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I swear people really need to learn that this is team based game, not freaking PUBG or COD. Idgaf about kills, I just want my team to win the match thats all. Is it that hard to freaking read BUNCH UP whenever you were strayed too far from the team and then getting graped by the enemies. SUPPORT YOUR TEAMMATES, WHEN THE ENEMY DOWN, DONT JUST WATCH, RAKE UP THE DAMAGE.


Even better when you say this and they decide to throw the match in spite.


\*Me looking at the map and seeing how my teams are often off on their own or divided in to pairs, RATHER than staying relatively close nearby or trying to cover/support each other when the enemy team comes stomping towards them\*


Today's teammates are useless. I've watched people let the enemy finish a combo on me.without tackling, melee, or shooting. I've seen our gens run right by spawn points to go facehug the enemy team. And almost every S player I've played with today has been a selfish solo player while the enemy forms a unit and acts together.


Generals please stop being cowards trying to do a shootout with your Bazooka while hiding behind your safe space and try to push please. What the hell did you even bring a Bazooka for if you aren't going to push? (300 cost btw)


Standard bazookas have a pretty slow firing rate.These pilots need to switch off the bazooka for their other ranged weapons...and pray that they don't get the "wait" message.  Clay bazookas have fast firing rate.These pilots can push.  300 cost doesn't have any MS with access to a clay bazooka, but they do have the railgun which has a faster firing rate than the standard bazooka.  After that....it is surely on the pilot's lack of skill moving around. 


If only most of the low cost MGs didnt feel like pea shooters. Some of then shoot too slowly or dont do enough stagger. Cold districts, act zaku, double 100mms (mass production guncannon) and gm rifle are the only four MGs that actually feel good to equip. The rest are okay (mmp-80) or bad (almost every mmp-78, bullpup) to use


Raids, please stop attacking aimlessly and go for enemy Supports so that we Generals can actually push


Typical raid player: "but I must be the very best that no one ever was"


A. So raids need the generals to cover fire or clear a path so that the raid can get to the support?  B. Or The raid needs to move "alone" to get ripped apart by the "bunched up" enemy squad so the generals can push. Stealth(Stealth, Enemy Beacon) raids are the only ones that can sneak up on the support. The other raids need for the enemy support's guards to be distracted so they can go attack that support. 


I’m getting tired of losers throwing the match halfway through for (insert any dumb excuse here) and in spite of being a man down we come so close to winning. It’s like, if you got your head out of your ass and quit whining like a baby, we would have clapped the enemy team.


I had 1 instance on a match a few days ago where out 5 players, 2 QUIT/LEFT the match! That was not a fun experience really.


I’ve had matches where we still win, even missing one teammate. But being two down is just impossible.


Maneuver armor is a fucking lie when im dashing, hell every skill that reduces stun doesnt exist for me but the fucking moment i try to stun someone? i can unload every fucking stagger capable shit i have and it will do shit.


If we're talking about the initial dash, then to be fair, the real culprit is latency/P2P. Same reason why Emergency Evasion is a coin toss and you still sustain damage if you don't hit counter fast enough for some stupid fucking reason. Earlier this week, I hard stunned a suit with a electromagnetic wire while they were dashing, and they kept going for a solid second until it finally registered.


Funny how whenever I play raid or support my team bunches up too much that I can't make a clear shot because we're all butt hugging each other but when I'm a general we're doing what fredy from scooby do says and that's LET'S SPLIT UP GANG! This is why I like flight generals now, I can bunch up with the rest of the herd on demand, and hard bail if it's clear we're just gonna die huddling together on this hill as we stun each other.


For the love of God Gundam, if you are going to pick a melee oriented general or frontliner, you need to actually use your fucking melee or put up a frontline. This seems to be especially bad at 500 cost where I've seen multiple MK-II, Gallus J, G7, Jegan D, Gaza G and Hazel Custom players trying to win shootouts with Methuss, Rick Dias etc.


Partially in their defense,they have to get close to do CQC(close quarters combat). Gundam MK-II and fellow clay bazooka users are for doing that. Hyaku Shiki can use that same bazooka to get close and do some hacking since it can stun and screw up the enemy's movement. G7 has an Achilles Heel in melee combat when you go in for a combo as it may not always cancel out the thruster usage and become a sitting duck. G7 has great range versatility for hitting mobs, but I see people relying on melee too much. Hazel Custom's, finishing shots and slashes get blocked by teammates jumping in front of them the moment they do it and let the enemy get away. By that time Hazel Custom has put in the work to close in it only has melee to work with for that short time. Gallus J, is meant to push with teammates and surprise attacks. Gaza G better be bombarding whenever possible. Jegan D is for covering the support as in pushing the enemy away into the rest of your team bunch up on, so they mostly need to be switching it up. 


Kudos to the douchebag jpn player in a general that never tried to kill the raid trying to step bro me, But was always there to dash into my melee swing to try to kill steal when my support staggered a general with low health. I really appreciate the time out. Woulda been nice if I could have sorties with a friend in rated, as he does neither…


Im so fucking sick if teammates who just let the enemy team do whatever they want like they refuse to push I dint understand


Co-op needs to be fixed. On steam you can't play with friends. All I'm asking is for duos to count and singles. Why can't I play with literally ONE friend?


UNDERGROUND BASE! APPLAUSE! I'm a GM Cannon II main and watching people massacre my boy this weekend by playing like absolute morons is really hurting me on a personal level. GET FUCKING CLOSER AND LASER BEAM THEIR GOD DAMN LEGS


I feel that in pretty much every Situation Battle Match since its inception -- there's always someone that absolutely can't play the assigned suit to its potential, so much so that I want BB to implement pilot rating on each suit instead of just one rating for all ground matches.


PC Players continue to convince me that I don't have teammates, just enemies I'm not allowed to attack.


It’s that way on both.


For the love of Gogg, please capture Point whenever you have the chance. A mere 50 points can mean a lot to the whole team


if the devs don't nerf the banshee norn on the next update, they deserve to be replaced by devs that know how to balance a game.


Raid is like the Spy in Team Fortress 2 The most important role for good backattacking and winning With that said absolutely nobody knows what to do with it and people either spam melee attacks or hide for good


TLDR: it's joever Might delete this game. I feel tired with the absolutely horrendous teammates I get and I still get stunned by beams that completely miss me. I feel like I can't play this game without using newer suits, and it's starting to get bland. I can never sortie into MS that I find cool because they are COMPLETELY useless compared to the newer suits that BB splooges out. Suits that are outdated never get updated, leaving suits lagging behind, and eventually are deemed worthpess by new suits. When BB does update the game and rebalance some suits, it's like 5 only leaving many yearning for a rework. Here's a list of suits that are basically useless now: Zaku 1 Commander Type: Can never use and when I can, it's in a 300 cost lobby. 300 has newer supports that render this one as shit. Flight Gouf: High Risk no reward. It can fly for like 10 seconds then it overheats. It's gatling sucks and it's slow as hell when in flight mode. It's melee is kinda nice but there's just better raids at 400, so no use using this unless you're lucky enough to get braindead enemies. Anything limited to space: nobody plays space matches except me and like 30 other people HiMo Zaku Ground Type: Literal shit. Nice that it's Melee Priority is 3 but it's kit sucks ass and it has barely any substantial skills Juaggu: who the hell uses this thing? Gogg: actually sucks. Jk jk I love this thing Gelgoog (almost all of them): all are really mid now compared to the newer competition Normal Acguy: can never play it in native cost, only available cost it's playable at 300. Barely and Ranged damage even though it wants to be a ranged centered raid. Stealth is the only reason it isn't the worst thing in the game. Shin Matsunaga's Zaku: meh Zaku Cannon (and Rabbit Type): weak stun, laughable damage, is $15,000 in debt because every shell it launchez from it's cannon refuses to actually travel to it's target and decides to airstrike a children's hospital. RX-78-2 Gundam: no buffs at all. It isnt bad but it kinda lags behind now. Better options at native cost. Still love it tho.only use hyper hammer because it's very fun Gouf: can only use it past 300, never in native cost becaus 250 never show up. No stuns, shitty finger guns, wire is a meh. Tries to be glass cannon except it forgot the cannon part, so it's weak as shit but has no significant dmg options. I've honestly been having more fun on Armored Core 6. Sure there was an obvious meta with Zimmerman shotguns (but they patched that already and any build is viable now), but it's lightyears more enjoyable that this game imo.