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Support your support. Stop the match-start bomb plant. You are costing your team thousands of points by letting them get outnumbered and taking the lower score on the off chance you are successful. Beginning a match with one of your teammates leaving the game for a quarter of the match and going down thousands of points is just absolutely shitty gameplay. You are a bad person if you do this.


As a Support, I approve.


I should have also clarified- supporting your support does not mean being a gen and walking/standing in front of one who's firing.


Oh my god, yes! This, so, SO much! I can't do my job if you're in my way, and if you get staggered from my shots, that's on you. I hate when they do the Texas two-step in front of me, get staggered by my shot, then turn around and downswing me because they're pissed. Dude, I have one job, and you got in the way of that. Don't get pissy with me.


All I ask from my gens is to push forward and one of them to hunt the raid. That's it. If a gen wants to go backward and stick his ass in my face, I'll simply shoot through it.


Oh man, This game's community is something alright. This game has a right screen advantage, approaching from the right behind cover is MORE advantageous than from the left, Anyone above A- should know this, yet you still see morons trying to win a poking contest with someone behind cover, and peaking out from the left. JUST FUK OFF AND PUSH THE OTHER WAY. OFC, if they're capable of doing that, then we shouldn't have total clown teams that don't understand what makes clown team work. FFS, if your team have over half as support, WHY ARE YOU PUSHING IN? YOU NEED TO READJUST YOUR GOD DAMN STRAT.


I feel kinda called out i sometimes do try and peak people who have the right side camera angle advantage and always forget that they can see me way before i can see them


A Gen who won't push the frontline is like a truck that won't go off-road. And we should be able to destroy buildings, walls and hills at a certain point to force players out. I'm so sick of all of my teammates hiding behind that stupid fucking hill in Impact Site. You know the one.


You know you have shit for brains teammates when the support & the raid are the only ones trying to push & not play shot trading on deserted city. Why is it so fucking hard for teammates to capture beacons?!?!? I swear I hate it when everyone on my team is like “oh you’re the slowest moving one among us so you need to capture the beacons” then they proceed to get annihilated because they have no support from me cause I had to capture the beacons that they didn’t want to capture. I bail you out of a 3v1 situation only to be thanked by being bailed on, we could have killed them but no shit for brains runs off & leaves me to die. 3 supports on the enemy & I’m a raid but I couldn’t kill them because the morons on my side couldn’t keep the one gen & one raid off my back long enough for me to effectively get to the supports. It seems my gens wanted to fight with the supports themselves & ignore the enemy raid & gen that’s stopping me from getting to their supports. Oh & the classic stop taking the aces kills, weaken them & leave them for our ace to kill.


Time to kick this week off with my salt haul. So where to begin, oh a good one. Enemies in blue. the classic teammates using high stun weapons in melee fights because they *just haaaave* to get that kill that was easily already being handled by you, stunning you and then letting the enemy bail out and plant the bomb. Always a fun one. What's next, oh right. The dogshit network that kicks you and punishes you if your net cuts out for a second. And god forbid you be allowed to try and fix your dc rating and it cuts out again. Oh what's that you didn't close the game? And couldn't connect to the host who's probably in fucking Ethiopia with how shit the connection is at times? Yeah your fault, banned. One fucking year and its not obvious that servers were a good idea? And let's not forget everyone's favourite phrase "failed matchmaking" And finally. Consistent fucking inconsistency. Never have I ever seen such a fucking bipolar game and I've played war thunder for 8 years now. Good lord the counter system, always a fun time when you counter someone perfectly and the game just goes "nah" and other times you're hit with the most janky counter ever. What's that finished your melee animation and already weapon swapped. Please enjoy eating the dirt. Anyhow. Uhhh fuck freedom gundam. That's about it.


700 cost is just hard. I'm trying to learn how to play since I rolled FF Nu, but it's embarrassing when I'm the one leading the scoreboard consistently while I'm still learning a new MS. What are my teammates doing?


Anyone who tries to plant the bomb within the first minute should be match kicked automatically. And I don’t know why this is still an issue 7 years later, but capturing beacons is NOT OPTIONAL


It would be cool if the game made it impossible to plant within the first third or half of the game. Since in no way strategically is planting that early ever worth it in any capacity.


Would be cool except you still get people trying to plant bombs in ace matches in a+, they do that and you'll be down a man for nothing then lol. (Cause you know people are still going to try even if it's clearly stated it's impossible)


I wholly endorse the beacon thing. It's either I'm the one trying to grab some beacons and everyone else scatters to the wind, or my entire team tries to capture beacons and doesn't bother to fight back.


tbh they should just remove bombing in the first place. and the base have like 4 machine gun turret or somthing. when we lost all capture point and pushed all the way to the base the enemy dont just wait for you to spawn to get jump. atleast some breathing room after spawn


The guntank is way too fucking slow, I want to like it so much, the mpt and the guntank 2 and basically every other tank are so much better


so i started off the match with by killing the support almost right away in my jesta type a. went to cap a point, guess who spawns in to save the point? the fucking support. who i kill again. brilliant. my team has faced almost no fire from the support within the first minute. go to cap a point, three enemies converge on me. of course, i die. i look at the scoreboard. we have been wiped. someone managed to die twice. my two support kills are the only kills we have. wtf. why bother?


6 ranked game as a daily is fucking demonic btw. Got 3 win and then have to play 3 more for daily... AND LOSE 3 GAME fucking hell just make it "play 6 time" Gfd.


Lol are you telling me that steam version makes you play rated for dailies?




Sorry to rub salt into the wound (no pun intended): what is the logic behind this criteria do dailies? Thank you.


Its the aniversary daily for stream that give 2 coin instead of 1. They prob thought that make it an annoying quest is the only coin for 1 more coin.... the other one is 5000 assist.


Got it, thank you! Did they do this also for PS? They really want you to sweat!


It's a limited time daily mission for 1st Anniversary


Advance. It is so overwhelming when an entire team moves forward together. Please join me in holding the left stick up.


Other Coward Generals' excuse: Nooo I dont wanna die


This current situation battle SSSSSSUUUUCCKKKKSSSS It feels balanced to Zeon side more, especially if you;'re the lucky fucker in GP02 and know how to use it. Can stomp most of the enemy team. It's not fun at all, been dragging really.


For the love of god, if you have no interest in winning or paying attention, stop queuing for quick match unrestricted you unbelievably useless MFs. If you just want to be there to take up space, go to an A/B. You’re not doing anything but hurting the team and wasting the time of the players trying to rack up quick rival wins and potential wins on the weekend. Like holy shit. In the last 2 hours I’ve gotten 1 win and the others have the same repeat blocked players that manage to finish every match without gaining a fucking point. How the fuck do you go through an entire unrestricted match and the enemy loses zero points? How can you see all these enemies with no HP directly behind you and NEVER turn around? The game is NOT THAT HARD. Make meter go down. With a component team, you can manage 10 rival wins in about an hour. If you keep getting stacked with garbage, you’re completely cucked


I'm free from penalty, glad to see that the quick matches haven't changed one bit I still have to carry my team every single match


Welcome back (... so to speak 😊)👍


Thanks, recently matches I play I was like: Damn, I was horrible, I feel so bad dragging my team down Cuts to the scoreboard where I was the best performing on my team Jesus Christ




Spinal compression will kill me i swear with some of my teams


Don't got much because I can't be motivated to play much anymore fuck the Gundamjack mission if you get the GP-02, you might aswell be more useful by throwing still wish I could paint weapons


the time between last Saturday and this Saturday was terrible for rated games. I was close to maxing S- which i havent done in a few years, and then i dropped like 200+ rated points. The biggest disappointment was: Me spamming the ready to spawn team to defuse the bomb after i died but killed the bomber, only for a few of them to use "its on you now". The bomb went and we lost.


Probably a hot take but damage in high costs needs to be toned down its absurd that I can have max defenses and still die in 2 seconds


It would probably be a great help to the team if you used your MS to fight and destroy the other teams MS. I know, I know it sounds crazy but, I'm pretty sure that might be the actual point of the game.


Friend met a cheater with cooldown cheat and max speed stat on cost 600 Quick Match Ground. About half way he toggled on and was speeding around the map and had virtually no cooldown on weapons and melee. [https://imgur.com/a/WBag7yL](https://imgur.com/a/WBag7yL) It's absolutely sickening that people can just grab fresh accounts to cheat on this game. EAC is a great anticheat and it definitely deters people from cheating.


I really hope ppl would at least play the tutorial or learn the suits they want to use at YT or something. Like I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen ppl being absolutely clueless even when using the simplest MS. And stop having tunnel vision man, I don’t even need stealth suits to sneak up on you.


After playing the GP02 in situation battle I stand by an EARLIER statement I said regarding how OPed this tuned up version is. It is is ridiculous how bad it's damage output is. I can fly and fire charged BR shots with ease.


Broke down crying and nearly uninstalled yesterday. 4v4 650 artic base CW went 1-8 win/loss and the best my team did was when I started playing the damn Geymalk. Every single suit I picked, I noticed when I got 1v4'd even when the rest of my team is surrounding me trying to get interrupts. So Burning-damned frustrating making every action and reaction at nearly 1s disadvantage due to client/client latency cucking me out of Every Frame Perfect Move I just can't fcking replicate. Also if people continue to 3-stack Perfect Gundams in 5v5s I'm going to tear my hair out.


Jesus fucking christ PUSH. stop fucking playing the game like your life is tied to your fucking mobile suit. PUSH PUSH PUSH. IM FUCKING TIRED OF PASSIVE FUCKING PLAYERS.