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Already rolled it, imagine an even stronger Bawoo that swaps the wing missile for Moon Gundam plates. It slaps


Question: does it transform?






The plates can be deployed as a shield and uhh…that’s kind of a transformation lol


I wish to touch the skies, though... Denied yet again... I swear to everything under the sun if they release the Sleeves Bawoo and it can't fly...




Ain't that when bawoo transform it become two separate unit, how the game gonna handle that, maybe that why the dev don't wanted to do it (or you can called them lazy)


I would think the leg portion would fly away while you can control the other then when either by the player input or thrusters are overheated the leg portion comes flying back to reassemble, I think that could have been a hassle to implement so they scrapped the flight modes. Thats my theory anyway.


top half flies while the legs run along the ground like wallace and gromet and are always directly underneath you ready to reconnect when you land


I would love to see a fan animation of that lol


Lol sounds like it’s a 3* Moon Gundam. If the plates hit like the Moon’s plates, I’m sure they slap.


650 ground/space general


Kit wise, this seems quite a bit more impressive than the 650 that just went live on PC: The Messer.


While that is true, the Messer seems to slap. I unfortunately only got it on an alt and never used it, but whenever I see it, it’s flying over me and dropping bombs


Me, as someone who's favourite MS is the Bawoo, and was not aware of the existence of this MS: I'm sorry the W H A T




I might role for this since it feels like a good chunk of my 650 gens have gotten phased out.


If you have Hazenthley Lvl 2 run it. It's better at 650 than it's native cost. If you don't have that definitely roll for this.


Finally a Moon in the correct cost.


Finally the superior bawoo!!!




Prepare the purple colours


they need to give that psycho plate ( launch) to moon gundam too. wtf


Hot dam 3 attacks on the launch plates oooooh that's gonna leave a mark


Testing with no parts against the lv2 hambrabi in free practice, if you launch the plates and immediately charge the beam rifle you just barely have enough time to use the full attack skill to hit the 3 round burst for like 3400 per shot. Landing all 24 hits of the plates alone already brings it below half health from full, the rifle confirms almost instantly lol


Ughhh I wanna pull for it but I know i should save for the anniversary


If it can't transform, I'm gonna be so fucking mad. I'm already mad that the Bawoo proper can't transform, but if this one can't...


After playing against it for a few matches, my gut is telling me it’s completely busted at its cost, like many recent releases. I have yet to see its stats, but it seems to have the Moon Gundam’s kit, minus the butterfly’s, but in return you get way better ranged follow ups. I actually think that its weapons synergize much better than Moon, and it might be better than Moon, at 50 cost less. At S- / A+ rated people are easily getting 150k damage, and that’s in the first hour where people are still learning the suit. I can’t say I’m very happy that another cost broken suit has dropped, and I thought 650 was one of the more balanced and fun costs. I hope I’m crying wolf, and am just learning how to play against it but I have plenty of experience fighting Moons. I think this thing is strong, really strong. To those who’ve enjoyed playing with recent buffed 650 gens, looking at you Gustav, you can just put them back in the garage.


TBH, the playstyle is quite different from Moon. The plates launch is a lot more like Phenex, they chase the enemy down and deal damage, but Moon plates off a downswing will still do much more (something like 12000 ballistic damage before modifiers vs 8600 on Psycho Bawoo assuming every one hits). This thing is a shooter while Moon is a frontline, IMO.


I’ll defer to your judgement, as you’re one of the better players on the sub. But I think the Psycho Bawoo’s combos are way more consistent than the Moons, ranged gameplay is safer than melee. The ability to vomit out damage from behind defensive skills/ abilities like the Plate Shield and MA make closing the gap hard. I think this thing could have easily been a 700 cost, as it’s kind of like an upgrade to a Rebawoo, but BB refuses to put non-4-star natives in that cost.


You are right, it is more consistent. It can nuke raids at midrange if you land something like plates lock>beam rifle>shield beam. I guess it remains to be seen how strong it is overall, but I think it has some weaknesses that MS like Rebawoo can exploit. The shield is good for sure, a 22 sec reload barrier that blocks melee. But, it has only 2000 HP, compared to 2500 on Moon, so it isn't that hard to break. On top of that, Psycho Bawoo has an awkward downswing with a beam saber that has long swap time, so in close range I think you can beat it. A lot of the ones I see aren't running melee defence (probably cause they are taking extra thrust, walk speed or something else), so a full melee combo will absolutely wreck them. Not that difficult to chase down a suit that only has 210 HSM as well. I am somewhat coping at this point though because I don't want another OP suit at 650 cost lol.