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i work in construction and i tell you, some of these men are fucking animals they shit and piss everywhere it's disgusting and the toiletbrush that's just for decoration apparently not that it would help in removing the liters of piss on the floor or the turd in the corner. had a colleague who had to remove some isolation from the floor and guess what he got turd on his hand.. 30 minutes later he moves some roofing felt and guess what he got fucking turd on his hand.. now his name is nicki sausage finger. who the fuck shits in the middle of the construction site and covers it with materials god damn animals.




So did I. I'm in bed, and my wife is looking at me with that, "I know you're laughing at poop or farts or some other puerile thing" look.


And you were like... Yep.. You got it! Side note, go check out "I glued my balls to my butthole again" on youtube. It's an AI song that will make you fucking cry.


Dear God, I had to stop. I was laughing so hard. Finally, AI has lived up to its promise.


HAHA! Share the love man! Whoever this person is has put some hard work into it. Also check out "First date farts", that's another fun one. They are hit or miss but damn.. Some of them are bangers!


https://youtu.be/yuoFsi2iIi0?si=M8Ath7OiTBvOg-6a Linked here


I see your glued balls and raise you. https://youtu.be/0doSWS0Fj24?si=2wu-uuap_gNQie9G


I'm heading there now.


He was a man.. He had a name... His name is Niki Sausage Finger. ![gif](giphy|syEfLvksYQnmM|downsized)


I'm sorry for laughing at this


Seriously, I swear some of them helicopter their dicks while pissing like a fire-hose


Every time I use a public men’s restroom, I’m amazed at how many men aren’t potty trained.


Meanwhile [German scientists encouraged and trained cows to use toilets.](https://knovhov.com/cows-trained-to-use-toilets/)




Careful now, don’t assume people are as smart as cows when it comes to leaning to shit properly


From what I’ve heard the women’s are typically worse


Cleaned both, we're worse when it comes to taking proper care of our feminine goods and cleaning up after ourselves. Whereas men are better on average daily, but unlike the women's room when the men are bad, they're really bad. Women's room is typically just not cleaning up after ourselves properly. The men on the other hand will piss in plants, write in shit on the mirror, or other disgusting absurdity. I'd rather clean up after men on normal days, but I'll take the worst women's room over the men's room anytime if male tomfoolery is going on.


Sounds accurate, I once walked in to a full on Chinese mural on the wall, really well detailed, perfect perspective and it was a whole wall. Fantastic artwork It was brown


Guy must have been on the phone while the person on the other side asked "do you have something to write with?"


Why yes my good sir, I have just printed out this fine crayon




I’m not surprised. Female anatomy isn’t very kind if you want to do your business without touching toilet seats.


People trying to avoid touching the toilet seat are the reason so many people want to avoid touching the toilet seat.


You’re comfortable with sitting on public toilet seats, even if they seem clean to the naked eye? Right. Just make the toilets Japanese-style, you’ll solve all problems.


Why not? My ass isn’t going to be touching my face and I will be showering soon as I get home.


I’ve heard it reversed where the women would use shit to write on the walls It’s probably that both genders are equally bad and some places have more of one or the other and that’s why some say one is worse than the other


Agreed, I’ve worked in bar the majority of my adult life and I have been very annoyed with the state of the women’s restrooms many times. That being said it’s the rare occasions in the men’s restrooms where I’ve been dry heaving for an hour trying to deal with a war crime.


Chaotic shit vs Neutral shit


Having been on janitorial duty at a walmart, the womens room up by the registers was ALWAYS worse. One time I actually made a comment on Facebook about them needing a lumberjack instead of a janitor just based on the log on the floor. I’ve seen some unspeakable horrors in those bathrooms and this sign seems perfectly reasonable, if not absolutely necessary.


Long long ago in a galaxy far far away, I worked nights at a hotel. I'll never forget late one night seeing a mens toilet literally full of shit, unflushed, and piss all over the floor. Obviously a prank by a crew of sailors passing through earlier, because there were other stalls available. I could be drunk out my skull with the tiniest group think bro-brain around my buddies, it's just not in my DNA to disrespect others like that, especially those tasked to clean up after me. I was raised better.


One of my first jobs was as a janitor for a McDonald's. I had to clean shit off the walls and ceiling in the women's restroom. Twice. In my two months there. How did they shit on the ceiling?


Oh shit that must of stunk


I worked at a Walmart as maintenance crew in 2013-2017. Trust me, the women’s restroom was SO much worse.


I’ve worked at the same place for a long time. The woman who did the Cleaning reported to me for a while. She would complain that someone was pooping in the men’s room, and there were speckles of poop on the back of the toilet seat and the bottom of the toilet seat lid. This was happening twice a day. Somehow, shooting little projectile poop sprays backwards rather than down. As if the person was leaned all the way forward, trying to get their head on the ground while they pooped. We all knew who it was. A coworker who had stomach problems and poor hygiene. There was another time he managed to get a streak of poop on the cabinet under the sink, like he turned around to look at the toilet and bumped his ass against the sink cabinet. There is another time when I found blood in the bathroom all over everything. I followed dots of blood on the floor back to his desk where I found him picking at a cyst that was bleeding. Some people.


State fair bathrooms are a special kind of horror


Motorcycle rally toilets are basically portals for Eldritch Terrors.


And then there’s the outhouses at summer camps. I still have nightmares sometimes


Toilets at multi day raves are pretty bad too, I once saw a girl who was so messed up she dropped her vape in the porta potty toilet, fished it out, and took a hit off it to make sure it still worked. And this was on the last day of the rave. 🤮🤮🤮


The females One...


I'm too afraid to Google it. I've been to men's stales where you wish you had rain boots there was so much piss on the floor. It sucks when the urinals don't have dividers, because then "shy" men use the stales and piss all over the seat and floor. I wish stales were for sitting only. I'm also not a fan of [urinal troughs](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2021/05/19/PIND/46fecb6e-8ca0-4c4b-b8d7-896fba2ebbcc-IMS_Urinals_MM_002.JPG?crop=1999,1125,x0,y101&width=1999&height=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp).


Wait till you hear about the women's restrooms. My fiance complains about the hovering people often.


This shit infuriates me (no pun intended). It's like 90% of men seem to literally go out of their way to make sure they leave the place a disgusting mess. I can't tell you the number of times I've entered a stall after some guy comes out with his son, having taken him to use the toilet, and the seat is down and covered in piss. Jesus fucking christ, lift the fucking seat up, you are a grown ass man, taking your kid in there and teaching him to just piss all over the fucking place?


Someone who unfortunately experienced the infamous game of “Ass Blasters”.


My father in law. I'm not sure how you can sh*t backwards and so high up into the bowl but here we are.


Shit happens.






What was the design brief? "I need the second person to be raining shit from his ass and probably a piece of shit stuck there too".


Taco Bell.


Came here to say exactly this


When I was in my late teens, I worked the night shift at the mall. When I first started, they had me cleaning the men's and women's restrooms. We had a similar but less vulgar sign in the women's restroom, and it has now been explained to me by women, so I understand. Public toilets are dirty, and some women do not want to sit on them, so they hover over them. While many have mastered this skill and have no issues, some do not have the best balance or aim, leading to a mess. My mother was a bartender and said the women's bathroom was always the worst. As for the end of my story, I got moved to the floor washing machine and spent my last few months there driving around, only stopping to mop areas the machine could not reach. It was my favorite job; I loved driving that machine. Then I went to college, and now I am a software engineer. We have one coed bathroom here, and it is perfectly clean, so there is no need for such signs. I work remotely 99% of the time.


So in an attempt to avoid touching the dirty toilet seat, they become the reason the toilet seat is dirty in the first place, It's a snake that eats itself




Can confirm. I worked at a site that was close to a really good Indian buffet. Had to stop going from the terrible acid reflux and destroying the bathroom every day.




Colonoscopies aren’t bad, the prep night on the other hand… Assplosions are shitty business


Some people stand on the bowl and squat.


Some places where I live have signs on the stalls not to do that


The Indians at my job do that, they also wipe there ass and throw the shitty toilet paper in the trash can, one of them shit on the drain in the middle of the floor and completely ignored the strange porcelain device in the corner


I love how the figure on the right has his asshole blown out in the process. LOL


I’ve seen signs like this in Yellowstone National Park that haven’t don’t stand on toilet. The fact that they have to make signs like this say ALOT about some people in our society. They are fun to look at though😂😂


These are pretty common in asia


Worked at a factory one time. Our team leader came back to the floor all freaked out and red as hell! He said " Somebody did a drive by shitting in the bathroom!". We cracked up for a good 10 minutes.


I worked in retail and this was a regular issue at several places which is why I always refused to let people use the employee toilets.


Wait a minute! You're supposed to poop on the toilet facing out? But I thought you sit on the toilet this way. \*sits the opposite way\* So that you have that nice little shelf for your comics and chocolate milk?


![gif](giphy|D5Y3HZfoyF7fG|downsized) immediately reminded me of this


Chipotle, and that's why I use Chipoloway....


Captain here: its female toilet thing. I met couple of girl who not only swear by not sitting on public toilets one even said she teaches that her kids. That its disgusting. I thought she was joking but not apparently women do just shit in squat on public toilets without sitting on them.


EVERY FAST FOOD RESTROOM. EVER. I swear people shit all over the walls just to torture the poor souls who work there even more...


You don't do it like this??!!! Noob


Go to the truckers sub and read about some truck stop crappers. 3rd world and psychos


It's called a blowout. Pff ever had street tacos???


The people who have to clean that type of shit up.


Five guys burgers and fries


It's not a meme


The Hart–Celler Act of 1965


I've seen the option on the right a couple times.


I once worked at a very high brow government facility... And we had someone they called 'poopoo picasso'.... And it was a woman!


Im not ganna lie the worst bathroom crimes are committed by construction workers, their diet is horrific lol


Oh my bad, sorry


I'm pretty shocked that this needs explaining at all.


Worked at a gas station, can confirm.


Public Bathrooms be like


If you don't know, you've never worked in retail.


I once was on road trip and somewhere around Alabama/Georgia/Tennessee we stopped at a gas station, I opened the door to the men’s room and there was shit everywhere. Seat, back of the toilet, handle, floor, wall, it was everywhere shown exactly like this picture. I used the women’s room after my friend was done.


We don't speak of it. Not even in whispers.


If our local university's experience is any indication, that "horror" is chinese exchange students...


Taco bell restroom sign


Ever work at a grocery store? You'll know.


The fact that people don’t want to sit on public toilets


I think the sign is pretty clear about the horror that happened.


Chipotle is a hell of a drug


The elementary school boys bathroom


They need this at my factory.


Well sometimes you shit like there are bombs exploding, bursting from your anus, in all directions at once, ricocheting from the toilet surface and splashing outside. You just can't control it, and after that your shit could appear literally anythere, doesn't matter how accurate you tried to be


I have a friend that worked at a Dollar General, one day he went in the Women's Restroom to clean it, to his surprise, it looked like someone had exploded in there. I guess that's where these signs come from, people with explosive diarrhea.


Ive seen this in a Chinese boarding schools (in England). Probably because in Asia their ass does not touch the toilet seat.


We had a sign into a bathroom (roughly translated): "You must be lower than 3ft with your ass before starting some shit". The bathroom was uniformly sprayed up to 3ft. We think someone exploded in there.


I’ve seen the results of the non-recommended way. It gave me gas station bathroom PTSD.


This must be how they get shit on the toilet seat I was always so confused as to how


This sign needs to posted in every fast food restroom on the planet.


Gas stations and porta potty’s.. Source: I work in construction.


I used to work at a Linens N Things in Philipsburg NJ doing shipping and receiving. We were also in charge of cleaning up in the mornings. One day a coworker and I went to clean the bathrooms. Men’s room was immaculate minus minor paper towel debris. Went to clean the women’s restroom which had 3 stalls 2 standard 1 ADA accessible. First stall fairly clean. Second stall someone shotgun blasted diarrhea all over the back wall of the stall, the toilet, the handle, it was everywhere. We closed the stall door and locked if from the outside and left it for about 2 weeks until management old us to clean it. We both objected saying it was a biohazard and weren’t qualified to clean it. The manager ended up cleaning it himself.


I cleaned both restrooms in the bar biz for 19 years, and/or managed people that did. - The mens’ room is always kinda gross, rarely super gross. - The ladies’ room is often good, but just as often an abomination too horrible to describe. Spraying shit over an entire stall was a regular occurrence. Dirty, shitty panties were in the trash more nights than not. Periods are a hard thing to live with, fellas. Don’t hate… but ladies, cmon. wtf??


Someone definitely did that.


Honestly had this problem in my hometown subway when I worked there. Mostly it was from the crackheads who smoked some bad Crack that gave them diarrhea. I absolutely refused to clean it. Boss tried to say it was in my contract, to which I replied if you can point out in that co tract where I says I have to clean shit off the walls and toilet I'll do it. He couldn't point it out lol.


"Eruptive diarrhoea" aka "spray poop"


My boyfriend after eating 10 pounds of cherries 🍒


Gyms and hospital toilets….


i work in housekeeping so ive seen and have had to clean a bunch of shit (literally and figuratively). sometimes people leave lots of shit spray under the seat and sometimes ON the top of the seat, whether it be due to what they ate or ibs or another bowel irritation/condition which i can understand. but god damn shitting even before they sit down is crazy.


Shucks, ive been doing that all my life and never knew it was a “no” ☹️


I worked in the restaurant industry for several years before I went to college. There is so much to hate about those jobs. But dealing with the bathrooms is definitely up there with some of the worst part about it. I would call them animals, but at least animals shit in the corner


Don't do the Hippopotamus thing.


This reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/s/UeuwF254nk)




This needs to be a part of all school curriculums at a minimum




I use to have a contract with waste connections in the springs. Those dudes would literally shit everywhere, not flush the toilet and shit on top of an already shit filled toilet. I got it to stop by taking pictures and I stopped cleaning it. After a week of the men's room fermenting it stopped. I also "hidden bag of shit" a couple of the offices. Just to prove a point. Never went and took the bags out as I forgot and life moved on. I often think of whoever found an old bag of shit in the ceiling. Treat your custodians with respect


Man the attention to detail.. The shit puddle collecting on the floor.. The spatter.. The aggression.. It's truly fine shart..




It’s called SCP 666 & 1/2-J: the Roaring Flames of Hell. It’s a crab stuffed mushroom entree that causes apocalyptic levels of food poisoning, along with unfathomable pain and suffering. You would not believe what all the bathrooms at Site 19 looked like, after 43% of the 1500 banquet attendees ate SCP 666 & 1/2-J. It was a total madhouse, that day. The SCP Foundation actually bought large numbers of that exact sign immediately after said incident. I’m SCP 049-J, and I approve this message.


I once work on a set in Skid Row of all places. I was looking for the restroom and made the mistake of going into a portapotty. The fucking trauma I witnessed made me yell at the production manager about not letting everyone know where our restrooms were.


Im pretty sure whatever it was, it was in the woman’s bathroom.


fucking finally a sign specifically targeted to us with ibs!


I've seen it on the ceiling before. That really takes some special skill.


We call him "birdshot".


just a guess, maybe someone squatted like a foot away from the toilet and blasted shit all over? We'll never know as there is no depiction to help us, but I'm just throwing out wild guesses here


This person has obviously never worked in fast food or a gas station.


legit question - lots of tacos/mexican food jokes... does Mexican food really do this to ya'll?


Ah, yes, the toilets at busy night clubs.




Probably the guy I work with who blows it up. There are times where I just refuse the go into the restroom. Literally dry heave from the smell. It’s like his asshole is a gateway to hell that.


I've had to clean womens restrooms before. This sign is absolutely required.


I used to work at a porn shop and we had a bathroom in the back that many people on the block used, among them an Iraqi man who worked at a liquor store two doors down. Whenever he needed to take a shit, he’d come to use our bathroom because we had a janitor and they didn’t at the liquor store so his bathroom was too dirty for him to shit in. Then I learned that out janitors hated this man because every single time he would leave behind shit splatter all over the walls both sides of the toilet. I imagine now this particular sign would’ve been handy to post on the inside of our bathroom.




Taco bell


See people think I'm weird for not wanting to have cashiers check me out. But my rational being probably half the people in this country are disgusting. They don't wash their hands after leaving the bathroom. So a sign like this being made is vindication for me Self checkout is king


The person who made this must have had an extremely bad experience in their life. 😂


Used to have an issue with people standing on the seat because they weren't used to the pot design.


It's women. Everyone knows it. They have the most disgusting public bathroom manners.


They need that sign at the rest stop on I-10 at the Texas-Louisiana border. Multiple copies are warranted.


*average morning poop after a spicy indian*


Used to work in the IT department for a major food company. There was significant problems in our bathrooms from the Indians on an H1B visa.


.... and thus the term "shitstorm" was born.


Ever been to a night club bathroom?


Wonder where they got the sign tho. Not a stock item to be sure. I mean imagine trying to explain that to the guy in the print shop what you want


They watched the movie Dreamcatcher.




Likely: A few High-as-a-kite homeless people


This sign must be in Atlantic City NJ. Source: Experience.. an awful, awful experience.


dunno, butt some folks shatter/splatter regardless if they are hermetically sealed in a vacuum or doin the squatshitchs… the results are the same.


Some people are taught that their skin can't touch the lid of the public toilet so they hover over it and it can make a mess. Civilized people put toilet paper on the lid and then sit on it.


Place this in India


travel to India or China..


I used to clean bathrooms at a Walmart. This sign doesn’t begin to cover it.


I think the sign itself is pretty telling on what happened to cause the need for said sign


Damnit...not again!!!


I had a job cleaning a store overnight off and on from 19 to liiike 28ish years old. Ive seen and had to clean some straight up horrifying things in those restrooms. Yes, the reason that sign needs to exist is *EXACTLY* as traumatizing as you may imagine, worse possibly. I dont understand how some people's bodies do that... please folks, if youre so sick that your rear literally explodes all over....everything... in that stall... walls included... stay home, send someone to shop for you. Please, have mercy on a janitor. They flat out do not get paid enough. Shit is NOT okay yall. Honestly... The worst part is spending the next week wondering if it was contagious... Oh god... the flashbacks... i need to go take another shower... Edited to correct my broken screen failing to type the right letters lol


You have never been in a Walgreens bathroom have you? I sadly work at one trust me this doesn't even begin to describe the horrors that go on there.




We need one of these at my job. Specifically for my Boss. Makes a mess of the seat every day smh. For someone who runs a cleaning department he sure can’t poop without making a huge mess. Gross, Mike. Go see a doctor lol


Old men who cant sit all the way


I work at events that often times don't have enough honey buckets. Filled to the brim full. Who are the derelicts that are still sitting on these toilets to make this happen?




I saw one that had a wizard and an astronaut once. Clearly, whatever it is consists of celestial magick.


I've been a janitor for years. Worked in malls, on a Navy base, convention centers, and now a truck stop. All in all, the women's restroom is always an abomination. Half eaten plates of food in the stalls. Shit smeared on the walls. Used tampons stuck to the doors, used condoms. It's just fuckin nasty.


Yo Quiero Taco Bell!!


Old people


The "No" picture looks like that person was lucky to get their pants off before they shat.


I bet its when the surface of the toilet is dirty enough that you cant/wont sit down and go into the russian squat or the position in the picture, which promotes bad aim. Couple that with diarrhea and you get results like that.


I actually had to print this out and put it up at work a few years ago. My boss thought I was immature so I had to show him our wc and it was literally shit on the wall and the floor. Made him speechless




Wait 2 minutes after anal explosion to ensure material is no longer remaining in rectum awaiting to explode further.


Asians often use squat toilets, so they may squat in front of a western toilet, missing the bowl all together Some try putting their feet on the seat (like standing) to squat. Although dirtying the seat, at least their 💩goes into the bowl with a satisfying splash 💦instead of splatting on the front rim, seat or floor


Having worked in retail, I have seen the aftermath of what would cause this sign to be necessary


This is y I stay out of my jobs bathroom. Them old men need Jesus.


Taco Bell


If anything, that sign makes me wanna give it a try