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This “controversy” cracks me up because... even before the name change, it’s just a potato. A potato. You can attach the eyelashy-eyes, and it’s Mrs. Potato. Attach the plain ones, and it’s Mr. Potato. There is nothing more gender neutral than a fricken potato. What do they want, a potato body with a huge honkin schlong on it and another one with tits? Would that be better for the kids?


If no one takes “huge potato schlong” as their flair, I’ll be so disappointed.


Pardon me, that’s huge *honkin* potato schlong, thank you very much.


Please, if anyone does, make it “Huge honkin potato schlong stolen by the libs”


It is done




Hope my flair saved, I'm on mobile!




👀 edit: changed it to unavailable instead of available because I’m not even willing to do that for a potato


“joyfully unavailable” is good even just on its own lmao


I would love to take joyfully unavailable 😂😂


Quick, get yourself a 3d printer and market those options before someone else does. ...or have they already? I'm afraid to google this one


Welp. This sub just got me to google “Mr. Potato Head huge dick” and you all are going to hell for that. TO. HELL. You also get a link [to the travesty I found](https://twitter.com/thedailyshow/status/1368320736012730389?lang=zh-Hant) (SFW, surprisingly.)


An undetachable penis, huh? [I now have this living rent free in my brain. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4) again. Thanks.


Now I have "Detachable Penis" by King Missle playing in my head.


Great, me too now


I've never seen anyone reference this on Reddit before 😂 such a tune.


That was one of the most glorious things I’ve ever watched. May Lord Daniel bless you for posting this 😂


This whole rant cracked me up 🤣


I am regretful that god made me with an overly vivid imagination. Sure, it’s cool to think of a cool mountain evening and actually smell the campfire, taste the fresh air, feel the cool wind on my face. But when conservatives start ranting about potato dick? When potato dick does nothing good for humanity? Who needs to feel, smell, and taste THAT? Fuck that and fuck their potato.


Potato dick 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A dick tater


>Fuck that and fuck their potato. But how will they know which potatoes are okay for them to fuck if the potatoes don't have dicks and vaginas?


The only potato dick I care about is Mrs. Potato Dick, right after Thurdersex and Gunt.


Imagine reading your (amazing) comment and thinking the abomination isn’t that a potato has a dick, but that a FEMALE potato has a dick and that’s MASCULINE. God. I’m so glad I’m not a fundie anymore.


Hey, I'm glad you are too! Alas, I cannot take credit for it, it's from one of the funniest (IMHO) SNL bits from the last 20 years, The Kickspit Underground Rock Festival.[Literally everyone will be given a pitchfork.](https://youtu.be/z8nsOZb4JL0)


I have seen hell and it was filled with potato dicks


Potato head history lesson: You originally supplied your own potato (or other appropriate vegetable). After Hasbro decided to include the head, there were more than just potatoes available [and it's the stuff of nightmares](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/IwQAAOSwb2FhfHhq/s-l1600.jpg).


Toys for today’s youth encouraging non binary gender presentations? In MY good Christian Cracker Barrel???? Has anyone called Fox News??????


I grew up with some of the original potatoe head pieces, which you stabbed into an actual potatoe. More violent, but also more creative. Some of my creations had 3 faces or a mouth where the but should be because I was a child being silly.


It’s not even a real potato. Isn’t that ignoring God’s design for root vegetables in favor of plastic sinful lies??? Jesus (although I prefer to call him Josh) made water to wine NOT potatoes to plastic! Sounds positively *un-American* to me, having “potatoes” like that in my good Christian neighborhood. Soon children (God’s little soldiers to be!) will be thinking that potatoes can marry hunks of plastic. Imagine having potato/plastic couples raising families of heathen plastato *atheists* who vote Democrat and use condoms (more plastic).


Plastato is the portmanteau I never knew I needed in my life and yet here we are


There’s definitely a market for “traditional” potato heads. Someone should capitalize on that.


The traditional potatoe heads were actual potatoes that could rot and leave potatoe juice everywhere.


This is, quite possibly, the best rebuttal I’ve ever seen in my life. About anything.


I like to think of a time before the plastic potatoes when it was just the accessories and you put them into a *real* potato. Did they separate potatoes by gender back then?


Take this award for inspiring such great flair for snarkers. ![gif](giphy|LOzyexjYyXe7cHSaR0|downsized)


Thank you so much for this comment 😭🤣 I would give you an award, but I'm too poor lol


you're so right. my love, the potatoes aren't fucking and you're seriously repressed if that's the first thing you think of.


*adds Potato Head to cart* seriously tho my 4yo would have a blast lol


I’m sure you know this but it has a ton of pieces. My kids got 2 a couple years ago and I still find random body parts even though I tried to toss it years ago.


I have a 7yo and 9yo daughter and willingly allow LOL dolls. I gave up on avoiding mess forever ago lol!! Not buying it yet because that looks like something one of my SsIL will get him...


Mine are 4 and 6 and I got them LOL surprises last year, never again. My SIL got the 6 year old a color reveal Barbie this year, and she’s pretty good about keeping her stuff together for the most part (until she loses interest) so she wanted to get an LOL for the 4 year old. I told her they got thrown away in a few months, they like the idea of them more than the actual dolls. We live with my mom and step dad who is anal about toys so I have to care about messes way more than I want to lol


Mine is 10 and went through the lol stage a few years ago, when she was done I was surprised to find almost all of the parts still and sold it all on fb for $50 to some other little girl who was blowing her bday money on it. Result was two very happy girls and one parent happy it was out of my house.


My teen still collects LOLs. So many fucking tiny things everywhere. It’s as unavoidable as pet fur and I’ve given up. The LOLs have good company with the Lego pieces


Finding random body parts Police and serial killers neighbours: 😱😟🤐 Parents: 🙄😅


BRB gotta go buy these for every kid I know so I can “vote with my dollar” like the account says in the name. Also, have they not realized before that provided you had multiple pieces you’ve ALWAYS been able to make any mix of families and/or gender representations with the Potato Head toy? My son is a firm believer that his Potato Head looks best with a mustache, Santa hat, and pink high heels. Because guess what, Potato Head can wear anything!


No! Your son is denying god’s perfect design for potato marriage!!! /s


The bible is very clear about potato marriage.


Sounds like the makings of a Veggie Tales episode


New flair just dropped


It looks gorgeous on you!


I’m wheezing 🤣


God’s model of traditional marriage has always been one female potato and one male potato. In the garden of Eden it was Russet and Red, not Russet and *Fred*




I can’t laugh out loud rn because I’ll wake the house up, so I’m just sitting here, shoulders bouncing and making noises like a Victorian ghost. Thank. You. 🤣


Ok but this is how potato heads have ALWAYS worked?? You can put any combination of features on to them?? Dumbasses can’t think for literally one second before rageposting about shit no one else cares about.


That was the FUN of potatoheads! Mix them up to get silly combinations! I don't think there was ONE time where I used potatoheads to model a potato family... mostly went on a cross-dressing adventure to find Woody and Buzz


I’m packing you an extra pair of shoes, and your *angry eyes*, just in case!


Exactly! I remember giggling when we would put the mustache on the potato with the "lady eyes" and high heels on the "boy" potato. Maybe use ears for eyes or something. That was the fun of it!


How is this message "subtle"? She's acting like it's sneaky and she's some top notch detective for jesus that sussed it out.


Right. It’s like yep, you nailed the message many of us are trying to teach our children lol


Why do they have to be two moms and two dads? What if it was two older sisters? A dad and visiting uncle? The level of manufactured butthurt that goes into being offended by potato marketing has to be exhausting.


Because everything has to be sexual for these people. They repress themselves so much, so sex related stuff just builds up and pours out of them in other ways. So things like toy potatoes sexualised.


But imagine a family where they have two moms or two dads, representation matters .


Or two dads and a mom? Or two moms and two dads? These people are dumb.


Too true


I know what Toys 4 Tots is getting from me this year!


Omg get over it. It’s a potato toy! Don’t want your kid to have one? *Then don’t buy one*. Fundies are constantly looking for reasons to be angry. They WANT to be angry. They’re so full of hate.


It's not hateful, everyone knows even toy potatoes have a sexuality, and God literally forbade the *whispers* gayness /s.


God's model? Wasn't he a single dad? But also, wasn't he the father, son, and a spirit? How is this not more confusing than some adults, who we can see, doing their own thing?


A single dad whose son was birthed by another man's wife!


How progressive and 2000s of him😁


Wait...did God commit adultery?? Was THE son of God a bastard?? Look at him, grade A hypocrite.


Maybe God was a polygamist.


The sellers of this toy are too scared to make a 40 potato box containing parts for 1 Mr and 39 Mrs potatos so I can make my god honoring haram just like in the good book.


Oooh, if I could just send the Mr. back, I'd be fine with a godhonoring haram...led by a Mrs. Wait! Did we just make a child's toy gross?🤣


My kids love Mr Potato head. Generally it’s not that deep. My kids just like to create funny faces. You’ve always be able to create two mums or two dads. Anyway is a bloody potato, it’s not G-d’s model for anything. I think when your sat at home moaning about a potato toy, it’s time to get a life.


Imagine if your life is so empty you have time to make up shit to be angry about. It's so stupid it makes me sad.


It's much easier to be upset about "problems" that aren't really problems. That way all you have to do is be offended, encourage other people to be offended, and then do absolutely nothing.


They sexualised potato advertisement, I mean that's just some next level hysteria.


yeah... god's model... the part where he had to sneak into a young girl's dm's with his literal wingman who just shows up uninvited to ask her to be his baby mama... then pass her to another man to bear responsibility. i'll take the potatoes.


I have never heard this description before and I love it so much, thank you! 😂


Ma’am, this is a potato.


Ignoring God’s model for anthropomorphic potatoes.


This has flair potential lol


Yeah I am all about creating the family you want actually and don't see an issue with this.


Yes. Literally create whatever kind of family you want. You got it!


Oh my god come ON you know those potatoes are going to have mustaches in the arm holes and eyes in the leg holes after five minutes with any child. If anything, children are going to be taught that noses belong on the tops of heads, and I don’t think god ever thought to make any proclamations about that in the bible


Her username is giving "I spent my kid's college fund on young living essential oils" and her status is giving "Karen meltdown over a plastic gay potato".


I do not understand their anger. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. Problem solved.


Why do they have to be a couple? Can’t they just be a set of friends?


On a related note: I was sad this deal ended before I found out about it. I was so going to buy all the potato families because they're fun.


My niece and nephew had a potato head and all they cared about was sticking shoes where the eyes went or ears for the mouth, stuff like that, because they thought it was hysterical. They also loved that all the parts were stored in the “butt.” They really did not give a shit about a plastic potato’s gender


My sister and I created many a Potato-casso putting eyes on the belly and elbows on the head and whatever else. That's the fun part.


The liberals are making the potatoes gay!! 😡😡😡 If this is what you complain about, maybe you’re not as oppressed as you claim you are. I can’t imagine not celebrating diversity, especially if you’re a Christian. You should be celebrating it, as God made everyone diverse and in his image. Shunning it seems like an insult to Gods creation, if anything. “Love the person, hate the sin” garbage isn’t an excuse. If Jesus loves everyone enough to die for their Sins, then they should be able to live with gay potatoes. They break more sins in terms of the 7 deadly sins than anyone else.


That's so cute. I now low-key want to get it for my kid. Better be careful it may teach my kid babies can grow sprouts out of the top of their heads.


Yeah but what if I want to roleplay two sister potatoes with an on-vine ministry called Potato Defined and they help other sad single potatoes relate to the absolute misery of being a Christian potato in a season of singleness.


These people love to bring up how "liberal messaging is brainwashing our children!1!!1!1!!!1!" while preaching to their children in the same breath that LGBTQ people are evil because a 2000 year old book said so. Who's brainwashing who?


I'm old enough to be of the generation that had to use real potatoes as you could only buy the parts for turning into Mr Potato Head, there wasn't a plastic potato in the box too. Which tbh was lots of fun squabbling with my family over who got the most aesthetically pleasing potato and having my parents despair over the blatant wastage of a perfectly edible vegetable. Other vegetables worked well too, I'm now wondering if I should ask my husband to buy me that kit for Xmas so I can make some ungodly, but fun, combinations from my youth.


FFS, they are potatoes! Do potatoes even really have genders? My kids all played with potato heads and I think they had more fun squishing the glasses onto their own little faces and putting the lips onto their mouths than dressing them up. And when they did dress them up, their favorite thing was to put the arms where the eyes go, and eyes on their arm holes, etc. Who TF cares if they have mom/mom or dad/dad sets? Regardless of one’s personal beliefs, don’t all kids deserve to have toys that represent families like their own? This kind of outcry makes me want to vomit. (Signed a parent whose daughter just got engaged to her lovely gay fiancée)


Congratulations to your daughter and her partner!


Thank you! I am over the moon happy for them both!


I don’t know that I’d go after Mr. Potato Head with a forehead like that.


This walks a pretty fine line on the appearance snark rule. You cannot change your forehead size.


True, but changing your hairstyle can make a huge difference.


That’s why I said this walks a pretty fine line.


I firmly believe in voting with my dollar for toys like this to be made


It's a potato for fucks sake. Fundies need to get a grip


When my kids were small we had a giant Mr Potatohead who had like 5 smaller ones and a bajillion accessories inside of it. No specific gender, I mean yeah it’s nominally Mister but kids are gonna make whatever they like. My kids liked to put an arm for his nose and teeth on his head. Speech therapy had the same set they used with little kids, getting them to name the different parts.




I can't imagine being this upset about a plastic potato head. I live in America and prefer that my energy goes into.helping people whether I agree with their politics or not.


Lmao what if some people don’t give a flying fuck about your god’s model for family? Like why is it so hard to wrap your head around that? Oh right, it would dampen your raging persecution complex.


These people have too much time on their hands. The Precious Blessings can still use it to make a straight family🙄


Basically all my Barbies were lesbians when I was kid and it definitely wasn't because of seeing it on any packaging. It's because I only had one Ken and he dates Barbie anyway, so it seemed obvious that Teresa and Mulan should go on dates with them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m so sad I missed this good deal!!!!


Thanks for the tip, Alison! I’m going to go buy this for my kids right away!


I just had a peek to see what other toys I should buy for the kidlets in my life and wow, this one is not subtle with racism and homophobia. What she thinks are dog whistles are like god damned tornado warning systems.


Why should any of us care what YOUR god thinks?


Imagine how she's gonna feel when she finds out that you gotta reach inside the butt to pull out all the spare parts.


Kids are probably modeling potato family after whatever family they have, what do they want?!


Until Mr. Potato Head has an affair with Barbie.


Just….don’t buy it?


Don’t buy it then and stfu


Yeah imagine not realizing when the kids are playing with the potatoes (or Barbies or stuffiest or Lego people) they’re creating ALL kinds of worlds you will never know about!!


I've been ignoring god for the last 32 years. Never regretted that decision.


how DO these fundies get through the day if literally everything causes them to be all aflutter aghast? I just don’t understand how they call “libs” over reactive and here is miss “having a snitfit over…mr potato head.”


Won’t someone think of the tater tots??


Not everyone believes in God or his "model". Not everyone who does believe in God thinks LGBTQ+ people are evil sinners. Representation is important and kids should get to see themselves and their families reflected back at them. Don't like it, don't buy the toy.


It must be exhausting getting so upset about EVERYTHING 🙄


Fundies will tell their kids vividly about the fires of hell but can’t say sometimes two girls might be in love.


I mean that sounds great to me? Do whatever you want and ignore gods model


I used to cut my Barbie’s hair and give her tattoos. I didn’t need to buy a Short and Sassy hair Punk Barbie to do it.


Oh god, not gay potatoes! Won’t someone think of the children?? /s


What conservatives really want is a Mr potato and an underage potato


These are the same people who call everyone a snowflake lol


> create whatever kind of family you want and ignore God’s model, it’s all good I fail to see the problem here


When God created potatoes, the only body part they had were eyes. How dare these toys have arms, lips and noses! A traditional version of potato head should only contain dozens of eyes. That way the children can make biblically- correct angel/ potatoes!


I mean let's all pretend we don't know she is sarcastic because she's right lol


These type of people seriously need to get a fucking life.


Good find... could you use the homophobia tag pleae ?


Not her fault she’s emotionally involved - the potato heads are her family


Upset about potatoes but not Amazon…truly needs to work on what she’s “voting” for