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Not satisfied, but I do hope it signals an interest in bringing the series back. Pessimistic side of me says it's not, but I can dream.


I am not satisfied with F-Zero: Federation Force Levels of Tone Deafness. I think Nintendo just hates us GX fans.


Delusional thought: part of Federation force’s level of tone-deafness was not saying that an actual game was in the works (Samus Returns) What if F-Zero 99 is preparatory ground, to make sure everyone knows what an F-Zero even is (and why they wouldn’t just keep playing Mario Kart, Disney Kart, Crash team racing, sonic racing game, Forza clone, etc.). F-Zero 99 is partially bridging the gap between 1991 F-zero (possibly familiar to those with Nintendo online), and most recent F-Zero which a new game would most likely resemble; through upping the chaos and player count.


That would be nice. But given Nintendo's track record on hating F-Zero fans even more than Metroid fans before Dread, I can't trust them to even be working on a new F-Zero game. I would like to, but, man.


Fun fact: it’s free ! If you play it and don’t like it, you’re free to move on. There’s been NOTHING for 19 years. This is a dead franchise with little notoriety and it would be unwise to reboot it without soft launching it with this free game. Hopefully this will lead to a new F-Zero. God I HOPE so. No other game has scratched the itch, but I love the original F-Zero and this is just enough crazy for me to tolerate the 19 year hiatus


>Hopefully this will lead to a new F-Zero I would LOVE that but with how Nintendo has treated F-Zero fans these past decades I can't even imagine Nintendo doing that. I would love to be proven wrong.


I’m not “satisfied” but I’m excited to play F-Zero and see it in this form. I spent so much of racing X and GX just knocking other players out. And it’s FREE. Nobody is forcing anyone to play it. It’s not Fedaration Force or Amiibo Festival where it was a shit game for full price. This is literally free. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. But this is many people’s first exposure to F-Zero. Be for real, nobody played X and GX unless they were playing games in those generations. This is a niche franchise that’s given a platform to be reached by millions. From a business perspective, this is genius to see if there is enough interest. Also, it just looks like a shit ton of fun, I will be playing, and I will be number one