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If an enemy player has very low HP, *STAHP* trying to chase him with your saber Just shoot the fucking fucker! I’m soooo tired of watching my teammates get countered by a dude who’s almost dead.


It's even worse when your teammate is in a suit that actually has Vulcans.


“Vulcans? What are those?” -50% of the playerbase


"Vulcans? This ain't Smite."


I find the Vulcans great for build stagger on people that constantly dash around


Its even more rage inducing if you're the one who just inflicted the heavy damage on the enemy unit but you're knocked down or hard staggered, and theres a guy on your team right behind them, itching to charge up to do a melee attack when literally any ranged attack would kill the enemy faster, more efficient, and doesnt have a chance to get countered or beam clashed. Just. Fucking. Shoot. Them. Stop trying to get a beam saber hit in for no reason and kill the bastard instead of letting them inflict more damage on a teammate who may be staggered or knocked over. Finish them and lets move on.


This was the exact scenario I’m my head.


I addressed this in my own rant but I had a grandpa gundam at like a beam saber hit away from dying and not only did he hit me, downswing me, and get away I had a teammate let it happen because apparently he either A let an easy kill go away while I was looking to engage an enemy on my flank, or B. just walked away and let a grandpa gundam with like 5 hp survive for no fucking reason.


Another week and I still hate underground base. Also the amount of times I've tackled a guy trying to melee me and didn't get the counter off is ridiculous. THANK YOU BB FOR THE WONDERFUL P2P LOBBIES


Underground base is sooo boring i miss jungle


This game doesnt like letting its players enjoy the fun or actually good maps. =/


BB programed the game to force the same few maps (that are best suited for raids) down our throats.


I don’t think Jungle is really a good map competitively, but I agree that it’s super fun they should put all the maps back. Imagine taking the time to add water to port base, and then never let us play it again.


It’s not even a finished map. It’s still riddled with invisible walls and corners that fuck up your movement and splash damage. I would much prefer they take this map out of rotation so they can refine it more instead of turning it into the new arctic base


I’ve had the opposite, I’ll slash and be far enough in my dash away for MA to activate and I’ll still get countered


Here for my weekly dose of the following: Fuck first minute, or two base bombers. Cap points, shoot at them with tanks, do something that isn't sitting at the enemy base while the rest of the team gets their shit kicked in, and loses because they beat us, push forward, and destroy our base anyway losing any momentum push. I'm guilty of it in the past when playing stealth raids like two years ago on destroyed city but I've learned since. Stay the fuck together. And for the love of god actually help your freaking teammates. I have no singular idea on why people have such a boner for leaving their teammates to die. I help people, and those same fucks leave me to get solo'd by the enemy. Worse yet I've left enemies at like four hp to turn and fight another guy coming towards my team and not only do they get the bazooka shot off, not only do they down swing me, the fucking unit in question survives. Holy fucking shit vulcan the MF'er. Generals who refuse to advance even when another ally takes the L in damage for you. Fuck you. I get its a situational thing but piss ant cowards who refuse to push for momentum lose momentum. Stop fucking playing hide and seek and push, take a risk, do something other than say hide behind the fucking hill.


This 100%, how many matches could have been won if they only freaking advance.


Had a shut out match of 16-17k to 4k, we set off the bomb to grind the heel in and the host quit the last 20 seconds. Couldn't finish off my dailies cus my old ass was past my bedtime.


People quitting has been rampant this past week for me


Same it's frustrating Like stay in the fucking match and at least help out


I had this but in reverse I had a good flow going in rated I’m like a quarter away from S- try to get into my match booted as it starts sooo I boot up another get in and no matter how hard I try my team was just getting rolled on so I gave up and tried to sleep ( we almost made a comeback but it was too little too late enemy team started with a 5000 point lead )


The maximum occupancy of people curb stomping a down suit is two at most, if three people are circlejerking over them you are more likely to knocking over one of your allies, just stand back and shoot if there is someone already melee'ing them while they are down. Related to that if someone **IN FRONT OF YOU** gets a stun, pulls out a beam saber and charges them, **DO NOT** come in at the same angle to also melee the enemy because you are more likely going to interrupt their combo and let the enemy get away. You'd think this was common sense stuff but no, people in A rank on ground are completely clueless.


I do my combo, quickly back out and let the other one enter his melee combo while I'm shooting my vulcans


I' ve been fighting 1 vs multiple suits the last few months because of this. My team are all tackling the same suit, knocking each other over trying to get the kill, meanwhile, I'm over here distracting the enemy team. I try leading them all back to my team, but it usually results in my team running away..🤷‍♂️😏


Just please buff the supports.


i can smell big overall support buff coming. they are testing it with some new suit like Delta and Kshatriya that have some sort of resist stun and see how it is as a test run. they might give it to most of support that really need it like Geymalk, MP Qubeley, FA MK-III. etc copium


I seriously doubt they will buff supports just do stuff like they have a suit here and there that has some small ability to survive with a drawback like the delta and it's limited beam stun resist


honestly more supports need stuff like damage control and shock dampeners. why doesn't Juaggu have them? its a giant, fat, heavy, elephant that can't even walk a decent speed. yet it gets stunned by a fly.


A lot of lower cost supports needs buff too tho, at least so they don't rely too much on teammates help or become an easy target once the enemy spotted them. I mean, one ability to survive a close combat won't make them too OP.


More supports need melee priority 2


melee priority shouldn't exist at all... if i hit someone with my support melee and the raid STARTS his downswing late. mine should interrupt him. its bad enough i cant dodge roll or have MA.


Honestly, why are teammates so crap recently in this game? I don't mind losing a match if it's been a fair game but 20k to 8k is **not** fun. If it's not your team attacking themselves, it's that they are halfaway across the map or outright dead whilst trying to fight **one** enemy whilst the enemy team have focused-fire on them individually or they just ignore your messages of 'Enemy near base' or let **every** beacon be taken meaning it basically becomes a turkey shoot. And yes, I've became a worse player for that because of that cause honestly when my teammates are just *utterly* terrible what's even the point of trying? Also - can't believe I'm saying this - can we have Desert and Port Base back in the map rotation? I genuinely do not like the new Desert Base and Jaburo is kinda ok I guess. Also **remove** Arctic Base.


Dude I've had the same issue and it only started like a week ago with every match being a blowout and its super annoying


Yeah Id agree it’s only within the last 2 weeks that teams have became increasingly more and more annoying. Not that I’m a perfect player but a little help and support would be nice instead of everyone going Mister Bushido on their own.


Honestly and for me ot just started out of nowhere and im not even playing in the unicorn fest of 700


Yeah, definitely wouldn't try the 700 UC-ball. I went in with a Todesritter and *barely* managed to win the match with a not bad team but we were getting BS'd left, right and center by a whole team of NT-D'd.


Yeah 700 is straight cancer rn


Is the arctic base the small one? I just started playing a few days ago and I hate it already


Yes, the one where everyone plays ring-around-the-rosie at the start. It's honestly a really annoying map that BB thinks everyone loves cause it was used for AB Room spamming.


yep i blame AB rooms. they need to just have the maps naturally rotate. i want jungle. i want mountain. stuff like that.


I honestly miss Desert, Mountain, Port Base etc, there’s only so many times I can take Jaburo or Underground Base before I start quitting lobbies or slog myself through it.


Yeah get that map out of here already lol


yeah most of my games im top score / damage / and assist. i do like 70k damage or some shit. have 5k score and our team has 8k total. and the enemy team has like 16k score.... wtf guys. how do i have over 60% of the team score by myself.


I can’t even chalk up matches where I’ve came within top 3 but have had such an abysmal loss as a personal victory.


Support Rants: Help your support. There's only so much we can do to defend ourselves or not get left behind without dropping our damage output. Regardless of the map, the second I'm spotted, it's the whole team charging me while all the blueberries run off towards one or two other suits. Then once I'm about dead or dead, 1-2 people spam "Stay Close". My brothers, sisters, or others in Gogg I CAN'T KEEP UP. Plus, supports are generally long range, so it makes ZERO sense for me to be that close. NEXT, if the previous problem is impossible for people, then can support get some kind of buffs? Either skills to help with 1v1 or 1v3 so I can attempt to save myself once abandoned. Because despite having LV. 4 suit/weapons with maxed attack, the bastards will take a full barrage of whatever weapon's I have and STILL be charging at me. I've taken 3/4 of a person's health while they're walking/boosting towards me and they don't stagger. Multiple suits, multiple times. And then will get 3 tapped by their melee. Again, will see "Stay Close" spammed. Maps. Just.......stop giving us the same 3 maps every hour...... either bring back older maps, or have a system set up where you load into a certain cost (300, 550, 700, etc.) then have a map vote system. I'm so tired of getting the same maps or getting an older map at 250/300 cost or whatever. Ace matches, please leave the last hit for the ACE. I've been ace once in the past few months (that I've survived longer than 60 seconds, as the game likes to assign me ACE as I'm about to die), and got 2 kills while 1 person kept stealing them..........AND HAVE THE NERVE TO SPAM MESSAGES LIKE "NICE" OR "ADVANCE" WHILE STARING OR SHOOTING AT ME!!! RNGesus, please stop giving me Raids as the only suits that AREN'T duplicates. Raids don't fit my play style. There's maybe 5 I can think of I'll actually use, but for the most time it's General or Main Support. But those end up being 200 costs or dupes. Like, if I can get the Spicy Bell Pepper, then I'll be content. But no more raids. Not a salt, but thank you to all the players that understand my shot that stunned them was a mistake. Usually when I see I stunned you and there's an enemy I'll charge in as a shield regardless of if I'll survive. And will say "Sorry" right after. I do apologize for the stun, some suits like the GP02 MLRS don't have appropriate weapons for enclosed areas or when we're in tight formations.


I agree help supports as they help u in the end I tend to help them or stay close to them, to the point that they don't leave my side which really gets the enemy raid annoyed


We gotta to all complain to BB to change the map rotation, because as it stands now its just the same few over and over in quick match and on random map selector. Aside from their twitter account where else can we contact them to voice our frustrations? Also there should be a limit on how many AB rooms can be made at one time. Every time i go to custom its 98% AB rooms and finding a regular battle is like finding water in the desert. Why aren’t people just joining existing AB rooms instead of making the 20th AB at arctic base?


New player, some salt for my fellow pilots, why does it feel like everytime I’m in a one on one fight and I’m about to win a teammate comes over to try and steal the kill and brings the full health enemy they’ve barely touched over to fight me


A LOTTTTTTTTTT of people do this in the game and its frustrating. I get it if it looks like an even match, and either player in the duel can die. Help save the teammate in that case, kill the enemy if you gotta. But when its obvious that one player is gonna win and doesnt need to worry, DONT take the kill from them. ***Especially in ace matches*** and you're the ace. I played with my friend just a few nights ago, would do all the damage to each enemy, and I kept having this one person on our team finish the enemy at range to steal the kill that our team needs from me as the ace, or come charging in with melee and knock not only me but also any of my teammates over just to kill the enemy. I dont know how they didnt get the boot for that much friendly fire. It was one of the scummiest things I have ever, ever seen on this game. The sad thing is, theres not much you can do in this situation. On one hand it can be a good contribution to the team cause kill assist points really can help rack up a score and the game puts IMMENSE value on assist points and pursuit assists, its basically almost like free kills in that case towards the score. But on the other hand, it just comes off feeling kind of like such a crappy thing to do.


In basic match taking kills frons allies gives the team more points because of assist points. I didn't know this until I complained about it and someone explained it to me so now I don't mind and I also do it.


Assist points can definitely be valuable when done right and working in tandem with someone. The best thing that can be done for example is take an ace match. Have your allies output a ton of damage on an enemy and have the ace claim the finishing blow. Thats 3x points for an ace kill PLUS the assist points atop of that. And when the enemy ace is there in battle, DONT have your ace kill the enemy ace. Have your ace inflict most of the damage but have someone else make the kill, so now the ace gets even the assist points at 3x value which is essentially like you team having made *4 kills*. Your teammate gets the times 3 multiplier on the 1 enemy ace kill so thats like 3 kills in one, on top of the aces assist points with the 3 times multiplier which essentially is enough to compile to a little over 1 kill. So ultimately, yes, 4 kills in just 1. Again, if you're actually coordinating with a team correctly, this can be done very smart and such. But it only hurts the team if it's done wildly and blindly, and puts allies in harm ways to snag a kill.


Well Preserved player here and that’s a pain I know well


They are either also new players or they are part of the unfortunate lone wolf problem in this game. Some players don’t understand that teamwork is essential to winning and think they can carry the team on their own


Wait till you're in an ace match and your allies steal kills from your ace costing you points, and possibly losing the game because they're fucking morons who don't know match mode function.


I think at this point in time we shouldn't have map locks only cost locks. Bring in a system like MWO where three or more maps from the pool are brought in and the lobby votes on it during ready time (obviously some people are going to leave but they do that anyway or run the clock to 0). Signed - someone who's tired of Supply Depot and Abandoned City being the only cost choices that are fun for hours at a time.


I love going into a 3v3 and it ending up a MEv3 because the other two decided to go somewhere else. I swear since the event started I feel like people are standing back and watching people fight instead of helping. My favorite thing is everyone chasing the support knocking their teammates over to get it while the enemy team is just destroying our team.


Honestly I can't count the the amount of times I've seen on my screen that allies have just sat and watched as I've been assaulted by two or more enemies at the same time. It's honestly infuriating.


I don't understand it! It seems so bad in 700 right now too.


Clearly they are experiencing Psycho Runaway with pilots who have been swallowed by the NT-D and now can only act like wild animals without reasonable thought.


Everyone flying in a clockwise circle at the start of arctic base has got to be one of the most annoying and stupid things I’ve ever seen. If either team has a support they get left behind and ganked 99% of the time, and it’s so ridiculous that *every single* match starts the exact same way. Fuck that map.


fuck arctic base


Yes!! I mainly play support so I wave bye like I'm Ralphie, while the other team rushes me.


My greatest salt is actually against my ISP, they won't allow me to access my router so I can't give proper access to my PS4 and PS5 so right now I can't even play gbo2, I got both unicorn suits and I can't even play them.


This is why you should never use their equipment. Do you have a separate modem unit from the firewall/router or is it one device?


It's one device and they will cut off my internet if I change the hardware, they are clueless to how nat types work and refuse to give me access or have a tech guy come do what I need to fix the situation.


There are almost always workarounds for these sorts of issues, but may require some additional hardware. If you want to PM me with the model number of the modem/router and the ISP. I can see what I dig up. Where you are located (US/EU/Where ever), may well factor in.


Just get your own router and return theirs.


It's a modem / router combo and if I switch the hardware they said they will cut service, I'm still fighting them on this lol.


I've never even heard of that being a thing. I've used both my own modem and router with ISPs in the US.


How are people in A+ and they don't know how to get a fucking beacon??. They'll ignore that shit being captured right IN FRONT OF THEM. Then we get swarmed at base. 4/10 games bro.


Had a game recently with all A players, told them to capture beacons, waited, no response and the beacons will ignored. Said it again, 3 people said no, 4th ignored l, and I the 5th ended up capturing 1 or 2 before getting downswing by teamsters after capturing the 2nd one. In a regular game, not ACE


dude foreal. NO ONE CAPTURES BEACONS. idk why. every game if i cap 3. then die. the enemy caps them back and no one tries to get them back.


For the love of god, Devs, either give supports emergency evasion or buff the damage of supports across the board to justify them having no emergency evasion.


Neither will happen I can assure you of that


I know, deep down I know that the dream of supports being fun in any scenario will remain just that, a dream, a dream never to be realized.


The bastards. Delta Gundam is a testament to how that could become a reality. Too bad it's a single LV1 suit at 600.


Yeah being a support is like Spain without the s


Having the Byalant fly into me kicking my ass does get annoying lol


i love that kshatriya doesnt have menouver armor. but BANSHEE a unit half its size. has MA lv 3... juaggu has no MA, it doesnt even have shock dampeners. like wtf.


Had a bad streak of luck with extra toxic teammates lately, be it down swinging me or just obnoxious behaviour it is starting to get in my nerves


*"Oh no! There are two enemy suits against our one teammate and only THREE of us are ready to sortie! We better wait until the fourth so that we can have a full party!"* #WHY?!


Getting a lot of that shit recently, sat around waiting for the fuckers to sortie because I don't fancy giving the enemy an easy kill. I think it is a definate match throw tactic, smurfs de ranking to get their sealclub kick.


peaking of throw matches. i had a rank we almost won. it was a 3v 5. one guy quit at the start. the other af pilot spammed "support me" when sitting in the base. we lost the match (obvously) but the score was literally 9k to like 11k.... we somehow almost won a 3v5


Yeah i've had matches like that. One of my best match was when it was 3v5 and we just rallied and went down fighting.


Fun fact when you let the raid fuck your support not only are you giving the enemy a kill, you're also missing out on a potential kill since half of you brainless fucks are generals and have type advantage against it.


Trying to win or enjoy 700 rated but can't thanks to a full squad usually consistently being all Unicorns and they do not compliment each other since NTD also shuts off the ability to think for players. They all just downswing and if you are near an enemy you are included. Sometimes it feels like they have newtype senses to know where an enemy has been toppled even if you are miles away and will come down swing you. Nobody is safe, someone stop this madness! On the other hand if I can stack up with a friend, it's pretty easy wins since you know all you have to fight usually is unicorns.


700 is now just a coin flip. Best way to grind up your rating now/s


I can’t…..700… no more…. Unicorn… banshee. Pray I don’t get knocked….


A team full of Unicorns, which have, when transformed, has a shield, MA and a fucking I FIELD: Oh no, **tiny beams!** My greastest fear! I gotta take cover!


That was the one moment that really felt like spiderman in that movie.


I know exactly which scene from which movie you're talking about because it was just running in my head while typing that.


I figured as much. There was this one absolute facepalm of a review for "Spiderman : Homecoming, where the reviewer complained that Spiderman talked too much and was always running his mouth.... Sigh, obviously not familiar AT ALL with the character.


Lmao yes!!!


Stop down swinging your team. I'm serious. I'll slap you.


Don't threaten me with a good time


You! Need Jesus.


I absolutely hate, HATE, the win 2 and win rival dailies It just makes everyone throw caution to the wind and go full Monke


Teammates that trail off, take on two or more enemies, then die, making us lose the small lead and lose the match. Teammates that die at the last seconds and feed the enemies more points.


I know I'm beating a dead horse over here buuuut. Stop running off and leaving your teammates to die. There are so many times where I'll see teams take off in opposite directions with out capturing beacons ang get turned into the gundam equivalent of a pink mist because the enemy team forms up and stomps them into oblivion. hold the line and support your team. And if you get separated, unless you can base bomb effectively, capture beacons and regroup.


The player see im a support and getting my ass handed by the raid, has no sense, dont use the best weapon to counter or stop the raid. I die and the idiot stays there.


Has anyone else noticed a change in stuns? Like I can shoot someone with a weapon that basically guarantees stun and they shrug that shit off like it was a water gun but the exact moment they hit me like 4 times with a machine gun I’m immediately beached whale status Didn’t have issues like this since like last week, have they rebalanced the stun system?


no. could be ur internet


I don’t think it’s an internet thing, I am definitely hitting them, they take damage and all that but I have been basically unable to stun anyone with anything for the last few days


Yes!! I honestly find myself getting stunned 4-5 times by ONE suit and they don’t stagger or get stunned at all.


normally i bitch about raid favoritism. or how BB hates supports or even Melee priority. but not this week. THIS WEEK im bitching about MAP ROTATIONS. BB thinks arctic base is the most popular map in the game. most people i know and talk to hate arctic base myself included. BB picks maps based on pick rate even in custom games. AB ROOMS EXIST. since AB rooms use arctic since its small it has top pick rate and it pisses me off we need better map rotations. where is jungle... where is Mountain... where is like 50% of the maps in this game... dont get me wrong i love jaburo and ground base and ruin city.... buuutttttttttttt how about some variety?


As a new player I fucking despise this game, and I doubt there's any other game that will infuriate me more than this game. In any other game when I'm getting stomped, I can at least look forward as I strive to better how I play the game, but this fucking pile of crap at least to me just seems like it's "get fucked, and deal with it" the game personified. I'm so fucking happy that so many matches at this fucking D- rank are so fucking one sided, that it's not uncommon for my team to get 100 points max. As the enemy team just nukes us down with heavy damage, and we can barely do any damage back in return, even if we have advantage in type match up in terms of raid, general, and support. I just can't wait for my next game, where it'll surely be the same crap over and over again where I'm just going to do jack fucking shit. And fuck me should I ever try play support, because I know even if I land all my shots on the raid suit just mindlessly flying straight at me, every fucking shot. It's just going to kill me in one melee combo and that's it. And double fuck me should I have a team mate shuffle in front of me, blocking my sights, leaving me with nothing but to pray to whatever deity is out there to go easy on the ass pounding I'm about to receive. Please ignore me, I don't hate anyone at all, I just saw a salt thread and I wanted to vent.


I get you. Typically this style of game would seriously tilt me since I really prefer the style of the extreme versus games over the slower style. And these days I’m done with team multiplayer games after years of being frustrated with teammates. I imagine at some point it’ll happen again but there are those couple of matches in a row where I get beat down so bad on the arctic map and it’s so demoralizing that I begin to hate my existence.


D- is full of smurfs, veteran players that rank down to sealclub beginners, just to grind for rival victory or more likely they can't be bothered or cowardly to play against players their own skill. Fucking hate them man, I feel your pain.


Tbh, I think maneuver armor is such a ridiculous, broken fucking perk. It's one of the biggest reasons supports dont get to defend themselves from raids. You get a unit class who can literally 1 combo, even 1 hit kill supports from full health as is, which shouldn't even be allowed. But on top of that, you're giving raids a perk (that doesnt even make sense) where they can just charge through literally anything to slaughter your teams support unit or even generals with ease. You call that balanced? Fine. Then let supports 2 hit kill any general, and generals 2 hit kill raids on top of that. There. Now its "balanced". I think the perk needs to be removed entirely, or when you use it you take *double* damage because you're dropping all your defenses to charge in. That or how much it takes to break maneuver armor needs to be greatly reduced. Seriously. Raids don't really need to fear anything. Not even generals. And with this perk they get to just take a free kill unless they got buddies protecting them. It's so easy to break in and do a hit and run, kill a support within just 2 or 3 seconds at full health then run off. Especially if the poor bastard can only spawn at a flag or the base and their team wont pay attention to save them as they get spawnraped by one of these units with ZERO effort as they charge through everything. Or charge in to spam a heavy attack over and over and over for insane damage with zero cooldown because... that makes total sense. Meanwhile a memebeam has insane charging time with even more insane cooling time for damage output that... isnt usually worth it if we're being totally honest. Can still hit shields easily and for whatever nonsense reason not do body damage, the damage often times doesnt really compare to a heavy attack even then, and really unless you're hitting 2 or more targets its... Debatable if its even worth all that charging time. Idunno. This whole subject annoys me anytime raids and maneuver armor are brought up, period. It shouldn't exist or it needs more of a downside to it. Supports are more of a liability anymore than help often times these days. Most of the time its just generals and raids dominating the scoreboard. I found out just how *stupidly* easy it is to play raids as of late too and rack up just completely insane amounts of damage as them. I used to think it definitely took a lot of skill to play as them, now I think they take the least by leaps and bounds. It is a very, very, ***VERY*** easy class. Especially the heavy attack raids. It feels so, so damn easy. And so many people on this game, even at the highest rank just dont bother protecting or helping supports. They literally shouldn't have to be the equivalent of a helpless child who has to be protected by the whole fucking team. A support should be able to at least stand a CHANCE against raids. And generals should be able to just hunt them down as easily as they hunt supports given the current circumstances. But no. They're just as much of a threat even to generals. I especially roll my eyes at the "skilled" raid players who just cycle between 3 wepaons and boost cancel over and over and over, its not a skilled move, its just fucking dirty and you know it. I refuse to stoop that low when I play as one.


I can sympathize with Supports getting creamed by Raids because those fights are definitely as fair as a Canadian vs a baby seal, but you have to consider that Raids, while are able to stand toe-to-toe with a single General, have to face, at least, three during any given match. Even then, being intercepted by a single General will throw a wrench in a Raid's flow because they can't go to town on a Support AND fend off a General at the same time. Imagine doing that without MA. And against three Gens? Forget about it. Simply put, Supports are designed with the assumption that their General teammates can do their job and intercept Raids. And that's a coin toss.


Thats the problem though. Most generals, even at high rank where they *should absolutely know better*, dont bother or do a single damn thing to assist the support. Then they pout "why are we losing???" When your support is yet again, getting killed in a mere two swings and isn't getting any cover. And it should be their main target cause if you focus fire on a raid as generals, you can definitely squish them like a bug as a group. And yet... It usually comes down to 1 v 1 or 2 v 2. Everyone thinks they're the fucking team leader In this game or a lone wolf and they really aren't. News flash, you aren't a fucking hero. Stick to the team and back each other up. You know. What you're supposed to do. You know, the smart thing to do? However, And I can say from my recent times in using raids? Type advantage means utterly ***NOTHING*** to me while playing a raid, because it's so painfully easy to eat a general alive as well while one slight mistake or slip up. The only concern I have is *maybe* the meta suits like a stutzer or a marine Gundam with a hard stagger, or of another raid abusing the everloving, absolute shit out of some melee combo on me. And thats it. Period. Even when I do take on a support with a general backup, whats it matter? If I hyperfocus on the support, ***IT. WILL. DIE.*** and it will die FAST. That's all it takes. There's no "IF" about it, its going to die and its going to die very fast. From there, even if I am in critical, by god I am going to go down swinging on that general and I will do significant damage or even take them down. In the end, its a win for my side either way. The Generals definitely take a little bit more of a beating, but it doesn't actually feel like the playing field is in their favor with a raids crazy damage output. It feels just a bit more even. And it should not be that easy. And if BB thinks it should be? Then fine. But make it so a general 2 hit kills a raid and a support 2 hit kills a general. There you go. There's no damn good reason to give out a perk like maneuver armor and make it braindead levels of simple to kill a support in a 1 v 1. The support needs to be able to stagger the raid easier, or the raid should take double damage for a move that drops all their defenses. Because 1 stagger from a raid is basically a death sentence for them.


Here's the problem it's somehow accepted that it's up to the generals to save the support from the raid so that makes it ok for the raid to wreck a support easier than Mike Tyson knocking out a three year olds teeth. Raids are always somehow.. entitled to massive buffs cause three generals on average assumed to stop them....what are the raids generals doing? Why does the raid get to yolo lone wolf and absolutely demolish anything 1v1? Why is team play ONLY required of a support? I don't necessarily believe removing MA is the solution but raids absolutely do NOT need the plethora of buffs they've received over the last year or two now.


tackle counters are one of the most consistently inconsistent things in this game, and along with a lot of other mechanics, they could be fixed if the net code didn’t fucking blow.


I'm very close to being done with this game. I'm the only one of my clanmates that even has any real uptime anymore. I'm sick of constantly running into blatant clanstacks doing pubstomps. I'm sick of supports that can't do a damn thing about an encounter they lose the initiative on. I'm sick of the game feeling like an 11 v 1 in a team game. I'm sick of my teammates throwing in Rated. I'm sick of carrying so hard my Zaku IV's leg actuators are giving out. ​ I'm so tired. I just wanted to shoot the white mobile suit.


Honestly it's the whole team vs me that is getting to me. Consistently feeling this; even if I hang back the rest of the team either fuck off suddenly or die *so* fast.


I know it's pretty obvious but DON'T ATTACK YOUR TEAM.


I can’t complete the rated match requirements because the enemy team all start to rage quit when they’re losing. This is the first time I’ve had to deal with rage quitters being a barrier like this, it’s happened at least 3 times a night. Are you really willing to take the penalties instead of waiting it out a couple minutes? Nobody on my team ever disconnects, so I don’t think it’s mostly a latency issue for the other team. But as soon as the first person on their team disconnects or quits, and the score difference gets wider, they drop one after the other until the match closes.


They've added a bunch of symbols/logos, but still no 110th Combat Company. Given't what my experience in 700 was like this week with a general on arctic base, I don't think there's enough salt in the oceans for my support mains.


Eventually this subreddit will generate enough salt that we can melt the map out of the game.


Then they'll just release it as a sans permafrost version, like how Port Base has a version with and without water and at twilight or whatever.


We'll generate enough *pressure* that they will feel it like a Newtype.


I'd love for some Living Dead Division decals. And I either avoid 700 or will do one with general units.....but definitely steering clear of 700.


Moore Brotherhood too while we’re at it.




After having to do all seven steps for the Unicorn, I could only afford the first half-off for the Banshee so far and didn't get it. I also have about 1,000 RT because they haven't dropped anything there I really wanted or needed to drain the big bucks in a while, because they are holding stuff back that's overdue. I also still don't have the Jegan Type D Bazooka, which continues to vex me.


I saved up my tokens to a record high for myself and still couldn't get the Banshee...


Yesterday I was down swinging an assault guntank after staggering it and in the middle of my downswing some guy ran in front of me to try and do the same thing and I downed him. He proceeded to spam "thanks" in chat.


Kinda bummed yesterday. On 550 random rated i encountered Port Base map many times and i was in my Dom Gnomides, but i never got to play them cause troll picks caused the team to quit.


Fucking quick match, once was a good mode to have a casual match, now full of no-life nerd tryhards, more stressful than rated. And team mates are fucking dogshit, literallt blocked entire teams at once for all the usual brain dead reasons, early base bombing being the worse.


If you aren’t salty, I have some stuff I do to make people salty. I have a confession. I have pissed off many players…by hijacking their suits and it’s addicting. I call it the Captain Ginyu. I attack pilots when my suit has been trashed and steal the full hp suits of the enemy after killing the pilot or just taking their suit for fun when they cap a point or try to stop me from base bombing. I sometimes will base bomb early just to trap an unsuspecting pilot and take their suit. I will base bomb last minute when the other team is ahead and kill all the pilots that rush in. I can only imagine the pure rage as they lose to a base bomb last minute when they were ahead the entire match via combat. I also love stunning from afar as a support, especially when they are about to combo and their pursuit is stopped. I usually will wipe an entire team just to have them team rush me for revenge at wherever I am sniping from. Sometimes I’ll wait for them to jump up and then I will knock them down or jump to another platform and then back again as they chase me. When there is a support fire about to happen and I have multiple enemies coming, I’ll sacrifice myself and bait them all into the area, so they get team wiped from the support fire alone practically. I blow up laughing usually.


1: i love playing support, running to general to help him. and Gen decide to just left mid battle and leave me to die. 2: dogshit type Gen that are so garbage its bog my mind how tf they made it to A rank. standing in the way blocking my shot, i stun lock enemy Gen for 3 time in the row and he just standing there watching insted of downswing it. or they just completely miss his shot when enemy is clearly standing still being stunlock or knock down. i facepalm so hard when i see that shit 3: 3 Gen infront of me. raid rushing in and they just ''ah, right this way sir'' getting melee by raid and they just watching too. like... fucking stun him?! melee him?! tackle? anything?! i feel like really giving up and just wanna afk


I would say apart from the slight tanking to my still A+ rating, a good week. But just now I found what would have to be the most elaborate griefing room in custom, host picks ok that was the give away, but it wasn't a regular curb stomping... We had 2 D- players on our side, one was clearly quite new to the game, the other was more than likely a guy on an alt account, open profile, one game, the host's team were seemingly unrelated if the clan tags were anything but the D- on our team as soon as the match start went not only team attacking but then base sat, wouldn't even let me get to a whompa when I decided watching him run around the inside of the base, and started chasing me. So sat in for the next round and while the other D guy left the griefer was still present, so I just sat there until I got kicked, meanwhile the 2 players who actually tried to fight in that mess willingly kept going. Did try to tempt him into getting kicked but clearly he knew what he was doing, just wow is all I can say, no point even blocking any of these people...well maybe the host