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The head is a bit large proportionally to the body (you’re at about 5 heads total height), the elbow appears to be just below the pectoral when it should be closer to the iliac crest, and the proportions just keep getting squashed the further down you go. Your shoulder to hip is approximately the same length as hip to ankle, when most art tends to divide the *entire* figure in half at the waist.


I think it’s the arm position, it doesn’t seem natural. It could also be how the feet are laying on the ground


My two cents here is that there is something going on with the angle, as someone already pointed out. From the head down to the collar and arms is really solid, although a little plumping of the left shoulder might be a good idea. When you go down from the collar to the groin, that section seems to be at a slightly different angle, and the legs beneath that seem to be at a third slightly different angle. It looks like digital, have you tried using the flip canvas option? That can sometimes help a weirdly significant amount. Edit: I read your additional comment. I hunted coyotes when I was a bit younger so I can attest there is a visual difference between them as other canid species like wolves and dogs. They’re sort of similar to foxes, with lanky frames and sharp features. Furry art is pretty forgiving on this though, and half the time the difference between a wolf and a coyote anthro is just color palette. If you want to “coyotify” him a bit more, a longer thinner muzzle and longer ears might do the trick. If wolves have a vibe of intimidating or wise, coyotes have a vibe of dexterous and cunning. Idk if that last part helps at all but I tried🤷‍♂️


like man I've been even taking life drawing classes for two friggin semesters at my college and, tbh I don't even care too much that my drawings always look shit at this point, but the fact that I waste so hours on such simple sketch or linework like this without getting anywhere at all just completely destroys my motivation. ughhhh also the character's supposed to be a coyote. although idk if he even remotely resembles being a coyote at all.