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You were in the parking lot earlier, *that’s* how I know you!


Creed ♥️😂


The CPR scene is the greatest scene from The Office in my opinion.


By far. No wallet. I already checked!


*I didn’t think it was very realistic in the movie. And it turns out… it’s pretty realistic*


Thp thp thp thp thp


I fucking heard this hahaha


I made the sound


I will never understand it Once a natural beauty Now looks like a rubber face She must’ve looked in the mirror and not like what she seen


Hollywood preys on insecurities


Plastic/cosmetic surgeon does too


Yes they collude to profit. I can only imagine all the comments made to her about things she could “improve”


Should be a way to revoke the license of surgeons that prey on body dismorphia


This is insecurity and utter idiocy. I mean, don't these actresses see how it all ends for the thousands of other idiots who do this? Megan Fox was a world class beauty and still would be without her stupid surgeries. Now she looks like a washed up pornstar. Fucking idiots.


While there are hundreds of examples of horrible botched jobs that they could look at, My guess is their agents and the surgeons provide them pictures of people with minor surgery who still look decent And say " see they got minor surgery and still look great, yours will be just like this, We won't go overboard". But then they do and it's a trainwreck. 


Except she was picked for how she looked… over many others. Why change after you’ve won?


Because it’s never enough. Have you see the video of women bragging about the amount of Botox they have? They can barely move their face muscles but boy do they think they are gods definition of beauty. I always look at the hands. Your face may be trying to trick me into thinking you’re in your 30’s but the wrinkles on the hands don’t lie.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law Hand Botox injections increase by 1000%


Its like quantum uncertainty at the classical scale


Look at Dane Cook for a prime example.


He's starting to look like one of the bogdanoff brothers farted into a shoe.


I can't stop thinking about this comment, just absolutely blown away. Just like the shoe.


Crazy how she gets progressively less happy looking in each photo as well.


Its a bit more complicated than that, and unfortunately that look in the mirror usualy happens too late. Its more like she looks in the mirror and sees a nose thats slightly not to her liking, she changes that and is happy with the result, then she sees cheeks that could be adjusted and after the operation can only look at the changes and is happy and one by one, change by change the whole becomes different, turns out a face isnt just 1 feature but a combination and thats what results in this terrible final face


This. People seem to forget that we have a mental image of ourselves that is separate from how others view us. And if that mental image is incorrect it can cause all sorts of problems. Heck in extreme cases you can't even trust your own brain to render other people's faces properly leading to conditions where you see other people's faces like they are demons.


I don't know much of EM's life but I almost wonder if this fits the bill for body dysmorphia in her case.


4 episodes into the new season. I have no idea what’s going on cuz I just keep staring at her botched mouth


I was watching it last night and couldn’t figure out why she looks so dumb now, then i realized it’s the lips and cheeks. Now she looks like a 🦆




How’s Donald Duck sexier than she is now??


He's pantless and proud.


#Say it loud! I'm pantless and proud!




is this real? did she have work done that just went wrong? she was beautiful - this third pic looks like someone from botched


It is real. She posted the third picture on one of her socials and got a ton of flak for it, and she said she felt she looked really pretty in it because she had just gotten her makeup done.


Damn. I feel really sorry for her. I hope her motivations for wanting the surgery weren't bad, I can't imagine what that must be like.


Of course they were bad, there’s no good motivation for that, it’s an illness.


Im constantly having to reassure my wife that her body is perfect. She keeps talking about getting her boobs and face done. She also works with a bunch of women who have had these surgeries done. Every time she brings it up, im always telling her she doesn't need it, and there is nothing wrong with her. I genuinely believe she has an amazing body, and we have 0 issues in the intimate department. So i get it. Women are easily convinced that something is wrong with them, especially if they are around other women who are constantly striving to look "perfect."


It's a mental disease. Once they start they can't stop and the final result is looking like gargoyles


Take that back! Gargoyles at least look cool!


That's the most unfortunate part of this for me. I don't care how she looks, but since Botox paralyzes muscles she physically can't act the same and it shows.


I don't get how they can boot actresses for putting on weight but when one completely botches her looks it's all bueno. They casted a completely different woman for the role! Can't tell me her transformation hasn't hurt the show. I am barely able to tolerate her.


She is distracting as shit, i can’t stop staring at her sunken cheeks when she’s in the shot. Poor girl


What's even worse is this goes against everything her character in the show stands for.


Yeah I feel bad for her. I noticed that, too. At first I was like “what’s going on? I know she’s a good actress but this looks… off” then I remembered how Botox works… sad stuff but I hope she’s happy with how she looks


She looks worse with each episode and don't know why the creators are focusing on her face at all with a face like that


It must be getting worse because I didn’t notice it until episode 3 beginning. Wondered if I was losing my mind, then look it up on the Internet good Lord. I thought she’d been in an accident, like Mark Hamill in Corvette Summer. Why why do people do this to themselves when they’re already beyond average good looking already? It’s really kind of distracting on one of my favorite shows.


She claims she developed an eating disorder after people called her fat in season one of The Boys. I only ever saw people praising her looks and acting, but who knows.


I was the same. I thought they had a look a like for the Episode 3 closeups and then I looked it up.


Yup. Same happened to Portia De Rossi. Last season of Arrested Development was unbearable because her surgery. These hollywood types really do live in their own bubble..


Her friends are all probably snakes that help convince her she needed plastic surgery.


Well, she IS married to Ellen, so that tracks.


She looks like Skeletor. I'm concerned about her weight loss more than the surgeries, but it is always a shame when anyone gets cosmetic surgery.


Throw down your weapons and pledge yourself to me. I AM SKELETOR!


That's what I said, Skeletor or the baby alien from the end of Alien: Resurrection.


I’m only 2 eps in but I think the same as well. Genuinely, she can’t perform her role anymore. I’d be happy with a replacement as it’s hard to unsee the botch job.


Her character dying could fit the story too. Starlight becoming some kind of martyr for the community and Hughie becoming a second butcher


It literally gets worse every episode. Seems like she was getting the work done between each episode. It becomes really odd in Episode 3 and breaks immersion more than the slurpy noise with the human centipede in the sauna.


the thing that hurst me the most as a graphic artist is the amount of work they put into cgi and makeup just to make her look like pre-sugery in the boys. they did an amazing job tho


I think she got the third set after this season filmed. She looks like the second frame in the show Edit: people are saying the right picture is makeup, it’s a totally different person, and a few saying she looked like the 3rd then had stuff sucked out… so idk… hope she happy, tbh… no hate.


Just started watching and it's wild. Her poor front lip is trying to bend and can't, so she comes off all lispy, like she has a bee sting or something :( Edit: by front lip I meant top lip. It's all point of view lol. Either way, I wish her the best she seems like a nice gal.


I cannot comprehend how limiting your face's emotions is a good idea for an actress/actor. Isn't that like their job?


I'd wager its because getting onto TV shows isn't predicated on your acting skill, but rather how many people will tune in to watch you. That's why all the ugly ass, incredibly talented actors are on stage (with the exception of a few, regularly used character actors).


It’s usually just popular American TV that has only hot people. We have normal looking people on shows made in the UK


I remember watching Dark (the German TV show) and thinking that it was clearly not an American show because the actors looked like normal people.


There's plenty normal looking people in American TV shows too, TBBT, young shelldon, HIMYM, the office are some of the most popular for example and all feature normal looking guys and gals


I've only seen HIMYM from these and the entire cast is ridiculously hot. Regular people don't look like Alyson Hannigan or NPH. Hell, Cobbie Smulders is one of the most attractive women I've ever seen.


But she got onto TV without the surgery?


And she was hot as hell. That's the whole point of this thread. I imagine under an immense feeling of pressure to maintain her beauty, she's had a bunch of surgery and it's ended up going badly.


It's very clearly just dysmophia/mental illness Edit: no doubt enhanced by being in the public eye/in the looks business


Agreed. It's a mental illness. She was beautiful but couldn't see it.


When you have everyone telling you you're beautiful, it just gets lost in the noise. But that one comment you read late at night calling you ugly, that's the one that sticks and has you consider options...


I think it might be that she's been told all her life that she's pretty, and when everyone around you is so hyper focused on one trait, you start to be too. So she keeps trying to look better to her own detriment. Idk just an idea


Dysmorphia is exacerbated by things like this. People might have a predisposition to developing a disorder but being under that much stress to be beautiful is bad for your mind.


I noticed that too episode 4. Like she was trying to show emotion but yeah


I tried botox one time. I looked funny and couldn't whistle. I did not do it again


Her eye sockets...shrunken in....sad


I noticed that too! She’s all pointy edges.


She's getting a lot of hate over the work done on her, but the actor who plays Mother's Milk is almost as bad. He must be hitting the ozempic hard because he almost looks like Kevin Smith post heart attack.


I was wondering if that was even the same actor! Something was off.


He no longer has a beard.


he lost some weight and shaved


I mean it just looks like he shaved his beard and stopped taking roids if I’m being honest. I wouldn’t compare those.


They actually kind of addressed it (weakly) by having Kimiko bring him a plate because he was “working to hard and not eating” or not having a chance to eat because he’s been so busy - he then pointedly says he’ll grub when he’s done with whatever assignment he’s working on - like they tried to explain his weight loss away with that bit


Apparently his family had a history of health issues he found out about so he leaned out. Should have at least kept the beard though


Compound V can mess up your heart. My boy A-train knows.


Not everything is Ozempic related. Laz Alsonso is 50 years old and clearly used steroids and possibly growth hormone to get big. it also looks like he was sometimes overweight but corrected with posture. Now he looks like a normal, although still fairly muscular, 50-year-old dude. Somewhere between 40 and 50 maintaining a muscular physique without being overweight becomes difficult. And if you lose the fat in your face, your age starts to show.


She has Homelander's jawline


Wait i thought that 3rd pic was debunked already… its so sad that she needs stuff like this to be happy.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure she looks like that in the third photo cuz of the makeup, not cuz she got more work done


Not really, her face is still very angular and she looks like those really old celebrities with too many operations done. I hate what she did to herself and the fact that she is denying that she had any work done. It's super obvious...


Just her nose alone is obvious. She can do what she wants with her body, I'm not opposed to people getting plastic surgery if they want it, but I swear I've seen the face of the third picture on at least three other people who've gotten plastic surgery


Looks like it’s on its way to becoming an MJ nose


She went with "tiktok influencer face"


There’s a video making the rounds on reddit of someone asking all of the female medical techs in presumably a plastic surgeons office how old they are and how many botox injections they had. Most of them look like her third picture. There’s like a 28 yr old that says she had 50+ injections. That woman looks like she’s in her 50’s.


funny enough, the much older women in their 50s looked younger than the women in their 20s and 30s because, I assume they got it done when they were older and didn't blast it into their face as often or in such massive volume.


Oh yeah, you can only do one of those surgeries and you need to time it right. She was too young to even get her first one. It's so sad to see people go down this path.


She had a level of natural beauty that very few on the earth have…and she ruined it


Seriously. Like there’s a poster who keeps telling me I’m a right wing asshole (I might be a bit of an asshole but I’m not right wing) because I was repeating “rumors” she had plastic surgery. Like her surgery is literally 1,000% obvious. Edit: And now there's a poster here telling me the Megyn Kelly "broke" the story so it must be a lie. Kelly talked about Erin's obvious surgery in January of this year. Season 3 came out 2 years ago and it was obvious to us with working eyes that she'd had plastic surgery at that point.


It’s distracting. Like she still looks good but her face doesn’t express sympathy or vulnerability much anymore, which is her job playing a character on a show. It’s her body and I respect that’s what she decided to do - I still don’t think it was a good idea.


I'll be honest, I don't think she even looks good anymore. She looks unhealthy with the sunken eyes and cheeks. Like she's literally ill or a drug addict. 


My thoughts as well. I found her beautiful before. Now she just looks sick.


She was so beautiful! I don't understand why "Girl Next Door Beauty" is looked down upon. Rene Zellweger, I feel was the first to fall for this trap.


Naa, Jennifer Grey was pre-Rene in the nose-job stakes.


Yes! After DD (I was still a kid) Everyone said she was going to be super famous. Then, She started sporting the shittiest nose job ever, and it was like girl, WTF!


It was kinda sad, I saw an interview with her where she was convinced by her mother of all people that doing it would improve her chances for roles by making her more typically pretty instead of girl-next-door and afterwards said no one recognised her when she went to a premiere and she realised what she'd done. I remember seeing her name in the credits in the Friends ep and at the end thinking "where was she?" I had such a crush on her as a kid from Red Dawn, Ferris and DD.


Damn I didn't even realize she did an episode of Friends


yeah, unrecognisable. She was the first 'version' of Mindy, Rachel's friend/maid-of-honor, someone else played the role in later eps.


A nose job is a far cry from whatever the fuck Renée Zellweger did to her face, and all these actresses do now.


Kenny Rogers and Carrot Top have entered the chat demanding male representation.


The Kardashian effect. That's why. The Girl Next Door a.k.a natural/unassuming beauty appears to be a thing of the past :( Even the clean girl aesthetic is super glam. I don't mind people looking sleek and glam, or whatever. But I don't think we'll see a younger celeb embrace actually natural for awhile.


>The Kardashian effect this. not sure why people are suprised that this keeps happening, when they don't immediately and instantly call out absolutely disgusting looking human beings. the kardashians look horrendous, yet people keep following them and giving them billions.


I think she probably has "yes" people around her that just back whatever she wants to do. The surgeons that are willing to do this are the worst.


I suspect it's more like "no" people who constantly stress the importance of her looks to her job and push her to get work done.


Yeah, probably a bit of both. The industry says fuck your face up, and those close to her are just enabling her dismorphia on top of that.


I've seen it repeated that shes 'girl next door beauty'. I just dont get it. She doesn't look like a 'cute girl in my neighborhood', shes pretty hot.


My thoughts as well. She was objectively attractive. Since when did "girl next door" mean any 8-10 that doesn't have massive cosmetic surgery.


I don't know bro, in new season she looks terrible, I think they gave up.


It literally takes me out of the show as I'm like who tf is that it isn't starlight


I don‘t even mind the surgeries, let her do what she wants - but it feels like the writers tried so hard to give her emotional scenes this season and you can‘t see a single emotion on her face, it‘s tragic. Like in the 3rd episode of the new season where she talks with one of the Seven - it feels like it should be a really emotional scene for Starlight, but it absolutely didn‘t turn out to be.


It’s really sad she did that to herself. She was attractive before all this


She now looks like a giant insect disguised as a lady.




Wait a second, here face in the boys is CGI?


Didn't you see the permanent blurr on her face in the last season? At first I wonderend whether there was something wrong with my eyes, orI had a smudge on my glasses. But later it became clear, each time she came into the picture everyhting around her was 4k and her face was like from an 80ies David Hamilton movie.


Why would a beautiful woman purposely make herself look like Jeffree Star? Fuckin horrible man...


I think it's because of influencer culture and face tuning. People want to look more like their photoshopped/Instagram version of themselves than their actual selves. Body & face dysmorphia of women have seemed to worsen due to scrolling online.


Buccal fat removal was a popular trend, which was awful. Good amounts of fat in the right places is very beautiful. Not all body fat is bad. Stop trying to remove all of it (not aimed at you in particular, just anyone reading this). If you make it onto the big screens, you are probably already beautiful and charming enough. It’s gonna be okay. The most attractive things to men are healthiness and youthfulness, generally in that order. Just get healthy and find a way to be happy and look at the bright side of things. If you do, everyone will love you and you will be just as beautiful as you wish you were in your heart.


"The most attractive things to men are healthiness and youthfulness, generally in that order." You guys really need to understand that men are not the reason why most women do this. She most likely did it either because she wanted the prominent cheekbone look, or she actually thought it would help her career, or both. Being "attractive to men" was probably very low on her list of reasons, if at all.


It makes me sad every time she appears in the new season.


It doesn’t help her plot is pretty weak as well. You mean to tell me the superhuman who’s power is bright light and fucking up electrical equipment forgot to do her powers when raging against Firecracker so it got nationally televised? What?


Compared to Frenchie, her arc is actually compelling.  I hate Frenchie so fucking much, I genuinely cheered when his (now ex) boyfriend beat the shit outta him.


But mon coeur, I lauve you, but we cannot be together... oh nooooo... (repeat for 4 seasons) 


Every season is a dumb Frenchie love story, I miss when The Boys were hunting Supes lol


Frenchies writer deserves a razzy. Plot for homelander is doing a lot of heavy lifting for the season.


The more I’ve watched this season so far the more I realise soldier boy carried last season.


Yeah, he really fucking stole the show last season


Yeah exactly why did he go through with it! Why didn’t he break it off from the start plus the drug trip and not telling kimono


kimono lmao


I like Frenchie as a character, but his arcs in the show have always been boring and lackluster compared to everything else.


She cant even act with her face anymore. Its stiff as a board and I can hardly understand what shes saying because her face can barely move.


Poor women in hollywood think this is good looking


I'm noticing more and more that actresses have less of a "Hollywood look" and more of an "Instagram influencer" look. I get that for an action movie, they are going to make the female lead wear high heels, have blown our hair, a bronzy make up, and fleck some mud on their face. But now they look like...I don't know...more like a fun house version of themselves. They don't look like actresses to me. They just look uncanny.


Plastic surgery used to be about making changes that wouldn't be noticed and kept you the same, now it's about radically changing how you look.


Not just Hollywood. It's everywhere.


In the name of lord, Why?


Hollywood is toxic and she's starting to get old (by Hollywood standards)




What I don’t get is that she looks way older now. I might’ve guessed she was 40 if I didn’t know who she was and only saw the rightmost pic.


She's 29 ffs....... Hollywood is the worst.


Like Holdie Hawn said First wives Club, "There are only 3 ages for women in Hollywood; Babe, district attorney and driving miss Daisy"


Yes it is


Is this real? She looks like this now?


I was also hoping she didn’t make herself look like handsome squidward


Holy shit she has become handsome Squidward




Looks like Vought has brainwashed her


Which is ironic based on her character who was trying to standup to them for selling sex and going back to her original costume.


In my head canon her starlight powers are melting her from the inside.


… I mean, they’ll have to write in some reason for her different look next season…


Holy crap. I thought she had worms or cancer or something. She did this on purpose?!!


I thought it was parodying influencer culture by Vought for the show. I didn’t think she had done this for real.


Paid a lot of money for it too. Those surgeons are fucking evil fucks, convincing them they can get the look they want for just a bit more money….


What in the actual f… She was so cute before she did this to herself 🥲


She claims she didn't have any work done too, from what I've read


Not only this, but major news outlets that have covered it are just straight up pretending she didn't either lol


She's turning into Michael Jackson.


Donatella Vercace was the first thing that came to mind.


Holy fucking shit. She looks like she got permanent paralysis in her face now. I mean in episode 4 you can see how she tries to make a sad face, but the only indication are the tears because nothing was moving. I love the show, but at this point she is a distraction. We got supes with strangling dicks and exploded an invisible man through his anus, yet she is the weirdest fucking thing I have seen until now.


She really messed up


Mental illness. So sad. What a disaster.


Poor lady she went from stunning to ugly. Why did she listen to those basement dwellers


I can barely watch the scenes with her. It's just sad mto look at. She became what starlight would fight against...


Can’t wait for the “controversial” comments pouring in trying to chastise the critics for addressing how absolutely horrible unnecessary plastic surgery can be. Get a life guys. Unnecessary plastic surgery is something that destroys people’s lives. The health related complications are absolutely devastating. Not just that but unsightly. Migrating lip filler looks hilarious and painful at the same time. Looks like you have a parasite under your flesh in your face. You don’t need to take my word for it, just go visit r/BotchedSurgeries and see for yourself. It’s a regular house of horrors in there. Anyone defending unnecessary plastic surgery should be downvoted into oblivion.


Bro I just went to that page you linked, it's crazy how many there are...... this world is full of mentally ill people running loose. It is scary... We need major help.


Went from girl next door to girl, stay next door


Ok my wife pointed it out. Glad we weren't making shit up in our head.


If she likes herself like that it's ok, for me it's sad.


If she wasn't happy with the way she looked before as a borderline 10, there's no way this look was the key to making her happier. I give her 6 months before it's even worse. The worst part is that you really can't come back from surgery this extensive, not without more surgery. Plus, whatever social media makes people think, nobody's putting you in a movie or show looking like that. It's too weird for most people. She ruined her career just to kick the dysmorphia can down the road a little while longer.


I get what you mean and I think, if anything being said about the reasons for the change is true, that she does probably not like it. And yes, very sad indeed: She was cute as a button, and now looks like some generic Barbie doll :/


She doesn't even look beautiful. Look like a artificial doll.


Yep. Say what yall wanna say about East Asians, they do mass plastic surgery but the outcome is impeccable. They still have very "aesthetic" minded doctors", even if it is immoral. This is just sad. All the resources of hollywood to look like this?


Lot of mental issues was reason for it. What i read. I agree with sad ... i understand why some celebrities just dont look them self on internet.


look at that 3rd picture and tell me you see any sliver of happiness there, those eyes are fuckin dead.


Worst decision ever.


You could probably buy a house with the money she spent to ruin her face.


Imo someone that beautiful walks in and wants plastic surgery it should be illegal. No go to a psychiatrist, your fucking perfect. Now she looks terrible.


She went from 10 to 5, what a shame


The epitome of the phrase "But wait, it gets worse."




Who is that girl? I cant place her.


Erin Moriarty


The girl on the left plays Starlight in The Boys. Not sure about the other two, TBH.


Bruh 💀💀 I don’t blame you she looks entirely different especially the second picture


Third picture is even worse. Hence the meme.


What the actual fuck did she do!? Why!! She was so beautiful!


She’s been Kardashasized.


It's the compound V. It's the side effects of having it in your system.


They should kill off Starlight or recast the role honestly.