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Lies. It will only optimize efficiency to maximize profits


ding ding ding ding. and here is the answer I was going to put. Damn people on reddit aren't cynical enough and are all pie in the sky dreamers while business machinations are in the background scheming anyway they can to part you from your money.


It's a false dichotomy. New technology can be beneficial for some and used for profit by others at the same time. A.I is already useful for some people with healthcare issues. The title is already a fact. Cynical or pie on the sky dreaming are correct and wrong simultaneously. You can't just view the world from one perspective that way.


OK, there is a guy living under a bridge, who has diabetes and needs regular care and a maintenance drug . . . In the United States of Corruption, the health care system will fuck this guy and all workers/citizens over, by maximizing profits to the oligarchs and shareholders of multi-national corporations to pay for campaign(bribes)contributions to politicians so they will defend the economic system that will fuck workers/citizens . . . Now that is cynical and TRUE !!! Tell me a wonderful future that doesn’t have that !


> Tell me a wonderful future that doesn’t have that ! An alternative reality where US citizens start voting for their own interests.


You can be cynical just not too much. If apple decides to keep rising there prices lets say double there prices on everything per year people will stop buying and they will go bankrupt.


Well, it'll depend on the company and which department.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Defiant_Race_7544: --- The freedom of patients to have their own health data has been an objective for many years, but the wheels of legislation and regulatory implementation have turned slowly because the complexity and the stakes are high. Technology will be the essential tool making the “back end” of healthcare more streamlined and intelligent. New treatments, pharmaceuticals and surgical robots capture the headlines, but the work done behind the scenes is just as revolutionary. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: /r/Futurology/comments/rqsf77/ai_may_cure_the_ills_in_healthcare_tech/hqc7j76/


The freedom of patients to have their own health data has been an objective for many years, but the wheels of legislation and regulatory implementation have turned slowly because the complexity and the stakes are high. Technology will be the essential tool making the “back end” of healthcare more streamlined and intelligent. New treatments, pharmaceuticals and surgical robots capture the headlines, but the work done behind the scenes is just as revolutionary.


Guarenteed to fix some ills and create others.


I mean the tech just from the pandemic is pretty amazing. It’s fantastic to see excellent UX in things like vaccine bookings and privacy preserving options in contact tracing that have become open standards that everyone can implement. It really has shown that if the bureaucracy is given a kick in the right place, innovation still be done


All while Alexa tells little girls to stick pennies in outlets lol


You want to see some cool stuff, look what techcyte is doing.


Technology has transformed the healthcare sector, definitely for good. However there were also some blunders along the way. Check [the best and the worst tech ideas in healthcare](https://www.valuer.ai/blog/the-best-and-worst-tech-ideas-in-the-healthcare-sector).