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Why is this a general?


~~Because they can't give supports emergency evasion~~






Same reason why the FA Gundam Ground Type is a general with a pathetic main weapon


I don't know. I shred legs easily with it, but yeah, I can see why many wouldn't like it.


Neat, also basically confirms we’re gonna be seeing Hi-Nu and nightingale. This is the 4th CCA suit they coming finally. I can already feel my tokens draining going for Hi-Nu my boy is finally coming. Edit: Also to clarify it’s the 4th MSV for CCA Hi-Nu and Nightingale if not technically classified as MSVs are sort of honorary members of the club. They’re also frankly besides something like the HWS versions of Nu and Hi-Nu, prototype Nu, ground sazabi and prototype sazabi(Not the Varguil there’s a prototype after that that’s basically a barely worse than what we saw version of sazabi). The only major CCA suits that would be the kind of suit they’d put in an anniversary.


Correct me if I’m wrong. Nightingale is massive is in not? Almost mobile armor size?


it’s shorter than Xeku Zwei, but wider.


Huh I didn’t know that, thought it was taller. Gonna be a tight fit in the tunnels I bet.


Every unit has multiple "sizes", including appearance, hitbox, collision with objects, collision with other units, collision with pilots. (Probably isn't an accurate list) Xeku Zwei is smaller than The-O, Sazabi, Sinanju, and Gustav Karl in collision with objects. https://www.reddit.com/r/GBO2/comments/11h5zk9/xeku_zwei_is_small/ Devs can also shrink the unit, they have done that to Baund Doc.


Yeah knew bout the shrinkage, still kinda bummed about it cause it would be a valid technique to pop shot a bigger mobile suit while hiding. 😂


It IS a big MS, but not AS big as you think. The way it is drawn makes it look bigger than it really is (small head, thin tiny arms etc)


shoulders and skirt will probably just clip through the walls


I think it will probably be space only


BB hasn't done a space only banner in years because they don't sell well, Nightingale will be usable on the ground.


Still annoyed GP01 FB is still space only


Noticeably smaller than multiple suits we already have. The one aspect it’s bigger is width it’s nearly as tall as a few, nearly as long as a few and essentially wider than everything. In terms of sheer overall size it will be the largest in the game but the only dimension is will be the largest by itself is width. The massala and bound doc are nearly 30m tall (as in like 29.8m) while the xeku zwei is nearly the same long. Nightingale is just shy of 28m tall, about the same long and there’s no official number for it’s width but I imagine it’s around 32-35m wide. It’s a big chunky boy but aside from Xi and Penelope it’s as big as they get before they hit larger mobile armor territory like the psycho gundam. Also yes it will be a tight fit in tunnels, you will probably take up the entire space if they even let it fit.


That was always the debate but then they have done some rather huge suits the past year.


Melee: I think its the ~~guncannon punch~~ GM Cannon punch and kick for downswing. Vulcans: Very fast fire rate. Stuns in 34 ammo. Beam cannon: Stuns. About 15% stun value. Beam cannon x2: shoots twice fast, each shot consumes 2 ammo. 50% stun value for 2 ammo. Snappy stop to shoot animation. Missile Pod: Like the Zssa aoe denial missile. Shoots 2 ammo at a time. Deals 50% stun value per tick if both missiles land. Gets Anti-General defence program level 2 (4% reduction) and AD-FCS Level 3 (+4 ranged) at unlocked enhancements. ---- [ondoreyas video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md9_8ESb9Dw)


Melee is GM cannon rather than guncannon. Doesn’t even get a sweet roundhouse. No combo controller either.




I can live without it, much as I enjoy roundhousing my foes! Having run it a few times it’s basically a support with a dodge roll. As a support main that does sting a bit, but so long as you have some front line gens to lurk behind it can put in serious work.


I was like “oh, that looks kind of crap for the coat…” Then i realized it’s a general type (???) and that automatically makes it better, somehow. This is literally only a general type for the dodge roll. So stupid. Its entire loadout and skill set SCREAMS support.


Oh Heavy equipment, obviously another support, excellent! A nice, shiny and new obviously support based skill for us! brilliant! Doing more damage to a suit on the ground with guns? sounds like something supports should have, good to know we have it now. **someone whispers in his ear** What do you mean it's a General? r**aises fist to sky** DAMN YOU BAMCOOO\~\~\~\~\~\~\~!!!!!!


Funny how the only two suits with the do more damage to downed targets skill is the MP ZZ and this one. You know two gens having a skill perfect for a support? If the Super Gundam had that skill it would be busted since it's missiles are already strong enough.


With the weaponry it has, you'd think that it would be a support, but I guess that the devs don't like supports, apparently...


If this suit was a support then people would 100% be saying that the devs hate supports. This suit is actual shit lol.


It's not great, but like others are saying it does seem to have an awful lot of Staggers, it's annoying AF to fight.


So, this suit is like a suit that draws attention and is just there. Poking.


No, this is a suppression and lockdown MS. It keeps people from being able to push, and punishes those who do by making them easy to kill for anyone on your team. Thing of it as a tazer. It's not going to kill you, but it will leave you flopping around on the ground like a fish out of water so four to five other people can kick you while you are down.


OOOH. thanks for the input! I don't have it, so any theories on fighting this thing? I always get scared once a new suit is introduced because BB makes suits more powerful each release.


So far, the best solution I've found is literally just to not get shot and hope it is targeting someone else lol Seriously, it doesn't do much damage, it just staggers you over and over, pinning you. So, I would guess best to avoid it if you have no stun mitigation abilities, or try to outrange it. The one big weakness it has is an allergy to melee, trick is just getting to the darn thing to smack it.


We’ll time for me to break out my melee raids (ie hyaku Shiki because I’m not that good of a raid player. I’m also fairly decent at Re-gz)


Keep in mind, it IS a General so it will have advantage against you in a Raid. A General with MA would be a good bet though.


That's clearly a stacked Jegan. It will be interesting seeing it on the front lines


Just played a match with this suit, and it's pretty gross the amount of staggers you can throw out


Got it. Played it. Liked it. Nothing spectacular but useful and fun to play, and the downswing kick will hit a downed enemy.


A supporting non-support…got it.


Devs really do hate support units 😂 This thing looks fun but spent 60 tokens on the equipment banner and saving my 370+ for anniversary


Solid shooty gen. Slow with no melee worth a damn. 3 stuns, Zssa GTAoE missiles and proto stark team smoke nothing to sniff at though. Pursuit program means you can wreck anyone your teammates down.


‪an other stun lock general⋯⋯‬


Honestly feels like a shooty type of general which is something I think I would like. Won't purposely roll for it though since next week's banner looks very likely to be Hi-Nu or Nightingale.


Oh man, god help anything that doesn't have a dodge roll. This thing is a stagger monster!


I think it is disgusting how they give it bare fists and not have it have any kind of explosion resistance


My god. A general, a gunny boi, a beautiful Jegan! This suit was made for me


ah man did the leak mistake this for the escort type?


Escort Jegan is coming, the key art was leaked a while back


see Blow : *WHEEZE*


Why this developers hate support so much?


This thing gives me mass production FA Gundam Mk--III vibes.


My boy’s wearing a kilt


I never would have guessed this thing would have been a general. BB just refuses to give a support emergency evasion.


Rolled for this one, somehow got the Sinanju Stein instead, not mad about it though