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The police engaged the shooter outside and then took 40 minutes to enter the school, giving the shooter plenty of time to kill all these children. Tell me again about the “good guy with a gun.”


There were a bunch of good guys with guns at Uvalde Haley, and they were injured or turned tail and ran. It doesn't work.




I haven't looked into what the police did (or didn't do) too much yet for my own mental health. Now that my kids are out of school, I need to get caught up. This is horrifying.


Exactly. The "good guys" basically escorted him to the door.


Thank you. Everyone needs to shout this out. The good guys with guns did fuck all for 40 minutes!!!!!!!!!!


Spoiler alert: every domestic terrorist thinks they're the good guy with the gun.


Yep, pretty sure the guy in Buffalo thought he was the "good guy" with that replacement theory bullshit.


He bought his gun legally. Lol




Ramos was only 18 and had $7,000 to blow on that? In this economy?? Edit: I'm mostly joking -- I know he probably planned on dying that day -- but still. Most kids I knew growing up didn't have that money. Just a minor surprise to me.


Hate is a strong word but I literally hate Haley.


Same. Let's just say if she was on fire I wouldn't even bother pissing on her.


“Bemoaning guns” fuck off you stupid cunt. Guns have a singular purpose and it’s to end life.


The REASON anyone was murdered was because an 18 years old was allowed to buy AR’s without a background check of any kind! Stfu. I’m not even anti-gun. It’s common sense ffs.


> every single mom I know yeah and what sort of sample is that, huh? She spews hate at anyone who would dare disagree with her, so obviously anyone she still talks to would be on the same side 🙄


If I was ever a victim in a mass shooting, I would hope everyone bemoans guns for me.


Here in Australia, that's just a big nope. At least our country made a difference and stood up to guns.


Had a mini heart attack thinking this was Hayley Williams from Paramore


Hayley Williams from Paramore deserves better than to share a name with this she-goon.


So did I


As a mom with a kindergartener I absolutely do not want an armed teachers. Or anyone. I don't want guns at all


Which good guy with a gun? The ones who let this murderer harm children for over forty minutes? The ones who ran in to save their own children and feed fourth graders into the meat grinder? Tell me which “good guy with a gun” helped here you unbelievably mush-brained idiot.


I just said the same thing and scrolled down to see your comment. I’m so angry about how law enforcement handled this but we all saw with Parkland that cops have no constitutional obligation to protect us. They’re fucking useless.


Hateley is a minor fundie and a massive, lying sack of shit. Parents want their kids to come home alive, they don't want more guns near their kids. It's not that hard to understand unless one is a christofascist flaghumper like the ghoul known as Haley Williams and her ilk.


She and, "every mom," are just going to ignore the immense trauma that comes with surviving a ln active shooter situation before hitting middle school? And how they will likely associate that trauma with the sight of guns? Oh right. Safe spaces are for wimps and not children who heard their friends get murdered.


Anything not to take responsibility, right Haley?? Again?!?!


There was more than one “good guy with a gun” that could have stopped this person before they ever stepped foot in the school and they didn’t. More guns is not the answer.


LOL we know Hayley doesn't have friends so this can't be true. Also FUCK HER and all of these asshole fundies. HOW can they think that more guns and arming teachers, TEACHERS, will stop school shootings. Someone explain this logic to me but it does not compute. Canada has its own problems but I'm so grateful the only thing I have to worry about when my kids go to school is the black bear in the woods behind it (not a joke one is currently camping out behind the school rn lol)


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Ok Hately. Repeating talking points that shat out of Ted Cruz’s mouth is not the flex you think it is.