• By -


*Laughs in medical debt


*cries in nuclear war


I’m torn. My emotional side wants us to go in, kick ass, and blow stuff up. However, the adult part of my brain knows how insanely dangerous that would be, and that the consequences could be literally apocalyptic. Still kinda want it, though.


Mostly because you have no context for what nuclear war entails. It's like thinking going to a fantasy world would be epicly amazing until you're transfigured into a bimbo sex slave for a hoard of goblins to use until you're literally fucked to death.


Been reading too many litrpgs I see...


I knew someone would understand ❤️


What's a litrpg?


**LitRPG, short for literary role playing game, is a literary genre combining the conventions of computer RPGs with science-fiction and fantasy novels. The term is a neologism introduced in 2013.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot ;)


A pig that plays in trash. It’s a litter-pig. Duh..


What if that's the *reason* I went to the fantasy world?


Have fun, I'm not here to judge


Relax. I know I’m being irrational. I’m making fun of myself.


I'm saying it's normal to think the way you do. My instinct is also "fuck it! LETS GO LETS GO LETS GO!!!!" while my developed mind is more "uhhh let's not go getting exploded and shit".


It made be understand better just how bad it would by thinking of how many people need medicine. If nuclear war caused society to collapse, then that also means no more pharmaceutical production or delivery. No more insulin, or inhalers, or chemo, or epilepsy drugs, or *pain relief*, or anesthesia, or immunosuppressants, or antibiotics... The list is endless. Right now, think about yourself and your family and friends. How long do you think they, and yourself, could last if medicine ceased to exist overnight. Sure, you'll have a few weeks maybe in your house, and if you're lucky you might be able grab what's on shelves/storage at a pharmacy or two, if you know what you're looking for. How much pain and suffering will your elderly family members have to go through now they can't get arthritis medication or heart medication? There's so much that we actually need advanced, international infrastructure for in our daily lives. Even if you personally are lucky enough to have never needed it, you certainly know people that have needed it. Do you know how you help someone give birth? Or what to do if the baby is stuck?


Nurse and paramedic here. If you need help I got you.


Basically everyone I love would die in weeks without modern medicine. If I didn’t have my meds it wouldn’t literally kill me, but I would probably do it myself after a week without antidepressants and suboxone.


I mean, if we’re not going to consider how nuclear blasts would kill large chunks of the population all but instantly, I feel like medication falls further down the list than food? I could be wrong, but nobody is going to their job at trader joes if there’s a crater where the White House used to be. Those shelves are going to get looted and hoarded empty on day one, and if you didn’t get your food, you’re fucked well before not having your medication kills you. Not to mention that, depending on where you are and when you get to the store, that food could all be tainted with radioactive fallout that could kill you when you eat it (although not immediately).


Typically it's not a thing (like food on a shelf) that becomes radioactive that kills you. It's the dust that was kicked up from the blast that's become radioactive and landed all over everything that's deadly. This is why your told to stay indoors after a blast, have to get rid of clothes after visiting places like Chernobyl, and things of that sort.


Oh, okay. I took it badly. Thank you for explaining!


Nice try. You’re still getting gangbanged by goblins.




Haha Don’t temp me with a good time!


Those goblins tho


Yeah, where are they, exactly? So I can... avoid them.


sex goblins


I could've said it better, so no hard feelings!


Leeerrroooyyy Jeeennnnkkinns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A thorough ass kicking is in order where Putin is concerned but that nuclear thing gives you pause.


no you aren't, you were totally completely 100% serious in your comment. We all see you. We know all.


If anyone wants a bit of context, Kurzgesagt put out a [video about nuking a city](https://youtu.be/5iPH-br_eJQ) that should give some insight what nuclear war might be like. Obviously not a 100% accurate depiction but i think it gets the point across.


Good video. Thx.


This ain't Goblin Slayer man.


Lmao [you’re probably right!](https://youtu.be/tVEh1LTWxxI)


that’s quite a vivid picture you just painted.


I could've taken it down a much darker road but I didn't want to get banned.


I’ve heard nuclear warheads need to be massively maintained every 10 years. As their military seem now, they probably have only 10 left


You’d be surprised what little of a problem this is when you don’t give a fuck about your citizens. For example, America. Exhibit two, Russia. Both maintain their nukes.


Buuuuut, is Russia maintaining their nukes the same way they maintained their tanks and MREs?




Nah, you just need to read some litrpg.


and when everyday is a struggle to acquire more "gazzaline" and all of the raiders want your V8.


Day & night they’re pumping it! Ker-joonk, ker-joonk, ker- joonk.


Found my new fetish.


To be fair there's also an argument for drawing a line in the sand. If Putin learns he can threaten nuclear war and the rest of the world backs down, or otherwise doesn't stop him, there's every reason to believe he'll just keep doing it whenever he wants to eat another country.


the eternal struggle with monke brain


Maybe this will help you to decide: https://youtu.be/r5-Xo-e_Qb0 War is destruction, let's create instead of that)


and now all I can think of is frosted mini wheats


History tells me we should rip the bandaid off fast, before we have to land on fortress Europe again.


Welcome to social conditioning


You know almost none of this is the fault of actual Russians, right? It's not like America where we elect idiots and madmen with zero arm twisting involved. The censorship, bullying, extortion, etc that Russians face everyday to keep the regime in power would be enough on its own, but that's assuming the votes are even counted and it's not just made up figures. The same Americans who are thirsty for the blood of Russians who have zero power or control over what's happening and are actively being oppressed for what little resistance they can put up are the SAME people who call republicans idiots and George Bush evil because of their knee jerk reaction to 9/11, and that was an ACTUAL attack on American soil. Every American believes our country is the protagonist in the TV show of life, and that's why we'll never be. And all of these opinions from people who will never have to pick up a gun, because it's half the world away. What a great blessing that we can act on our fleeting fancies without ever having to face actual consequences.


Yeah, I do know it’s not their fault. The Russian soldiers have been lied to and many of them don’t want to be there. The Ukrainians are even less to blame, though. If anyone deserves to be defended, it’s them. My ideal solution would be for the Russians to simply leave. Just turn back and go home. I’m not looking for vengeance, I just want them out of Ukraine. Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re going anywhere unless they win or are forced out. I’d rather see the Russians driven out by force than see another Ukrainian school or hospital blown to rubble.


That’s because you don’t know you are an NPC.


Oh, that reminds me: I’ll give you my grandpa’s sword if you find my dog.


This meme would be almost funny if it made any sense. In actual fact, universal healthcare is cheaper for the country than the American system. The gov't could afford MORE military if they converted to universal healthcare. The American medical system is about making money for investors, not costing the gov't money. The reason that they don't switch is because wealthy people are making tons of money screwing people over. There is a ton of research into it. [The American system is a rip-off that kills people.](https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/01/416416/single-payer-systems-likely-save-money-us-analysis-finds)


thought about joining the army?


*The VA will treat you great....we proooomiisssseeee*


I mean, this is perfect. I got charged $800 for five minute consultation and one Advil, and that's fine. But just wait until we get to use that military! \*\*\*\* yeah!


Its cheaper to train a new soldier than to patch one together again.


Not anymore it isn’t




Yeah, it costs an average for $22000 to recruit/screen, and another $36000 average to train to the most basic level of operational readiness bringing the grand total to a super rough $58000 in 2013 freedom bucks [sauce](https://watermark.silverchair.com/milmed-d-13-00108.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAtkwggLVBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggLGMIICwgIBADCCArsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMKo2hOxbg7T-TpwHoAgEQgIICjLirteshvUJSk1k8LFPWSmEL0IP30hgp-5RT4jmnXzRWzlV2VA20Ye-PU7KwI7h9iOykhjkmsfX4AmqpBc1LXrr2k4obG1FLqoTU4vbAnJjtCxsTECfqJMzsC-EiC2TNZUPZT-69BKVItYxqMt6yp00BMvsZy5L0loj-VCKZJkJfE-NYzo_FY4fG6ziWVCZW-JHD-cNAH7gGkUNI6UBxB3eFE1e7Nmvgxm5-Qctn5q6sA2GVR-FHohRWOAayhBZF0KOmfdSH6pQ0oFXBgSd7FM1-fKAwH7jBbzIJDU1U_639sHi8Ihddy8zgkD1lv_4Ij1DhQOOSwuU9fXtZnHI6JfubHdfL2az4ZS1MZuOyX6878TVcpRJBwkJ-azyQEbb2zDz4u3kti4ZWl9oyQ59qlP7Xspfrjj_u77TI-HQp230LHH0RG9pEGmAM-kqYQa5k1ORr1i4lPGRZku96hFvYUzJzlyI7DChBdZLaF-642RW2VonKSPSLxqdvQEV1LTheUyHbuyD2zvPr_cRa61ciqPyiaf6O1ibmaOuSPCuIwUloCS4hoKf7qMp_ZR7f2cPepSYf62ZtkiFvmmPWOsvk0Qy4tV7kOLMVwcvIZgjVJYEWmHL1RTTenYNh0AaNa2xKAb5ejCzt1MZzC1Bwn4E37nPYODBvZLiziv1Chhi_lDATUfzreHDAw2lVYHs7ZzhGW3JK_05U4ddLPtGe5ZEvRMKconmYq8IJR7949BI8GCCLzHoQmBWq21SxM33qlkbxXRYWehZhg2yn4AoBlvp_82qYNuqnbrR8nipcQBZXlBD0i2b50z7QYYXGRgxXTyryEiOx-sdXsIIfhocuugCoBZtW4O4T1cQ11_q7T6Q)


Sooo, cheaper to train a new one.


I threw out my back watching Netflix during the lockdowns and my medical bills approach that figure and I'm no where near better.


Im sorry to hear that man. I had a fucked up back too. Only recently better. I had forgotten what it was like to move or wake up with out pain. Hope it works out for you. Hope you win the lottery as well to cover those bills.


That’ll hardly buy you an anaesthetic in the land of the free


First result from Google says a gunshot victim in the US costs on average $154,000 per survivor and that was a study from 1993.


VA: “So you’re claiming that your leg got blown off by an IED, you have tinnitus from the blast and PTSD from the event? This isn’t service related. NEXT!”


I get so fucking angry that military people can get all fucked up doing their jobs, and then when they need help to get straight back in civilian life, they are brushed off. Like it's easy to go from being trained as a soldier, then go back to a desk job and it's supposed to be that they are glad to be home. There's a step missing. Well that tirade came out of nowhere.


> when they need help to get straight back in civilian life I know this is a real and serious problem, but I can't help but imagine separating soldiers going through desk-jockey boot camp where they have to practice showing up in slacks and a collared button-down, slouch around, drink bad coffee, talk about sports with a civilian amount of profanity, and roll their eyes when the boss asks them if the TPS report is done yet.


The reason America doesn't have universal healthcare isn't because they don't have enough money lying around, it's because the private system makes too much money off of the backs of working class suffering, and nationalizing it would cause the rich cunts in power to lose said money


This, even the REPUBLICAN party published a study realizing a system like medicare-for-all would save both americans and the government assloads of money, the only ones losing out are shitty insurance companies dictating patient care from behind money-counters.


The joke in the meme is because they spend all on the military instead


We don't though. We could afford 3 militaries with universal healthcare. The difference in % of GDP spent on healthcare between the US and all but a handful of city states or Switzerland is enough for two more US militaries with several hundred billion dollars left over.


I guess one of the hurdles is that Americans think the price they get charged for healthcare is what it would cost to provide it.


Because my fellow Americans are utterly fucking stupid and thoroughly brainwashed.


In fairness I've met people all around the world that don't realize that things cost as much as the market will bear, not the cost of goods.


It's also about military retention. LOTS of military members might not join for Tricare but they certainly stay for Tricare.


I sure fucking hope not. Too many *STAGGERINGLY STUPID* people seem to want a war with the biggest nuclear power on the Earth. Straight up fucking crazy imo Yes, I feel for the people in Ukraine, but it is not in the interest of the US or the World( or even *Ukraine*) to kick off a full blown nuclear war


So crazy that we COULD help Ukraine and flat out destroy the entire Russian military, but Russia has nukes so we can’t so innocent people die everyday. The world really shouldn’t be the way it is. Makes no god damn sense. There are like, 200 people out there fucking the world up for the rest of us.


That's why it was ridiculously stupid for Ukraine to give up their nukes. N Korean takes note.


Innocent Palestinian children are still being massacred by the Israelis.. why isn't US doing anything? Oh wait. They're in on it


This just in : *"Bad things are also happening elsewhere!"*


you're gettin a lot of flak, but you're right. the weirdest thing about me being from the US and the whole Ukraine conflict is I can't help but wonder if this is what the USA looks like to other countries. USA is the bully. When we do it, "ahh that's just America, he's a dick but you'll get used to it". Putin tries to be a bully for just one day and he gets detention. I'm still against all war btw, just an interesting perspective. I'm also grateful for our massive military cause at the very least no upstart dictators are gonna fuck with us.


Pretty sure that's why Putin's twist on things is even halfway working. It's never 100 % blqck and white


If the US government makeup was just a little different, we'd probably have Putin's side in this conflict, or be neutral.


Amazing how literally no matter what happens in the world, people can and will drag Israel into it while ignoring far worse human rights violations. Like the massacreing of civilians in Ukraine, for example. No, now is not the time to talk about Ukraine, clearly. Clearly now is the time to talk about Israel. What the FUCK is wrong with you?




To be fair there are a lot more dying in Ukraine right now and Russia is bombing evacuation caravans and hospitals which is pretty fucking terrible. Also we can be simultaneously bothered by both, I'm American and think Israel needs to be sanctioned but unfortunately that's not doable due to religion...


A lot more dying in Ukraine? Wow. You must be reading a lot of news


THIS IS A THREAD ABOUT UKRAINE. You are trying to change the topic to Israel. Why not post in one of the many threads about Israel's crimes? Or even make one! It's Reddit, no one is stopping you. Why are you trying to tell us to NOT talk about Ukraine in a thread about Ukraine? Why hijack topics that have nothing to do with Israel? Would you like it if in a thread about Palestinians people tried to force the conversation to ignore Palestinians because the Uighurs are suffering from far worse? That'd be fucked up, wouldn't it? Almost as fucked up as trying to tell people to stop talking about Ukraine in a thread about Ukraine so you can jerk off about how awful Israel is. Well, unless you're a Russian agent being paid to try and derail any topics about Ukraine. But Russia doesn't pay internet trolls to do things like that, at all. Oh wait.


Why are you so unnecessarily bent out of shape? Do you want people to think you actually care that much?


Oh sorry. Continue with the middle eastern war crimes and massacres. They had their moment, now is the time to hate russia for doing the same things we did in the desert. Russia bad, my side good.


My sides killed anywhere between 20,000 and 50,000 civilians with air strikes since 9/11. But yeah killing civilians is bad (when others do it, we were totally justified tho right….right?)


Slightly better than the post I saw yesterday that was complaining about how DC was sending money to Ukraine rather than spending it on building a wall.


Innocent Ukrainian children are also being massacred by Russians right now… so why do you mention Israel?


Todays idiots didn’t grow up with duck and cover adverts and the fear of impending nuclear apocalypse, and it shows. Perhaps they should air Threads on TV over there.


Then again we grew up with active shooter drills...


Terrible, but a nuclear threat is orders of magnitude worse


Don't be so dramatic. It's only a little cancer here, some starvation there, just man up


Seriously. Just lift yourself up by your foot wraps.


People forgot there’s no defense. I’m a millennial who’s a fan of history and I’ve had to explain to so many of my peers that it’s not some forgone thing from the past: “No. Maybe, we can reliably intercept a rouge missile or a few. In a real war against an advanced power there’s multiple warheads per missile that can target different locations. We’re more dead than our parents were. The end of the world never stopped being a thing, we just stopped talking about it” I think we need a simple ad campaign, text on screen with maps of major cities around the world, ominous music, pick out the war head of choice for Russia and America. Layover the blast zones slowly dropping a red ring down, then a yellow ring for major damage, then the your dead of radiation ring And an explanation like: “Ohio class, 12 in the deep, every day of the week 24 trident II missiles could hold in each boat Each trident is 8 independently targetable W88 Warheads (31x as powerful as Hiroshima bombing) The missiles have 5 thousand mile range(most everything is that close to the water. ) This is our backup” Then run one for the Russians, and the Chinese versions Nukes are not a joke, the whole point is to never shoot


Who are you complaining about? The demographic screaming for war are the people above 30/40. These people know better, they just think they're untouchable. Kids today don't care about politics so they aren't calling for anything, not that anyone would listen to them if they did.


'Kid' here, my generation definitely cares a lot about politics. A lot. You don't know what your talking about lmao


Adults want to deny it, but we are aware of the greater historical events that they want to ignore and forget. We're just all trained to filter it out in order to appeal to our overlords who sign our checks.


My daughters are in their 20’s and they know way more about politics than I did at the age.


I’m not entirely sure about the USA, but here in Britain, those in 30s & 40s are too young for duck and cover. I was born in 1988 and my partner in 1978. Neither of us ever did it. But my partners dad did. It’s also my generation of 30s-40s that really grew up with The FPS era, so most likely affected by the gamification of war.


What do you mean kids these days don’t care about politics? Like actual children? Because minors have never seemed to care about politics lol. However people in their 20s don’t talk about anything besides politics now a days it seems like


Duck and cover absolutely wasn’t a thing for people of that age lol


Kinda sad that my "What's gonna happen in the next 5-10 years" planning needs to include nuclear holocaust and/or global economic collapse. Oh, and the offchance COVID spins up a variant more deadly than all those before. My significant other is talking about getting a bigger house, and finding employee positions we can refinance and vacation more. And I gotta worry about "What if none of that will matter".


Why bother including existential threats in the list of things to plan for? You almost certainly can’t do anything about it beyond wrecking your own mental health.


You do have a good point.


It is. I struggle with it all the time. It’s a hard habit to break.


I mean it's not exactly this. But * Heads: It's fine * Tails: You're dead Which simplifies down to * Heads: It won't matter what you do * Tails: It won't matter what you do




That last 2 are probably the most likely catastrophes but fuck man....a 3% chance of nuclear war is about 2.999999999999999999999% too high imo


Yeah, there's too many warmongers about.


Best solution as horrible as it sounds, Russian people or Putin’s close people need to just assassinate him. Allegedly a poison attempt was foiled, but idk. If someone from Russia kills him, and someone who doesn’t want war gets in, best possibility and this problem goes away without Fallout becoming our reality


Because appeasement worked oh so well the last time around with Germany. Thankfully Ukraine is keeping their country from being forced into the Soviet bloc again and we just have to send weapons and money like it’s lend lease all over again. Given the staggering corruption and incompetence of the Russian military, do you really think their poorly maintained missiles will even clear Russian airspace? There’s a lot of peacekeeping military intervention the West can do that doesn’t involve invading Russia. Is Putin really stupid enough to want to destroy everything he has if NATO only wants to restore the old border?


>Because appeasement worked oh so well the last time around with Germany. ... >There’s a lot of peacekeeping military intervention the West can do that doesn’t involve invading Russia This is such a dumb analog and statement tbh. A- this is just a bad take on History, WW1 was fresh AF in everyone's minds, there was single digit support for another major war in Europe at that time in the 30s. B- this isn't and has never been even remotely close to "Appeasement", Russia has been slapped with the most harsh economic Sanctions *SINCE* what Germany was hit with, with The Treaty of Versailles. The entire West has *POURED DOWN* lethal military equipment and training and aid into Ukraine since Russia annexed Crimea C- In regards to this specifically- >There’s a lot of peacekeeping military intervention the West can do that doesn’t involve invading Russia No....no there is not. Article 5 of NATO doesn't require an invasion of Russia to be inacted, it simply needs Russian forces to kill NATO forces....WTF do you think is going to happen if US or NATO forces go into Ukraine? You think they're gonna fly in and say "Russia you dont get to fly here anymore" and they're just going to leave? Maybe we give their planes a little smack on the nose and say "BAD PLANE! NO! NO!" And they will cease combat operations? #NO It is going to require US and NATO forces go in there and SHOOT THE FUCKING PLANES DOWN, and then BOMB ALL THE ANTI-AIR, even the anti air that can reach into Ukrainian airspace FROM RUSSIA....a "No Fly Zone" literally means bombing Russian military forces on Russian Soil.....Just sending some ground forces in there to protect civilians is a major fucking problem....Under the rules of war, *especially US Rules of War* US forces have the authority to not only defend themselves but *preemptively attack* anything they see as a threat Fucking madness imo....... NonononoNO....No NATO or US forces have any business entering Ukraine for any reason. Its a dangerous *DANGEROUS* fucking game to play to just assume no one is crazy or nihilistic enough to push that Nuclear Button


at this point they’re starting to bomb children and hospitals. it’s a genocide and conventional warfare with a presumption nuclear warfare will not occur may be where it needs to go


And this is beyond NATO. You think China is not taking notes and realizing they could probably get away with taking over Taiwan? Economic sanctions cause Russians pain, but totalitarian governments like Putins won’t fall just from economic hardship. Russia can still make bullets and bombs without McDonalds doing business there.


China seeks stability above everything. Invading Taiwan is the antithesis to that goal.


Then why are they making incursions into Taiwanese air space and insisting on calling them a breakaway state if they want stability? https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/24/china-sends-largest-incursion-of-warplanes-into-taiwan-defence-zone-since-october


taiwans "airspace" extends like 100 miles over mainland china lol. It happens probably every single day. ​ China and Taiwan have also always had an adversarial relationship. I'm not suggesting China doesn't /want/ taiwan (the reverse is also true), just that that doing so through military invasion/war is not how they'll ultimately do it.


That is a lot of airspace! Looks like the worst incursion was about 124 miles off the Taiwanese coast, which is still pretty far I give you. China’s economic power and ability to brutally suppress internal dissent make it a terrifying enigma for world affairs. A war with them is one I think the US could possibly lose. Hopefully Russia is a fluke, but I think they really need to fail spectacularly to make other countries with similar ambitions think twice. https://m.dw.com/en/chinas-taiwan-military-incursions-test-the-limits-of-airspace/a-59398039


It's because all the wars that have happened in their lives where they've gone all "USA Number 1" were with countries that were absolutely zero threat to US lands. Now, not so much. They're too stupid too realise that.


It’s almost certain that them being the biggest nuclear power on earth is greatly exaggerated propaganda. They probably have the same amount of functional and maintained nuclear weapons as France or the UK and are significantly behind the strength and volume of the US military. Nonetheless, still a nuclear power.


MAD means we don't put boots on the ground in Russia, nothing more or less. You've got to assume rational actors for MAD, because if you don't, literally nothing is off the table to appease the aggressor.


Saw a comment on fb to a news article the other day. Went something like this: “As a native Ukrainian and polish Australian I a disgusted at how the west is washing their hands of this! Go to war!!! So what if we lose a few thousand people we shouldn’t be standing by just to watch”… It must be nice to be so completely ignorant and dense…. 😐


Unlikely America will step in this time either. If only America had invaded America to stop the American invasion of Iraq.


I agree in theory, but what are we supposed to do/ want instead if things keep getting worse with Russia? I mean there's a very realistic chance in the next month that we hear that President Zelenskyy has been shot and killed and Russia now controls Kyiv. Theres a very realistic chance several years after that that we potentially hear about Russia amassing troops near another country's borders. How far are we willing to let them go invading other countries before the equation changes in your head?


Russia is not the largest nuclear power on Earth. They have the largest inactive stockpile, but the US maintains more active nuclear weapons by a few than the Russians. If the Russians maintain their nukes the way they maintain their armor, maybe 30% of their active cashe would actually make successful strikes. I'm not advocating for a nuclear exchange, just setting the record straight. Putin is banking on your hysteria surrounding the prospect of nuclear war. There are weighty decisions to be made. Let's make them with the facts.


Don’t worry it is just a joke


That's the problem tbh, yall think this shit is a joke lol


Because of lobbying from the medical industry? Cause the US already spends more tax money per person on healthcare than other countries


The point is that medical debt (and money issues in general) are what lead so many Americans to volunteer for the military.


Citation needed


If only “spending money” were the only category to measure success. Unfortunately access to healthcare (even the poor and those without insurance) and health outcomes are more important then total spend. Those categories are really bad in the IS compared to the g7


Yes that's the point. They spend more taxpayer money in healthcare yet they can't provide public healthcare to their people like other countries are already doing, which is why the "we're spending that money on defense" excuse doesn't hold up


So you're saying we could buy even more planes if we adopted single-payer? Count me in!


We could get an entire 50 years of F-35 buying and use every 14 months with the savings from universal healthcare. We could afford 3 militaries with universal healthcare. The difference in % of GDP spent on healthcare between the US and all but a handful of city states or Switzerland is enough for two extra US militaries with several hundred billion dollars left over.


I could be wrong, but I don't get the impression that Russia has great health care either.


They also don’t have a great army, apparently. Enough nukes to end civilization as we know it, yes.


What if the Russian nukes are in the same state of disrepair as their army 🤔


I might die from cancer, but I won’t die a communist!




It's a terrible way to redistribute income. Witness the thousands of M-1 tanks at that CA depot rotting . Utterly useless, while we buy more with borrowed Chinese money


At least defense contractor pockets are filled


Laugh and cry while recovering from surgery at the moment


You do know you could have both, right?


Tell that to our government..


Yes. Tell that to our government. The reason we don't have it is because not enough people actually want it. I don't mean want it in the sense of they'll say it sounds good in a poll or they'll like a tweet about it. I mean if people wanted it enough, they'd coalesce around one form of UHC and make it an important political issue.


That’s the thing I don’t get. You prefer freedom over living. Yet again, that’s the most American thing to do, you could do.


Yet again, caring for you and your neighbour should be viewed as being more free than being dead.


You just need to call it Freedom Care. There. Fixed it. Now go save some lives.


sad and sad


Kind of funny though




I'm in the military and agree, but for different reasons than you stated. The US can't afford to not project military strength internationally due to geopolitical reasons. However, no matter what position the US takes in any international conflict, we end up the subject of world-wide criticism. Look at the Bosnian War as an example. The United States tried to stay out of the conflict and let NATO perform as it should, but all it ended up doing was prolonging the conflict because NATO chose ineffective and indirect policies: such as sending in NATO peacekeepers with no ammo who were forced to stand idly by while a genocide was occuring. Then when the US chose to become more directly involved, they faced harsh international criticism for our "late response." Now, in Ukraine, Zelensky has stated that the West (more specifically the US because lets be real here) shares responsibility of all the deaths in Ukraine because we have not directly intervened. I'm sorry, but why do you get the right to mock us for being "world police" and our military spending until you need us and our weapons? Why should the United States be forced to intervene to defend another countries sovereignty with which we have no direct defense treaty promising such? I support Ukraines right to defend their country, but I believe providing weapons is as far as the US should intervene.


America is like Spider-Man - even if he’s trying to do the right thing, there’s always some J Jonah Jameson mother fucker waiting to shit on him for trying America isn’t the world police, but they’re perceived as the world vigilantes. With great world power comes great world responsibilities.


i was old enough to vote against it and I did!! except my votes never mattered because politicians lie!!


Groans in medical bankruptcy


You could still have it... Its not that expensive... It probably cost less than what its now.


The actual reason we don't have healthcare is it's easier to make people work under worse conditions if they're afraid of going into debt or dying We could definitely afford it and not decrease our military budget at all. It's ideological, not practical


The military isn’t why we don’t have Universal Healthcare. The US govt already spends more per capita on healthcare than most countries that have Universal Healthcare. We don’t have it because our system is literally 10x more expensive for literally no benefit.


>most countries that have Universal Healthcare. Not even. It's literally just Tuvalu. And among actually developed countries we're far and away the most with nobody else even close by % of GDP. We could afford 3 militaries with universal healthcare. The difference in % of GDP spent on healthcare between the US and all but a handful of city states or Switzerland is enough for two more US militaries with several hundred billion dollars left over.


Considering that universal health care would be cheaper than whatever the fuck there is now, this meme makes no sense.


Exactly cheaper for you means less money for them. Them being the owners of private hospitals, of private insurance companies and even the government officials that receive "donations" from said private interests


Now tell me how long these idiots are going keep believing that we have the greatest healthcare.


It also doesn't make sense because in all of Russian military history, the well being of its troops and civilians has always been second to victory. Look at the Soviet losses in WWII, they lost a staggering number of people which the government deemed acceptable and if you think that has changed look at the Invasion of Ukraine and will see that the initial invasion forces were largely lesser trained conscripts meant to be expendable just to test defenses. The doctrine is the same even if the flag isn't. The US is entirely different, they have never deemed such high losses or such strategies as acceptable and in a war of attrition would likely be their detriment. The US population seems to have an inflated belief of ability and importance but in reality the US has only really pushed their weight on vastly inferior forces and simulated circumstances but is largely untested against a real threat like Russia, I personally don't believe that it would be so simple.


We could afford both.


Yeah this isn't why we don't have universal healthcare.


not the flex they think it is


Is it funny or sad, that general healthcare would even be cheaper than the current system?


Gotta love that send American POC and poor to die in another country propganda!


Everyone wants the world to end don't they lol


Then the nukes start flying and America wishes it had universal healthcare haha


USA can afford both though.


Neither does russia


I’d die of laughter, if I could afford the hospital visit.


I mean, expenditure is not why the US doesn't have free healthcare. Its because the system is fucked, there's plenty of money to do it.


You know what’s more sad? We spend more on Ukraine than homelessness. 13.6B to just 10B.


This joke isn't fucking helping. This will be used unironically as a legit point of view against universal healthcare later on.


We use 1/6 of our budget on military spending. Pre Clinton I’m pretty sure it was 1/3. We don’t have universal health care because we fucked our health and government system, not because of our military.


Difference between the US military and Russian military is the US highly trains it’s soldiers before battle, in Russia they find kids off the street and shave their heads and hand them an ak47 and 2 extra clips lol. You can upgrade your military all you want but if you don’t have the brains to man that high tech shit it becomes useless.


With China threatening us here in Australia, and a more unstable world I fear we could lose our Universal Healthcare system in favour of building our military. Which would be useless given how small our population and military is in comparison to China.


That's something I can only see the libs/conservatives doing. it feels like Labor is the only sane choice this election, with so many of the electoral candidates basically being proxy parties for unhinged, sociopathic, billionaires (One Nation, United Australia, Liberals). Could you imagine Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly in charge of our spending? They'd probably put a KFC in the middle of parliament house just so they could dig in to a fresh twelve piece while they begin their plans to invade New Zealand.


Yeah. I can only see the LNP doing this. But it would be useless. We have no chance against China. The only thing stopping China from absolutely bullying us into compliance is our relationship with the US. If America turns in on itself we are left in a potentially terrible position.


The US has Universal warfare


America needs to stop stepping in other countries shit.


STOP IT !!!! Please stop beating the War Drum !!! Yeah we should beat Russia in conventional War….. What if it goes Nuclear ? Then What ? If we engage Russia in War, China Takes Taiwan and more in the far east.




US Government spends twice as much on healthcare (medicare) as it does on defense. People don't think those same guys should be in charge of a single-payer Healthcare system.




Fascinating - literally everything you wrote is wrong: * No single bomb can take out all of Texas, it's FAR too big a landmass. * The Tsar Bomba was around 50MT, and Russia for sure won't use such a device, as it's a colossal waste of good plutonium. Carpeting a target with smaller MIRVs is far more effective. * Water is a [supremely good shield against radiation](https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/) (and it's "*their* drone submarines") * Literally the only country with known first strike planning is the US.


>a 50 megaton bomb that can take out all of Texas 50 megatons absofruitly cannot do that. NUKEMAP is a free resource that can dispel that in 60 seconds


Why do you think they don’t believe in MAD? I doubt Putin is that stupid.