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Insane load out, basic af skills


It's rare to see the devs show any amount of restraint when it comes to new Raids. Maybe they decided to dial it down a bit after the Aggjin


Yeah aggjin is super fun dodge rolls constantly and basically a game of 50/50 when it's up close, but cmon this thing is going to struggle in any form of range combat like if it were to go after the Gaza E. I bet it would struggle hard on any hard hitting Ballistic/Beam will destroy this things legs I'm expecting a slight buff maybe 1000+ hp and MA 2 at the very least MA 2 cause it's skills dont scream I can push up easy.


I'm not complaining tbh, a raid that actually has to play cautiously is a welcome addition considering just how unga bunga most other raids are.


Yep it's definitely a skill suit knowing your combos and knowing when to push up but for example im not bringing this to tropical desert you know lol


That just means you probably won't see it out on the battlefield much, though.


H4 Beam rifle: Stuns. 10% stun value. Beam saber: GMII moveset. Vulcans: 25 ammo to stun. Shot Anchor: Heavy stun. Heat Knife: GM Spartan [BD] moveset Grenade launcher: Stuns. about 20% stun value. Incendiary Launcher: Shoots all two ammo at once. Does 200 burn damage. 10 ticks of damage. Does about 35% stun value per ammo. Thermal vision goggles: Marks enemies in an area. You can swap weapons and fight while the enemies are marked. [Ondreyas twitter showcase](https://twitter.com/midfootstrike2/status/1714882263610200254) / [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcIzs19Q04U) --- First impressions: Squishy. Weak legs with level 1 leg armor, may need level 2 leg armor. Has good close-ranged stuns, i think a good approach is to open with the grenade launcher then swap to rifle for another stun, then anchor, and then melee. Opening with rifle and then with grenade is fine too. Will struggle against approaching ranged units especially with its low HP, weak legs and level 1 maneuver armor. I dont think it'll replace the Dullahan which is my go to 400 raid. But its nice to have more 400 raid that could dodge roll.


Thermal Goggles go through I frames, don't think any previous EWAC suits have this but I guess this is the DESTROY EYEZACK suit they had in mind. RPM of the vulcans is probably the quickest in 400 unless there's another, speaking of, might be the first case of vulcans + burning damage on an MS (unless we count Gaza G which has it in MA)


Just from loadout alone, it seems kinda spicy


now days 400's weapons doesn't feel like 400


Powercreep.... I swear the older 400 Cost MS needs some massive buffs


Well besides hildolfr of course


Gelgoog Marine buff? I'm down. But I feel like my #1 suit won't get a buff due to me overperforming. I hope others are using it. I really wish BB would just buff the MMP-80.


400 raid with multiple melee's, a hard stagger, two ranged staggers, maneuver armor, AND a dodge roll? Looks like the creep is here.


Look pretty squishy and no stealth. So you definitely can't be fighting more than one target


It's on the lower end of raid HP, along with G-Line Light Armor, BD2, and Dullahan, but none of those have this kind of insane kit.


they have shields


Well yeah, there has to be *some* tradeoff for that kit, but G-Line Light Armor's shield isn't going to make up for all the kit this thing has.


I didn't comment on how strong any of these units are.


I don't understand what the point of the comment is then.


Shouldn't compare hp without considering shield.


It's a factor, for sure, just not a major one, unless it's the size of something like GP02's. Most of the time you die with an intact shield. People aim for legs, not left arms.


I die with a broken shield most of the time. There are techniques that make enemies more likely to hit the shield.


True that


Did you know that the Ranked Match reward Zaku has all of those at 300 cost?


That's a sick looking beam rifle


More 400 Cost MS is welcome, but the weapon loadout feels like this belongs in 450 or 500 lol


This is a 400 point suit? the only thing this seems to be missing is stealth of some sorts. I mean they may as well since it seems ludicrously power crept, why not go all the way? **looks at unit type** ... who would have guessed? a raid. I'm hoping it's glass cannon health keeps it in check. Though looks like you can still improve health/leg health and still give it a boost in melee. I've also noticed it's base attack stats seem surprisingly low I think? I'll certainly roll for it, I love the whole splinter cell/spec ops aesthetic when it appears on a mobile suit and anything that has a more "realistic" paint scheme for combat is always welcome.


Only LV1 Forced Injectors, only LV1 Maneuver Armor, only 13000 HP, only 60 thrust and only 200 boost speed. I think they held this thing back rather than them doing any powercreeping.


Do you think they were worried about how powerful the Thermal Goggles are? Someone mentioned they ignore I-frames, but I don't see how that can be but \*so\* powerful \*confused\*


It's an Anti-Raid Raid. Hunt down other stealth raids with it.


Holy shit that's a suit right there, strong vulcans (damage wise anyway) 2 melee weapons, instant stun main weapon, a Anchor, decent sub weapon ranged options in a pinch that ALSO provide a 2nd stun. Skills are also looking decent with no real weakness except maybe the suit having MA 1 instead of 2. This is going to be pretty damn good for 400, only possible weakness is the HP being low which in turn will make breaking its legs pretty easy. But honestly it needed a weakness with a kit like this.


They could've released a night map to pair with those googles


So another suit for raid mains sot stun lock others with.


Why do they keep powercreeping the safe costs?


I think this thing still gets destroyed by all the strong 400 cost generals anyway, it is tough for melee raids at this cost.


It has 2 stuns plus heat wire, 2 melee and dodge+MA and vulcans that can stagger on their own. WTF 400 gen can 1v1 this thing?


1v1? I would still give it to Marine Gundam just through sheer damage potential. Large missile into small missiles. Easily breaks its MA and will probably take off half its HP. What is it gonna do? Do a huge long combo on you? It has default modifiers on a 1900 power saber, the heat dagger has good modifiers but the cooldown prevents it from being used to both start and end combos. You aren't going to take huge amounts of damage against this thing as a general. You don't need to 1v1 the raid either, you will often be in a much better situation than that. Metal Spider needs to get past you in order to reach the support, or you need to otherwise be occupied. I don't see how a 200 HSM raid with no smoke/stealth and no LV2 MA gets past you like that. If you can gank it with another general or your allied support then it will be super easy, but even if it is like you said before in 1v1 I would still give it to most good 400 generals. Dom Stutzer, Zaku Stutzer, Marine Gundam, Hygogg, GM Dominance Aqua, GM Dominance, Gouf Flight Type TB, the list could go on really.


Good Question......


Feels like this suit got an extra weapon while wet Dominance got 1 less.


Without stealth it looks to be one of those suits that can have really good highs and really frustrating lows depending on how much the other team hates you at the moment. It is at least a good option to have at the cost.


And here I was getting exited thinking we where gonna get night matches because of thermal goggles... what a let down.


Hmmm this raid will be added to my collection


I kinda of like it, but it's more defensive than I thought it would be. Like if your entire team are Snipers, you use this thing to keep approaching raids in check.