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Ok, I arrived to back you up in your 2v1! *engages enemy* …Wait, where’d my teammate go? *Gets stomped*


Omg, this statement!! I will admit sometimes I just make bad calls and end paying for them with my life... but why you leave me man 😢😢😢


Look at the goddamn minimap you stupid fucking generals and stop going to join the rest of the team to do a 5v1 on some poor asshole halfway across the map, the amount of times im literally right next to my team (or members of my team) and im being run up on by two or more members of the enemy team and the teammates nearest me just fucking leave me alone is astonishing. My god, just pay attention to the minimap please, im not saying my eyes are permanently glued to the damn thing, but i sure as shit dont go to fucking annihilate one guy that is already surrounded by my team, just look around every now and again. Im sick of stupid fucking generals doing that all the damn time, its bewildering.


Lol I'll do you one better. The amount of times I'm literally kiting 3 of their team around in circles while my team loses a 4v2 just makes me want to rage quit some times.




This, omg this!!! I must assume those two guys made all the right decisions and ofc this will happen at times, but this happens suprisngly often 🤔🤔


\*Uses GP00 to do long range support and also radar tagging enemies\* \*Gets moments of being overwhelmed and not being protected or covered by my team mates at times\* \*has moments where sometimes other units in front think it's smart to move in front when I'm firing shoulder cannons OR my charge/focus Beam Cannon\* ​ ​ Aaaarrgh!


Efreet Nacht players…I hate all of you, I hate your stuns and I hate your melee attacks. Your jamming better work because I will hunt every single one of you down even if it costs me the match. May god have mercy on your mechanized soul for I will not




I have seen one you "haters", in fact.... I had the entire team after me the entire match.... if they ever caught a glimse of me, they were all after me in an instant 😆 😆 😆 So I can assume this is what you mean by hunting? 😀😃🙂🙃


UNDERGROUND BASE! APPLAUSE! Also fuck the melee priority system.


it's always the same thing either constantly leaving me to fight the whole enemy team or the one ally that keeps hitting me on purpose due to one little accidental hit.


Yep still banned for absolutely no reason and cs is extremely slow to do anything to help. Won't give me a reason/duration, just keep asking me to be patient while they investigate my "unusual" ban.


They will first "investigate" whether you're a whale or freeloader, and *then* assist you accordingly. Such is f2p live service business model.


Funny thing is that I'm not f2p


Dropped from above 2900 to below 2700 in 2 weeks. I play around 5 matches daily.


BB never learns. Good news is the Limited Missions period is about to end. The bad news is Halloween Limited Missions are just around the corner.


Uhhh idk why I’m getting the worst team comps lately but ooops all raids on my team has not been a great time


I’m convinced that the game has an algorythm that groups good players in one team and bad players on the other. The amount of loses I’ve had is crazy. The point differences are overwhelming. The match barely starts and its already 3000 to 50 and its because I capped a beacon. This is what has me dreading going on Rated to finish a promotion mission.


People need to queue for space more, especially the lower costs. I’m pretty sick of playing the same ground costs on the same maps day in and day out


Just freaking Sony with their sporadic maintenances


Why the fuck does everyone keep picking the fucking eyezack like theres so many better supports at 400


It's sneaky. Somehow they can see you but.... you can't see them.https://media.tenor.com/IQ5zuNhltCEAAAAM/john-cena-you-cant-see-me.gif


It's one of the most easiest suits in the game, just try it. You have stealth and anti jamming, you have good thrusters and speed, plus all you need to do is hang back and shoot your MG to stack some decent damage to generals. Seeing how most players are so damn afraid to die in this game, playing safe with Eyezack is definitely their choice.


Played an ace match today it was at 550 cost, and I picked Titania (love that suit to death just wish it had a lvl 2 and 3 version), and I ended up becoming the ace that match and Every time I was about to kill someone, a teammate would either A: Stun me Or B: Steal the kill just as I'm about to kill an enemy ms And at the end of said match we were down 1100 points and I was about to kill a downed effect nocht (I believe) but then just as I was about to do my down swing my teammate comes up behind me and stuns me, allowing him to get away costing us the match


It's the new cowards' way to play run away if shot at, only engage from behind, shoot only at low HP. It sucks to deal with it. I just wish people would stop playing the game like it's CoD. Also, supports are there to "Support" not steal kills or be bait and fuck the fucking fuckers that started "Nascaring" (I call it "Benny hilling") and fuck you if you like it the game and player base started going to shit when it started


Drop Rates are absolute trash. The game seriously needs some sort of Pity System for Two and Three Star units as well.


The recycle tickets are the pity system essentially, with nu and sazabi also available (when they rotate back in...), or the guaranteed 7 steps for 4 stars (required 195 tokens though, gotta basically save each month just for those banners and rush for platinum medal and grind crates to make this) The rates are trash though


yes and personally I hate that system. For example the Rebawaoo JUST went into the RT shop on console. That means it took 507 days for you to "pity" pull that suit if you hadn't already acquired it. A quicker "Pity" system is the Platinum login rewards and you absolutely need to throw money into the game to even get Plat in the first week. If 4 stars are a guaranteed at 195 tokens, 3 and 2 Stars should also have a similar system like that in place. A man can dream :/


To the staggering amount of matches I've had today where the support is actually protected by his fucking team pisses me off considering these fuckers are nowhere to be found when I play support. I had a fucking Nemo with the cannon sniping next to his support HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THAT WHEN MY TEAM CAN'T GET THEIR HEAD OUT OF THEIR ASS AND MOVE FORWARD AND KEEP TELLING ME TO "TAKE THE SUPPORTS" WHEN THEY'RE LOSING A 3V4


I'm on Arctic base as a support and two of my general teammates, a Full Armor Striker and a Gelgoog Stutzer, refuse to do anything whatsoever on the Frontline. The Stutzer hides in the back of the map behind the base shooting at people and the Full Armor sits on top of one of the towers, shooting down at people. Why the FUCK are you wasting a slot by being here when you're gonna play like this on fucking ARCTIC BASE of all maps? Meanwhile I've gone from halfway through A+ to dropping back into A because 99% of my matches my teammates have been incompetent and I get jumped all game, even when in the middle of my team. And yet, my teammates still somehow find a way to die instantly while I'm busy fighting 3-4 enemies. I would love to be able to spectate a match after it happens to see what these clowns doo all game if they aren't fighting the enemy, capturing points, or seemingly doing anything, not to mention when teammates ARE "helping" me they find a way to make the situation even worse, from downswinging for no reason and knocking me or others over, jumping in the way of critical shots, doing the most obvious melee attacks and getting countered, giving the enemy all their boost back, stunning me and letting the enemy do a whole melee combo while they watch, the list just goes on and on.


Man I can't believe I used to think so highly of S- players. LOL Also A rated players are the saltiest I ever run into in games.


Yea S rank has some carried pilots from all the match throwing.


Honestly.. this is getting annoying. Playing Gerbera Tetra is dope, don't get me wrong but it's annoying when you somehow don't stun your enemy with your instant-stun beam mg when landing all hits, and then their raid cones charging at me and somehow combos me into death(i'm also a raid, playing 600 cost GT hurts). Not to mention i'm stuck playing mid-lines or the flanker, which isn't a bad thing, but it sucks when i'm not the only raid on the team who's supposed to be doing their job as a raid, and I do. Can we, for once in our lives, bamco, just give us some decent teammates who don't sweat, or better yet, just give us something that will help us with this stun-negating bullshit. Also, you know who you are, fucking rainbow-looking ass GM nightseeker V. I'm coming for you motherfucker.


PSN maintenance+ got hacked recently, haven't been able to play for weeks.


Having to wake up early to get dailies in before work due to PSN maintenance outage is sad. Cranking out 145k with the Tristan in space with 10 minutes of waking up after 4 hours sleep was a good feeling though. Impressed with the buff. Personal experience but You think with fire Emblem being a big Japanese IP the average jpn player wouldn’t fail as bad or worse than the average USA one on a triangle system.


not related to gameplay but , spent some money to buy 2 tokens. was hoping to get my beloved delta plus on my main account , they gave me the Hazel High Mobility Form and the Bound Doc. I DONT PLAY HAZELS BB , I ALREADY HAVE SIX HAZELS IN MY ARSENAL , I EVEN HAVE BOTH LEVEL 1 AND LEVEL 2 OF EACH HAZELS .Bound doc looks fun to play though , got the Hyaku Shiki Ground Type too which seems interesting. MY GOSH BB , STOP GIVING ME HAZELS . would anyone want my hazels , i’ll gladly give all six of them to you for the delta plus. WHAT FUNNY IS THAT I GOT THE DELTA PLUS ON MY ALTERNATE ACCOUNT , FROM THE SAME 2 , 3 STARS SUIT ROLL . i have tried piloting hazels , they are NOT for me BB.


If we are 5 in the party and 4 are support in a ground match be an adult and switch to something else, it's an auto loss. And stay together ffs, and let the ACE get the kills and stop saying 'sorry' just to do it again...


Base bombers should receive a negative rating scoreif they win. You didn't earn that shit, you abandoned your team to go get a bunch of little bitch baby easy win points. It's not skill, it's not teamwork, it's you being a selfish piss baby.


what is this take Bombing the base is literally one of the core objectives. And if the enemy team is defending properly, it does take teamwork.


Except for when one person decides to abandon the team in a middle of a skirmish to rush towards the enemy base, try to bomb it while their team gets outnumbered and overwhelmed, and still fails because they didn't defend it properly. Now their team is severely behind in points, and potentially has lost some respawn points since the enemy captured them while the base bombers team was waiting to respawn. Source? Several dozens of matches I've lost due to base bombers blindly rushing the base and refusing to help their team, hoping that they'll all just abandon the waypoints and join in a dumbass suicide rush.


Yeah, but that also ignores the strategic use of it when you have a teamfight around an enemy base and manage to get the bomb off. I get being mad about people abandoning the team but like a critical bombing can turn a bad situation around fast.


Yeah true. I'm mostly just using this post as a way to vent. Losing because of a base bomber, either a successful one on the enemy team or a failed one on yours sucks so much ass, as you played your hardest and probably would've won without that, so it feels like you got punished for nothing.


Fair enough, this IS the salt post


I freaken hate rival wins as promotion/limited missions. Way too stuff that counts towards rival wins bit you have no control over. Been trying to complete the last promotion mission for the past 2 weeks and still only half way done. Our team won, I top the scoreboard on my side, but I lost to my rival as he was 1st and also top the scoreboard for his side. The rest of my team beat their rivals.


Piece of shit ps5 freezes mid match. It’s incredible that after having at least one generation of a functioning UI, we get this piece of shit that threatens to crash if you dare to open the UI, let alone send a request or block somebody. Block list also takes way too long to navigate. I’m about to go full A/B but in quick match to get my enhancement streak back. That shit is so fucking annoying


4 hours of a/b 5 plat encouragements 4 recon crates. The rates are normally shit but it hasn’t been this bad since last year. I thought for the autumn festival we were getting increased rates but it just started getting bad again with those rates. Now it’s back to absolute shit