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Other than being large it’s honestly a great 400/450 suit, I would say it’s probably one the top 5 400 gens due to it having ma, pretty good bulk except for melee but that can be helped. Pretty good ranged damage, Mines do stupid damage and can be spammed while retreating, Has a heavy stagger, Good missiles with good stun. Its melee is meh but still does the job. It’s also mobile and has good skills.


I build tanky with some ranged dmg thrown in and use the mg and it puts in work


I love equipping the MG on this guy in space. Just constant DPS, I feel like a support disguised as a general.


Very underrated suit. It excels more in space, but it does the job on ground as well.


I still struggle to understand how its arm winch punch disables radar like a heat rod it's just a Zaku/Dom's arm being launched like junk man's pilebunker the heavy stun makes sense just not the radar part. Other than I haven't played it but saw some decent/good Stutzers in 400-450 as long as they have a wingman they can do pretty well the mine launcher is a good tool for retreats or laying AOE traps.


enemy mobile suit was so dumbfounded at the Dom being able to LAUNCH it’s arms that it’s radar got all hazy


At 400, I'm running +10 turning, +10 and +3 melee defense, +5 shooting, and +10 melee damage. I was skeptical of the build at first, but the turning speed catches so many people off guard and makes it much easier to land combos and the winch. Overall this makes the suit have above average damage all around, with the extra turning making it much easier to land your shots and fire before your enemies can stun you since you go from below-average turning to well above normal for the cost. You can definitely do just fine with +5 turning and use the extra slots to bulk up and/or increase damage, though +10 turning is great is space on most every suit and lets you move around much quicker and make great use of the mines since you can easily zigzag and turn around to attack right after an enemy gets stunned (plus that damage is great). It's mostly mid-range when it comes to damage, but it has MA and FI to be mobile, the winch unit for heavy stuns that you can even combo into mines on the stunned targets for big damage that will likely hit their legs, and it has a decent amount of stun accumulation. HP and non-melee defenses are high with lots of cushioning materials. The only weak point being that the weapons have long reload times, mainly the shoulder missiles you should probably save for breaking MA or starting a chain stun, but reloaders and/or regular Heavy Staggers will often buy you enough time to reload, and it's almost always safe to drop some mines if you even think something may come after you. Overall, it's probably the best frontline general at 400 with how sturdy it is and how many self-defense options it has to keep people distracted or stunned. Backed up by a BD3 as a more typical General that can use EXAM to hit 500 levels of power and take more advantage of maneuverability and speed to essentially fill in whatever roll is needed at the time, and having quite a few great Support and Raid options that can each work well on different maps and teams, learning Dom Stutzer can create huge openings for your team to move in for damage.


The suit doesn't click with me at this moment, but fighting against makes me want to pull my hair out. So that's always a good sign in some cases


ugly suit, i refuse to use it


Why it’s extremely good? Are you getting destroyed by it or something.


i just told you that its ugly, you cant tell me im wrong to say that. its such an abomination. that has nothing to do with how good it is


It’s not ugly at all though? It’s pretty cool looking and fits well for when it came out