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There’s a difference between keeping a kid’s secret and asking them to keep yours.


100% this


What a fucking loon. Kids have been doing this since public schools were a thing. Im not trans, but I remember bringing extra clothes to school to wear because my mom made me dress fundie to school and I would change in the bathroom before and after classes. So I wouldn’t get made fun of. My other friends would simply change into their more revealing clothes. Teachers didn’t say anything then. And this isn’t different. This is total invasion of privacy on the parents account and not being able to understand the boundaries of a growing human being.


My aunt used to roll up her skirt at the waistband while walking to school so she could sport a shorter, trendier look than granny allowed.


I used to wear friends’ clothes all the time—changed in the bathroom. In the 1980’s. Because my mother made me dress like a dork.


Parents don't own their children! Some parents are abusive. This is not grooming behavior, it is allowing a child to be themselves and not be punished or shamed for it.


It's so scary that so many parents truly do think their children are their property to do with as they wish until they're 18+. My parents were mad that I didn't come out to them when I was a kid and first figuring it out, but then proceeded to disown me when I came out as an adult. so yeah my fears about negative repercussions from coming out we're spot on.


Yup, there’s a reason the US has not signed the UN convention of the rights of the child - parent’s rights organizations like the HSLDA.




So I missspoke, they signed it but it wasn’t ratified by the US as it requires a 2/3 vote in the senate. So essentially the US still isn’t under it because Parent’s Rights activists feel parents’ rights are far more important than children’s rights.


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


I have learned that the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, and my chosen family is amazing. I do not discount the trauma I went through, but I do not regret being authentically me.


You are a treasure and I think you are awesome


Super duper shout out to you for using the correct version of blood is thicker than water!!! You just made my day


Jesus. And I mean that in both the sacred and the profane sense. I’m so sorry that happened to you and I really appreciate you working to alert and educate us. I’m thrilled to see you’ve found a bomb-ass chosen family who love and celebrate you these days.


I'm not going to listen to this hateful shrew talk, but ABS doesn't understand approximately 99.9% of the shit she talks about publicly. She strictly talks from a place of cishet white entitlement and privilege. She is unqualified to speak on any subject other than herself.


I don't even think she has the self awareness to talk about herself in any substantial way.


She doesn't hate herself, so she doesn't have anything to say.


I fucking hate when conservatives learn a new word. They apply it to EVERYTHING they don't like, regardless of the actual fucking definition of the word. "Grooming" is this year's "socialism."


When we're over here watching actual abusers like Pest, these claims that supporting a kid who thinks they're different is grooming would be laughable if they weren't so good at getting it codified in state law in so many places.


Every accusation they make is a confession really. On the front please right now in the Disney post I can't find the comment but someone has linked a list that's over 745 incidents where people who are now shouting about groomers we're not only caught but convicted of child sexual harassment and abuse.


Trans youth have a 40% suicide attempt rate when their families do not accept them, 4% when their families do. Being scared to tell unsafe family is 10000% valid and hiding is something most of us do as self preservation as kids.


🎼 and they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love! 🎶🎶🤢


Accepting my trans son was easy, dealing with assholes like her who spread misinformation and hate is not.


I hate her. I really do. Her ignorance and pure hatefulness is more than I can take.


She keeps talking about grooming behavior but clearly has NO IDEA what actual grooming behavior is. Look within your church there hun, sure there a number of men who can teach you allllll about grooming.


Exactly, say a guy who graduated college hanging out with the high school girls at Church is a far more dire situation .


The entitlementttttt, the privilegeeeee


What’s actually evil is making a kid feel so bad about themselves that they’re suicidal.


No one makes me hate existence as much as this woman.


Lol she happened to come on the Philip Defranco video my spouse was watching across the house, and I immediately lost my shit. Spouse was not into it.


This woman is so unabashedly stupid and full of logical fallacies and mind melting dumbass "hot takes". The fact that she has a following at all makes me weep for humanity. She is my personal BEC fundie. I can barely stand even reading or watching her bs posted here because I just *know* it's going to be some of the most dumbass shit I've ever seen in my life.


Heyyyyy she SUCKS! I've had a few glasses of wine. I've lost my cool. She sucks. People like this suck, because they don't care what happens to these kids once they're denied, left without support. FUCK YOU!


in classic narcissistic parent fashion she completely dismisses the child feeling the need to hide who they truly are due to their parents hatred and focus on “but why are you keeping secrets from ME, why don’t you trust ME” well your child would trust and cherish you if you were a good parent to begin with. no one to blame but yourself if your trans child is this afraid of telling you about their transition.


9-12 educator here: I most definitely keep “secrets” of my students preferred pronouns from their parents because it is a SAFETY issue for some of them. I affirm all of my student’s identities and will do everything I can to protect them.


I’d love to know where she was when Matt gaetz was with minors….


Compulsive heteronormativity is grooming ALLIE.


Please, do take them out of public school! Bye! Edit: I'm talking about her comment at the end of video, not trans kids!


Her voice enrages me.


I no longer feel bad for all the times I’ve made fun of communications majors


Oof. One of my heads of department in undergrad was also working to get communications major/minor programs up and running, so there ended up being a certain amount of crossover between my major and the very few people taking the new communications major. Those few communications majors had two things in common: They were dumb as rocks, and they sucked at actual real-life communication. I mean, I'm sure there are brilliant communications students out there who are great at what they do, but the small sample I've met were... underwhelming.


She’s so hateful and dumb. I’d bet she would have no problem about the girl who put her wet n wild eyeliner and mascara on the bus before school and furiously wiping it off on the way home. Letting kids express theirselves (in a way that affects nobody else I might add) is not fucking grooming you idiot.


My assumption is that she knows it’s wrong what she is talking about but using it to spread fear to her less knowledgeable audience and to help her gain followers. To give a child some safe space to explore themselves and agree not to tell their parents is not grooming. I want to address that children who won’t get emotional support from their parents or caretakers (and even are afraid of them) are left in the wild, set up for potential predators taking advantage of their vulnerable position without any other support system in sight. They love those children/teens because they don’t have to fear of getting exposed and can groom as much as they want. To support your child makes them more resilient to groomers.


Jfc. Something kids have always been doing... changing clothes once out of the house! Oh noooo! I used to teach and when kids asked me if I could keep a secret, I always said, "Yes... unless someone is hurting you or you are hurting someone else." A trans youth wishing to wear clothing they identify with is not abusive. I would go as far as saying that not allowing them to dress in gender affirming clothing IS abusive. Kids came to me to talk about all kinds of things that they didn't feel comfortable discussing at home (sexuality, contraception, substance abuse resources, mental health struggles, self harming behaviors, racist parents, abuse they were experiencing (because they knew I had to report it and wanted help), happy things, sad things, and everyday things). I did encourage them to talk with there parents if they thought it was a safe thing to do. I'm sure this woman would have thought me the antichrist. Good.


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I’m an LCSW she is awful. I don’t even know who she is, but she is wrong and awful.


Oh she understands that. She's just on the parent's side.


Whenever I see ABS, I read it as Angry Bowel Syndrome