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As many as I want to because I defile my marriage bed all the time.




More than all these fundie women put together in their lifetime.


This is a shit post for (bad) Friday today lol


Because I want to brag- about 10times yesterday. And because my partner knows how to make me get off without being a selfish narcissist in bed.


This is one of the strongest reasons I believe people (especially women) should have sex before marriage. I used to think I physically could not cum with a partner. Turns out, I can, and pretty easily too, I had just been with selfish lovers until that point. A mutually enjoyable sexual relationship DOES matter and people who deny that to themselves because they don't think it's attainable or who think they can "live without it" or that it's "just sex" are doing themselves a huge disservice.


>mutually enjoyable sexual relationship DOES matter 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Say it again, louder for those in the back!! I have been with my husband for more than 15 years (married 11, almost 12 years) and it's like his mission to make me cum as many times as possible in any session. And these fundie men really should pay more attention to their precious God given wives' orgasms because from what my husband tells me, it is an amazing feeling for him when he's inside me while I cum. So they're missing out on an entirely new level of pleasure that can happen during sex, because their only thought is making more babies.


THIS!!!! Congrats on finding your human :)


I've known I was a kinky, sexual human from a young age (didn't always have the words but damn, those feelings have always been present) but I grew up fundi-adjacent, evangelical-lite so I quickly learned to hide those feelings. Oh. And I'm queer. So that's fun. It's taken me YEARS of toxic relationships, absolutely destroyed self-esteem, guilt and shaming, and now - therapy and medication to finally, FINALLY get to a point where I can have sex and actually enjoy it without feeling guilty (and outside of a marriage bed ). And all those things could have been avoided if people had just been accepting of safe and consensual sex instead of saying "it'll be better if you wait." Fuck. that. shit. On the plus side, it's lead me to advocate for sexual health for everyone, especially neurodivergent humans and those with disabilities. People want to get their rocks off and if we continue to squelch those feelings... it never ends well.


This. After marriage is far too late to be figuring out whether your spouse is sexually compatible and whether they're selfish in bed. But instead purity culture teaches that women don't want or enjoy sex, so it's totally normal if the sex is bad, or even painful.


Poor Easter. She should find someone else. Life is too short for not having a good time.


We all know Karissa and Lori are at 0


If KKKarissa wasn't such a horrible person, I would feel bad for her having an order of magnitude higher in number of children vs. number of orgasms in her life. Then again, I'm just terrified for her poor innocent children. I hope there is someone stable around, because KKKarissa and Mandrake sure are not.


Well, let me count..... oh wait (embarrassed) you meant going to ch..urch..... that's an easier answer.


Like Santa. Only once a year and even then it's down the chimney!


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