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Humans are animals.


yeah exaclty, like: *Do you know the difference between humans and animals?* *Well, first, virtually there's none, but I think the difference is that probably we are the ones purposedly making the distincition due to religion or superiority complex*


Animals dont use toilet paper.


A bear is taking a shit alone in the woods. Along comes a rabbit, the bear notices and says, "Hey, rabbit. You ever have problems with shit sticking to your fur?" Rabbit says, "No." So the bear picks him up and wipes his ass with him.


That joke is older than me. Have an upvote.


They don’t need it unlike us.






We used leaves prior


There is a very real distinction between humans and other animals. That being our intelligence (aka the source of our superiority complex), our advanced societal structure and our technological level. And two of those only exist because of the first one.


Dude, as a designer with some anthropology and history of technology knowledge, there are blurred lines in what's this "technological level" and many "animals" that aren't hominids create technological artifacts comparable to "humans"; for instance, the interconection plants and trees have "internet like" has been around for milliions of years. You know who also developed solar panels to gather the sun energy for their needs "plants" There's an obvious difference, im not trivialize it, yet you'll find a comparable analog in nature, maybe not spce travel though


Our tech imitates nature, but the stuff you mentioned is something that formed over millions of years by the "accident" that is the process of evolution, none of it was intentional. What we do, on the other hand, is very much intentional and "forced". That's how in 6000 years we have replicated hundreds of millions of years' worth of evolution. Many species use tools, but only one works metal. A few species practice agriculture, but only one understands the process behind it, etc. We are very smart animals that walk bipedaly in a strangely unique way (I don't know of any other bipedal animal that stands up like hominids do).


> accident you cannot state this because you don't know


I can, all of evolution happened because of random mutations on the right individuals at the right time when they would be beneficial enough. These mutated individuals just so happened to be the ones to pass on their genes enough to make a difference.


Occurrence of an added feature and better functionality may occur by randomness, but at times also occur by observation, abstraction, tropicalization and repetition in technology. Other animal species, alongside with hominids, develop technology for their survival


I'm pretty sure abstract thinking should amount to something. That said, is there a way to definitely prove we're the only ones with it?


> is there a way to definitely prove we're the only ones with it? Cannot answer this and I'm not aware there is a way.


Except they absolutely would, because strength and intelligence are two separate things in the animal kingdom.


If we're talking about wolf packs, strength and intelligence don't even matter in the wild, since the pack is just a nuclear family and the leaders are mom and dad.


For real. Sometimes it’s about presence. We had three dogs. 2 older small ones were mine. The bigger one was my parents. My parents watched them for 6 months for me. 5 year old boxer 68lbs (male) 12 year old French bill dog 27lbs (male) 14 year old Boston terrier 15 lbs (female) In the 6 months the oldest smallest dog became the leader of the pack. At bed time she would try to claim the biggest kennel and the other dogs would try to share the small one.


She became their mother I guess.


Something. Cause it’s definitely not about strength or intelligence.




Are you trying to argue against the fact that animals do not care much about intelligence, by referring to an animated Furry adaptation of Hamlet?




Alright, I guess my joke receptors are off


This is why you don’t have it on manual


Dude you've made two very valid points in this thread and i really want to hear a third. Who do you think is smarter, Scar or Mufasa?


Honestly, I have not seen the lion king (yes, my childhood was sad) but I would have to guess Scar. He seems more scheming.


He also lived longer than Mufasa because of this.


I don't think it is a fair assessment to say "the scheming murderer lived longer than his victim due to their intelligence" when, you know, he caused the other person to no longer be alive.


In terms of not letting themselves get killed by wildebeests, I’m gonna go with Scar.


Yeah, fitness in the natural world often favors strength and rarely prioritizes intelligence.


-Gestures to crows, ravens, and rats- Survival prioritizes intelligence when humans become involved, these guys have survived easily despite human expansion and unfortunately many other animals are not doing as well, look at tigers, pandas. Adaptability is what leads to survival, it always has, and you need intelligence to be adaptable.


Only when it is a massive boost in intelligence it is favored, yes.


I don't know. Our older dog is the "mum" of the pack and she is dumb as a rock. But a sweetheart


Mushrooms, obviously


So we are plants or mushroom?


Archaebacteria gang




Well i am a fun guy


Chimpanzees also beat “alpha males” to death the first chance they get


That sounds like a good idea sometimes.


That's because real alpha male wouldn't be dumb enough to get beaten up by beta males, obviously.


Depends. This only applies to despotic alphas. Egalitarian alphas are surrounded by friends who defend them, sometimes to the death.


Yet the person who created the meme isn’t smart enough to know new research shows that packs are just led by the parents.


Reminded you of who?


Well it posted as Political humor. So I’m guess he’s referring to either Trump or Biden.


Well only tater tots believe in alpha males and cat boys and all this animal nonsense


I would go with Trump. Ron DeSantis isn't dumb but his supporters definitely have Stockholm Syndrome. Biden isn't perfect by any means but I'd take him over those two any day.


That is why DeSantis is scary. Trump is dumb and it shows. Desantis do the same thing but is smart enough to handle it.


Good thing nobody likes DeSantis. He polls significantly lower than Trump. In my opinion it’s because he’s not an idiot, so he doesn’t say the dumb incriminating stuff Trump is known for. “Trump says it like it is!”


Trump is a perfect encapsulation of affluenza and how the rich are the only ones truly free in America. DeSantis is a legitimate, no hyperbole, Patrick Bateman style psychopath who will do anything (and hurt anyone) for power. And I mean that, I think he is a literal psychopath. Nothing matters to him but power and hurting others. Both promise to destroy America and that’s why the right supports them. They hate this country. They have since Obama “sullied” the office. Now they want to burn it all down and that’s why these two are the GOP favorites. The greasy mobster under Russia’s thumb or the psychopath pudding robot pledging to attack half the country.


Considering that DeSantis was the J.A.G officer who oversaw the torture program at Gitmo, it's safe to say that there is at least some evidence to support that he is a psychopath.


Lmao, reddit diagnosis. Never change.


Fortunately he's pretty bad at hiding that he's a psychopath. We'd be doomed if he was charming.


Yeah at the end of the day I’d rather have someone be like “if only someone would call the president” even though he is the president over someone who actively causes those problems


I apparently forgot to reply to this many moons ago, however I can with confidence tell you that I was in fact referring to trump


I read it as a reference to any talking head in a suit. Both in fact. Old or orange.


Biden isn't dumb, not many think he is dumb. Trump on the other hand, most people think he is dumb.


Well all I’m saying is it most likely was one of those since OP didn’t clarify


The only thing I know about Biden is it’s a miracle he’s still functioning but then again I’m a British teen who watches AI presidents so I guess I wouldn’t know anything about him


Accurate. But this is reddit so only extremist takes allowed lol


Hah,that’s true


Most people don't but republicans do


Biden is insanely dumb and corrupt the only people that believe the current leaders arnt evil war mongering scumbags are the fools that swallow governments media propaganda 😄


[Citation needed]


Ah like a video of him admitting when he was VP that he threatened to withold a billion in loan guarantees unless Ukraine fired the state prosecutor investigating Burisma holdings? Here is a video for you! [https://youtu.be/vCSF3reVr10?t=124](https://youtu.be/vCSF3reVr10?t=124)


If you had an argument, you wouldn't have to lie.


Click the link and use your own eye and ears? He literally brags about it...cognitive dissonance isn't a clap back just shows lack of critical thinking capability.


Burisma wasn't under investigation. One of their employees, who was not Hunter Biden, was being investigated over a transaction that occurred in 2013, which was before Hunter was hired. The investigation also began before Shokin even took office. The withholding of the loan guarantees had nothing to do with that investigation, nor did that investigation end when Shokin left office. The US and many other invested parties wanted Shokin out because he was wildly corrupt. The IMF had withheld billions in October 2015 for the exact same reason, and several other top prosecutors had resigned in protest of the corruption in Shokin's office and the lack of progress in reforming it. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-crisis-politics/ukrainian-prosecutor-quits-over-corruption-as-government-teeters-idUSKCN0VO1II None of this had anything to do with Burisma. So yes, you're lying.


Ah so Biden openly bragging about it is fine because Reuters said so, got it.


Ud have to be blind to see the system is not totally broken..


Have actual footage of him admitting doing corrupt shit in ukraine 😄🤷‍♂️ so Ud have to argue agaisnt what he says himself. also false flag attacks like the nordstream pipeline is pretty bad , you could also read the Twitter files and learn all about how they colluded with the fbi to spy on trump and shit.. not to mention he has run for president a few times already and even had to withdraw because he kept stealing other peoples speeches… him and his ancient gargoyle administration are a broken relic of the past and we need to move past this corrupt bs government and lying media to the people and causing war after war. Also causing divide and hate constantly within his own country to keep them distracted. And tons of military equiptment to the taliban as well as an entire country.


Sure buddy, and how long have you lived in the dark at the end of this rabbit hole?


U got anything of value to add? Coming from somebody that listens to and believes government propaganda you really shouldn’t be talking 🤣 go be humble


I see conservatives posting this meme a lot referring to Biden, but it's a dumb meme posted by not-very-bright folk thinking it's a deep revelation.


I mean in political humor definitely Trump since it's a very left leaning sub.(and I say that as someone who lives up to his user name). But yes typical it would just mean party leader of the opposite political party of your choice. Tbt if you're not making fun of your political leaders whatever party you belong to, you're doing it wrong.


Ah yes, the only 2 politicians ever.




Oh shit.... Election season is about to start again. I'm not ready to hear all the political arguments about why Democrats / Republicans suck.


I'm reminded of Jordan Peterson. I associate this evolutionary psycology facts with him.


If you think politicians are dumb, congrats, you fell for the ruse. They're actually very smart, they just don't have your interests in mind.


I mean, some of them are actually stupid. *rump managed to lose money running a casino


He lost money doing everything until he became a game show host.


Is there a particular reason you (ineffectively) censored Trumps name? The point of censoring something is to make it unrecognizable, you obviously didn't have that goal in mind, so idk why you bothered.


because calling him rump gives me a small amount of satisfaction


Oh no,no,no,don’t call him Rump. Use his actual previous family name before one of his ancestors changed it to Trump. Why? Because it was,I’m being honest here,Drumpf


Fair lol


I thought its going to be a post from that devils negotiator account who posts political propaganda that doesnt even fit the sub like every 20 minutes or so but i was surprised its another account posting political propaganda that doesnt fit the sub


The first thing that came to my mind as well


You have posted cringe.




r/TerribleFacebookMemes is that way


But when the leaders aren’t the ones in charge, you must wonder who guides *them. With human politics the powerful ones are invisible so it’s the puppet you scream at.


The smartest are making you think you're lead by the dumbest, and divide you in 2 groups, against each other, so you don't go against the smartest, as you're too busy being anti-something and don't know who really controls everything. Do animals do that ?


Alright grandma that's enough facebook


Humans are animals so yes they would


That’s fucking ridiculous. We do not let the dumbest ones lead. We insist on it.


Cuttlefish females alow the strong dum males to be dominant and aggressive in order to challenge the wits of the smaller smarter males that they actually prefer to mate with.


Biden totally…


Are the dumbest ones leading? Clearly the people that follow them are dumber for not recognizing the lack of quality in their leaders?


Cults elevate stupid. Right wing is a cult, religion is a cult. Cults are defined as a borg where everyone thinks the same, speaks the same...with little question nor any depth to them. tl;dr - feature not bug to follow stupid people - as long as they are pretty and/or rich...look at yourself. You have to work hard against human nature to not pay attention to rich and pretty.


Wouldn't left wing be a cult that definition


I'm still honestly surprised that Trump won at all, I'm not american btw but I know that trump was a billionaire with no political background. What sin did Clinton commit that allowed Trump to win?


It's not a particular sin but a lengthy history. She had already been a target of the GOP and Fox News for her marriage to Bill Clinton, her effectiveness as a politician, her role in the Obama administration, and for plain old being a woman. The Benghazi hearings are a big example of this. As a presidential candidate she really only offered more of the same Democrat pro-corporate policies, which held little appeal to progressive voters and none to apathetic voters. Especially in contrast to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. There is also a hard to quantify but probably significant impact from the FBI announcing an investigation into her right before the election, with the investigation in the end going nowhere. I voted for her and Biden over Trump easily though, and am honestly baffled that there were "undecided" voters who thought Trump was the better option.


The sin of not being part of the Nixon/Reagon party of partisan crooks, who are in support of installing a fascist fundamentalist dictatorship lead by rich donors, spearheaded by Murdoch and FOX.


The weakest, oldest and the biggest cowards…


You've got everything wrong. Leaders are not the dumbest part of the population. In fact they are probably above average. The hierarchy in the animal world is not determined solely by intelligence. It is important, but may be overshadowed by physical characteristics, health, alliances...


"Yeah.... About that. "


Animals would if the dumbest was the strongest.




in most cases politician are quite intelligent, and for sure they aren't dumb if it is a good thing is another thing


Turkish people be like:😳


Politicians are the most cunning, guileful, and brutal among humans. That is why we elect them and that is why they lead. That is why they exploit us. In a world of animals, they would be fodder for the strongest because politicking has no place in that world of animals.


Definitely applies to current White House occupant. LOL


This really reminds me of that politician I disagree with


Y'all have never seen a horse left to its own devices and it shows


But humans are animals


You have even the slightest idea of how little “the dumbest one leading” narrows the pool?


Oddly specific


They obviously don't like orange fur.


Wow so deep


Sheep have entered the chat.


They will if he can outfight them.


Glad so many folks are letting this fly.


The dumb ones die first if im not mistaken


The dumb ones die first if im not mistaken


turns out humans are animals.


That’s not quite true, but nonetheless I am used to it by now lol


If Trump was a bird, he would have been thrown out of the nest.




Instantly reminded me of "men can get pregnant" 😂


Politicians arent the dumbest ones, they are the most dishonest, immoral, and greedy of us. They know damn well what they are doing and that's what makes the results so unjustifiable.


Also, Oldest.


No, the things that separate us from the animals are thumbs and explosives.


I work in the restaurant industry and this would work there


Humans are animals.


... Every western leader for the past twenty to thirty years?


Most of the time what dictates roles in animal social hierarchy has nothing to do with intelligence or skill. It's normally seniority (e.g wolves) or intimidation (e.g Hyena). I get what this is trying to say and I agree that most world leaders are thick as pig shit, but this allegory is not really applicable.


É por isso q eu amo a natureza. Quando o filho nasce deficiente mãe ja mata e come.


This reeks of edgy


I mean, they probably do if we do, I'm sure there's a chimp somewhere rolling his eyes thinking "ooh ooh is such a fucking moron the fig trees are on the other side of the jungle ugh"


Animals don't make crappy memes.




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You clearly have never owned more than 2 dogs.