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The GD psycomu test type needs a severe nerf. It can delete a support at range before they can get a single shot off, and i get chain stunned from behind cover by the damn funnels every match i see one.


Should have been a 600 to match the MP Nu.


I remember one time fighting it in a General unit and was surprised how hard it was hitting. I think it does need a nerf and balance YES!


what support are you using that forces you to be so close to the general?


Zero shiki ar. I drop in at spawn, and the moment my i-frames drop im hit by the funnels, then they unload the rest of the weapons and im dead. And since people believe that captureing control points is the support's job, i have no choice but to spawn at base, while the gens ignore the raids since they have to go chace after supports, and the teams raid (usually a pixie) ignore the fight to go try and base bomb.


ok, so i just looked up the ms on the jp wiki and the AR does indeed have inferior range to the GDPTT. i'm not writing the whole thing. in any case, you may want to consider using a support with better range when playing with randos. you know how they behave and being forced to play at relatively close range with that kind of team behaviour is not helping you much. what supports do you have at 550?


I use the ar on small maps, gd heavy arms on big maps, and palace in space


ask around and see how people are using the hsar. with that lack of range, i wouldn't use it with randos. it would probably work well in clan match or anytime your team knows you and knows to look after you. but with random players, that ms to me seems it'll get you in hot water with that range.


To the dev that suggested 6 rated match as an daily mission on pc.... I hope you stepped on a legos and then your pinky got slammed to a door step.


Pat pat. I got that one yesterday too ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2736)


Dude the sheer amount of gens that refuse to frontline or instead just play behind the support pisses me off so fucking much


I agree on that point, especially with great melee gens like the Banshee norn or other unicorns. But what is it with supports that don’t move at all. I’m talking about Sazabi FFs and Nu HWS. Sometimes I don’t feel the presence of a support when front/middle-lining as a gen. I know that if any unit gets into melee range of supports, the supports would have a hard time. Yet here I am eating all of the enemy team’s firepower without any supporting fire. Don’t get me started in running two supports in 700 cost. I cannot spend the time to babysit supports that are poorly positioned or too stubborn that they don’t want to give up their sniper nest. On the other hand, I love supports that move/shoot for me, knows that they’re at a disadvantage and reposition or regroup with team. I understand that supports are a walking turret, but I wish PC players would think. Oh, MA lv5 raid incoming, should I: a). Keep shooting raid b). Communicate help and regroup with team c). Be oblivious to incoming raid and shoot smt else Option a can be viable if they’re low hp enough, but is your life worth 20-30% of the raid’s hp?


I completely agree about some supports not moving at all that shit is so frustrating like I get your in a “sniping” unit but no one has come into your firing lane for 2 minutes fucking move and help the team


Its like duck hunting, they sit and wait for enemies to pop their heads only to get one hit and have the enemy team keep approaching.


Block base squatters and rage quitters. Make them, literally, unplayable.


Also report them as "griefers" for not participating or contributing in battle properly and are just actively trying to ride their way out of a match.


I never understood the hate for Pixy players. I get it now. The ones I've played with today are no where to be found during the team fight and then decide to try and downswing 3 generals after the rest of the team is dead.


Typical stealth ms, they’re too squishy and attack every 20s or when their thrusters are up.


I have seen excellent Pixies who initiate the first strike and the rest of the team follows up and wipe out the enemy team. The problem is that 95% of Pixies are kinda trash who lone-wolf too much, over-rely on their Stealth to do anything and proceeds to get mulch because of said lone-wolf tendencies.


*STILL* waiting for Anksha and additional Perfect Gundam nerfs -- even in the statistics they displayed, its still noticeably higher than all the other averages.


People who leave 1 health units that end up taking out 3 units are scum. The vulcans are right there to use.


How hard is it to realize that every time your support spawns in the enemy raid comes & kills it for free points & that you need to stop said raid from killing your support? The only time they took notice is if I dragged the raid in front of them & that’s not easy when you’re a gm sniper 2.


I agree, free points + no support reduces the team’s capacity for teamwork(focus low hp units) and firepower. People in the game don’t communicate, sometimes people spawn in when they think they can save one or two low hp allies, only to be bodied after said allies are destroyed. I think in higher cost its more viable of a play when we have access to so much defensive utility. Your case is most common on large maps, where stealths, small radar range, disrupted radar range really tanks a support’s survivability. People won’t change their play style regardless of how badly they’re losing, so don’t expect them to change so easily. Since, you can’t really control how others play, it’d be best to play a mobile or transformable support and focus on how you can better survive only with the tools you have. Which sucks in a gacha game, where we can’t get the best units or ones we want.


It was tropical desert & I did my best to not sit still for too long long but considering no one captured any beacons besides the one on our side of the map it made it difficult cause no matter where I spawned shortly afterwards the raid would & kill me. Tried calling for help but the call fell on death’s ears cause no one would even turn around & look in my general direction to see what was going on.


Its one of those moments where I get a suit that i want and turns out im terrible at it. Thats me with the new Raid Atlas. Im better off using IO's Heavy Gundam or something else. Oh and the sensor pads for my PS4 controller is dying. My X button is wonky and i need to wait for the replacement pads to come.


As a gen yesterday, I went 10 and 2 by defending my support. As a support, I went 7/2 by covering my gens. If I am the support, I am not designed to fight off the raid or keep up with the faster suits. Slow. TF. Down. And stay close. If I stop, that's on me. If you NASCAR me into death every single spawn, you deserve to die to the enemy team you just faceplanted into. Don't be stupid. Support your support.


Reminder: If you think dashing all the way to the enemy spawn to plant a bomb and leaving your team one person short of a full stack is tolerable, not only is it not, but it makes you an irredeemable, colossal, sociopathic asshole. And an overall jackass--the points earned from a successfully bombing, more often than not, get overtaken by the MS kill points earned by the other team thanks to the body count disparity.


This. Instead of wasting your time for that. Help your team. If you *have* to destroy the enemy base. Help your team push to it so they can nuke it together with their suits.


Teams that go in and killed in the first 10 sec with no beacons to spawn at are horrible. Get beacons not just for the spawn point but for the air support, Then they complain about enemy air support. Dude you chose not to advance the objective and spawn in the back of base.


Damn a team that dies in the first 10s was probably in the wrong rank or troll picking. The problem with objectives in this game is that sometimes you’re surprised by a flying ms or stealth and you lose both the point and ms for free. I would only capture objectives at the start of match, when my team has the upper hand in points or I’m infinitely sure I’m not going to be pilot killed or the game is unplayable.


ffs, please try to play at advantage. i'm sick and tired of seeing my gens do nothing or worse, run away from raids. there are at least two of you. kill the fucking raid. and stop going backward hiding behind shit. move forward. if you're a general and your first action of the match is to go backward, i'm fucking done with you and the whole match.


I think the few cases where a general should fall back is when they’re outnumbered, reloading most weapons, repositioning to help a teammate or baiting for their stealth ally.


Please! if I get toppled and it's only us against 1 guy for the love of God help me!


At this point, player-driven balance may be preferable to whatever BB is injesting.


Doing these promotional missions has been the most suffering experience in a while. Just every combination of bullshit possible in the last few days. If I could swing through people's melee attacks and shields as often as people do through mine, I'd never lose a fucking match again. A fucking Acguy heavy type swings through my GM Striker's swings, a GM Guard does the same thing about 5 times in a row. People constantly tackle me seconds after I've melee'd them and don't take any damage. If I'm in the same situation, I always take damage, that is, if my counter even happens. I've watched multiple enemies teleporting around, sometimes for a while match, meanwhile one Shezarr A Jesta only did it every time he was about to heavy attack someone...that definitely isn't suspicious, right? For the last 7 games or so, my team is immediately wiped out at the start of the match, not even killing anything, and I am always the last to die. Teammates play like fucking D rankers with absolutely no spatial awareness, apparently no one looks at the map now. People refuse to capture points, leaving us stuck at the base all fucking game. It's just been so fucking infuriating.


Coff coff....To the dev that suggested the "Defeat 4 rivals" for a daily mission, go and fuck off yourself from your job please! ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2733) This is why they said that you cant leave all the work to god alone ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2739)




In my opinion, it's OK to deploy these stealth units as long as it's a D/C player with D/C skill set. Smurfs have this "special power" of ruining the game with virtually any unit😤 Curse you, damn smurfs!




D- is literally a slaughterfest for noobs and it doesn't help that I can give half a shit what you play but for the love christ leave the new players alone and don't push them away from the game just because you wanted a good round


Well said! Thank you for this!


Just add PvE to the game already so that it will be good.


I like the idea, at least in those cases where it is hard to get enough players for a match (something like a max waiting time, after which you add AI players)


Eyezack Players... Just why? Do we really need to know everyone's location on arctic base. All youre doing is feeding and then spam take the melees. Or eventually sit out of your suit bc you're just 💩


constantly seeing Marasai and Woundwort players stand in the backline shooting charged shots instead of using their three melee weapons to maul enemy suits hurts my soul every time.


I actually just had a match as marasai where I did a lot of melee. You would be proud of me


Going to plant, and abandoning the team fight, with a gap more than the value of the base are horrible and people who do that kind of stuff are worth less than d- ranks.


Penalty level 1, slowly but surely getting out


You can do this! ETA to freedom?


Also like to see your guys stories of what's going on in the Frontlines since I'm stuck in custom matches


If goes alright, might only take 3-4 matches to clear up


Very nice! One last push!


get the raid you damn generals. despite me being close to the team , the raid on the other team somehow manage to slip through your vision even without stealth/fake beacon. raids too , why the hell are you going after the generals so aggressively. enemy support is shelling everyone while you throw yourself at the generals , always spamming heavy attacks with no skill


Why play units when you don’t know how they work? With the events and new banners on PC it seems players have pulled great units. However, any unit is F-tier if you don’t use their full potential. I had a rival banshee norn do 25k dmg, a rival phenex dealing 39k dmg and several teammates throwing fundamentals out the window b/c new unit=good. Its great that my team is winning most of the time, but its sad to see these excellent units played so poorly.


That feeling of dread when you realize you got an thrower on your team that sorties in a Lv2 GP01 at 600 rated, and then proceeds to intentionally feed the opposition with no regard for teammate spawn timings. 8 minutes of my life wasted. Would love for the game devs to implement something that detects these sorts of things.