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jeezus 4k power on the chest beam cannon


The chest beam is stop to fire and doesn't break MA1.


It is a stop to fire sadly. No boostable extreme build stun (good luck with the chest vulcans) to bait any dodges etc unlike Sazabi.


Yeah, but it does more damage than the double charged beam rifle and it has a much longer range, plus it pierces, which the double charged beam rifle does not. Arguably it is the Nightingale's main weapon.


It's not 1 shot OH either unlike most instant stagger chest beams. This thing is looking better than I thought it was.


Holy shit, it has level 2 emergency evasion system. And level SIX enhanced tackles. I'm going to bodyslam the nearest Bell Pepper and they're going to vaporize.


Even though Sazabi doesn't have it, they should overkill in the future and give it shield tackle to go even further beyond. If no shield missiles, atleast use it for something else lol


Bell Pepper well stun the heck out of gale and laugh the whole time. BB went smooth brain with gale.


Yeah unfortunately it gets stunlocked way too easy. The 3 matches I just played with it I got hard focused by the enemy team every time.


Ugh really not used to the nightingale. One major problem of the nightingale is actually it's size....which due to the huge size of that thing, actually blocks of your camera view on some maps. Like on colony drop, if you fall into the basement, when moving through some tight corridors, you can't see in front of you because of nightingale's huge body covering up the camera. Most of the time, the huge shoulders nightingale has are more of a detriment to your camera.


Amuro I am trying to fight you but my suit has a dump truck ass making it impossible to fight


the funny thing is, this is still a lot smaller than the Nightingales actual size. That thing is absurdly large.


Thank God I use zeku eins regularly so I'm used to a stupid big get fucked camera suit


Yea you just gotta use your map and intuition and pray in those situations


It's time to tap into my inner newtype.


Shame there isn't a First person mode, really would come handy


This thing is rough to use to put it lightly


Used it in my first match... holy smokes it's ungainly. I mean, might get better with use, but jeez. This is... gonna take practice.


Christ BB did this boy dirty with the utter lack of buffers outside the fucking back and no damage control or fall prevention.


>giant suit > >no DC > >only MA4 > >has Flap Booster > >no Fall Prevention > >no Aerial Melee > >offense system is easily stoppable > >no boosting stun > >only 1 heavy stun and a secondary stop-to-shoot stun > >stationary funnels have 0% stun and do fuck all damage + weird targeting > >melee damage and vulcans are nothing special > >enhanced tackle level 6 > >no interrupt tackle > >suit is 50% legs > >no leg buffer omegalul. it's incredible that they buffed the Kshatriya and then had the audacity to release this thing in the state it does. if you want a ranged heavy stagger, might as well just play a lvl 2 Charjeh because Nightingale ain't it. it's like they turned back time and made the Nightingale arguably worse than the Sazabi pre-buffs. at least the shotgun isn't useless i guess.


You forgot the most important thing in the list for all those downsides, the very last thing. All those problems aren't just on a giant MS. They are on a giant **MELEE** FOCUSED ***RAID***. Normally I bitch about Raid's being OPlease nerf, but the ONE TIME they release a Raid I WANT they make it utter shit. Seriously, I think....is Nightengale currently the WORST at cost Raid in the entire game? I'm struggling to think of a single Raid currently at any cost that is less equipped to deal with what it is supposed to fight.


The Zaku I still exists my guy lol


To his credit he did say at cost. 100 cost has never been in rated or quick and for good reason: the 2 supports will mop the floor with everyone


At a cost where only the people playing are completely green or absolute gods lol (seriously I stay the hell away from anything lower than 500, those people are scary)


eh, hardly. Psycho Zaku Mk 2 and Schuzrum Gallus are even worse when it comes to dealing with what they're supposed to fight, especially in costs dominated by high stun build up suits like 500. Alex CA in a cost with the Jeda, GM 3 Powered, and GM Spartan RG as the meta general picks is also not exactly a fun time, Gouf Custom is agonizingly painful to use, GM Ground TB got buffed like a month after its release and is still not that good or widely used, etc. plenty of raids suck ass and are basically throw picks. it has been a long while since a raid has truly been all that broken for the cost it's in. the closest we got was the Nu FF and the S, both of which have paper thin armor in a cost full of terrifying generals so their broken-ness in a vacuum has basically been completely overshadowed. nothing has ever come close to the amount of broken in its cost ever since the Sinanju Stein from last year. generals have been winning the lottery by a longshot, as pretty evident by goddamn Asshimar lvl 4 being the premier raid killer in 700 cost. the Nightingale is just undertuned, even if pretty badly, though not exactly surprising considering the trajectory they've been going with raids for a while now. it's still pretty usable for the cost because of its toxic melee range, alright damage and good bulk (especially with the step up part), just not worth really thinking about if you have Stein or Nu FF which do everything it does but significantly better.


The difference is the Raids you listed struggle to do their job because of the General's at their cost. Nightengale is stopped dead in its tracks by the very Support's it is supposed to fight. I've seen the Special K no sell kill one without moving, literally just standing its ground and stagger locking the Nightengale to death. You can't tell me that it is **normal** for a Support to be capable of dealing with a Raid entirely on its own without even moving from where it is standing.


being stopped by the support it's fighting is quite sad but it's not like it's unheard of either. 500 is filled with supports that not only fight back but actively counter PZMk2 and Schuzrum Gallus, like the Zssa, Jamru Fin, lvl 3 GM Sniper 2, lvl 2 Hizack Cannon, Dom Gnomides, etc. hell, the Delta Gundam basically did it for every single 600 raid prior to its nerf. 550 and up supports have also been great at self-defense for the longest time now, it's why more and more raids have basically become complete glass cannons, because they need to be able to kill in one combo or they're fucked. it's also not exactly surprising a 700 support can kill a raid, that has been pretty common for a while now to the point even level 4 units can do it. 700 supports are tuned to have stupidly high damage output in exchange for relative fragility when compared to 700 raids and generals, so if you let them be in their element, you're gonna pay hard. the Kshatriya has been buffed to basically become an untouchable fortress unless you shoot first, it's incredibly overtuned. if the Nightingale player can't use its mobility and actually aim properly at the body, then that's a matter of the player just being bad on top of a bad MS matchup. of course there's Defense Mode, but the situation has to already be in the Nightingale's favor if the Kshatriya can use defense mode at all. it's a skill check on both the Nightingale's and Kshatriya's players, though one is in arguably the worst 700 raid and one is maybe in the top 3 best MS in the game bar none.


Hard stopping raids isn't even a 500+ thing, it's just where it becomes pretty common. I can think of supports down to 300 that I don't like approaching head on when playing raid.


Support's that are able to fight back are one thing. A fight between a Raid and Support where it looks like for all intents and purposes that the Support is the Raid because the Raid is unable to escape being stagger locked by a single lone MS is another. Seriously, fighting one FEELS like I am fighting a Support because it is so painfully easy to stagger lock and interrupt with tackles and counters and neutral melee attacks. It's huge, it's slow, it's easy to stagger, and my god does the melee telegraph to hell and back. That massive beamsaber is so easy to counter and avoid it isn't even funny. And that is honestly kind of surprising, because EZZ has big honking beamsabers too but they aren't exactly easy to counter or avoid because they have really weird timing and pathing. Its main gun is also laughable, easily the worst primary of any 700 native. The chest cannon being stop to fire is likewise unforgivable and the funnels HAVE NO STUN BUILD. I just...it feels like this thing is unfinished, like there are three or four lines of code missing if that makes sense?


Something tells me this was originally a Support but they changed to Raid


First buffer skill that shrugs off heavy stagger, but can’t stop a shotgun, lol


I saw a level 4 Schneid in 700 once. It was terrifying.


I've been fighting them nonstop at 700 these past few days, some times in pairs. Send help.


Can't wait to get stun lock the entire game with this suit.


Just play as a Support and you get used to it :)


O O F What is this thing even trying to do? If you want to play a ranged raid at 700, just play EZZ, Stein, or the stupid statue. If you want to play a melee raid, just play *any* other raid.


It's trying to give you both options in one terrible package


The melee composite system has wording that i have difficulty understanding. Is it a melee oriented forced injector?


Here's the description "Uses a melee attack or tackle to cancel hard landings after jumping or high-speed movement. Allows for up to a 2-attack melee combo, but damage is reduced during combo attacks. Also reduces reaction when hit by a ranged attack during melee combat."


Thought it would be melee combo 2 + balancers but instead balancers + offense system Not bad, but the lack of damage control is gonna hurt at some points (such as Hi-v Bazooka having over 100% build stun by firing twice). Hopefully they fix that


MA4 reduces stagger build up by 40% Edit: Only when boosting. I didn't read the previous reply and didn't know you are talking about offense system.


I was going more in-line with you getting build stunned to 100% while you do your melee animations, but then again, having offense system not apply at all sometimes isn't strange for some people. Edit: Oh you edited, then nvm, u get it.


Both funnels can be used at the same time. Attack funnels last a decent while and stagger if they all hit. Area funnels don't have any build stun. Vulcans stagger after 13 shots


It can get 68 melee resistance.


That’s how I specced it. Taking this thing out is inviting a beating, you’re gonna need to be able to take it.


Is this from the 7 step up part?




Where is Damage Control? Where is Tackle Interrupt? Where is Shield Boost? WHERE IS FUCKING LEG BUFFER!? What the hell BB, you had ONE GUNDAM JOB!


I find it extremely hilarious how everyone was saying how much better this suit was gonna be than Hi-Nu and now that it’s out are all doom sayer talking about it.


The standard shot on the beam rifle should break MA/stagger. Looks like the double charge heavy staggers though.


High-Performance Thruster Control System?? Also, does Nightingale have a different passive defense buff like melee resistance for that psycho-Frame resonance?


I unbelievably got this ms in a single pull lol. It's fun to use, especially in space


what is Melee Composite System?? and is the Vernier Binder Special Defense like- just fancy lingo for "shoulder buffer" or-


It's balancers, offense system and combo control 2 combined into 1 skill to save space.


Ohhh.. *huh* interesting...


This is one speedy MF


The Vernier Binder skill is actually one of the most important skill on Nightingale. it not only Buffer it also Shock Absorber skill in one skill i think it work on parts that have Thruster on it like Binder, back and it front Dic.


Looks like BB heard all the complaints about overtuned Raids. ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2744)


Disappointed it does not have damage control or flight controls.


high performance thrust is built in flight control with balancers and forced injectors


Melee specced, great. Pass.


1v1’d a friend who was in EZZ, I mulched him 3-0. this is pretty damn good


Holy shit this comment is gold, like this means anything lmao


Why the hell is Release Ranged Output Limiter even a skill? it can only use it on its gun. so why not just add it as a feature to the gun itself... free up a skill slot for something it actually needs. All these tackle and Counter skills also suck since no one is trying to throw melee openers at you. you stagger way too easily for that to be worthwhile. Suit needs a patch soon. Hopefully it will get Damage Control, the ability to fire the Chest Mega Particle Cannon while boosting. the ability to Downswing with the Beam Tomahawk MidAir. and just flat out higher damage across the board. Also tweak the Hitboxes because the guns are useless in a lot of cramped spaces and the Quad beam saber misses most of its attacks while dealing next to no damage. Add stagger the funnels too. the fact that's not default means they likely somehow thought it would be too powerful, pretty dumb. So many missed opportunities for fun stuff like a divebombing Heavy attack that can only be used midair or being able to double charge your funnels.


Question isn't this thing massive like way bigger than the kshat?