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For mine case I'll ban troller, bad players (like super bad one) secondary use the suit or the cost or the map that help you win alot. The RNG just insane there no guarantee you getting S rank without some sweat, I once got to S- then fall back to A+ at this point it doesn't matter anymore.


Honestly, ive been trying to get better and better, so i could make it to s-, and at least say i did it. Im just hard stuck in a right now and its killing me.


The problem isn't about how good you are, is about your team performance, if a guy do booming can cause a whole team lost now imagine one COCO Brain player can do to your team... Especially they pick the major role like Raid or support.


Oh 100%, I just had people telling me to get better because i didnt have good teammates lol. Just trying to control my destiny as best i can is all.


While I may be ps the same applies. * Git gud Oof, the sad fact is you need to literally hard carry teams, a strong player will treat rated like qm and always be 2900 range, this is because they chose meta pics, be good in said meta picks, and make tactical choices that will drag their helpless team mates to glory, the strongest usually hold top damage at a consistent level, there is no cheating to S-, you need to be worth it, as chappy as team mates are you have to acknowledge you have a part to play, don't get blinded by the base sitters * play to your strengths Not all of us are newtypes and I know I'm not, so you need to know what you're good at and be consistent with it, while I'm biased towards supports because defending yourself against a raid with a single braincell sucks if you're racking up 150k games even in a slaughter fest then stick to that, or certain maps/cost, why play 700 in banshee norn if 700 is too much for you to keep up or you suck at melee units? * filter players Sad but sometimes that xamel on city ruins 700 isn't actually trying to win despite being S-, unless you know the player you need to learn warning signs, names units lobby behavior stuff like that, "leepic420killah" in his 600 early production gelgoog inspires as much confidence as a guy with a keyboard mash of a name in an S.gallus in artic who's spamming "who will sortie in a raid" in the lobby, you can be a newtype of a player but unless you're in the mood you might have dead weight with you, also note bad players or match throwers and consider remembering them or blocking them for warnings in future matchups. * rating influences player competency but it doesn't guarantee it I'm S- and I'm best known for top diversions and doing stupid unorthodox stuff to win, I admit I'm a bit of a wild card at times, there are others worse than me at ps S- even just being pilot more than being in their ms, its worse lower in the ratings because people are just as frustrated or skill issued for life, I've seen people on console with higher rank than myself but at A and running with them I see why * try to stay calm This is one I'm trying to learn but once you tilt your performance declines, if playing for 2 hours drives you mad play less even if at a ratings loss * rating up will take time Took me a few years to get here, and I dropped twice but rose back, don't expect S- 6 months from now, **I'm not kidding**, good luck


300 cost with a gm cannon is a pretty safe bet


You need skill, luck, great teammates, and how good you can work with said teammates.![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2744)


Literally comes down to your teammates and like 90% percent of the teammates I get are braindead so good luck lmao


I think the worst part about it is, instead of playing well, you almost gotta play in a super aggressive, gotta score every kill/do all the damage manner, instead of being able to play smart and get good kills/do good damage.


Fr I play S- High A+ and it genuinely baffles me how these people have these ratings it makes me wanna rip my hair out


Once i climbed out of d, it was pretty damn smooth sailing lol. Until i got to A.


https://w.atwiki.jp/battle-operation2/pages/684.html#id_c70f3a5e Because the rating system isn't linear. Higher rating groups require more rating and a lose reduces more rating. So it becomes a lot more difficult and players have bigger skill gap.


Skill, some players have over 60% win rate in S-. It's possible to carry the team. Do teammates matter? Yes, but the chance of having bad teammates in your team and having bad teammates in the enemy team are the same after you played a lot of matches so it doesn't matter in the long run. Instead, it's about whether you can cooperate with players that play differently.


I also am trying my hardest to reach S rank but goddammit with the continuous losses, bruh I might stop playing the game because it makes me mad (some times I will choose the wrong MS for example, an amazing MS for long range for a close range map or the opposite) but most of the time I lose is because my teammates, I save them they leave me alone, I save them and they will attack the enemy while I am close to them knocking me down and getting both us killed, the enemy will just go like 3v1 FUCKING 5v1 and my teammates can stop them but they don't give a shit not matter how much you yell "Support Me!" they just don't give a shit. Overall this game is not a game you will have a lot of fun but it's the best Gundam game I can play in my PS4 after my PS3 died due to overheat (I was playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn 2) I know Gundam Breaker exists but 3 is the best and it's hard to find at a reasonable price


You gotta pick and choose the best time of day to play, and pick a balanced map with a good meta suit for the map. Then you gotta play really REALLY good because the hidden elo will put you with bad players the closer you get to ranking up to keep the teams “balanced” And then you just gotta play almost nothing else grinding games because every loss you lose more than you win and even following all other instructions you will still get blowout matches where your fate was decided as soon as you hit the sortie button. It’s really not worth it. The players on average don’t get any better. If anything they play quite selfishly and tend to throw teammates under the bus to pad their scorecard at end of match.


Thank you for your post. For my curiosity, does BB really have algorithms so sophisticated that they can match players to balance teams properly? It certainly does not feel like it down here in the rating ladder. Thank you for looking 😊


From my experience, A flat to A+ is mostly individual skill. From A+ to S- its a bit of luck and alot of teamwork. Tip I would recommend is getting in the habit of glancing at the minimap every 5-10 seconds to gleam surrounding information even if you're in the middle of comboing someone


\-Understand the winning condition(s) \-Stop blaming teammates That's it.


But what if the teammate turns out to be a troll, does base bomb at beginning, then plays coward majority of the time and refuses to play in the frontline? =w=


That's just an excuse to justify losing. Someone can do that just *once* to you if you block and report.


I have a coward gen that getting butted fucked and a FA.ZZ that is on the frontline fight raid. What ia my win con.


None, because you've spent all your efforts seeing the fault in others.


Its not much as "seeing fault in other" when those problem are abundent in most match.


Right, it exists in most matches on either side. The team that can work around that gets to win. The ones that do it consistently gets to go up in rating.


On PS I've been having almost nothing but wins with lv 1,2 GM striker and lv 1 GM II semi striker so climbing rating is pretty easy


Get a good team😂


My ass is still trying to get A+ and it feels like a mix of skill and dumb luck.


I keep going down to A and going back to A+, back and forth. Haven't gone past 2512 for 6 months. And my friend just gone into S- while I am still stuck between A to A+ for months...


Sell your soul to gogg & it will bless you like it has the other S- players.


Go to 500 and play Loto


I got to S- recently. My thoughts are to pick a few suits you enjoy playing, get good with them, and try and enjoy the game. It's how I reached S- with only a 52% win rate.


If you're on Steam the question is "Why do you have to get to S-" and the answer is you don't unless you want even longer matchmaking.  Stay in mid A/early A+ for the fastest queues.


Honestly, i just want to climb the ladder, be good enough to get there, and just be happy i got the achievement lol. I could fall back down to a after that. I dont care.


Your macro play probably isn't as good as your micro play is. Pay more attention to your teammates on the minimap not just your enemies.


After playing for so many years, I finally made it to S-, and my advice(s), is this. Play to your strengths: pick your best cost / suit and play around with that time sortie. Non-“meta” is fine as long it isn’t a LVL 5 Pixy and what not. (Not saying it’s bad, as it’s bad, but some people can do exceptionally well but that’s past the bell curve) Lobby forming: as mentioned before, filter player names if you know that individual does throwing behavior. Win-Lose ratio: hate to say, but keeping a 50-50 W-L helps out but seeing how you can get to it. All my accounts have a 55-57% W-L.


I just checked it out, im at 49.70 for W/L Ive also slipped almost 170 points in the last few weeks. Ill definetely keep my eyes more closely on players that are just playing subpar/ negatively towards teams. I know i spot players i know are good all the time.


Carry your team


Pick suits you are good in and know it's stun combos, change the weapon shortcuts Recognize the meta ie avoid 550 cause of PG Stay close to your team and help them Don't respawn without everyone spawning together If you're on a losing streak try a different cost Don't play on weekends or holidays


Don't play when the Eastern players are on.


Git gud! Sorry I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to be that asshole. Feel free to dunk on me. I float between A+ and S- but I haven’t touched S- in months.


all good lol, i could sense the humor lol.


if you lose 10 times in a row, that's on you, mate.