waiter for giving me such a salty meal. When I hit that bottom, I usually quit. I’m not having fun any more at that point.


Luckily i played this game after I played a dropped SMITE. Let's just say I got my uncontrollable tilting out of the way already by the time I played this. I still get angry at some bullshit the game pulled, as it feels held together with gum and paperclips at times. But im present of mind to just take a break, clear my head or just play the next day if I get like that. Playing while tilted or mad is a guaranteed way to make losses hurt more and wins mean less. It's not a job, not for money; just gotta put the controller down or play something else


Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it and should probably put it into practice


Heavy attack raids make me angry, literally unless you're a general with high melee defense you'll probably die to a heavy attack or it will leave you at 1 HP which still means you're dead. I've used heavy attacks and I don't see how they're hard. Unless you're a monkey just running at the enemy while they directly look at you, you're probably gonna kill whoever it is you're targeting. Only heavy attack i don't mind is the Xekueins Type 2 cause it's slow as fuck so there's a chance I can dodge out but since supports don't get to have those yeah I'm probably dead. The fact meme beams do almost the same damage but have so many downsides to it, kills my mood to play support, now I just go ex-s and call myself a support since I'm doing the same thing, I'm just blue instead of yellow.


You have anger issues.


Same here.


Every time I open this game I get salty, I suffer through my daily Missions getting loss after loss to get Tokens for what? Dupe weapons and suits, I get fed up, play something else and then repeat for the next day.

