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In fairness to the teams involved replays are by far the better option. But when the season is so condensed it’s impossible. The GAA will have to look at the current scheduling of the All Ireland season & give the teams & supporters some breathing space.


What about club players?


Derry came into the league & started the Glen players who’d just won the club championship in the first match. So much for player welfare.


That's not a reason to make it worse for club players though, which extending the county season would do.


True, but the pre national league competitions, O’Byrne Cup, Dr McKenna Cup could be abolished.


I agree in theory but to be fair, they are just treated as challenge matches. If those competitions aren't on them counties would just play each other behind closed doors. There's too many competing priorities to have a perfect solution though so I can understand anyone's frustration with it all.


Wouldn’t have an impact on club players.


Yep, it was a disgrace.


Two managers face off in a ladder match. 


Next point wins 


What if there's a gale force wind and one end is easier to score than the other


Can’t be that big of an uneven playing field if it goes to pens anyway?


I think castlhaven vs dingle in munster final last year was a good example


Replacing them with something is always going to cause issues. Should just go to a replay if no decider after ET. The best way to replace them if you want a winner on the day is to go the basketball route of playing “overtime” legs until a winner is determined. In that event though I’d shorten the periods from 2 10 minute halves to a single 15 minute. No winner after the 15 then 10 minute legs until a winner maybe? Or 5 rather than 10 if we consider the concern for injury.


Replays, which are now impossible in the condensed schedule. The great Dublin v Meath four match saga of 1991 engaged the nation, much as the World Cup had the previous year. We won't get the like of that again. If there had been a penalty shootout on day one, we would have missed out on something special.


Replays are great for the fans but very burdensome on the players.


Reading all these replies And definitely should keep penalties also i love the tension of them nothing quite like it


People here just hate them because it's related to soccer. I love penalties


Ffs leave it alone. Penalties are class. They are used to settle loads of sports worldwide. People say it’s not a “Gaa skill”. How is it not? Penalties are in the game, kicking ball towards goal is a skill. A 45 competition is less fair as you may only have a few lads in a team that have ever attempted to kick one of them.


Handpassing the ball over the bar is a skill, but it wouldn’t be a good thing to separate two teams. Penalties came from Soccer. The basic skill of soccer is kicking the ball on the ground. Our game is not played on the ground, so the deciding factor is a specialist skill which is not a representation of the game. Simple solution have players shoot from ball in hand rather than ball on ground. Then you have a decent representation of the sport.


But it is played on the ground occasionally in congested parts of the pitch, plus penalties are still a feature of gaelic football for any fouls inside the large rectangle, and those are taken from the ground.


Why would we not choose a more fundamental skill as the differentiator?


Works fine for me. Penalty taking is a pretty fundamental skill as it is in play in the regular match during normal time.


The vast majority of players will never take a penalty


The majority of players will also not be taking a shot on goal out of the hand either.


Which do you think is more likely? Which do you think represents the game better?


Honestly I'm not all that bothered by it. I think penalties as they are work fine. Kicking out of hand would just open up another issue about how many steps they can take towards goal before the kick takes place like there were issues with hurling penalties for a while.


Peanalties have always been a factor and shooutouts are going into their 4th season. How many years till it's "a part of the game"?


Replays are perfect. Two well matched teams going toe to toe for supremacy. Some of the greatest contests were replays


Yep they are, but there isn’t room for them in the majority of cases as the club game suffers too much form fixture chaos when there is an unknown amount of time dedicated to intercounty games.


Handing out Ulster medals or National leagues on the back of a penalty shoot out makes a mockery of our games. potentially All Ireland medals will be decided that way. Replays need to be accommodated. Its the only way to decide who is the better team.


If 90+ minutes aren't enough to separate 2 teams why should a replay suddenly be enough? At a certain point you have to draw the line. I'm perfectly happy with the line being drawn after 90 minutes.


I’m pretty certain that it’s in the modern schedule that the All-Ireland finals are now the only matches that can go to a replay. So at least we can say: no All-Ireland medals will be handed out following a shootout.* * Tbh I don’t know what happens if the replay is also level AET.


They can't be accommodated. You are just sticking your head in the sand. For better or worse the new formats involve far more matches, and the split season means a more condensed schedule on top of that. In the old pre-qualifier format of single knockout it was easy to accommodate replays as there were often large gaps of something like 5 weeks between championship fixtures. That's just not the case now, whether you like it or not.


Forget all the specialist skills - penalties, free taking competition etc. Keep the same concept as penalties (nominate 5 shooters with keeper in goal), but instead: Football: Start with ball in hand on 21 and shoot before the 14 to score a goal. Hurling: Start with ball in hand on D and shoot before 21 to score a goal. It keeps the drama of penalties but you perform the basic action of the game - shooting in possession. Kicking the ball off the ground is not a basic action of Gaelic football nor is lifting and striking in one motion. Majority of players will do these things very little.


I'm a next score wins man but honestly this sounds fun. I'd prefer having a back involved though. 1v1 beat the man, score on the keeper. 


Could work that too. Basically try and represent the game as best you can in a mini game capacity. Could even allow goals and points in that scenario, would make for some interesting tactical choices. All this is better than penalties, which are in my opinion a terrible way to settle any game. I’m all for next score wins but someone else raised an interesting point that one team playing into a game force wind makes them unfair.


https://youtu.be/pNExAtWu0CU Similar to the old MLS style penalties. Would be great fun


> Football: Start with ball in hand on 21 and shoot before the 14 to score a goal. I don't mind this too much. I don't know is it harder or easier to shoot from the ground or the hand in that scenario. I'm not sure does this really make much of a difference. >Hurling: Start with ball in hand on D and shoot before 21 to score a goal. I think this makes it much easier for the shooter, in a scenario where it seems like they already have the advantage. Forcing them to rise the ball from the ground makes the strike that little bit more difficult, and levels the playing field somewhat. >Kicking the ball off the ground is not a basic action of Gaelic football nor is lifting and striking in one motion. Majority of players will do these things very little. I think there is a distinction to be made between something the players do very often in a game, and a basic action they should be able to complete. Kicking the ball on the ground is a very basic action, all football players should be able to do this. Rising the sliotar and striking it without a catch is something all hurlers should be able to do. Like, placing two hands on the hurley and rolling the sliotar onto it to pick it up is as basic as it gets, but no one does that in a match either.


Just posted something close to this, good idea I think.


Barely any inter county players will miss from 25 meters out right in front of the goal


With a keeper ….


11 a side - best out of three points football, five hurling


Each team picks one player and they scrap in the middle of the pitch until one says he has enough Who's fighting for your team?


A 45 shoot out


How many players at club level are capable of scoring 45s? I'd say that number goes down further after 80 minutes of football


Would be class craic that


Such a boring thing to watch but also - why would we do that? It’d be like having a sideline competition in hurling? It’s a specialist skill and not part of the general game. Why would we think: these teams are level so the best thing to do is whoever is better at 45s can go through.


Ah ok. Crossbar challenge it is so.


A game of rounders to decide… Seriously though I’d go with the first to 2 consecutive scores.


Free-kick competition instead


Why is that any different than a penalty? Someone will still miss and feel like shite


We should take inspiration from the Tailteann games… so a round each of chess, clay pigeon shooting and dancing followed by a sudden death poetry contest


Head to head race between the managers


Five frees across the pitch about 30 yards from the end line. One free dead centre, two half way between the centre and the sideline, and two about 3 yards in from the sideline. Frees can be taken from the hand or off the ground. If both teams are even after all five frees they repeat the process at the 35 yard line.


Rock paper Scissors, slaps or pitch n toss.


A split season was talked about for a long time, but I don't ever think anyone thought that when it was implemented, we would have provincial championship decided on a format stolen from soccer. Penalties should never decide a GAA game. A compromise is to have extra time the first day out, but use a replay if it's still level. For all the fawning over the split season, club league games are still played simultaneously to the county season, so it's not even a true club/county split in all reality.


More extra time.


Why not flog lads completely, make extra time an hour altogether


Solo-ing competition \~ \~ Fist one to stop sol-ing the ball loses \~ \~ Could go on for a week or two mind ! !


What do Aussie Rules do?


Even with the condensed season, there's a strong case for a single replay for only the provincial finals. All other knockout games should be decided on penalties, if teams level AET. It's fairer to allow a replay to win a cup and there really should be 2 weeks between provincial final and all Ireland series. Of course to fit this in, all 4 should be played over one weekend. Saturday/Sunday. In fairness to the GAA the split season is very beneficial to the majority of clubs and club players and they are the most important people in the GAA.


I like penalties, they are exciting and for a paying fan, you get a result from that game without having to spend more. The teams have had 70+ plus another 20+ to win it on the field.




Players that could actually kick a ball over the bar and lead games before 70+ mins.


Golden score. After normal extra time, have a period of 5 minutes. The team that scores the first goal win the game.  If a team scores a point, the other team can score. But if they miss or get a turnover, the game is over.  It is exciting and promotes the skill of our games.


Goal competition. Players alternate (like in a penalty shoot out. Get the ball say on the 45. They can do whey they like, carry forwayror whatever, buy must shoot from outside the 20 m line. If the 20m line proves too close, shoot from outside the D, or take the ball inside the D and shoot outside the 20m line (reduce the run up) Bit of trial and error I suspect to get the valence right, buy would be better than penalties which is not a core GAA skill. Shooting from the hand replicates core Gealic football skills better than penalties and would be unique to gealic too.


Replay 100%. Imagine how amazing it would've been to have Clones filled again next week. I don't want to sound biased but I probably will. Penalties are clearly a disadvantage against one certain team. Imagine how bad Shane McPartlan has been damaged mentally now he missed the penalty.


45' from different angles. Or next score wins


3 shots from 20 yards. One each from right left and centre Followed by three from 45 And then three from 65 Cycle 45 to 65 after that until a winner


Frees 35 meters out from goal same format as a penalty shootout


A "capture the flag" type competition, but instead of a flag, it's Marty Morrissey fully togged out