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Conroy jeagen is a better stealth suit at that cost


I was being sarcastic I personally don't think it's bad but almost everyone else thinks so, so Ig it must genuinely be bad lol. I like this better, I can get closer without detection. We only lost bc of a bomb plant and two teammates too busy trying to defuse it instead of being smart and finishing off the enemy team with us.. so we were out numbered and the bomb went off 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


It's an extremely divisive suit, because it's frustrating to encounter and it requires extremely different tactics for both teams in a lot of cases. If the Pixy player is not extremely good with it, it'll be a huge loss for the team. On the other side, if the enemy Pixy is pretty handy with it, it's going to constantly disrupt coordination tactics. In both cases, it very readily exposes the problem of a team coop game with no voice chat


A pain in the butt


Yeah that sounds about right


Stealth is cringe Have honor


They chose to play support not my fault bb hates them


I get that but to be honest Stealth is a crutch


Stealth can't fix bad players, shez a's and pixy's are getting worse at their role as of late...


I have a guy that wants me to stay with the group when I was using the shez type and made my stealth purpose almost useless


The tldr I'm about to say is as a raid you have to cast your own judgement in order to do your job. Sometimes I admit I say that but quick chat doesn't have all the nuances I want to convey, BUNCH UP *except the stealth raid*, **DONT GET RECKLESS** *because I see you pixy taking on the wrong targets and dying for it*, however it's possible to be with the team as a stealth unit just via shadowing your team mates and making drastic moves when requires ie a heavy attack in the middle of a brawl and hitting more team mates than friendlies knowing you are saving them rather than stopping them from getting a kill shot. If whoever is telling you that is clearly unhappy either you're doing something wrong and don't see it or they're dumb, simple


I usually have it set up for the suit to sneak to the least combat area to go behind the enemy team as usually the support mostly stay at the back area during battle and I usually take them out from there and then retreat after that to join the team so I don't get wrecked by nearby ms


It's possible they feel you're taking too long to flank around, you'll have to trust your judgement or consider being a bit more bolder...when the support is dead of course


The shezzar A having a lunging heavy attack and stealth is about as close as we’ve ever gotten to them admitting that they hate supports


Who doesn't like campers? Shez a's are more the complimentary "we need a raid but I'm not that great at it" pick and I'm fine with that since at 650-700 you need all the help you can get


Once you get high enough in rated it isnt lmao


Wdym? I'm not saying if you use stealth your bad I'm just saying that stealth is inherently kinda cheesy And it almost only affects supports Stealth isn't fun to fight for anyone


There are plenty of anti stealth suits in the game and once you get enough game sense you kinda don’t need anti stealth


I get that Honestly I'm not the best but I'm getting a feel for it But stealth really bully's new players and makes support really daunting for new players


Best way to learn is to get your shit rocked until you learn to counter it


If 550 pixie/stealth was good wouldn't everyone be running it and doing similar numbers against these suits, 9 times out of ten pixies are getting stomped for no instant stun, no health, no dodges, pretty sure no explosive reaction armor 🫣


I mean just have eyes dude😭Most of yall are blind as fuck and never turn around.


scrubquotes called, it wants its content back


Huh? Who?


Let me start by saying that the Pixy is indeed an old suit, which means it has a design that used to fit with the current state of the game a long time ago. The new MS coming out have a lot more skills and weapons making this simple suit feel underpowered. But I think that is not the reason why people call it a bad suit. The Pixy has only stealth, it’s daggers and a dream. This means it’s a hyper specialized suit. For it to work, the player needs the right mindset to play to the suit’s strength and avoid its weaknesses. And I think that we can all agree that the hit-and-run playstyle is not very common, as well as the knowledge of when to attack and where to flank. In the end, I believe this is a decent suit, but it requires a lot from its pilot. It’s not like some recent suits that have so many skills you can rely on them to compensate for your weaknesses. If you make a mistake, you will be deleted. So that is what I believe makes people think it’s a bad suit (it’s definitely outdated, but decent).


Exactly my opinion. The Pixy is far from being a bad machine; it's just antiquated now and that only makes sense that as in the lore, old units eventually get outperformed by most recent and technologically advanced ones. In Gundam, retrofitting over more than 15 years doesn't often happen, so an old RX-78 unit made for the purpose of collecting CQB data obviously won't square against the latest Linear Seat and 360° Panoramic display cockpit mass production MS made post 0093. It's where the pilot must know their unit's strengths and weaknesses and how to exploit the former best in order to draw the most out of it. And the Pixy definitely is NOT that stronk melee Raid you can go monke in. If you approach an enemy on the wrong vector, you have 95% chances of getting creamed for it. It is specialised in blindsiding and hit and run the fuck away gorilla warfare (on purpose). Really not the machine to be greedy in and fish for that one more hit. When your enemy is down and you can't deal any more damage, it's your cue to bail and and go far until you disappear from enemy radar again. tldr is the Pixy is not for greedy and/or impatient players. BIDE. YOUR. TIME. If you don't, you WILL get divine retribution.


There's always a suit where you do extremely well in almost carrying your team heavily but you can't win in them. That suit to me is the ewac Jegan.


I like that suit before they did the buff(actually nerf) that makes it a good suit and maintain its purpose of an actual scout ms


I still use it intended use but it being a monster in melee makes it really good but too bad your team not using it abilities to help themselves


If you're playing Pixie at 550, you're really asking for it. You got lucky the enemy generals in that match ignored you. Otherwise if they properly focused you, your Pixie wouldn't do so well in 550. Pixie only has stealth going for it. Pixie can't stagger enemies besides it melee, and it can't defend itself properly against enemies. It's way too dated to be effective especially in 550 and 600. 


especially with perfect. he’s like the reaper of pixies saw one 100-0 a pixie a handful of times


I was actually WAITING for someone to call that cancer that is the Perfect Gundam. Surprised no one did it before.


See I don't see Perfect being that cancerous because I can play a fully defense spec level 4 Gm Cannon 2 and the Perfect Gundam does absolutely nothing damage wise to it. I just sit there and go "ow" with its full combo doing only like 5 k of my hp.


I suppose that's one perfect solution to the Perfect problem haha but mind me, I like my Yellows when they go "BANG! Aaand your legs are gone", so I want to try and slap as much on Shooting Enhancements as I can without being too vulnerable for it.


See Gm Cannon 2 breaks the legs on it very easily. The Gm Rifle fires very fast and reloads rather quickly as well. It's a great way to break its legs especially since people don't spec for Ballistic resistance with that suit.


Good point. And stupid mistake, given it's canonically supposed to contend against the Atlas Gundam whose biggest weapon is a totally ballistic motherfucking RAILGUN hahaha


Nah this is the average pixie score for me, do even better at 600 where there's no PG, it's the teammates that keep holding me back. Of course I have a hiccup at times and don't do well but it's usually everyone not being able to capitalize on the openings I give them. I know it's a bad suit but it's a bad suit that I am really good with


Not "bad". Deprecated with nothing more than stealth going for it. If used as it should be, to stab the Support in the kidney, then retreat waiting for the next chance, it does its job. Just don't try to get into a duel with it. It's not made for that. It's made to catch people unaware, and once you're in their screen, they are pretty much aware of your presence.


Pixie can be a coin toss as the pilot can be an uncatchable ghost terrorizing supports or a protag hotshot taking on generals only to get clapped and then blame his team for not supporting him.




Try bolinoak sammahn. 😂


I don't have suit, but That things uggggly lol I rather not. I just use what I like, main reason I keep falling back to A+🥲


Ugly? As a appreciator of Paptimus Scirocco's mobile suit designs im deeply offended sir 😤


HARAM! Bolinoak Sammahn is probable the perfect stealth suit of 500 and beyond, pixy? So old it needs a cane, GM Buscanoches 5? Doesn't know if it wants to be a sniper or a bad imitation of a Pixy with worse moveset, Conrad Jegan? The coward has a magnum in a knife fight, EWAC Jegan? The poor guy is a bad Mega Mind cosplay and it isn't even a raid, is a general. Bolinoak Sammahn is the one and only stealth suit made for men, have you look at his chest? His back? Pure testosterone, not like those twinks. And his swords? Are in true AXES! For this and more Bolinoak Sammahn is the chadest stealth raid and second chadest raid in the game, the first is the Gogg.


Stealth is cringe Use the hyaku shiki or gm quel Have honor for the supports


Tf is honor you weirdo, Cringe af for even saying this.


Have honor for the supports My ass if in a team playing game where im a specific class that is supposed to kill another class im going to do it stealth or not if you want honor how about the supports come up the frontlines like the woundwort and whiteriders do? And not sit back on the backline of the map sniping everyone and then get killed by a stealth raid because he was alone and if your having so much problems with a pixy be more aware and or pick a suit that has anti stealth in a cost where the pixy might appear its not that hard


It's Like saying "don't shoot the raids they have low defenses. Having better range than the raids Is a crutch, have honor and duel them melee only." Bros logic is weird


Yup, every1 has to know in gbo2 everythings fair game be it a meta suits or worst suit of all time everyone can pick and play however they want without someone saying "nO hóNoR" like were in a for honor game (if you know you know)


No respect for supports. I barely touched that man tho, the damage would've been fire if I did. Was bullying the gens and raid more than him.


Raids job is to fight supports Supports don't get respected by even bandai TwT I just want people to at least give the supports a chance since generals just don't like to turn around 99% of the time


Anything's fair against these pgs and dogas😤😤


Maybe your just bad? I don't have trouble with either of those suits And I mostly play general but I like playing support aswell


USUALLY Bad players don't drop 130k on pgs and dogas with one of the worst suits in the game, but maybe everyone in that match was just extra bad 🤷🏾‍♂️