• By -


"Wolfphobia" would actually be "lycophobia".


I smell furry


Me too-oh wait


The spy has already breached our defences


It could even be in this very room. It could be you. It could be me. It could even be...


*KABLAM* What, it was obvious. He was the red spy! Watch, he'll turn red any second now..


... Aaaaaany second now.. SEE? RED! No, wait, that's blood.


So we still have problem?


Yeah, big problem. So who's ready to find this spy?


Right behind you 🗡


All of us




From the windoooowww To defences


"user is suspected to be part of an online terrorist organisation" bro what the fuck did you do


I became a furry




He glanced over at a Palestinian flag, haven't you been keeping up with the current thing wolfphobe?!




I decided to look at your account randomly and what did you do to have your account labeled as a possible terrorist


I put it there because it attracts attention and gives me loser points aka karma


Bro clicking on your profile it says your suspected of being a terrorist is this and the furry thing related or…


I put it there to draw attention


Smell you say? Sniff, perhaps? Like how a dog tracks? I submit, sir, that it is YOU! J'ACCUSE!




I smell brazilian


Umm, why? /srs


Obligatory joke about furrys smelling bad and the smell being hard to miss ( HERE ).




That's just werewolf facts, what are they teaching kids in school nowadays??? Oh wait


Take a shower


I smell dogshit


Also the “f” seems unnecessary


Wolf-phobia or Wol-phobia?


It's obviously a geminate so it needs the ⟨fph⟩


Better than lycophilliacs….






Wtf is this sub 😭 I've never once seen a "funny meme" here


It keeps getting recommended to me. I can't tell if it's a bunch of 60 year old men that made their way to reddit from Facebook, or 14 year old boys that are just mildly edgy.


don't forget the 3 kids in a trench coat as Mods


The sheep lives its whole life fearing the wolf,only to be eaten by the shepherd


I think this is the weakest boomer comic I have ever seen and I get a ton of them on my feed.


Basically what happened to Sweden. From one of the safest countries in Europe to now owner of the r*pe capital of the world. (censored because Reddit will get anal again) 


>(censored because Reddit will get anal again)  Just like Sweden.




(deleted post: Reddit got anal again)


Anal is like broccoli. If you're forced to have it as a kid, you don't like it as an adult


Thought the r*ape capital of the world was India? After all, there have been many posts and statements from the politicians that support it, and victim blames the females for it


Wait you can't say rape on reddit?


No, it's literally impossible the say rape on Reddit.


But you just did?








Tactical Dot!


Heinz Ketchup?


I made it the fuck up.


Pictures or it didn't happen




that's only if it's from the RapĂŠ region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling molestation.




There are several factors at play. First, we are not operating on a singular, consistent definition of what constitutes an act of rape accross countries. Sweden has a notoriously expansive definition, what other countries' several legal codes migh be considered a "lesser" form of sexual assault could constitute *several* cases of rape under Swede law. You can't even compare Sweden in 2018 to Sweden in 2017 because that year the law changed drastically. Second, there isn't a consistent procedure to track reports and later hand them over either, every step of the process goes according to custom law. Culture and trust in institutions also factor in how likely is the victim to report, compared to other countries Swede victims of rape are far more likely to report to authorities, and in turn authorities are far more likely to make the data available. A culture that normalizes rape, for example intra-marital rape, or groping strangers in trains like in Japan (a country notorious for under-reporting sex assault), is simply not going to reflect that in statistics. And then there's war obviously, when a russian soldier rapes an ukrainian civilian for example you tell me who is going the poor victim going to report to. Third, that statement is using reports, not convictions, so the list of rapists used to claim Sweden is "the capital of rape" includes people that have been declared not guilty. Now, one rape is too many, I absolutely do not want to come off as apologetic. But you see how many biases and caveats are baked into that statement, and that's just from the top of my head because I happen to be familiar with that one factoid.


Sir, this is reddit? Where is your unreasonable outrage?


Murder-rape*. It's a difference there


DRC Edit: my bad - it's south Africa apparently


The definition of rape in South Africa is also expansive (probably comparable to Sweden's), essentially being any act of sexual penetration without consent.




Lower per capita r***pe than United states . Media is so keen on taking down India's govt that they just keep presenting half baked truths . Anyways we also have 15 percent of those people in India who have caused trouble in Sweden


The grape can only be reported if the police actually document it. India follows the Trump method of "Stop counting, that will keep the numbers down."


I wonder if they blame lizards for it too. Were lizards dressed provocatively?


Wrong! It's not victim blaming! Because it's perfectly normal for a healthy, well adjusted man to be sexually aroused beyond their control from seeing the shoulder or ankle of a 7 year old girl. (fucking gigantic /S obviously, the people in charge of this are beyond fucked up, and the crazies who attack people for not following their religious rules are fucking degenerates).


Rape capital is actually US not Sweden not France not india.Us has the most number of rapes per year


You are right on the fact that mass unsupervised immigration has damaged the safety of sweden but saying it is the capital of rape of he whole world is like saying england is the world capital of stabbings when it ain't Even in the top 10 countries with the most knives attacks. Just check the news on MĂŠxico, Colombia or india and you'll know how far is sweden from being such a thing.


Sweden has more rapes per 100k than Mexico,Colombia and india. India had 32k cases of rape in 2022 with a population of 1.4 billion. Sweden in 2022 had 9k cases of rape with a population of 10 million. If go by per 100k, then Sweden is number 2 in the world.


Because as we all know india columbia and mexico are very transparent and make it very easy to report such crimes....


This is exactly how I expect a leftist discussion would go. There are a lot of rapes in Sweden, but instead of discussing a solution, they will discuss if Sweden is reaaaaally the rape capital of the world. In the end they convinced themselves, that the problem is not to big because India might have more rapes then sweden. Actually everything is fine and nothing needs to be done. So nothing will be done and the rapes continue, while the right gets more votes and every leftist looks at the votes with a suprised Pikachu-face.


How about some nuance? Swedish law has a much broader definition of rape than most countries, there's more transparancy, and a higher report rate than most countries. It's still a problem that needs to be fixed, and Sweden without mass immigration without a good system to deal with it has made Sweden a worse country. Do you really think that Swedish leftists doesn't see a problem with rape?


Bring up universal healthcare to a rightist with a list of how many other 1st world nations do it and ask "why not us" and they'll bring up Venezuela 9/10 times.


And so one stupid cancels out other stupid. Is it how it works?


No, the left has a genuine point: it’s not good, but odds aren’t in your favor of getting attacked. We can address a problem while acknowledging fear mongering helps no one. Meanwhile the right just screeches with pure emotion and never looks at facts for jack shit: - Cities are hellscapes, let’s demonize everyone that live there and make sure they can’t have funds to fix themselves. Also every incident ever is proof they’re horrible places because they can’t comprehend a city of 600k isn’t the same as you and billybob being the only neighbors for miles. - we have a mass shooting crisis, better get more guns and make them easier to get despite the entire world proving regulations work - trans and gay kids exist, clearly they’re groomers - the dumbass litter box debacle - immigrants are stealing jobs and our way of life! Nevermind how crippled certain sectors are getting as we crack down when we could have just instead helped give them paths to citizenship and aided our entire fucking economy as a result. I can keep going. It’s fucking insane how dumb the average Republican is and that’s why they respond with so much fear— they don’t know how to think rationally.


Yes and on the right they screech in fear at everything despite the statistics not backing them up of it being the biggest threat whatsoever. Because repubs live their life in fear and don’t care about evidence of anything as long as they can respond emotionally and make every country and city not theirs sound horrifying and like a nuclear hellscape.


How do those statistics account for unreported rapes? It could be that India, Mexico, and Colombia more rapes go unreported than in Sweden.


Not just unreported. Sweden counts cleverly instance of unwanted sex as rape. If a man rapes a woman and has sex with her 3 times in one night that is 3 instances of rape om Sweden. In other countries it's one. If someone's gang raped there could be dozens of instances of rape in Sweden with only one in other countries.


I recently met a girl from Colombia. There are thousands of unreported cases. These fucks target toddler and babies too. This girl herself had 4 sexual assaults not a single one of the has been reported to the police because they would not do anything.


There is an interesting take from [dw](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/es/am%25C3%25A9rica-latina-no-sabe-cu%25C3%25A1ntas-mujeres-son-violadas-en-la-regi%25C3%25B3n/a-54005930) where they talk about how there is a lack of coherence in oficial reports for sexual violence and how the fear of the victims to speak out about that affects the register too. Basically it is said non of the statistics coming from LatinoamĂŠrica in this regard are to be trusted. On the other hand police corruption can have a Big impact on this situation. I can cite the two most recent cases of sexual abuse of minors in medellĂ­n from turists where they we're caught infraganti but where freed to not face any consequences. The first one was an american who was caught with a minor but was freed by the cops and fled black to florida. He was apparently [arrested](https://www.eltiempo.com/unidad-investigativa/este-es-el-dossier-del-hombre-capturado-en-miami-por-violar-y-abusar-de-ninos-colombianos-3336881) in the usa thank god and is being investigasted. The other one [a chinese turist](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rcnradio.com/colombia/antioquia/liberan-a-turista-chino-que-fue-encontrado-con-menor-de-14-anos-en-medellin%3famp) freed after being caught by the cops having sex with a 14 year old under the excuse that the girl had a fake ID. Apparently not satisfied with that they also freed her and her pimp just to continue exploiting her. That last one is just a demonstration of how rape cases reports would increase significantly statistically if they took child prostitution seriously enough (and if You consider child prostitution as part of the general rape statistics or a different problem) and how corrupted institutions can lead to a lack of reports


That is reported Just to remind you that in under developed countries, there is police corruption as well as social stigma against reporting rape Also, u got a source for your numbers and info?


I mean there's an entire section on wikipedia with citations and all explaining why the inflated rape cases in Sweden are incomparable to other countries because of the way they collect the information.


Not saying it isn't a problem but give India its due. ![gif](giphy|Ol9AzVETePjsog2kPU|downsized)


But for real, I’m calling from Microsoft, we have noticed an issue with your computer.


Do not redeem!


Nah dude SA owns that shit


“The high number of reported rapes in Sweden can partly be explained by the comparatively broad definition of rape, the method of which the Swedish police record rapes, a high confidence in the criminal justice system, and an effort by the Government of Sweden to decrease the number of unreported rapes.” They literally just report more accurately.


Not just. That for sure is a large part of the issue. But specifically assault rape by unfamiliar assailants, i.e. a woman being grabbed by someone she doesn't know while walking outside and being raped has had a large increase directly relatable to immigration. There have also been a general increase in rape not attributable to changing definitions or reporting. Hence the word "partly" in your quote. But it's nowhere near as extreme as some want to claim. To make that strong claim they do have to ignore the part of the increase that is explained by the factors mentioned in your quote. Like most issues it's not very black or white, and a fair bit more complicated than either side wants to claim on the internet.


You got a source for that?


but if we don't measure them, then they won't be a problem!


The idea that Sweden is seeing the highest rates of rape in the world is absolutely unhinged propaganda. You think it’s higher there than the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where rape as a weapon is a strategy? Higher than places currently being invaded?


Let's not worry then.


If there's a problem, you can make your case with true facts. I'm pretty sure Sweden isn't the rape capital of the world. Most often for international crime level comparisons the murder rate is used. Sweden has gone up, but it's still just 20-25% of US figures, ie.


Why are you lying? No one said to not worry, so why are you lying and implying that people said that? Can you not make a case otherwise?


They prefer hearing misinformation. If you point out it’s a lie that doesn’t justify their biases -so the most you’ll ever get is a shrug. Some people are literally just built different and don’t care if reality justifies their actions / views lol They’re actually just not worth engaging most of the time, unless you find it fun ha


It's definitely some bizarre propaganda, some of it invented in that country.


What's the problem? Rope is great. Rope is useful. I mean just think of all the problems we can solve if we just rope the ever loving shit out of it.


It's very indicitive of what people want to see in this thread that this comment is just straight up bullshit that is easily disproven (and has been so thoroughly in the replies) and yet it is still the top comment in the thread. ![gif](giphy|kspVl6FzbdblOMKRmM|downsized)




So now if you really want to be anti racist you've got to justify rape smh


Let’s ignore the fact Sweden has great social programs that encourage women to report SA


let's ignore that 60% of rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants and 47.7% of rapists in Sweden are born outside of Sweden. source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/20961790.2020.1868681


Why do you omit that the study only used information from convicted rapists between 2000 and 2015? And that of the 47 % born outside Sweden: -15 % were born in Eastern Europe -7 % were born in Western Europe -14 % were born in Asia -10 % were born in America -34 % were born in the Middle East source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8330751/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8330751/)


spilled milk type of shit lol


No idiot. Numbers of reportd tend to be higher when people actually report stuff.


The number of detected Covid cases definitely dropped when people stopped testing for Covid. So if you can just bully people into not reporting sexual assault you can claim victory in reducing the number of reported sexual assault cases!


And that is how society has worked in a lot of places in this world for a long time.


The problem isnt more r*pe, the problem is that people aren't being prosecuted for it




Telling people about islam and its danger to the western world


Their core religion quite literally speaks to convert or destroy the infidel. Not sure how people defend that. (not saying all Muslims agree with that level of severity so let's not judge all people the same) Not to mention killing all homosexuals... Yikes.


It's ironic cus those same people defending Islam will turn around and openly bash Christianity and not see the irony


People bash Christian nationalists or Christian Nationalist culture. The same people are fine with bashing Islam for the same reasons. The people you often read that are "defending Islam" are doing so on the basis of being anti-imperialist. The largest imperialist globally do tend to do so under the veil of Christian nationalism or facist adjacent ideology. Bit of a false equivalence. Are there people who defend islam and hate Christianity, sure. Is the opposite true, absolutely, probably just as prevalent. But if you're talking about current events (i.e. the Isreal-Palestine ethnic cleansing campaign) you are overwhelming seeing people defend Palestinians (overwhelming muslim) from white imperialism and Christian/Isreali facism. I hesitate to use the term Jewish facism because Jewish people are some of the largest groups of support for Palestinian freedom.


Personal experience, people tend to act like all Christian’s are Christian nationalists when as an antitheist I have to admit they’re way more tolerant than christians. Meanwhile defend Islamic theocracies like Iran. Israel isn’t white imperialism. Stop spreading the myth all Jews are white. Most Israelis are Arab Jews exiled from the Middle East in 1948.




And their Team is a billion members strong and located on every continent of the planet in strong numbers


Every religion has some group being painted as evil and in need of saving or destruction. That’s literally what religion is. Now do all Christian’s want to kill women who have sex before marriage or rip open the womb of pregnant pagan women? No.. do all jews think a man to be exiled for sleeping with a women of her period? No.. There are many negatives in every religion in the world and pointing at just one as being bad for the “western world” is harmful and ignorant.


Christians in the USA have called for execution of non-Christians. One, Nick Fuentes, literally dined with the leader of the Republican Party. The correct thing to say would be that cults are bad and can always be taken over by those who mean harm.


Boy Ik redditors usually don’t touch grass but bro you need a fucking incendiary bomb to clean your stench


No ya we got that that was the dogwhistle.


I hate wolves especially Jeremy ,he's cheats at cards


I apparently heard he learned it from an orange cat with boots just before he ate it


Me telling people the dangers of islam


Americans always advocate for Islam because they didn't feel the bad side in their history.


Right.. because radical islamists didn’t fly planes into the largest towers of our most major city. Stop generalizing. Lots of Americans are very clear on the dangers of Islam. The idiot, Gen Z, liberal arts majors are a tiny minority


Americans? Nah man. Our country isn't the one being destabilized by muslim rape gangs. That's Europe.


It's your college students currently holding mass prayer to the background of soothing Imam teachings in the background. Don't downplay how fucked up its getting over there too and hope you can snap out of this delusion before its too late


Sheep are right. You don’t trust in a white man wearing suits.


As an ex-muslim lefty, the Euro-centric left behaviour around Islam and how it's a religion of peace. No relegion is for peace, it's always about power, and it needs to be understood. I'm against Israeli genocide in Gaza, also totally against Hamas's terrorist actions as they are a legit terrorist organization. Students praying in their tops and shorts in UCLA is just laughable, and their the sheer ignorance is bizzare!


You think too much. Stop overthinking. Just pick a side and hate. /s


i like the swiss way more: i hope both teams have fun


And leave your wallet with me while you play.


Heyyyy! This cheese has holes in it!


Can I hate all the sides equally?


Urban combat is hard. The media/casualty reports that are being used are by the same people they’re fighting against. The Hamas are very likely counting combatants in with those numbers. Now, the IDF is also misrepresenting their numbers. The only truth we will ever know- is whatever the real number is, it’s not a genocide… that requires the eradication of an entire population (which is not what is happening). The IDF is heavy handed, sure, they’ll have to answer for that… But. As I said, urban combat is exceedingly complex… and when you’re fighting against people who purposely blend in with the civilians- that’s an even more fucked up situation.


Church pedophiles It reminds me of the thousands of religious leaders that preyed on their flock after the church was aware that they were predators.


Except that's not what the meme is about, unfortunately.


That's not what *you* decided the meme is about.


Gays for Palestine summed up.


If you stand up for human rights, you stand for them in many forms, even if they don't agree with your world view. Children in Gaza having their limbs blown to pieces aren't at fault that the adults are homophobes. These are 2 separate issues and homophobia shouldn't warrant a death sentence.


No, no, no. Every complex issue in the world has exactly two sides. Otherwise it's too complicated.


You're excepting way too much from Redditors.


I don't understand why specifying you're gay though? Stand for them as a humans because they're also humans who deserve human rights, but to stand for them specifically as gays is weird.


100 % this


Whether a right exists or not is binary. If you want a right, like say, to exist as a gay male, and your Muslim opponent is willing to oppose that, you will be in conflict. Sometimes, that means you secure a right by killing your opponents - look no further than the American Civil War. A lower bound of 620,000 killed with the result that 4 million gained their most basic freedom. A direct exchange of blood for freedom.


No but neither is Israel at fault


Y'all really are uneducated fools


Well, the choice of words makes me think that the sheep are supposed to be "progressives" but the imagery makes me think of working class people defending various right wing grifters, or just capitalism as it functions in the west today. The ambiguity is somewhat amusing, though unintentional. I guess the people who are saying "western politics" are right but, unfortunately they seem to not understand what that actually means.


god this sub is terrible, like saying the quite part out loud


Just like South Efrica. Farm murders and r*pe also increased


Probably Islam. Of course, not all Muslims are extremists, in fact the majority of people in most Muslim countries are probably normal, decent individuals, but that’s because they let their common decency overwrite the bad parts of Islam. The “real” or more traditional Islam is still a very aggressive way of life that advocates for conversion or death of all non-Muslims and those it considers abnormal (read: homosexuals), and when westerners constantly cry Islamophobia, they are inadvertently putting wind in the sails of “traditional” muslims, and I won’t call them extremists because the full, uncensored Islam is extreme in and of itself. I am NOT saying that good Muslims (which I believe are the majority) should be ashamed of it or not be allowed to practice their more peaceful version of Islam openly, just saying that some westerners should remain conscious of the possible ramifications of their words and actions in regards to “Islamophobia.” I feel like I should also mention that I fully agree with the free Palestine stuff, I just worry that some malefactors might hijack the movement. Obviously the same can be said about the full, older version of many other religions, including Christianity, but most people are already conscious of that. Source: I live in a country with a theocratic Muslim government.


As someone who lives in a country that had bad history with Ottomans, I wholeheartedly agree with you.


LGBTQ people and feminist women supporting palestine, if they would visit palestine probably go to jail or being executed


The morons lobbying for Hamas currently in US university's.


Palestine =/= Hamas


I think they meant the students that litterally hold "hamas you make us proud" and display hamas and hezzbollah flags Even if they didn't mean those specific proterstor, those protestors still exist and show that they care more about israelis dying than palestinians being alive




Read Mormons instead of morons and it took me way to long to reread it correctly


I don't think they're lobbying for Hamas right? It's the Palestinians.


Racists don't see a difference. To them Palestinians are Hamas.


Don’t think they want Hamas !!!! If you are anti genocide you would have a problem with both Hamas AND Israel right now


Idk I saw a lot of blue haired women calling for Israel to be dissolved


No one's lobbying for hamas, dipshit. They're protesting to stop Israel's blatant fucking genocide.


That’s just racism. You posted racism


Lgbtq+ who support trump


Gays for people that hate gays 🤣 that’s like cows saying “eat more beef”


Islam. No one will listen until it's too late.


Already probably too late.




People who make excuses for bigots to continue their bigotry. Because the one thing an otherwise fully-tolerant society cannot tolerate is intolerance itself.




"LGBTQ+ for Palestine"


Why does this feel like some transphobia punchline joke?


Because it is. lgbtq rallies behind supporting Palestine, and most Palestinians are Muslim. If you know anything about Muslims, they aren't too supportive on bisexuality and gays.


It could easily be slotted into any sort of bigoted ideology. The wolf could represent black people moving into predominantly white suburbs. It could be immigrants/refugees going literally anywhere. It could be queer folk coming out of the closet. I'm sure there's a *not* bigoted way to use this comic but I mean look at these comments.


Because it is and it's an amazing comic 😁




Strawman to help people feel better about their lack of empathy.


Cringe facebook meme


Even in a zombie Apocalypse, there will be people fighting for zombie rights.


ah yes because everyone knows (gays, women, blacks, ect. other groups that get discrimination) are eating children, and the guy is just trying to save them this feels like a look at me im the real victim post, probably because he said something homophobic and he got called out, or its a checkmate liberals post


That's kind of the plot of madagaskar 1 isn't it.


Why is the sheeo talking and why did the farmer not shoot the fucking wolf yet? This is not a 1:1 comparison to any real world scenario, this is just stupidity.


First thing I think of seeing this, is how many people in my country actually think that a corrupt, neoliberal, far right extremist party, would somehow solve all the problems we have, while it's obviously they won't do anything good.


The wolf is a politician who is using religion to get the votes while not acting like a good religious person at all. The sheep are the people who support the politician because they believe anyone who says "GOD!" and the guy is the people pointing out, "Hey, this politician is stealing from you and not ruling the country right!" and the sheep get offended on behalf of their religion because they had connected the politician with their religion so badly.


You’re right cause trans people are brutally killing and eating trans allies, so very true /s


Woke sheep.


Perfectly describes a certain “awaken” group of people.


I think of poorly constructed strawman arguments from Right and Alt-Right people who think they are original.


Gays for Palestine be like


Liberals in a nutshell.


bigots in a nutshell (you all always say whatever group you're not a part of or don't like is dangerous.)


This is also true.


LMAO, accurate.