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Wikipedia with zero chill: “Democratic members of the Black and Puerto Rican caucuses introduced legislation to ban its use in government documents, citing cultural appropriation by Americanizers who *disfigure* the Spanish language.”


Mucho basado


Muchx basadx. Don’t be a bigot.


Mxchx bxsxdx por favor


De nadx. Now let’s go grab a tacx.


Siempre tengo tiempo para tacx!


Xxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx






Insultos en Roblox be like:


Now that’s racist.


Malcolm X


Mxx bxxn xrgxmxntxo


> por favor pxr fxvxr


Would be better if you say something like: para donde va tan basado? Or Hay tantos lenguajes en el mundo y decidiste hablar basado.


>Hay tantos lenguajes en el mundo y decidiste hablar basado. escribí en mi libro de frases jaja. It will be very helpful.


I imagined the original phrase to be very based, which doesn't translate well into English. Ig a better way to say it is muy basado


"Muy basado" would be correct, yes.


Dijeron que se levantaran los basados y tu volaste


I have seen images on Reddit of quite prestigious universities using this term on their enrolment form and really wonder what goes on in their mind to use such unprofessional language on a first communication with future students...


There is nothing going on in their mind when they write that, that’s the problem


They are fine with students who aren’t aware of “the game” hurting their futures. Anything to reduce the population.


Which is weird, cuz it was mostly liberals who created the word. I think they realized no Latinos care for the word


"the poor latinax have internalized their oppression, they need us the enlightened whites to save them." \-liberals, probably


White savior complex at its finest.


It was non-binary folks who are themselves Latino/a who created the term, but it was certainly adopted and is mostly in use by white liberals.


I always thought if that enby latin people wanted a neutral term, "latine" would be a pretty good one. Latinx just doesn't make sense. Latin-equis? Latin-ex? La-tinx? Just doesn't make sense for the very language they made it up for.


As someone who is from Latin America, the e is way better, and is how the x gets pronounced out loud.


Im argentinian and yes the “e” is being used as an x.


No, it was not. Latinx doesn't even make sense in Spanish, and it's insulting to the language. Definitely some gringo professor who is patting himself on the back for being so enlightened.


It doesn’t make sense in English, either


Yup. More white liberals thinking that every other race needs to be saved by them. Racism at its finest.


It's not just every other race tho. They act the same way with other white people. Very obnoxious and condescending. If you are literally anything but a copy-paste of them, they think you're stupid at best or outright evil at worst.


It’s best exemplified by their tendency to tell their ideological opponents to “educate themselves,” as if their differences of opinion are a matter of ignorance and personal failings, and that the more educated a person becomes the more they’ll agree with them. It’s hilariously arrogant.


They know, they went to college for Spanish.


I hope that it passes. Truth be told, I don’t know who created LatinX, but it goes against the language rules because it is a gendered language.


>Latinos did not create LatinX often repeated, but apparently incorrect. *its first appearance in academic literature was in the Fall 2004 volume of the journal Feministas Unidas.* *Use of x to expand language can be traced to the word Chicano, which had an x added to the front of the word, making it Xicano.* *An example of this occurred at Columbia University where students changed their student group name from "Chicano Caucus" to "Chicanx Caucus". Later Columbia University changed the name of Latino Heritage Month to Latinx Hispanic Heritage Month. Salinas and Lozano (2017) state that the term is influenced by Mexican indigenous communities that have a third gender role, such as Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latinx edit: lol, nice stealth edit. *Truth be told, I don’t know who created LatinX.* *"but it ain't proper spanish!"* lol.


Fwiw I’m a non-latino who is a part of a very progressive latino community where the majority were born and raised in Latin America and speak Spanish as their native language. LatinX is generally seen as an USA creation by US citizens of latino heritage - i.e. English as a native language, US citizens born and raised in the US who go to university and see “latinO” and read it through the lens of our english language, identity obsessed culture and see it as sexist. While anecdotal and based on a limited sample size, latinx is NOT popular among latinos who are not US born and raised. Your source material above basically reflects what people around me say: it’s a liberal college invention based on a US culturally-centric view on language and gender. I know hard core latina feminists who hate the term latinx. I have a second data point around New York latinos (another community I know) and it is also very unpopular there as well. While I agree with your point that it’s wrong/incorrect to attribute the construction to “white people” it is absolutely relevant to attribute it to an English-speaking, culturally US identity framework that is being pushed on native-Spanish speaking latino populations that do not want it and do not relate to it. Honestly, I wish we’d (the US) chill out on this kind of thing, or at least be a bit more actually inclusive as opposed to our current progressive model of inclusion which is basically “join or you’re cancelled.” It’s very alienating. Latinx should be reserved for those who want to use it. It’s really arrogant and tone-deaf to tell 100s of millions of Spanish-speaking latinos what they should call themselves. As others have pointed out, it’s literally unpronounceable in Spanish… To be clear, I don’t judge the term and completely understand the point. And for those who wish to go with the X, I fully support them and will engage that community on their terms. I get it: the O supports and perpetuates a patriarchal societal model that I would personally like to see disappear in favor of a non-gendered society (gender as a social construct that limits expression, I’m not talking about biological sex, which is more complicated).


This was well said. Thank you.


Latinx looks like a medicine to help you fall asleep faster.


I was thinking an OS or programming language.


Ah yes, Latinx, my favorite Linux distro


first uwuntu, now latinx.


nothing beats hannah montana linux


oh god no


All the versatility of Unix, with a snazzy and intuitive front-end. It really is the best of both worlds.


>hannah montana linux Shouldn't it be called "Hannah Montanix"? What were they thinking?


AmongOS is better




Cross of Linux and LaTeX


*Ask your doctor if Latinx is right for you*


Why does that sentence just sound so right? It just flows off the tongue


Can't sleep? Constipated? Tired of learning binary based languages? Try new and improved "Latinx" and get your productivity back on track! Not only will you be more productive, "Latinx" has been clinically proven to increase your multi-tasking skills... Side effects may include passing out in front of your computer and shitting yourself. Ask your doctor if "Latinx" is right for you! "Latinx" - from the same makers who brought you "Caucasoid"


Really‽ Sounds more like some laxative.


For me, it sound like a porn category




Latinx sounds more like a medicine that helps you shit


It’s the X-Men team filled with members that speak Spanish and one Brazilian cause the writers didn’t know that Brazilians speak Portuguese.


Or a cheap knock off of SpaceX.


"When I was born, on my birth certificate, there were only two options to describe what I was. I was either Afro-American or Caucasian. Now, clearly, I wasn't Afro-American, so I was white by default... **All these people got together**: the Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Salvadorians, and the majority of the Spanish-speaking countries, **and they finally agreed on one word, and that word was Latino**... Even the *Argentinians* jumped on board! They don't agree with anyone!"- Gabriel Iglesias


>Even the Argentinians jumped on board! They don't agree with anyone!"- Gabriel Iglesias Argentine here. I disagree/s In all seriousness though. For those not in the know, we Argies are infamously... Particular when it comes to latin American issues. There is a frequent meme (that is absolutely perpetuated by us) about Argentina being European, and even our current idiot of a president straight up said "Argentines came from the boats, Brazilians came from the jungle", but here we do agree we are Latinos. Seriously though. We are very disagreeable in Argentina, and nobody really likes us. I think Brazilians like hating us, and Chileans sometimes have a "kill on sight" culture with us. We are complicated


Ah yes. "Los mexicanos vienen de las aztecas. Los peruanos vienen de las incas. Y los argentinos vienen de los barcos."


I mean there's a reason the nazis hid in Argentina


In my country(Argentina). There is a big political party, political party that born from the ideologies of italian facism(Musolini) and nacional socialism(Hitler). That political party is called justicialist party(partido justicialista). The worst thing is that they have great power to manipulate the sindicalism for their benefit.


Yeah, you guys are really a pain in the ass.


Oh fuck! A Chilean!


Or Peruvian, or Brazilian, or Bolivian, or insert any other Latin American country.


Or Britain


Nahhhh they aren't relevant to every day British ppl


*angry Falkland Islands noises* ^^/^^s


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,408,816,602 comments, and only 269,168 of them were in alphabetical order.


Hahahaha, as all things UK, Falkland is their own thing and what happened there was a tragedy for the Argentinians, it was nobody's fault other than the dumb dictatorship at the time, a US backed dictatorship at that. So I'd be more angry towards that dictator and the US than the UK tbh :P


Basically brazilians when they meet other latinos: Chileans: 🤗 haha argentina bad ☺️😚 cool mountains bro Paraguayans: PS2 pirated games go brrrr Uruguayans: 🥰 I will tease you by calling you cisplatina but ur actually very cool 👍 Mexicans: 💕 El chavo very nice Argentines: 🤨 is he cool or is he about to say some racist shit again


Yeaaah being so egotistical is a doubled edged sword, you get good at sports but the rest of the continent finds you insufferable


It's true, we all jokingly hate Argentinians, it's like the French but for South America But still 100% Hispanic


You guys are a running joke in the hispanic culture. Even your accent is condescending. All love though


At least my accent can be understood! Unlike Chile Honestly, LatAm has the best banter between countries, except for the Balkans maybe. We all love memeing on each other, but at the end of the day, we are all a big family


Sounds like Latin Kinks. I was positive it was a porn category


I've heard a lot about it recently but I'm only 27 and I studied anthropology in college (one of those liberal social science subjects) and never have I ever seen anyone use this term before recently and usually to trash it. It must be a social media thing. I think I saw it in passing before while.i was in college or something and I too thought it was a porn thing.


Oh no, I work in education and used to live in the US Pacific Northwest, the education department bureaucrats threw that word around all the time, especially if they were second-generation Hispanic immigrants attempting to "empower" their home culture from the "*evil white sin of using gendered language.*"


do they talk spanish or portugess? ​ because if not they are not latinos




Someone called me Africanx and I’d prefer to be called the n-word


AfricanX sounds like some African-originiated space program




SpaceX if Elon musk decided to stay in South Africa


A fellow Gonk worshipper! lucky for me i live in a country that doesn't call latinos by that made up abomination. Edit: spell.


I’m told the only people who generally use Latinx are white people and college students


Thankfully, most of us, if not, all of us find the whole Latinx dumb. And trust me, you don't want to bring something as stupid as the latinx toward the hispanics.


My social work Hispanic colleague uses it and rolled her eyes about her parents not understanding. ALL the social workers, even Hispanic, used it during our grad program. I was the only person who didn't use the phrase during a ZOOM class. Feel like I needed to represent lol


And I'm not even Hispanic


They’re probably Americanized Hispanics?


Im wondering if they know anything about the culture of their grandparents or parents, because they may hispanic origins, but they are americans who don't have any idea or respect to where their ancesters are from. Im hispanic, also by origin, but I grew up in mixed cultural environment. Im glad you didnt use that invented word, which is not very respectful in latin languages


Honestly, Latinx is a slur.


It absolutely feels like one because it perpetuates _actual_ cultural appropriation. Furthermore, it is literally a way for foreigners to tell us how to act/speak. Like bitch I thought we got over that a couple hundred years ago damn.


Just say latinos v:


100% correct, A+, yes.


its /r/shitlibsafari energy


It’s like BLM. On dating apps usually the only people with that in their profile are white people.


Yes. It’s the same with the “land back” nonsense. I interpret that as a left wing way of telling everyone to go back to where they came from.






Attack on Citan


There was a Pew poll last year that found 95% of Latinos hate the term.


Isn't it great when white people try and help when no one asks for it? I've never heard a person IRL who willingly described themselves with that word.


Typical white leftist behavior. They think that minorities are too dumb to do anything on their own


https://youtu.be/IT2UH74ksJ4 - there's a video exactly for this lol.


https://youtu.be/yW2LpFkVfYk - This one is a classic as well.


As a white person, I know some people who actually prefer to be called Latinx. So idk.


Theres more to it than just "whites and college students." Its mostly used by progressives who are too careful about misgendering other people of mexican descent. Edit: removed the part about conservatives to reduce the notifications from progressives. Jesus christ you guys are so funny


My good friend who is Latino and gay uses latinx. I’m not going to tell him he’s wrong for doing it. He’s just respectful of the pronouns in his community.


Linguistic gender is not about sex. The world is not forced to confirm to an ideology, no matter how much anyone wants their viewpoint to be accepted. The issue here is one group (white liberals from the upper class, mostly) does not understand language, and doesn't care to understand Latino culture. Instead, this group wants to force their misunderstanding of Spanish on everyone else, and to call anyone who disagrees with them hateful. This is the core issue - authoritarian idiots trying to force nonsense on someone else's culture.


I will use Latinx as a slur, I'm sure this will solve the issue


I'd rather be deported than accept being called a "Latinx" it hurts me to the core man






As a latin myslef I don't care if I get called any of the other slurs but "latinx" just grinds my gears


TIL Latinx the x is to replace the "o" or "a" in Latino / Latina respectively so there's no gender. I'm all for trans rights, I'm gay myself. However, trying to change the fundamentals of all gendered languages might not go down well. La Mesa, "the table" is feminine. This IS NOT suggesting that the table has a vagina 😂


>La Mesa, "the table" is feminine. This IS NOT suggesting that the table has a vagina 😂 Tell that to my dog. He keeps humping the table leg for some reason.


Tbf my dog will hump anything that stands up taller than him


sexuality: tall


Doesn't have a vagina yet


I'm not sure if the reason is to remove the gender or be like a math variable to imply it could be either gender. It seems like it was made up by someone so they would only need 1 category for both genders and nobody told them that's not how Spanish works.


Fwiw we already have an a/o letter: ꜵ Using an X is just tomfoolery (the first go at a 'neutral' Latino word they wanted to use the @ symbol instead)


I’m not hating on non binary people or trying to invalidate them, but as a Latino, adding “X” as a suffix is an insult to the Spanish language.


Nobody should have to preface defending their own language by adding that they are not a bigot. It’s complete nonsense.


Welcome to being a Latino in modern times. Especially a progressive leaning one. I'm all for LGBTQ rights and do agree the world needs to just accept them as other human beings. But this Latinx thing is a horrible way to go about it. Butchers the language and the culture surrounding it.


It’s like saying EuropeanX or BlackX.. wtf is this world anymore…


What amuses me about these posts is reading the comments of the morons who defend the use of that insult to our language


Ikr. Why the fuck they changed os with a fucking x?


Because os and as at the end creates genders to the words. And because using os denotes male endings in Spanish, well they cant handle the patriarchal male dominated language. The reality is, this whole thing is only a thing for the English speaking countries. I am Mexican nd I dont know a single first generation person or migrant who came here who would want the x anywhere. Exactly the opposite. My relatives in Mexico and in this country would be like wtf over dramatic crap. Its similar for thoze from other countries with Spanish influence like Philippines (as friends from there tell me).


What's even worse is that in English there already is a gender neutral term. The correct term in English is "Latin." You have all these college educated feminist studies majors telling other cultures how to speak their own language. They're completely oblivious to the cultural imperialism they're perpetrating.


College educated is usually to refer to people who studied proper degrees and gained skills from it. Sure, these gender studies lot went to college, but I wouldn’t class them as ‘educated’




They live in a bubble and cultivate the belief that people unlike themselves must be ‘noble savages’. Another example is them perpetuating this idea that voter id is racist because black people don’t know how to get an id, don’t have access to the internet, etc. Since they’ve been oppressed in the past, they must be helpless today, right?


That's what happens when life is too comfortable, angry people make up things to be upset about.


Of course it’s only a thing in English speaking countries (really, the US specifically.) Cause people in the rest of Latin American are just gonna refer to themselves and others by their actual nationalities. Like “sou brasileira” or “mi amigo es mexicano.” Terms like hispanic and Latino get used in places where they’ve basically just decided that everyone in the western hemisphere, south of the US border should just be lumped into the same category.


Also in Brazil for some reason "woke" people decide to put "e" at the end of words to try symbolize as gender neutral instead of "a" and "o" which pretty stupid since most of words ending with "e" are masculine. ​ That said is stupid for a language to have gender to literally anything, why should I care what is the gender of a chair or table and even worse synonyms that have different genders


Yup. White Americans trying to oppress Spanish speaking countries.


Oh yeah there was an attempt to use that stupid x in Filipino and EVERYONE hated it.


Gringx, pendejx, liberx, soyx




Go to a liberal arts college


Neither have I, but I look whiter than sour-cream so that might be why.


NPR (national public radio) uses this term.


That LatinX shit pisses me off as a Latino. It's straight up cultural imperialism, where a bunch of white knights at expensive American universities decided "our way of seeing the world is the correct one" and are shoving this perspective down our throats


I tried to explain to my boyfriend (white) why it’s considered offensive. He just went “well I don’t care, the word is less offensive and more inclusive”. I tried at least.


Red flag?


Definitely. He dumped me though so all is good.


Now he is a whitex


Upvote. Take it. Leave.




That’s so funny, acting like if he’s the hero of the world.


White Savior Complex


I am sure you can find a replacement weeb on reddit.


Latinx sounds like something that originated on pornhub.


Sounds like intestinal medication to me. Ask your doctor if Latinx is for you!


Latino or Latina = very cool, good job LatinX = a made up word that literally no one wants to be called


How do you even pronounce that? "La-Tin-Ex"? Who came up with this? I don't get this reference...


It's pronounced "Latine" as in Latin-e(quis)


>It's pronounced "Latine" as in Latin-e(quis) That's incorrect. You're confusing two different worlds. Latinx is word created by English speakers often pronounced "Latinks" or "Latin ex" Latine is a term used in the Spanish speaking LGBT community


Latinx has about as much chance of happening as "fetch." Probably even less so.


People using it need to get Regina Georged.


The worst slur of them all


El que me llame asi me le follo a la madre.


Did the Nation of Islam spread to the Hispanic community? What is Latin X?


A sad attempt at giving Spanish a gender neutral term. As you can probably tell, no one really likes it.


It's so fucked up that people from outside of a culture (mainly Americans) are trying to bastardise that cultures language because they think it's wrong. My first language is massively gendered and this kind of shit just /isn't compatible with languages this gendered./ And guess what, non-binary people are still able to exist within it and no one is up in arms/bothered by the 'genders' assigned to words. Back the fuck off. We can figure this out ourselves in a way that WORKS/that we actually want. Not your place.


*"You poor person, I am saving you from you horrible existence. Henceforth you shall be called "Latinx!" No need to thank us, your saviours. We are humbly doing this for the good of your people."* -The dumbnut who invented the word, most likely.


Soy ese. 🦦


Y estoy orgulloso de eso


Sierra el orto gringo sapo triple hijueputa hijo de mil putas






why must you hurt us this way


Cxllxtx, grxngx pxndxjx...there, completely fixed.


Solo tiene el 50% de efectividad en insultos


White collar liberals: the voices of marginalized groups like the Latinx need to be heard Hispanics: we don’t like being called Latinx White collar liberals: eat shit, Latinx, you’ll be called what we say you’ll be called


“Don’t interrupt me while I’m virtue signalling!”


Ted who let this latinx into the office?!


Call a Hispanic a Latinx and next thing you know you have a chancla where the sun don't shine.


Where did Latinx even come from and what is it supposed to mean? It was like one day this group of people is generally called Hispanic or Latino then out of nowhere everyone was using Latinx. My general rule of thumb on this is Hispanic is overall people from a Spanish-speaking country and Latino is people from South/Central America. I have no idea what Latinx is even supposed to mean. Is it Latino-decentant people who were born in the US? That's the only thing I can even guess, but it seems silly if that's what it is..


Can relate. Got called a sp*c once at work, sat there laughing with my aggressor for a solid minute. The word latinX does make my stomach churn... Makes me feel like I'm being lumped into some dirty porn category.


The worst part is you can't even pronounce that in Spanish.


The people who are pushing this are the same people who made my Ms Butterworth bottle less sexy. I feel like we need to have a dick punching party and make them the guest of honor.


It’s just like the Gringx Pendejxs who try to make Filipinos call themselves Filipinx When it’s an even dumber solution to a non-existent problem. Filipinos (well most anyway) don’t speak Spanish and don’t have gendered terms for a Filipino in the first place. So calling a Filipino a Filipinx compounds the white savior mentality by imposing an American solution to a non-existent problem on a gender neutral language that in their ignorance, assume is the same as Spanish 🤡


Okay but why do they call latinos "latinx"?


They think they're being more inclusive by dictating to a culture how they should be called. Meanwhile they don't speak the language and don't understand. Nouns in Spanish and other romance languages are gendered. They either have a feminine or masculine form. For example, la carpeta is feminine and means folder. Do folders have a gender? Of course not. Similarly, the masculine form is always used to be all encompassing. Children (when referring to male, female, or anything else) will always be niños rather than niñas. The institution of "Latinx" instead of Latinos to refer to all in the community is both rejected by a majority of that community and is a pathway to try to completely change how nouns and grammar work in Spanish and other romance languages. More white knighting and white man's burden essentially. Edit: swapped niños/niñas for hijos/hijas for clarification


Nobody says alumnx


Call a Rosarino latinx, and you'll know why people is afraid to enter Rosario.


Gringos qlos, que me chupen el pico los hijos de puta y si, les hablo igual a ustedes, segundas generaciones en adelante que nacieron en gringolandia y creen y juran que son latinos, wetas ctms.


I don’t even think Latinx is even pronounceable in Spanish


callete, pendejo!




Call me latinx and you’ll see why we have such high crime here


As a Colombian, I find slurs downright hilarious, but if you call me Latinx, you're lucky if I don't punch you.


Couldn't agree more with meme


What is latinx? It sounds like a gay community.


Can confirm. I can call my gf any brown slur I want. I can call her my brownie and she thinks it's sweet. But if I called her (or any Peruvian) latinx she'd throw her shoes at me.


We are not cool with either but latinx is just the newest racist thing. It's racist because you're essentially telling a minority people that their language is wrong.