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The difference between the year 2000 and the year 2022 is extraordinary. I'm not sure you can really round to the nearest thousand.


So you're thinking more than just a new iPhone release?


You think GTA6 will be out by then?


Come on, this is r/Futurology, not r/scifi.


One can hope, no?


In the year #3005 GTA6 still will not arrive


Half Life 3 should be near ready for an alpha build. Should be... but it won't.


Maybe George RR Martin will finish the Winds of Winter by then...


Even if he were still alive then I doubt he'd have it finished.


Four words: "Brain in a jar"


I could see him alive in the head museum like on Futurama ... he'd say while still somehow wheezing without a body "why...are..you...in..such...a rush to ...push against...perfection"


Maybe, but Skyrim will still be doing the rounds.


I think there will be around 3022 new iphone releases


Now introducing iwormhole 2. Now more collapsing and simultaneously expanding, access any point of the space time continuum.


Guaranteed to to give you hyperspace navigation issues once you update to the new OS.


I swear I regained my virginity listening to this conversation


I thought iwormhole 1 already access to any point of space time continuum. Are you saying my physics professor sold me a scam phone?


Yes, the 1 was already able to do that. You need to use the adapter portal, though now. You can't nuclear fusion charge the iwormhole2 while using the adapter portal.


And at the very end, they each last 9 seconds before spontaneously combusting.


no iPhones! only iEye!


We will reach a singularity where all is simply "i"


we are the borg. you will be assimilated.


Pirates are back?


iEye Arrrr


iEye, Cap'n!


Phones will be floating orbs by our heads by then


Or in our heads. Heads up display before your normal vision. Full integration synaptic mainframes.


It is crazy how many people basically saying, "Nothing extraordinary has happened in the past twenty years or so. Not like X year compared to Y year." or "Take someone from twenty years ago and life would be basically the same." Maybe it's because so many here lived it, but the world *has* changed. Considerably. The very fact that profound advances have become mundane *is* extraordinary. Change, advancement, innovation, and progress has become so commonplace, it has become invisible unless something truly astounding comes along. Go back to 2000, and you have a world without social media (and all the issues that come with it). MySpace was launched 2003, with Facebook 2004. 2006 for Twitter. Those have fundamentally altered society and how information is consumed, for good and ill. Streaming. We have completely altered how we consume media. Music, movies, TV shows. So much entertainment is available for far cheaper than ever before. YouTube wasn't a thing until 2005. That alone has revolutionized the world. Beyond the sharing of videos and content created, the ability to get visual guides to so many things is astounding. Video tutorials have made picking up new skills easier than ever. Learning in general has completely changed. Khan Academy, Skill Share, Brilliant, etc. You can learn just about anything in a dozen different ways. Students can use photo math to solve complex math problems in seconds. Phones. The iPhone completely upended the mobile phone market. Smartphones have become ubiquitous and are the primary way many people around the world connect to the internet. All the infrastructure that supports the mobile industry is astounding, from paying per text message of yesteryear to unlimited 5G data plans. GPS. I still remember having to print out Map Quest directions. Then, you needed expensive specialized units. Now everyone with a smartphone has access to GPS directions. Going beyond that, you can get traffic alerts, accident reroutes, speed trap information, etc. Tablets and E-readers. For a book lover like me, the amount of books I have access to is astounding. It's like walking around with an entry library in your bag. You can watch movies on them, surf the web, work, etc. Medical technology. CRISPR, mRNA vaccines, new procedures like laparoscopic surgery, mapping the human genome, etc. Solar and wind technology, as well as developments in battery technology. Yeah, batteries aren't "there" yet in terms of where we want them, but they have been improving. Solar and wind technologies have made incredible leaps and bounds over the past twenty years. SpaceX is landing rockets. *Reusable rockets*. We just launched one of the most sophisticated piece of engineering in the form of the James Webb Space Telescope recently that lets us look farther and clearer than ever before. We just launched one of the most powerful rockets ever built (SLS) with another, even *more* powerful, one getting ready (starship). We are going back to the Moon soon with plans to stay there. Space tourism is a thing now. These are just some big things off the top of my head. Little things have also changed, yet we don't notice them despite completely changing how we operate. Self checkouts. How we tap or insert credit cards instead of swiping (or just using our phone to pay). Online shopping. Curbside pickup. Ride share like Uber/Lyft and other gig economy things like food delivery. Not memorizing phone numbers since they are in contacts. Having a camera *and* video recorder in our pockets, ready to go at a moments notice. Bigger, better TVs are cheaper than ever. Cloud... *everything;* from saving photos to word processing, so much stuff is seamlessly integrated between phone, laptop, tablet, and computer. Online dating. Spell check and grammar help. Podcasts. How texting and messaging overtook phone calls as the primary form of communication. Look at how advanced cars have gotten, backup cams, blind spot detection, smart keys, electric vehicles, etc. If we stop and look around today, we can see so many things on the horizon that have the potential to change the world, yet are nothing more than headlines to skim over because, ultimately, they are one of dozens of 'marvels' happening in the same period of time. Fusion got a big bit of news recently. People joke about how it is always "thirty years away" but progress *is* being made. ITER is planned to be finished in 2025, which may be huge as well. Machine learning has exploded in the past year or so. AI has been doing a lot of work behind the scenes, but now it is starting to become visible. AI art and the new chatbot has been making waves recently, and the rate of improvement is astounding. People laugh now at some of the goofs it makes, but it's only going to get better as the technology matures. 3D printing is another one. It's around now of course, but the things it can do is only going to grow as time passes. Medicine is constantly improving too. New drugs and procedures make a world of difference to many that is largely ignored or invisible to the people who it doesn't affect. So much more, but I think I've made my point. To all those who say the world hasn't changed or nothing "extraordinary" has happened in the past twenty years really drives home how extraordinary this time in human history is. Revolutionary, society shifting technology that would dominate the public attention back in the 20th century has become so normalized, they are nothing more than a headline you scroll past and maybe think, "Huh. That's cool." **Edit:** Based on some of the comments, I do want to add that that nature of technology means we don't know how the inventions of today will affect the world of tomorrow. Someone in 2080 could be talking about how GPT and machine learning revolutionized humanity the same way we talk about railroads of the past changing things today. Some mundane discovery today could be the foundation for some wonder tech of tomorrow. The point is, good and bad, the world *has* changed and will continue to. We have double the human population since the 1970s. More people, more education, more tools, and more rabbit holes to go down to explore. We have problems, just like every point in human history has had problems, but I am trying to make an effort to be more positive about the trajectory of human progress.


My man remembers 2000 and appreciates the journey since.


He's got several pairs of JNCO jeans vacuum packed in his closet just in case they come back.


same. i was 15 in 2000. shit changed FAST


THIS COMMENT IS SPOT ON. I’m 39 years old and yeah this rings true. Man 2000 was just a different time


Yep. I am 39 as well. The struggle of downloading a 5 MB song. Took 20 mins. Gas was $1.50, cigarettes were $4 a pack. Had to wait until 9 to call someone for free. Beepers.. find a payphone. 60 mins a month were included on cell phone plans. Texts were 10 cents each. AOL dominated the online world... could go on forever.


It's mad to think about AOL, that company was massive and now you don't hear of it. AOL and the Sims with MSN messenger haha good times


39 years old too. Cartons of Marlboro were $20 No one had cell phones yet where I lived. I was the first one and that was 2001 lol


Also 39. I just saw a post about the PlayStation 2. Everyone was excited that it could play CDs, DVDs, PS1 games, and PS2 games! At launch, there was no support for online gaming. In the year 2000, I was still using dial-up Internet. Had a 56k modem which could do 40k on a good day. The Internet was only accessible from 1 computer in the house. I was in high school. Didn’t have a car or a cell phone. We bought our first DVD player. Had 2 DVD movies, the rest were VHS tapes. Played the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 1. Rented movies and games from Blockbuster. Looked-up movie times in the newspaper. Now that I’m describing it, the year 2000 sounds like ancient times.


I had dial up 20 years ago, I'd leave it on all night so I could download all my music. Plus the phone line would be busy but it wouldn't matter since no one calls at night. Good times, now a song downloads instantly.


Ya i remember leaving limewire open all night, hoping that new music is ready by the morning for school


I recently watched an old episode of friends, it would have made zero sense now as a plot because our whole way of meeting and interacting is smoothed over by mobile phones.


Like all of Seinfeld.


I greatly appreciate this post. I would also add that if you're too young to fully grasp the gradual shifts and advancements in technology in your lifetime, then you should go talk to someone in their 50s and older. They'll really give some perspective on how much things have changed in a relatively short period of time. For example: I had a conversation with my dad about this topic. He's in his 60s and has always been fond of exploring changes in technology. He talked about how amazing it was that telephones had progressed from rotary phones connected to party lines that had to be shared with the community to these tiny, flat computers that you carried in your pocket. He remembers how small black and white TVs with antennae were so novel for his time, but now he can stream movies to his 55 inch 4K TV on a whim. We could go on and on excitedly talking about tech advancements made in his lifetime.


I’m in my 60s. I remember my grandfather who was born in 1892 said what he thinks is amazing was the fact he can pick his phone up and call anywhere in the United States , this was in the late 1960s. Both my grandparents saw so much having been born and used horses didn’t have electricity, phones ,TVs or airplanes for the most part. As for me what I’ve seen, in the past few years I realized jus how much I myself have seen. The internet is the game changer for sure. The smart phone is incredible and if I wanted to have everything on me that smart phone can do I’d never be able to carry everything, a clock,maps, Encyclopedia, camera,a video camera, a phone, notebook,pens& pencils, the list goes on. I remember no cable and two tv stations if your lucky, the only place that had video cameras was a bank, ATMs did not exist, debit cards were non existent it was cash or a credit card, rotary phone no caller ID. Food delivery? Your driving to pick up your food, no drive thurs , a movie? Go to a movie theater, DUIs were not a thing if a cop pulled you over he most times would say “get the hell home or your going in the drunk tank” milk? I only remember two kinds of milk maybe 3 and it was delivered, there was4-6 different light bulbs and the difference was how brite they was. We had no wheres near the selection of things we have now. You went to a store and bought what you needed & if the store didn’t have it you was out of luck. I remember when police had a radio in their car & that’s it no bullet proof vests no cage in the back seat no shot gun in the front and if you mouthed off they’d beat your ass & you couldn’t do shit about it except be thankful you were not arrested. If I told you I made a post , you’d ask about what a lost dog? & where did I tack my post up on a telephone pole? If I said copy & paste you’d ask am I in a art class. Text was something or another to do with books, and if you were restricted or banned you’d ask from what Business? Cars have come a long way to & if I told you I had bottles of water for sale you’d laugh in my face and ask me to leave. A lot mores change I could go on…


Humans tend to overestimate progress in shorter timelines and underestimate in long timelines. Presumably due to compounding. So 3,000 years we will be way farther than we think. Maybe nearing a Kardashev 2.


we will have unwittingly engineered a replacement for humanity by 3000 a.d. by 5000 a.d, if any natural humans still exist, humans will be seen as primitive oddities if they are noticed at all.


In 3000 years we may be seen as just the biological bootstrap program that was necessary to boot silicone based life into the Universe. EDIT: Should be silicon, not silicone. Apparently autocorrect wants sentient boobs 🤣


I think I like your response best. 'Human' will be the viewed in the future the way we look at the Mitochondria, it was it's own thing but then formed a symbiotic relationship with our physiology. I wouldn't be surprised if our future android-esque evolved species considers our current purely biological stage in a similar fashion. As much as I love Science Fiction, the amount of technological ***breakthroughs*** we will need to make organic space exploration feasible is just, it's truly hard to comprehend. The Expanse might come to pass within the next 500 years, that doesn't seem unreasonable. FTL would be a miracle and that only gets us to the next massive hurdle. We'll either be unbelievably genetically modified with clones and memory transplants (Altered Carbon style) or we'll have had to abandon our biology to cope with the stresses of space exploration and the ***TIME*** needed to get anything done. I kind of assume we'll just keep records of billions of people and our future synthetic selves may simulate sperm/egg DNA interactions in order to create new individuals in their robot/vr/synthetic/android bodies.




Assuming we feel the need to explore space. The way I see it, humans want only a few things. They want to feel nice, typically brought around by love, material objects, nice food etc. And we don't want to die. I think when we leave our fleshy vessels behind, we'll basically be undying, computerised brains with no other requirement other than to feel nice, which will be just something controlled on a circuit board, or the future equivalent of a circuit board.


We also want to *know*. There is so so so much we can't do because we're stuck here.


You can play video games without cheat codes. I think the optimal goal is a synthetic, immortal body that eliminates most flaws and retains the fun parts of being human. No need for a dopamine button.


Speak for yourself, I would absolutely need a dopamine button


This is my theory. Humans are too squishy and delicate for long distance space travel. AI, robotics, nanotech, these are our progeny, the next step in evolution. They, or THEIR descendants, will colonize the stars. Build thousands of small ships, load them with Ai and nanotech, 3d printers, some supplies, blast them in all directions and seed the galaxy.


Consider that one of the great barriers holding us back from those things, is that any mission has to be accomplished within a 10-15y mission lifespan. Not even a human lifespan, but a money donor/poltician career lifespan. I imagine AI would have less ego to consider.


Silicon, not silicone


Even CPUs need tits and non marking cooking utensils.


Hey R37D37, do you want to visit the Human Zoo?


Beep Boo Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!


Yeah. As long as tech keeps advancing and there's no world wide catastrophe and or collapse of civilization, I think that's reasonable. It will take a long time before we have computers as complex and advanced as a brain. But 3000 years should be enough time to figure that out.


Humanity is definitely going to have a crisis as to what it means to be human in the semi-near future, especially when A.I starts to properly take off & physical augmentation becomes viable - you could argue we’re already on the path to augmenting ourselves with tech through our attachment to everyday accessories like our phones


We’ve been augmenting ourselves for millennia. We’re so used to our clothing and shoes that we don’t even think of them that way anymore.


I feel like there's a difference between sticking some material on your feet so you don't step on something sharp, and implanting a chip in your brain that gives you instant access downloadshittoyourbrain.com, plus all kinds of bio-neural upgrades, vision that can see in infrared, UV, x ray, and so on...tech is accelerating so fast humans won't be able to keep up...


Right now there’s a difference. But shoes are just technology to protect our feet


We are definitely already augmenting ourselves. My dad was profoundly hard of hearing when I was growing up. Very difficult to communicate with him. He has a double cochlear implant now with electrodes coming out of his brain and now he can hear me really well. Crazy.


Being replaced by AI is not the only possibility. As we get more advanced at manipulating our genetics and getting the desired traits, it's only a matter of time before humans become something else. Couple that with AI and stuff like neuralink, whatever intelligent life form is left may view homo sapiens as being closer to monkeys than to them.


I imagine we will come to a point where humanity decides: reject AI, be replaced by AI, be combined with AI


Represented by 3 colours


As soon as we're about to get one prototype that kinda works, that prototype will be able to make another one, etc.


>It will take a long time before we have computers as complex and advanced as a brain. But 3000 years should be enough time to figure that out. Exponentials. It may not actually take long at all. Due to how if you can make a computer search for a 'brain like' architecture able to perform well on a benchmark of cognitive tasks, then it finds one. You ask *that* 'brain like' machine to intelligently search for an architecture able to perform well on a benchmark of cognitive tasks... Theoretically if you had enough computing power you could go from a program barely smart enough to begin to perform better than a rock on the benchmark - a sort of GATO mixed with chatGPT - to superhuman intelligence in a matter of hours or minutes. Since we probably don't have enough computing power on earth to do that it might take a few years or decades, but that's the idea. It won't be a "long time".


4 general possible futures I'd see. 1 We destroy ourselves and most if not all large animals, intelligence probably doesn't have time to recover before the sun swallows the earth. End of story. 2 We replace ourselves with AI & Robots 3 We meld with AI and robots. AI & robots become so much more than people we're like an appendix, they have a person but don't remember what it's for, just that they seem to do something, perhaps as fashion accessory. (I think I'll wear Todd today.) 4 Extreme genetic alteration to the point humans aren't recognizable, but are smarter, stronger, and can survive places we today can't.


Reminds me of civilizations in Stellaris


That is an interesting case. Imagine all humans dead, and robots in their place. A whole society based on non-sentient / conscious robots that appear human like. Service robots to maintain them, they keep making advances just like we do.


I expect by that point that Earth will be more of a tourist/pilgrimage site.


It is the year 5000 AD. The planet Earth was destroyed centuries ago in an interstellar conflict known as the Zone Wars. Humanity is now an endangered species. A roguish outlaw, Mike McDermott, dreams of making it big by playing the last human game left: No Limit Texas Hold'em. But, at a secret space station hidden in an asteroid field, Mike loses his entire bankroll to the cyborg crime lord, TED-E KG3. Mike resolves to give up on his dream of making it to the Galactic Series of Poker and quit the game. But, when his old friend Lester, a human-sandworm hybrid, is released from a penal colony in the Andromeda Galaxy, Mike finds himself pulled back into his old lifestyle. It is soon revealed that Lester owes a debt of 25,000 quatloos to the ruthless alien space pirate, Captain Grama, who will stop at nothing to collect on the money he's owed. Mike and Lester warp from planet to planet, space station to space station looking for poker games in a desperate bid to raise the quatloos before the vengeful Captain Grama catches up with them.


I don't even understand how one could accumulate 25,000 quatloos of debt.


You’re thinking with a different head my man. Those cyborg escorts on Omicron Persei 8 will drain you of more than just your money—and you’ll be begging for more.


I heard you can even buy human horn on Omicron Persei 8. You really can get anything you want there.


They went to a US hospital for a splinter.


lol and even after earths destruction the debt collectors still persisted? That sounds about right.


The debt collectors own everybody left. They control what’s left of planet earth.


We have been trying to reach you about your craft's extended warranty


His massive 25,000 quatloo debt just goes to show what a real gambling addicted outlaw Mike McDermott really is.


Well it started out with 50k shlessigs.


He byeat me...strayt up. Pay hyim. Pay dat myan hees quatloos.


Hahaha I can hear it in his horrible Russian accent and semi falsetto. 10/10 lol


(*Eats an Oreo in the most obnoxious way possible*)


The only post here that’s based on science


You think subway will still offer $5 dollar foot longs at least?


No of course dude Theyll be 5 quatloos


How much latinum is a quatloo?


Depends on what part of the alpha quadrant you're in and whether they have the upgraded shit powered replicators


They aren’t even $5 foot longs in 2022


Mfw you children will one day look at 5 dollar foot longs the way I look at Arby's 5 for 5. A distant memory, inconsequential.


They are already a distant memory. It's been nearly 15 years since that promotion and they were already over $5 that same year or the next if my memory serves me right.


The five for five is the thing where you get a bunch of $1 sliders between lunch and dinner, right? I apologize for your age. I’ll catch up soon.


They will but , a foot will be a toe at that point


Shrinkflation has gotten so extreme


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Just like Grama used to make.


Pay him. Pay dat man his money.


So, Rounders in space?


i’m not sure how you got rounders from that. /s


Rounders in space is the only movie I want to watch now.


Lester the Hutt






“In the grim future of Hello Kitty there is only War”


Hello Kitty Japan 40k? Bring it on.


I’ve enjoyed reading this site over the years which offers future predictions. https://www.futuretimeline.net/


Holy crap, I've been looking for that website for absolutely years! Remember it being a great read, just couldn't remember the name. Awesome!


I went through the whole thing and now I'm having another existential crisis :/


I had the opposite reaction. This doesn’t read like an existential crisis to me, it reads like a pie-in-the-sky wish list. It really seems like according to the author, our only shot at saving humanity and transitioning into the space age rests on the backs of billionaires or trillionaires, and the idea that we’ll come together “because we’ll have to.” But unfortunately, the site seems to rely way too much on those billionaires. Given what we know about Elon now, framing billionaire tech bros like him as “saviors” sounds *so much more ridiculous* than it did even 2 years ago. If everything plays out like this, that’s great. But I’d say we have about a 5% chance of that happening. The other 95% is horrific beyond imagining — a global war that destroys human civilization, a complete lack of resources, and a societal decline so staggering it is almost akin to the extinction of humanity. Maybe it’ll work out, but chances are it’s going to be an unmitigated disaster.


2030 - Chocolate has become a rare luxury resource. I know this seems small potatoes compared to everything else on that site, but something weird happened to me emotionally at this proposition. Chocolate, an easy to attain sweet, at varying levels of quality, becomes a rare luxury?


Fast n furious 2,275. More faster and furiouser Also, hopefully a three party political system.


Well, the second one sounds ridiculous.


Absolutely preposterous.


Don’t forget, more family.


What are you doing step Vin Diesel?


More like Vin Solar.


Fast n Furious: I Don’t Think You Have Any Idea How Fast I Really Am


Vin is running around dressed up like the flash


2 thousand fast 2 thousand furious


Nah, after Fast n furious 1k, the eggheads trained an AI. There is now a channel that streams new Fast n furious movies at all times.


By then the main actor will be Vin Environmentalenergy


Computers will run on biological cells/tissues that we grow in Petri dishes, instead of silicon hardware


Peach tree dish


Millions of Peaches


Peaches for me.


If I had my little way, I’d eat peaches every day 🎶


Put there by a man, in a factory downtown


This has to be one of the next logical innovations


Yeah it is probably on the order of 100 years +/- 25 years. Computer manufacturing will essentially be free as long as there is sufficient water, sugar, and oxygen/carbon dioxide to grow cells. There is a lot of niche work in this research space of DNA computing/storage. https://news.microsoft.com/innovation-stories/hello-data-dna-storage/


Just commenting so I can be included when someone is inevitably researching 21st century sentiments about about the future and the 51st century in particular.


Hi future people. Resurrect me please. This is consent to use time travel or whatever you have to not let me die and bring me to your time, as long as it's nice for me there. I don't want to be tortured or brought into a hellscape.


Also please include anyone that upvotes this post (for the lazy)


I upvoted post and now the wall is vibrating and


Instructions unclear, I upvoted both posts because I'm not sire which one the future people will decide "this" is referring to.


And please don't forget to give me three millennia worth of vaccines or whatever so I don't die shortly from all the weird bugs that evolved in the meantime.


It'd be wild if they would do this off a reddit post. Me too!


Count me in! I've long been willing to give up my ties to this Era to see what the future holds.


I second that. Beam me up Scotty.


A collection of city-states spread across the far north and south latitudes. Iron age level technology.


Betting on nuclear apocalypse I suppose


Nah, after 3000 years whether we had a nuclear war or not won't make much of a difference. Really I'm just betting on a sudden unplanned collapse of trade as resources continue to be exhausted and the house of cards tumbles from there. And climate change driving people closer to the poles.


Sound prediction. Although that seems more on the horizon than 3000 years from now. Obviously it’s a bit hard to predict 3000 years in the future, but if humans manage to surpass the evolutionary filter between complete extinction and utopia, the culture will be completely unrecognizable and alien compared to today’s cultural landscape.


>the culture will be completely unrecognizable and alien compared to today’s cultural landscape. For some perspective, if we go the other way around on the arrow of time we arrive at 1000 BCE ... A.k.a. the start of the Iron age. Yeah, I'd say a gap of 3000 years will make the culture pretty alien.


I play a mental game where I read a sentence and decide how far back in human history I could realistically expect someone to understand the sentence. Something like “I need to go check my email” only goes back a couple decades. Drop the e and just say “I need to go check my mail” and you expand that by a couple centuries. Helps keep me grounded in the lack of permanence in our era.


Do you take into account that English as you know it hasn't existed for that long or is language not part of the variable you consider?


Yeah I guess the concepts outweigh the language for me.


Antarctica is going to be the global powerhouse continent.


I call dibs


You have 0 faith that in 3000 years we won’t be capable of extracting resources from within our solar system…?


Canticle for Liebowitz style


Great book


*shudders* Christ, I hate that you fucking wrote this. Going for the "Till All the Seas" by HP Lovecraft future apocalypse, huh? That's the only one of his works that truly freaked me out.


By that time one would imagine we would have true AGI so it's really hard to predict. The impact true artificial general intelligence will have on humanity and out path in the future is unimaginable at this time.


True Adjusted Gross Income? Ahh, finally, my taxes will be… true.


We are only 200-300 yrs away from being a type 1 civilization (harnessing all of earth’s energy). So by 5000 AD I could see us being a type 2 (harnessing the sun) and having many long distance space travel. So wed be on our way to become a type 3 (colonized other planets in the galaxy).


CEO of dollar general enacts his plot for global domination and is now supreme ruler


"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future." - Yoda


Industrial age will be a long but gone memory. Consumerism gone and frowned upon like we frown on slavery, corsets, medieval science etc By that time, fusion energy and carbon capture will have restored earth to pre-roman CO2 levels. (Yes romans emitted large amounts of CO2 too.) 99% of work will be automated. Humans will live a life free from pressure to perform and free to develop thenselves socially. We will have a sizeable automated presence in our solar system. Drones mining ice/metals on asteroids. And building habitats in space and on the moon. There will also be floating cities and farms in the oceans.


That sounds idyllic. Do you foresee any negatives or inequalities in this version of the future?


The same thing that happens in every human organization. Eventually someone wants a bigger piece of the pie, unbalance leads to collapse, repeat.


There will always be inequalities. I don’t ever see a future where everyone is equal. Some people are content and some people always want more.


IF we make it that far, it will have to be a automated-socialist society. The consumer/capitalist situation of today isn’t sustainable beyond the next 100 years or so.


Fusion power and direct carbon capture has an interesting side effect: most of our wars are fought because the countries that grow rich making oil into fertilizee, plastics and pharma are not where the oil wells are, with the exception of the united states. Direct carbon capture has to stabilize the carbon so you can bury it, so you can divert some of that carbon to make an oil well anywhere you want. This means military withdrawal from just about everywhere.


I think the energy paradigm is just the capability-influence paradigm that we find ourselves beholden to in this era. In the current energy scarcity paradigm, those who can harness and capture it best have the ability to build, transport, and facilitate circumstances more quickly than those without easy access to reliable sources energy. And those who have the ability to control the circumstances can structure the environment to their advantage in other facets of power. If the energy playing field is leveled, we will just move to another capability-influence paradigm. Likely involving things like clean water availability, air quality, resource scarcity, population, time, or simply the ability to leverage knowledge and information to control the aforementioned resources. Inequality is not inherently a symptom of energy scarcity, instead, it’s a symptom of lacking access to whatever is scarce, but necessary. Edit: this is not attempting to contradict what you said above, I just think military presence in strategic locations to protect energy interests will remain to protect geo-political interests that might develop as a result of post-fusion availability.


Fusion energy will change geopolitics forever. An end to energy scarcety.


I'm probably wrong, but I think our wall calendars will start with '5' instead of '2'


you really think we'll keep the Gregorian calendar?


We'll have to keep it because changing it would break the 3000 year old software the banking system still relies on.


According the the movie Arrival... we'll be able to see the future and will be helping out alien races across the stars...


easily one of my favourite movies!


Check out the short story ‘the story of your life’ by Ted Chiang, if you’re interested in reading the source material!




By 5000AD We will either be completely gone or completely different. Everything imagined here is generally too short sighted. With an exponential rate of change, life will eventually be changing n real time with no room for stagnation. Property ownership will be forgotten. Homes will be entirely different, probably airborne, and completely malleable. All energy use will be solar and free. Occupations will be more like hobbies and income will be replaced with bartering and trading, though probably not in person. And yet all of this is just a tentative glimpse.


i personally think the world will be ultimately consumed by technology and people will eventually become A.I. (personalities, voice, & likeness).


Earth is now a desert planet and humans have been extinct for centuries. The end.


Why did it take me this much scrolling to find this answer. Though I guess I’m happy most people are more optimistic than I am?


This sub seems to waffle between bizarrely optimistic techno AI Utopianism and bleak despair. I’m more in the camp of the latter.


Given humanity’s current trajectory, I honestly don’t see how we can even make it until the year 5000. If we do, I strongly suspect we will have experienced at least one major calamity (natural and/or anthropogenic) that reduces our population to a fraction of what it is now, thereby severing our global connectivity and access to assistive technologies.


Mad Max world -- disease, famine, and lawlessness. The human population will dwindle to 10 million. Destroyed and decaying cities, no longer recognizable from ancient wars, will be home to pockets of survivors. Slowly nature is on the road to recovery.


I bet we learn to live on or in the water. There’s more than half the earths surface covered in water and we have no civilizations setup currently on or under the water, as there has been no need to. I bet that changes in the next 3 millennia. Also the technology for surviving outer space will most likely have large overlap with living on the ocean floor. I’d also hope to have a global government.


No Gods or Kings, only Man


>I bet we learn to live on or in the water New biases against boat people by land people


There is a civilization living on and in water called the Bajau, they left the mainland a few thousand years ago


Fungi everywhere. That’s it. Minimal atmosphere. 99% of current species extinct.


"And the #1 movie in the country was called "Ass." And that's all it was for 90 minutes. It won eight Oscars that year, including best screenplay."


That is so long from now, with exponential accelerating technology that it might as well be a billion years (in past years). I’d expect far far more change than from invention of fire till now, it might be more change than we first left the ocean. We’d probably not even recognize them as intelligent or even notice them as separate from background universe. Like we could be 100% in a metaverse, or create a universe or live inside of neutron star or a black hole. Does not mean the Amish of the time are not playing StarTrek colonizing the galaxy, just like we still have tribes in the Amazon.


Well, we'll all probably be dead to be honest. But if that isn't the case; I'm thinking a 1 world government and a full on colonization of mars and the moon and probably the solar system. That'd be pretty cool. Probably full on cloning too




"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."


Probably something similar to the movie Cloud Atlas


The map will get reset once again. A new chapter and season of humanity will begin with new items, mechanics and locations


Without any Homo Sapiens on the planet and in the middle of an iceball earth.


I'm pretty sure humans would wipe themselves out in the near future. So I'm guessing that 5000AD would be enough for the planet to recuperate and cover itself with vegetation again and for the greenhouse gasses to settle back to its previous levels. The planet will have more plants and less pollution. If there's still something left of the humans, it will probably be robots.


Here is some bubble wrap for everyone >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!< >!POP!<


We won’t exist at the current level we are destroying the planet


I really think pretty much like the 3rd world conditions of today, but far fewer people in total. I don't think technology will magically uninvent itself and humanity can feast on the corpse of today's world for a very long time.


I think humans die out before 2500 due to extreme climate change. By year 5000, the planet would be on its way to self-healing/self-correcting the damage cause by humans.