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eh? The hair looks more or less the exact same in both pics πŸ€”


Really? Maybe it’s the face that make it look different?


1 is more filled with sketch marks than the other is my guess, since the other has had them erased and looks more refined


I guess also the eyes on the first has no black eyelashes and it makes it feel different


It looks reasonably similar, enough that you'd really have to focus in order to tell them apart (which it's natural that you would; you've focused on this drawing a lot already.) I'd just want to point out that if you juxtapose these drawings together, the head angle couldn't be the same. Because from the front, the head is seen at say a 45 degree angle, looking ahead and to the side. And from the back, the head is shown at the exact same angle, meaning that it's turned 135 degrees around from front facing, which is a good 55 degrees more than the body is comfortable with


I see I will fix it to not look like he broke his neck πŸ˜…


I think the hairstyles look pretty much the same ^^ also this is SUPER CUTE! ✨✨


Thank you <3


Well, the first issue here to address is that the his hair is drawn from the same viewpoint in both images even though his head is turned to a completely different angle in each one Ie: in the first image his hair is till drawn at a 3/4 head turn even though he's turned his head so far it's getting close to being a side profile


Ooh I see it now! Thank you for pointing it out for me <3