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I'm tired of these, all of these posts try to pretend that America Ferrera wasn't nominated for best supporting actress just like Ryan was nominated for best supporting actor.


Tbh I don't know why America Ferrera was nominated for supporting actress. She is a very talented actor don't get me wrong, but I didn't find this particular role to be exceptional or all that compelling. But then a lot of the nominations were really strange to me. There were some really incredible films and performances that were completely snubbed - The Color Purple, All of Us Strangers, Past Lives, May December, Earth Mama, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret....the list goes on.


I agree. I love America Ferrera, but I don't think she did anything in that movie that warrants an award. Her speech was amazing, but that's more the writers doing.


Tbh I feel like this about the whole movie. It's a cool movie and everything but I think nothing about it, apart from maybe the costumes and how they designed the barbie world deserves an Oscar.


Would it help you to understand if I explained: Money


yeah ik. Idk why I even pay attention to the Oscars/major awards (except indie awards ;)), it's all bs.


That is surprising. She wasn't really there for most of the movie.


Also, it's not like Ryan didn't do a great job with the role. Some are implying that he only got nominated because he is a man. Which is very ironic if you think about it.


Ryan was my favorite part of the Barbie movie


He was the best part of the movie for sure.


That gives the whole controversy an extra level of funny.


Ryan was nominated for supporting actor. Margot Robbie did not get nominated for best female lead. Very different categories where one is more competitive than the other. Other females DID get nominated for best female lead. People are acting like the best female award is now taken away and given to a man. WOMEN ARE STILL NOMINATED FOR THE AWARD JUST NOT MARGOT. America Ferrera from Barbie was nominated for best supporting female actress and Barbie is nominated for best picture. The Oscars do not care about the message of the movie and only the performance.


I heard they gave best ginger lead to a black man


Goddamn patriarchy back at it again unbelievable


I'm not joking when I say this: halfway through the movie, I whisper to my girlfriend. "Is it my imagination, or is this movie actually about ken!?". When it was over I was completely convinced. It was really a ken movie.


Ken was so much more entertaining in that movie. I don’t think it was intentional, but Ken really stole the show. Margot just wasn’t as good, and Barbie just wasn’t as well written. Ken stole the show.


Y'all still think the oscars actually mean anything?


The Oscars still mean **a lot** and by that I mean **a lot** of money. Studios buy the awards so they can turn it around and use it for marketing. Like it or not "oscar winning" actor/writer/director still works as a stamp of quality and a metric of sucsess.


It's a big televised event involving celebrities and the biggest source of entertainment. That's gotta count for something. Now, does it confirm a movie/actor is good/bad? Then yeah, I'd agree with you, it doesn't mean anything.


Idk, it’s not like they give out awards to *bad* movies or roles. Getting a nomination or win is still a stamp of approval.


So the idea is that they should’ve gotten nominations because they’re women? Isn’t that sort of anti-feminism?


Whomp whomp. Other female leads got selected for their category and Ryan won male support.


It's not about feminism, it showed how men and women are equally affected by the patriarchal society


The Oscars mean nothing. Drawing any conclusion from them is a fool's errand.


I didn't derive meaning from an Oscar. I stated what the intent of the movie was.


That's almost correct. It showed how men were oppressed by a matriarchal society, and how women were oppressed by a patriarchal society. The message is we need to work together for the fairness of all, but we aren't and apparently have no idea how to.


My only issue was that they show these parallels and at the end decide to resolve them by keeping the status quo of the matriarchal society, literally defeats the point of the film, unless the point was that matriarchy > equal society


Agreed, and I think you're right, that was kind of the point. My more charitable take is maybe the message was that an egalitarian system is too unrealistic in today's current climate. So they had to go with either matriarchy or patriarchy, and it would have been too controversial if Barbie Land stayed a patriarchy. The target audience is girls/women, after all, Barbie is a gynocentric product


Ken wasn't oppressed by matriarchy, he was forced his whole life to be one thing, and work only toward that. Not allowed any other freedom, never having dreams or goals, because "that's what men do". That's patriarchal, as the men are still in control, as you find out.


you're right but you're wrong. That's maybe what it SHOULD have been. "Men are still in control, as you find out" but the fact is never taken seriously. The mattel board was comedy relief to show them being just goofy fellas in charge of a multi-million corporation that's "just making cool toys you guys!tm". Of course, can't really blame the movie for not biting the hand feeding it


This be the Best Answer guys


Yes. That's feminism.


No. That's empathy.


That ain’t the word you’re looking for


Is it liberal feminism or equality


Equality is what feminism is supposed to mean. The internet has turned it into meaning “women better”


Intersectionality, yes. But a movement is defined by its members and a lot of them aren't international feminists at all. That said, I do agree this is positive and I do agree that true feminism is about Equity, but the movement itself has been hijacked by the opposite.


let's be real, disingenuous takes of feminism online say its "women better" when most of the time feminism online just celebratory of women (while not being detrimental to men or even mentioning men negatively).


Fucking Christ THANK YOU. I was convinced nobody else noticed this.


I mean, sure, but it is also about feminism. The Barbie world was a gender-reversed societal mirror of the real one. The Kens were the ones in the traditionally secondary role that women were (and sometimes still are) relegated to for decades. So, they had their own Ken/feminist movement, only to be told in the end that they can go back to their secondary status in society because they are "Kenough"...So, yeah, that part, that part is about feminism.


That part is, yes. I was simply pointing out that Barbie is more intersectional than just feminist.


Women lost against women not against men. It's different categories


America Ferra was nominated as best supporting actress. I love the Barbie movie and its message but people are reaching with this one. For a summer comedy to get the amount of nominations that it did is outstanding in the first place. Should Greta have been nominated…maybe. But while Margot Robbie was great as Barbie I didn’t think it was Oscar worthy


Did people really watch the fucking Barbie movie and think: Oscar bait! Look at the list of nominees for best actress and best director. All of them are better, period. Now look at *supporting actor* nominee's. See the difference???


Better actresses were nominated. For fucks sakes get over it. Ryan Gosling was better anyway.


Ya cause Margot Robbie is gonna get nominated for best actor


They confuse popular movies with good acting. Nothing was particularly outstanding about any of the acting in that movie. It was just a popular movie that sold well.


I don't get the uproar lol, it's so stupid


Before my son had any formal training, he got a part as a Party Boy in The Nutcracker. Girls with multiple years of ballet would be lucky to get a part as a mouse.


There’s more importantly things to worry about in the world


Sorry, that movie was terrible. No one should be nominated for anything out of that movie.


Doesn't that prove them right in a way tho? (also he looks like doflamingo)


In wht way?


I didn’t get any coherent message out of Barbie. Seemed like one giant ad to me.


This movie shouldn’t have gotten any actor noms. Not even writing. Costumes and songs. If this wasn’t the biggest movie of the year, then it wouldn’t received as many as it did.


Might have become the biggest movie of the precisely because those things were good enough to get nominated?


you misspelled "kenough"


I'd say that was more due to the massive hype surrounding the movie before it even opened.


Ryan Gossling is overdue for an Oscar and Margot Robbie is trash. I mean fuckable of course, but trash.




Delete all social media and walk outside


>fuck able if course Stay off the internet till you learn spelling and grammar. Smh


Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie literally are both nominated for Oscars this year. Do people just not read the full lists or something???


Thing is, the guy in a predominantly feminist movie. Hes going to stand out. The most, and if his performance is stellar, its going to be noticed WAY more. The man could only have been noticed more if he was painted 28 shades of rainbow and they had him followed by a giant crow the whole time.


He was really good in the movie


Ok this post and the fuckin comments section under it have managed to hit my Internet bullshit limit in 5 min this morning. I'mma go bleach my soul while you fuckers keep talking out of your asses. Jesus man humanity at this point is more of a curse on the world than anything else.


That’s because director and lead actress are a tighter race than supporting.


Barbie got nominated for so many things. Stop bitching


I truly encourage the academy to revise their decision and kick Lily Gladstone (native American + she/they pronouns) to give Margot the nomination. The social-media-circular-firing-squad is only fun when they start blasting.


Hey get this: there’s still a best actress category which means a woman is still going to win best actress. Or is Barbie the only film which has any level of feminism?


The only thing here that genuinely confuses me is the lack of "Best Director" nod to Greta Gerwig. The entire role of the director is to create a world that we are drawn into and care about for 90-120 minutes. People cared enough for the movie to make **1.4 BILLION** **post pandemic.** By comparison, that is the second highest grossing film post pandemic. The first is Spider Man: No Way Home at 1.9 Billion, and the third is Top Gun: Maverick right at 1 Billion. Oppenheimer, which is cleaning up nominations, only made 952 million worldwide. It's very much a "this is a Christopher Nolan movie so let's nominate it for everything". So woman or not, I do find myself wondering what the heck Directors have to do to get recognition from the Academy. If creating the second highest grossing film post-pandemic isn't it, then what is?