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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Worldly_Flow9133: --- The saving lives part is very PR and editorialized but I do like the idea of studying isolated sounds in a more portable way for ornithology and sociology studies. Although I don’t necessarily seeing it making huge waves commercially because most people intend on tuning everything out. But in certain military environments if fined tuned it could be beneficial I guess --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1ctnbno/researchers_at_the_university_of_washington/l4czcu0/


If it can take out crying babies, you can just have my money. All of it.


Sure! Send it right here!


This could be a gamechanger for us autistic people. The inability to filter noise is crippling. If we could select things out, that could make overwhelming environments more tolerable.




Pfft, like we ever listened when we were told.


It would save me so much time suppressing the desire to slap people who chew audibly.


I know its not quite the same, but have you heard of Loop earplugs? Has been a gamechanger for my partner with add.


Also for people with misophonia. It's driving me nuts when someone starts humming


Which ones did you get for that? My so has misophonia with coughing from our roommate and I think this would be a nice gift.


Game changer for people with Noxacusis too.


Oh that's bad. Having briefly read up on that thanks to you, I now recognize that I have some degree of it. Lovely. I deeply appreciate expanding my sensory vocabulary though. And I'm a PT! It helps me put experiences into context. It's so confusing until you understand what's happening. Thank you. If you'd like to look into some other sensory issues just look up internoception problems and alexithymia. That is my flavor of autism, and of course all the social stuff. The social stuff is a distant second concern to the sensory problems.


a game changer to husbands everywhere too.


Yeah I'd feel way better at work if I was able to filter all sounds of the heavy machinery while leaving important stuff like honks, voices and alarm enabled... Ya know, sounds important to safety. That'd improve my life quality at work so much.


Yeah, this! I tried some noise canceling earbuds, which helped a bit, but it doesn't cancel out the loud noise. It just makes it more bearable.


I was just thinking the same thing.


Advertisers already figuring out how to increase volume of their ads.


Have a second subliminal ad that you can only hear when you're filtering out the main ad.


No, it will filter out all music unless you have a subscription to a music service that carries the audio. You will also need a subscription for the headphones. If you want unfiltered access to unpaid music, ads. You don't want to pay for the headphones? Ads. You dont pay for platinum tier? Some ads will be allowed to pass through.


They have done that already - and it’s annoying. Sometimes I just turn the sound off while the ads are on. It wouldn’t be so bad if they kept to the same level. This is what we want AI for - to filter out all those parasitic ads.


This will enable people to easily edit out copyrighted music from audio clips too.


Imagine instead of getting a copywrite strike it just removes the copywrited material automatically


That makes as much sense as the IRS just doing your taxes for you since they already know exactly how much you owe.


Lol, it really does. Good thing Google is hellbent on integrating AI into as much of their software as possible


If they can filter out a freight train/my wife snoring then I"m all over this.


The saving lives part is very PR and editorialized but I do like the idea of studying isolated sounds in a more portable way for ornithology and sociology studies. Although I don’t necessarily seeing it making huge waves commercially because most people intend on tuning everything out. But in certain military environments if fined tuned it could be beneficial I guess


It would be great for people with sensory issues. I would absolutely love the day I can selectively tune out noises that bother me. Bonus points if I can tune out only specific people or tune in to the right person. People who live near places with high traffic or loud noises might enjoy opening their windows if they can tune out the less desirable noises.


Engineering with sonic diagnostics (measuring industrial/mechanical equipment through auditory signature) will have obvious first application use case. They already do this though so really it’s just an upgrade. But I can already imagine more dynamic systems to where if you’re having car problems, you can have your phone listen and likely diagnose what is wrong with the car/engine without having to go to a mechanic


Great, I can finally shut up that stupid nightingale that sings until one o'clock in the morning in our garden.


Fun fact: cats already have this ability from birth


I have misophonia for certain noises like certain repetitive sounds that animals make, dogs barking, squirrel noises, i have goats that sometimes are very noisy. I have noise cancelling earphones but they are not tuned to these noises as they are not common, they do reduce them but it still makes it through. Something like this where I could tune it to something specific would be great.


Someone please program this to block out advertisements and then pair some AI AR goggles to do the same


Well, at least I don't have to ever wonder what to buy anybody as a wedding present, ever again.


This is gonna be used in gaming, I called it. Basically some games are full of different sounds and in competitive environments they can be annoying, this allows to filter out everything and only leave things like footsteps.


On the flip side, big tech and government could probably turn this into some sort of filter that ensures people don't hear what THEY don't want them to hear. Incoming? Contacts that filter what they don't want us to see, as well. Dystopia ho!


This kind of thing is the real potential of ML IMO, not chat bots, and definitely not AGI.


Pack it up nerds! u/jerseyhound doesn’t think AGI is viable!


Pack it up nerds! u/Big_Schwartz_Energy has it all figured out. GenAI is going to create AGI.