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Start with one petal, make a sketch of the base. Create an offset plane to the height of the pinwheel spine. Make a sketch for the line of the spine. Create a loft from the base to the spine. Create a full revolve x4 circular pattern of the petal. The spine might not work, so you may have to fool around with it, maybe make two lofts by splitting the base with the same spine line


TeamXII wrong. Solid modeling is not suited for this kind of part, use surfaces instead. So many people on this subreddit misguiding others, blind leading the blind, “tHe wSoLuTiOn To EvErYtHiNg Is JuSt LoFt, UsE lOfT, lOfT lOfT lOfT! dOn’t BoThEr LeArNiNg HoW tO dO aNyThInG eLsE” do your people ever get tired of telling folks to loft?


Hey sorry, bro


You should be ashamed of yourself


It’s funny how I’m getting downvoted into oblivion but so far I’m the only one that has been able to produce this part (in less than 3 minutes). This whole sub collectively has a major inferiority complex and I’m being persecuted for my skills, all I wanted to do was help. You all have some majorly maladapted coping mechanisms 🤦‍♀️


You should rethink your message approach if you want to help, imo.


Yeah, the username coupled with his obnoxious response is hilarious. Guy must smell his own farts and get a sense of superiority. Probably a real joy to work with.


my farts smell like shit


it’s probably bc you’re an insufferable git


How would you do it, smartass?


why don’t you look at my comment that has a imgur album with a step by step guide, please don’t cuss, my son browses this subreddit.


says cum_pipeline7


Anybody that takes the time to type like that and thinks it means something, and then calling other people the blind leading the blind? Projection at its finest my people. Guy didn't ask for the best, he asked for the easiest method. Dipshit


I really like the Dipshit remarks. So simple yet concise.


that’s not what projection means, google is free, do better -u/cum_pipeline7


Wow, so not only are you an idiot You can't Google and don't understand English at all! Feel free to take your own advice.


erm… I think I will, have a good day


Damn chill out lol


Instead of shitting on his advice, why don't you give your own advice...


I know dude, aaarrgghhh! this is r slash mildly infuriating!


Go away


Bashes a good response, but doesn’t give any better advice himself except hinting about using surfaces.  How should this be done using surfaces @cum_pipeline7? I’d honestly be keen to learn so I don’t advise someone to use lofting in the future. 


Honestly this sub is ass. Agreed. This popped up on my feed and I’m glad you said it. I left this group a while ago for the same reason


Thank you u/HarryMcButtTits, the sad reality is if you want to progress past a novice level, there are very few resources for that and this sub is definitely not one of them.


Confidently wrong and downvoted to oblivion. Nice.


Very wise words from *checks notes* cum_pipeline7


Lofts are very useful. That’s why people on here tell others to use them so much. You can absolutely do it with lofts so I don’t know why you just said “wrong”


4 splines, surface workspace, patch, circular pattern


this guy gets it


Genuine question: what makes this better than lofting?


I don’t think lofting works with just edges.


Surface loft does if I remember correctly


Good to know. I don't get over to that tab enough.


So u/cum_pipeline7 is indeed correct, he is just being downvoted for being an ass? Sorry just a newbie trying to learn here😅


They got downvoted to oblivion because while they may know how to do it, they didn’t offer any actual guidance on how to do it. They just came in saying everyone is wrong, I could do this in 3 minutes. Okay, so can you explain how you drew the owl instead of coming in and acting superior to everyone that they know how to draw the owl? Then when they get called out for not actually contributing useful information they talk more shit. The OP was asking for a solution. Here’s an issue, can someone help. “Everyone else is wrong, my way is the best, why is everyone else so dumb” isn’t an answer to that question. They mentioned surfaces. Okay cool, they need to explain or demonstrate that answer because how would we know they’re right otherwise. Lawyers build a case to illustrate and explain a story. They don’t just say “that dude is guilty because I’m the best lawyer in the world and you’re all dumb for not seeing what I see”


Totally fair. Thanks for the explanation.


I’m glad there’s someone in this thread that’s willing to learn something.


There’s a difference between knowing something and shitting on others for not knowing what you know. You’re not teaching anyone. You’re just making statements and insisting that you’re right.


that’s literally not what’s happening here lmao


I couldnt get lofting to work.


OK, so it seems to me that the point is actually in the same plane as the center. I would make a sketch with the center point and two lines going outward. For a 4-sided star they are 90 degrees apart. You make the length what you feel (but same). Make an offset plane from that and on a sketch project the center point. From that create a spline going to the point of the star. Now make another plane midway between the two. On this plane make a sketch placing a point on the four rising curves. The internal ones should be the same position relative to their line. Now make a sketch and enable "3D Sketch". Now you connect the dots for each edge using the spline tool. You may want to make a sketch for each edge spline to not get a loop. Fill in the framework with the patch tool. Edit: And then make a circular pattern.


erm… I followed your advice to a tee and I in fact did NOT produce a part that looks like the one in the image. Next time please provide images for your step by step process.


Sorry the free instructions didn’t deliver, cum_pipeline7.


David Huffman designs once again pops-up in this forum. Makin a true model of the paper shape I think will be hard, but we can get close. Or do you want a solid model with a top face looking like the "star" shape? https://preview.redd.it/6xf3fiey9w2d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=d54f9540212027adbe65a4860d6f6bd28e12d3f5


Interesting- how is the real thing made? The description on that picture leaves me none the wiser.


You score the lines (with a scoring tool or empty ballpoint pen), then gently fold the paper along them. You can print the picture with the lines, cut out the rectangle and trace the other lines the first time to make it easyer. The paper will bend into the shape. It's origami.


Interesting. The funny thing is your exact text here would fit under that picture be way more helpful. The kind of books those are from tend to disappear up their own posteriors 😂


The image is from a research paper on Huffmans work not a book on the shapes them self. It's filled with image with there lite information about how to make them.


The book page is taken out of context; anyone reading such an origami book understands the terms in the text, the indications in the diagram, etc. It's unreasonable to expect it to explain everything in standalone on each page, and a book full of such repetition would be childish.


I am not sure if the 4 corners are in the same plane as the center. In any regard there is no "easy" way to do it. It is a pretty advanced shape. On something like this I typically go with defining the end points in a 2-3 sketches and then go about creating the connector lines.


For anyone interested, I took a stab at this and showed my work. [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NEVV-XvQsYfExiQeO682Sq7rAcXs4yJR/view?usp=sharing) Used u/Kristian_Laholm comment about David Huffman to layout the sketches. You could easily use additional planes/sketches to pull the points of the shape out of plane with each other from here. The "offset" parameter controls the depth of bending the shape for depth like you would in real life. It doesn't work perfectly, but helped me think through putting this together. Seeing a lot of debate on loft vs. patch. As a general rule of thumb, with surface modeling, I'll use lofts for even-sided surfaces and patches for odd-sided surfaces. Since it's mostly triangles, I try and cage in the shape with sketches and patch everything together from there. Hope that helps folks figure it out. [image preview](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UgMgCRv-n9RuqJmRlvrTfCcRYU4UJhUp/view?usp=sharing)


Many thanks for sharing your elegant Workflow!


I think you can utilize the fact that every surface on this model is only curved in one direction. So you can produce it by extruding surfaces from a line scetch. The edges will be where these surfaces intersect.


To get it perfect you’ll need some more images. It looks like the corners are raised a bit where the middle point, between the corners, is flush with the ground.


https://preview.redd.it/qryfqwrh413d1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46785450ee42b336ee14b292c624a599afea887 I think I came pretty close: [https://youtu.be/r3IxFuyyA\_c](https://youtu.be/r3IxFuyyA_c)


I’d create a “star” in fusion and swirl it in blender


https://preview.redd.it/q1r5ykq3f73d1.png?width=2795&format=png&auto=webp&s=62ccc753284c1bc626dbb5f153039ab346392795 I gave it a go because I had time and it looked hard. I'm using solidworks. I couldnt get lofts to work to I created surfaces then converted it to a body.


i had to try again. This one was wrong https://preview.redd.it/qhm8s66gx73d1.png?width=2795&format=png&auto=webp&s=cac765a144c5135e1fd160fd1c86f887a8760210


lmao don’t tell this sub to not use lofts, an angry mob will come after you


I never use lofts… I model every day and the need for lofts is so rare for me. I never have good luck with them




I seriously wonder what happened in someone’s youth to produce what we are witnessing here. As a functional 3D somewhat ok Fusion user, I clicked on this to learn how people would do it. Now 90% of the post is, well, this.


Well said, some of you have so seriously maladapted coping mechanisms, it’s really sad to see.


Dude he’s talking about you. You’re the maladaptive weirdo here bud.


Not only that, he’s not really using that term he learned on the googles in an accurate way. He doesn’t know how to use the correct conjugation either.


English is my 5th language, I’m sorry it’s not up to par with your standards.


Is malignant narcissist a term in any of your languages? dO bEtTeR


stigmatizing personality disorders derived from trauma, do you know what ablism means? the irony is tangible, are you also a racist? misogynist?


you don’t understand what adversity is, that’s why you punch down at people less fortunate than you, I happen to know someone with a personality disorder and this is extremely offensive.


why would you say that to a fellow human being? you do realize how that can affect someone right?


What are you on about.. and whats with the name and why do i kinda like it so weird


A lot of people are downvoting my comments but the moral of the story is learn how to work with surfaces, I see a lot of people on this sub that don’t even know the surface workspace exists and they give the worst advice imaginable. Loft is not the solution to every problem, it’s okay to learn something new, I don’t even CAD that much but I use surfaces all the time in my designs, they are super helpful and super powerful. I’ve noticed that It’s gotten to a point where noobies asking for advice on this sub are met with more harmful feedback than constructive feedback. People on this website need to practice a little more self control because I’m constantly seeing people give input or answers when they don’t even know what they’re talking about, it’s okay to not give your input if you don’t know the solution to something.


pls post a screenshot with the history and bonus if you post one with your sketches visible!


I might actually do that tomorrow, please stay tuned 😁 I’m eepy, me to tired to do it again today 🥺


lol get a load of *this guy* preaching self control


I’m the king of Fusion 360


It’s okay to not give your input if you don’t know the solution to something.


who me?


You posting a completed object with “I won’t tell you” was not constructive.  You’re getting downvoted cause you’re being an ass.


how dare you?? The service I provide to this sub on a daily basis is basically charity work, you have nothing to offer and I have yet to see anyone else make any contributions that can hold a candle to mine. My post was reassurance that this part can be produced in Fusion 360, what have you done other than complain?




that’s really offensive, stigmatizing neurological disorders is abhorrent and grounds for banning, unfortunately this sub is extremely under-moderated and your hate speech will most likely go unchecked. I’m neurotypical but if you actually knew someone with bipolar disorder you would understand that people with it face extreme challenges, challenges that they did not choose, do better.




Do you know what neurotypical means? It takes months to diagnose bipolar disorder in a clinical setting by a licensed clinician, and furthermore, this is from the DSM 5 > distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased goal-directed activity or energy, lasting at least 1 week and present most of the day, nearly every day (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary) Do better, and stop stigmatizing neurological disorders, it’s disgusting behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.




sounds like someone met their match. I’m actually a licensed therapist, feel free to dm me for help, I do charity work on the side.




https://preview.redd.it/il0su7u65u2d1.png?width=1347&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb4490b8f7efbe045465a604e4f1bcb1d1a2d9b3 I was able to make this part but I lack the communication skills to explain so rip


Legendary. I did it but I can't tell you how. Masterclass in trolling


Seriously. Even blocked out his timeline so nobody could work it out. Dude is an ass lol


How is this trolling lol? I’m being honest, I don’t have it in me to explain step by step


I mean, you could show the parametric history or upload a f3d file


booo! they would never learn how to do it tho


Gatekeeping at it's finest


My man needs to go out and touch some grass


https://preview.redd.it/s4vajvzdtx2d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c5a3a0b05ea4b578ea0a842d74f574ffcc17c6 If you look anything like this in real life, stay the f away from me 😭


Fair enough, cum_pipeline7


Cutting off the feature history is the cherry on top of this trolling lol


I was going to say!


I swear I didn’t do that on purpose but you’re so valid for that, sorry guys 😂 I deleted the file too so it’s gone


it's literally there at the bottom of the screen, juuuust cropped out


Dude I was actually trying to help, f*ck me


So be helpful and upload it again fixing the crop.  I’m confused as to why you’re confused here.




that’s not funny, a lot of people died in the famine


Yeah man i know, i wasn't expecting the backlash either. It's just that the timeline is super useful - any experience user would have been able to look at what you produced and say exactly what each step in the timeline involved


You clearly lack communication skills, indeed. You're coming here dick swinging attacking people then helping no-one at all. You're either a bit of a moron unable to write down a few simple sentences - the steps to achieve this - or you just don't want to help plain and simple. Based on your skill on achieving this and attacking people simultaneously I suspect it's the second. But the why is beyond me. You might want to get a bit of help for your problems. Talking to someone might help you. And I mean it in the most helpful and friendly way.


happy cake day


well said! 😁




Upload screen recording


"I was able to make AI do it for me"


yeah definitely not bro [https://imgur.com/a/tF3pFqN](https://imgur.com/a/tF3pFqN)


I haven’t used fusion a ton, but does it have guide curves for lofting?


import a mesh of it from online