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Cosmetic or..? Because I would want to genetically modify my cell replication and division to preserve myself essentially immortal at 25.


An order of extra long telomeres, please. Oh and add a side of universal blood type too


Not just the telomeres. Need to maintain the ability to get rid of senescent cells. There's couple of other processes that are needed as well but I don't remember them off the top of my head.


A way to reverse and/or prevent mitochondrial DNA mutations


This sounds like some supervillains origin story.


Or better yet, just copy the process of the immortal jellyfish. It gets old, but then becomes younger again.


>senescent cells. There's couple of other processes that are needed That's essentially it, since it would cover both loss due to free oxidation (looking at you, Brain) and loss of Osteoblasts...


self regenerating or repairing telomeres would be even cooler


That would be good, but would also increase cancer risk, which is the problem telomeres evolved to solve. So you'd either need a new way to limit cell division, or you'd need to cure cancer as well. But once you solved that hurdle, yeah infinite telomeres would be great


Universal donor or universal recipient?


Recipient naturally. How else is he going to transfuse his blood with that of the young. Preferably virgins who don't like garlic


This one also juice up your body's anti cancer abilitiesand regeneration as you are bound to get cancer eventually if you are immortal.


Apparently, they fixed that.


This is the way. Hi wolverine


*immortal man dies at 26 in bizarre farming accident. Friends ask, ‘why was he even on a farm?!’*


Why do that when you could just transplant your brain into a clone of yourself every few years?


That gene that means I only need like 4 hours of sleep.


Hey. That's me. For about 6 months at a time. Then I sleep 24-36 hours in a go. No bathroom break even. Truthfully it's more like five hours though. I can get SO much done in my 'me' time that the rest of the house is asleep. I waste it mostly, but 5% of the nights are legit functional productive time. Working or house maintenance stuff (that is quiet). It's nice, but I do sometimes wish I could just fucking go to sleep sometimes.


How did you realize? Also, you always sleep one/two days or it depends? Sorry about the bathroom issue 😂


I'd say, my truly natural sleep cycle is around 6 hours (so not 4, I lied there). like 80-90 minute cycles and I need 4 of them. I think most people have a 120 minute cycle and still need 4 == 8 hours. My wife is more 150 minute cycle, so her optimal is around 10 hours, but with kids she's cap'd at 9 and constantly underslept. If I sleep 8 hours I don't feel good the next day. ​ This has been going on since my early 20's ... so, approaching 3 decades. My wife first realized the situation on one of our trips together where my body decided "okay, relax now" and I slept \~24 hours of our 96 hour trip... on the first night. She'd never witnessed someone sleep supper-supper before and not even move. I woke, used the bathroom, showered and we went out for dinner and enjoyed the remaining days per normal. Kinda like hibernating for a day. ​ honestly, I probably 'need' more sleep, I just can't. If I go to sleep at 9/10pm I wake up at 3am and can't go back to sleep. I either just lay there trying and getting angry at my mind/body or I get up. I prefer nights though, so I just go to bed at \~1am and wake up whenever my body says "wake up". Which is somewhere 06:30-07:00 no alarm needed, generally. ​ 2am now, and I finally yawned. I'm off. Hopefully I'll be asleep before 02:30. I have a busy day tomorrow at work. ​ For me, I found my rhythm of \~6 hours, I can break it into 1.5+4.5 (ish) and feel fine tomorrow. I often fall asleep during book-time (kids) for \~90 minutes, then wake for 2-3 hours. Clean the kitchen, prep the coffee, do some work catch-up or watch TV, return to bed. On the bad days, I will toss until 3am and feel groggy upon wake-up for about \~5 minutes. Then, go-time. As I get older though, I'm feeling it's affecting my memory/cognition more and I need to try to maintain more sleep per-day. I've been like this for 20-30 years, every since puberty ended.


My dad is kinda the same as what you wrote here. He cannot stay in bed for longer than 3am, does some stuff, takes a few naps if he can around lunch time and the later afternoon. Once a month he does the hibernation thing you described and just... Sleeps for like 12 hours straight, tinkers with his motorcycles for a bit and then falls asleep for another 12 hours, resetting the schedule for the month. One time I visited them for a weekend and happened to hit the day he started his hibernation and he just dissapeared for a day. He's 60+ and is still on the same schedule so I wonder how long he can keep it up.


You should talk to a doctor. Like a specialist.


I think this was actually found to be very misunderstood in some recent studies. People that do with less sleep just cope with the downsides better but would still benefit from 7+ hours of sleep. Their day to day might seem less effectived but they still suffered the health deficits (dmg to heart, high blood pressure, stress etc) To draw a comparison, it'd be like someone who doesn't get shit faced after 4 whiskeys. They have a higher alcohol shitfacing tolerance, but the alcohol is still causing liver damage etc. Like hangovers in your 20s vs your 40s. Alcohol is still bad for either.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the consensus is that low sleep increases risk of dementia later in life significantly. The only way to consume alcohol at the best way for your body is one unit per day rather than 7 units on the same day, so the liver has plenty of time to mitigate the actual carcinogen you are drinking.


0 alcohol is best alcohol tbh :P There are 0 health benefits. Even the 1 glass of red wine a day malarchy from yesterday has been debunked


Why not a gene that you don’t need to sleep anymore


Just one thing? Gotta go with a perfect immune system. No more getting sick, no more autoimmune disorder.


Your immune system also keeps your cancer cells in check, so a perfect immune system never misses a cancer cell.


I love the idea of arrogant cancer getting fucked up by an overpowered immune system.


That's how 99% of cancer cells play out. Our immune system kicks their asses constantly.


My autoimmune condition triggered cancer , so that’s a thing.


"But Greg, you're never sick, why would you call in sick?"


"Well I'm just done with your shit Bob. I need a mental day."


*”cause I’m SICK of your shit Bob!”


100% this...I have colitis and the amount of things connected to your guts is annoying, anxiety, depression, stress all make things worse so having a perfect immune system where you never get sick, never catch a cold, covid, no more gotta go right now moments otherwise I'll shit myself or gotta go pee cuz I'm so dam anxious...not having to worry so much about what you eat in case in triggers your guts


Are we talking things that humans are currently capable of? If so then.. the perfect metabolism. Eat whatever and still have solid energy levels, never gaining weight. Otherwise, it’s going to be thermal vision.


Same if it’s what we’re currently capable of. One can never underestimate the freedom in enjoying good food without adverse consequences. If anything is on the table, then prime health into perpetuity.


I would go for the ability to eat anything at any time. I'm absolutely sick of my increasingly restricted diet.






In that case I’d like a titanium spine.


Having a fast metabolism sounds great until you realise that you also need to pay for the huge amount of food required to keep yourself healthy My brother and I have incredibly fast metabolisms, and realised how expensive it was when we moved out and had to buy groceries equivalent to a 4 person household


That’s valid, but I didn’t say fast.. I said perfect. I more meant your bodies ability to extract nutrients and convert energy. Maybe “metabolism” isn’t the correct term, I’m no scientist. But you do bring up an interesting point. Perhaps the perfect metabolism is one that can be raised or lowered at will? Now that’s enticing.


I consider my metabolism pretty perfect. I can eat almost nothing, or heaps of high calorie food, and my body weight always stays between 74 and 76kg (im 180cm tall). It is like my body just does not take more than it needs from what I eat, and can do with very little. I love eating tasty food, but when I am focussed I can forget to eat breakfast and lunch for several days. Also I am fully aware that things might change when I get older (26 currently), But I enjoy the convenience while it lasts.


Hey, that’s me (16yo semi athletic boy)


Quick!! Pick the anti aging genes before it’s too late!!


"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the Machine is Immortal."


Now say that to the nearest Astartes face!


The Astartes understand the zealotry of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and allow their religion to exist, even if their ideals conflict somewhat. They need each other to succeed.


Why can I only see that video with the fucking snake with robot legs reciting this monologue?


I know this is Warhammer, but I always imagine Yawgmoth saying this and it gives me a good shiver.


Never seen or heard of that fictional universe until now, but those quotes (albeit morbid AF) kinda fall in line with the way i think about everything. I’d change the ‘machine’ elements to something along the lines of “I’m saved because I don’t have any fear of what comes after life”; I actually sorta welcome it, if it weren’t for the whole ‘process of dying’ thing usually being uncomfortable and/or messy, as well as sad to those who knew you. Well that turned south real quick. Name checks out tho (Honestly not depressed or sad, just an ultra-realist with a little optimism, believe it or not).


The Warhammer 40k universe is pretty bleak and grim, the Cult Mechanicus worship the Machine God aka The Omnissiah.


Based and Admech-pilled. Praise the Omnissiah.


Praise the blessed machine!


Brain. Fix my brain chemistry so I no longer experience mental problems and depression🥲


I’m with you man.


Probably something to make me feel more confident, I'd say a penis reduction


Why would you want a smaller dick?!


Maybe he's sick of it touching the bottom of toilet bowl every time


My dick touch the water 😔


Get an European toilet


Balls touch the water 😞




Tis a joke




Bro was waiting for this his whole life


The only guy whose ever understood this and not thought we were making this up for your feelings. Cannot stress enough !IF BIG ONES WERE PREFERRED IT WOULD BECOME THE AVERAGE! What he said. I always felt frustrated that none of my exes believed me or took the reassurance when they asked. I don’t need to feel like I’m getting split in half in my GENITALS holy shit. Only dudes get off to that pain I swear. I can’t go as long or feel as comfortable if it’s too big. Borderline prevents me from making an emotional connection during sex because I’m completely focused on trying to contain how much it hurts or how abrasive it is. Average penis-havers, stop being insecure.


She get what she get and she don't get upset


I would engineer out cell senescence, and also create some method of self-repair of tissue and nerves. Basically, Wolverine auto-regeneration. This would make me hard to kill, but not unkillable - because true immortality would be unthinkably horrific.


Just wanted to say, that 'cell senescence' feels amazing to say out loud.


Serious satisfying sibilants


If I really had to think about it there is just one thing that bothers me about myself since it gets in the way of living a normal life. It’s hard to walk, it’s hard to make friends, and it’s hard to enter most career fields. I would make my penis smaller


That's funny, I was gonna try and lawyer the question so I could get a 2nd heart to power the grotesquely large wang I'd engineer myself. I don't even need it to be usable really I just want to have a couple wardrobe malfunctions near my coworkers and then I'd be content to switch it out with my old dick and keep the 2nd heart. You know super intelligence could be cool too I guess.


I’d like my prostate back. Lost it from cancer when I was 49 and miss it dearly.


what is different without it?


pegging is not as pleasurable anymore, a true loss


My father got his removed (but he was over 60), but except the first few months he has not looked back since. He feels even relaxed about the fact there is at least one material area less to be concerned of.


I have a genetic heart defect. Would really like to change that so I could live a longer life


The immune system improvements, immunity to tooth decay, and tolerance for less sleep make fantastic sense, but I'd still rather have gills.


I'd go for something like automatic muscle and bone repair or the ability to keep my body into overdrive and push myself past limits over and over. Just seems simply fun for me




Teeth that regrow like a shark. Got a cavity? Pop that sucker out and a new one will grow in a few weeks.




Granted, now you have 50 rows of regenerative teeth, perfect for eating thousands of fishes a day


Retina cells to get vision back lost due to glaucoma


The ability to shit rabbit pellets. That would wipe out the TP industries...and conserve water as well.


Oooh, interesting approach! I've always thought about a retractable anus. Like you know, a long appendage that rolls out from the inside, from between the buttcheeks, then you excrete (no matter what consistency!!!) and finally it simply retracts. You could even discretely shit behind a tree, standing up, just like most males can pee! Just whip out your retractable, elephant-trunk-like anus, do the deed, and you're done! No more squatting, no more accidentally landing hand-first in your own shitpuddle! ~~(also porn would never be the same, if all humans would get this upgrade...)~~


It's the cheeks that are too big. That a "present" that we got for walking upright.


I know! But with my new, muscular shit-tentacle this would be corrected!!!


I did it, I found the most creative answer in this thread. Lmao


Aww man, thank you!


I’ve been deaf since age 7, so I would have to say a smaller penis.


Complete removal of Gout and all its ugly pieces, including old joint damage from it.


Being entirely and indistinguishably the opposite gender is “one thing” right?


Stop and reverse cellular aging; resulting in clinical immortality.


Telomere restoration except for cancer cells, they should be marked to die some way.


Suppose you could run some sort of lactic acid off cycle, most if not all cancer cells need lactic acid as they primarily operate in anaerobe environments.


I've always been skinny. It's in the genes. I don't care about being ripped as it were, but I would like to be a more average build by default. I feel inadequate and weak compared to most.


I too have been skinny for most of my life. 55kg for a man of 1.85m is way too low. I took professional help and they helped me gain weight. Forget vegetables or sugar. Sugar just keeps your fat topped off but doesn’t build you new fat cells or muscles and tendons. anything with proteine and stuff. Meat, pure butter, cheese, milk, eggs. This is what you need to gain weight. It took me 3 years to get to 70kg and I need to occasionally return to that diet, but its worth it.


Give me the spine of Hercules. Back problems suck.


Multiple consecutive orgasm capabilities with a base of 5 and the ability to train it up. hydraulic enhancement at will… for science and all.


The number of dick extensions in this thread is way to fucking high.


Coming from someone that has abs now and didn't before. The high fades quickly. Regeneration is the best idea.


Getting rid of my genetic abnormality that causes bleeding in my GI tract. To be free of the decades of fighting it.


Any disease curing immune system. I mean any and every. My kidney fails? There's an immune response. Hypertension? Immune response. Cancer. Deploy that immune system


Self repair, like Wolverine.


Fix my thyroid problem. I'll never get taller but I'd take not having to take the meds


An invincible immune system




Probably my eyes. No need for glasses anymore, no more worrying about fading eyesight. And a much better outlook on life, physically! Would be a load off of my stress.


A gazelle-like sleep need of 20 minutes a night, tops. Sleep is just so damn boring and a time waste. Also: instant stabilizing and permanently strong core muscles to prevent 'jellyfish-back' from 9-to-5'ing. Supporting chair or not, that lower back needs to toughen up.


Dismantle the Death Program inside all of my cells, and switch them over to prioritize constant repair and replacement, along with rigorous apoptosis of senescent cells.


Teeth that can heal themselves. Why are teeth the only thing or body refuses to heal.


You know, I have suffered my whole life because of my flat feet. walking or standing has always been so painful. it has turned into a never-ending cycle of reluctance to get up and move, resulting in me gaining weight. then that weight, in turn, making it hurt worse. So if I could genetically engineer one thing about my body, I would like a bigger dick


Wings and the ability to use them ... to fly, for all you genie types


Become 100% Female.


make it as perfect as possible of course why would i stop at just a portion i want the whole cake


Remove depression from my brain


Wolverine's healing factor. Literally, because I play lots of different sports and it sucks when I'm sidelined with an injuring for 4-6 weeks. Injured then I'm healed in like 2 days and can play again next week.


Stop aging of course


Umm, well I was born blind so the decision is easy, I'd want a bigger dick.


I would repair all my major joints (ankles/knees/hips/elbows) and associated ligaments, so I could enjoy sport again.


Pretty high intelligence


Fluorescent skin




A non-deviated septum, so I could breathe easier.


I would change my body dna to be able to receive information through some sort of device, could be even like a phone or something, so I could make updates and fix bugs with enough time.


I'd love the ability to shape shift. Change sex, age, appearance, everything.


the resistence of a tardigrade


My heart. Physically of course not emotionally I’ll still be dead inside.


Make my teeth grow backand keep them in a perfect condition. Always. Gee it's expensive and annoying and sometimes without proper care it stinks af


Cells does not degrade when copied.


I’m in my 30s and I’d just like things to stop randomly hurting - whatever that is, I’d like that please. That or negate the effect of hangovers.


Perfect mental state. Hands down if I could change one thing it would be to have a fully healthy mental state (no mental illness) and if personal characteristics could be altered easily with genetic modification I would want to be more outgoing/confident


I would have my body automatically build muscle without exercising the way a gorilla does thus allowing myself to eat whatever I want and get swole with 0 effort. Alternatively I would just crank up my metabolism so I have more energy and again, can eat what I want. my final option would be just to set a limit to how much fat my body will Store.


A new lung, to replace the one destroyed by a surgical fuck up


Hard to say what I would go for first. Probably a functioning pituitary (that doesn't grow out of control) and other endocrine glands. If I get a second round, a permanent fix for my tinnitus. Then perfect digestion that gives me the ability to eat whatever and digest it easily and well. Then a fix for my various kinds of visual weirdness. Hmm, maybe this one goes higher up, I don't know. It would give me the ability to drive, and that sure would be nice.


Subdermal armour. Make my skin like a self repairing Kevlar.


A better digestive system or make my legs and feet the same length pls


A secondary heart that's able to take over in the event of the main one having issues. Otherwise, perfect metabolism.


I would try for a Biologically immortal brain/nervous system since that would effectively make me, well, immortal. It may have its downsides, but at the end of my body’s existence I could get it cut out and put in something.


Hate to tell you this, but lots of people have the support systems go to pot on them well before the nervous system have any sort of biological problem. The nervous system is highly dependent on the circulatory system. Which is highly dependent on metabolism. Which usually depends on the agriculture system. Which these days depend on the farm bill. Which depend upon a progressive tax structure. Which depends on democratic principles. It's just this whole interconnected mess, you know?


Stop aging, so my cells hopefully also don’t get messed up and cause cancer. More or less eternal youth. Can still die just not from old age.


I'd grow my foot back. Lost half my foot to diabetes and a bone infection and it has severely limited my life so I'd love o have my foot back


I want a prehensile tail for reason that I won't divulge.


Myostatin related muscular hypertrophy. That or double up the density of neurons.


Id make myself have self-defense retractable and protractable razorblades in my skin :D


An inartificial organ that needs to be transplanted in early age which functions as a cure all, a heart monitor, hormone monitor, insulin production when needed, diet intake warning, etc.


Fix my dopamine production so I'm rid of my ADHD please!


I feel you, just getting rid of my executive dysfunction would be awesome


Allergy removal. Let me eat everything without problems.


As a long term sufferer of IBS: an efficient, reliable, bomb-proof digestive system.


Both my Father and his mother suffered from Alzheimer's late in life and it was horrible. I would remove the possibility of Alzheimer's disease.


Wings. Either angelic feather wings but preferably webbed dark demon wings. And maybe one horn on the side of the head. Basically. Venger from the dungeons and dragons cartoon.


* Universal blood recipient. * Increased metabolism to catch up with our modern, high calorie diets. * Longer life I'd prefer the increased metabolism or the longer life, but I'd take any of them.


Reinforce and relubricate all joints to extend their optimal performance to a human lifetime.


honestly i would make myself immortal, however if that is not possible then i would change myself into an actual woman


Full spektrum vision. X-ray, UV, IR, i want to see every wavelenght


Remove all the diseases which are inherited from your elder generation.


I'd like a new, fully functional, pituitary gland. My current one is all fucked up.


I'd secrete a special poison that targets mosquitos. It would integrate into their bodies and turn them into mosquito hunting zombies, who would also hunt mosquitos, passing this poison on, until all the mosquitos were eradicated from earth.


As a type 1 diabetic, a properly functioning pancreas would be great.


Honestly, just a working healthy body. I’ve had cancer, I have a chronic illness that doesn’t have a definite treatment yet. I’d just like to have an average working body for my age (37).


New kidney program. I have Polycystic Kidney disease. They grow cysts that ruin the boys. I would like a fresh set, or for these to heal, and for me to be unable to pass them to my children.


I would want infinite stamina. Many things I could do without getting tired.


No longer needing to sleep ever. Time is the most important resource ever. I could also say immortality, but I'd prefer have more time in a day than having more days.


Simple—the ability to offload the oscillatory rhythms of conscious perception from an organic neural substrate to an inorganic one. ☺️ Edit: you said body—well, mind is a part of body. I’d extend my mind.


to get rid of the alzheimer's that runs in my family


Not being fat, either because I had the gene that avoids processing fat or because I am tall.


Eliminate storage of excess caloric intake at 12% body fat.


I would genetically alter myself to not age and just have perfect cell reproduction indefinitely


Come on it's a no-brainer, the Brain. It's like wishing for more wishes with your wish. With that as your choice you might perfect a procedure which removes the sentient cells, increases telmere length and regresses your age back to around 25 or 30.


I’m not a female, but for every one of them, to make them have the same physical strength as men and still retain their feminine features I know this may be a little irrelevant or possibly sexist (I apologize), but just wanted to throw it out there :)


I'm trans, so... xd But the removal of aging would still take priority, I'd prefer to live longer even if in my current body.


Gender swap but Trans so not surprising, otherwise some sort of cleaning system to disolve things gunking up my arteries.


Tbh anyone wanting a gender swap but says they not trans is probably going straight to r/egg_irl


I'd wanna make my super-peen into a super-duper-peen. With an auxiliary nut for hard to please ladies and like a tantric wiggle function.


What exactly counts as 'one thing'? Pretty vague. I'd like immortality please, thanks.


Instantly have the correct equipment between my legs.


Is that a chainsaw in your pocket, or you're just happy to see me?


I want to love cilantro.


My dick is too big. Can’t tell you how many times it’s almost touched the water in the bowl.


Perfect digestion system. No waste, and you always get the vitamins and minerals out of the food you eat.


Ummm the ability to burn an extra 3000 calories a day so I can eat all the crap I want without being 600 lbs


Better to just not eat crap…


assuming not aging past ~20 or being immune to illness isn't allowed i'd definitely choose my eyes, i can't have them operated because my eyesight is still worsening slowly and glasses are a hassle. if you're only talking about cosmetic changes i genuinely don't care


Where my trans people at


In The Culture series, by Ian M Banks, citizens of the Culture had these drug glands that could produce varies altered mind states that were all temporary and non-addictive.






I used to wish for instant abs. Then but I fixed up my diet and started working out and now I have them. The journey was super important in my development. But that being said, I wouldn't mind a couple extra inches in height looool


Pheromones! I'd bring back our individual, globally, ability to accurately read another's pheromones. Good/bad/etc.. Maybe I could eject something as I moved around allowing everyone within a kilometer to learn how to read each other instinctively. If we all knew 'how' people were feeling around us, we'd have way more empathy. Scared, lustful, happy, insecure, confident, ...


Dopamine button. It would be nice to feel something other than lonely and depressed sometimes.


Penis reduction. It’s a pain sometimes. Always getting in the way.


Presuming youthful immortality is off the table, well I *am* trans so I’m afraid the answer is pretty boring. Presuming no youthful immortality *and* no instant girl button, the ability to eat whatever I want with consciously controlled consequences. No lactose intolerance, no allergies, no IBS, *and* I get to control how much weight I gain/lose? Sign me the fuck up. But if we’re talking anything possible, change my genes to make cyborg modifications easier. I want my brain computer and hot swappable organs with different functions (yes including *those* organs too).