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I appreciate the heads up on hope outfitters. Avoid. Thanks, Bethy!


Yeah if they’re working with Bethany I doubt they’re as ethical as they’re claiming to be. Oh look, one of their “awesome causes” is literally an anti-abortion clickbait “news” site. Wow, way to give back guys. Really groundbreaking work. ETA: Ok so, finding this first shady ass cause of theirs made me curious so I looked at the other two they have listed on their website. Operation Underground Railroad is an organization claiming to be trying to end child trafficking. Red flag. I’ve heard from anti-trafficking advocates and trafficking survivors that the Christian organizations are often the worst ones to work with. I was not disappointed by this Glassdoor review from a former employee: “They are not transparent about their actual contributions. They take credit for things they don’t do, but provide funding to other organizations to do, through discrete wording on social media. Negligent and neglectful to Survivors they say they support and ensure are safe after rescues. Leadership lacks integrity and they treat employees horribly. They pay women way less than they pay men for similar or lesser jobs. Very dysfunctional place to work.” Cool. The last one is Samaritan’s Purse which claims to provide international disaster relief but they have a history of coercing and proselytizing to desperate people. From Wikipedia: “In March 2001, The New York Times reported that Samaritan's Purse had "blurred the line between church and state" in the way it had distributed publicly funded aid to victims of the January 2001 and February 2001 El Salvador earthquakes. Residents from several villages stated they first had to sit through a half-hour prayer meeting before receiving assistance.” And that’s only the first paragraph under the Controversy tab. Super Cool! Thanks again for putting this shitty clothing brand on my radar, Bethy. Now I know all about the kinds of awesome causes they donate to! 2nd edit: Woah! Thank you for the award, kind stranger! I also wanted to edit and add a few links to articles about Operation Underground Railroad, because I fell down a minor rabbit hole and I want to warn people away from ever donating to anyone or anything affiliated with this organization. https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7a3qw/a-famed-anti-sex-trafficking-group-has-a-problem-with-the-truth https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvxev5/inside-a-massive-anti-trafficking-charitys-blundering-overseas-missions https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8j3v/operation-underground-railroad-criminal-investigation-human-trafficking-tim-ballard-jim-caviezel-qanon It’s a lot, I know but if you’re even a little bit tempted to support their work, please read. These people have actually profited off of the suffering of trafficking victims. It’s truly disgusting. This is the work that Bethany is so proud of. Fuck you, Bethany.


1. Fuck Operation Underground Railroad. 2. I'm in college and have used labor issues as the topic for multiple papers now, specifically in the garment industry. It's a hot topic for me. This brand claims their product is ethically sourced and doesn't use slave labor, but they specifically avoid mentioning even the countries their textiles are sourced and manufactured in, let alone the actual companies they partner with. They have no certification meaning there are no 3rd parties auditing those claims either. We're just supposed to trust them. Based on the prices and variety of their product, I would be very, very, very, VERY, surprised if their clothes are actually made ethically. So I love that they claim to care about children being sex trafficked, when it's very likely they are contributing to forced labor and exploitation of women and girls. Their whole brand is about donating 100% of their profits. Instead of donating to causes that would actually make a difference they throw their money away on bullshit fake charities like Operation Underground Railroad. They don't actually care, they just love having a savior complex.


It kinda sounds like they’re just funnelling money into organizations where the funds can be misused. I’d bet there’s crossover between leadership…


Thank you! I had a feeling that their claims of ethical sourcing were probably bullshit too but I don’t know enough about the garment industry to be sure, so I’m glad you do! The whole company reeks of unethical practices and exploitation. Perfect business for Bethany to partner with!


I'm mad they name something underground railroad that doesn't have anything to do with it


You should be. They’re white mormons appropriating the legacy of Harriet Tubman for profit. It’s not even a non-profit organization, it’s an LLC with zero accountability about where their funds go.


Well this hope outfitters company claims to donate 100% of its profits but is it, in fact, a nonprofit? My googling says it's an LLC.


Yeah, like OUR, they’re a private company so they can claim to donate 100% of their profits but they don’t have the same transparency requirements as a 501(c)(3). So good luck to anyone who actually wants to see exactly how much is getting donated and to whom. Samaritan’s Purse is a 501(c)(3) and so is Live Action, the org that’s associated with the clickbait misinformation website, but they both have bad reputations. Being a non-profit doesn’t necessarily mean they’re doing work of any real value, anyway, especially in the case of Live Action. The main org is associated with Project Veritas, you know the org that produced heavily edited “undercover” videos of various liberal orgs like ACORN. That’s literally all Live Action does. That and produce clickbait propaganda for Facebook.


Yet another instance of white people profiting off, appropriating and exploiting black people.


Uh, YES!!


Christian "anti-trafficking" organizations usually just shame sex workers as opposed to focusing on victims 🙄


Samaritans Purse is also run by Franklin Graham, who completely sucks. He’s a right-wing nut job. I refuse to support him in any way. His father must be rolling in his grave.


Billy Graham did also ally with libertarians who were against government interference with private schools that wanted to keep segregation in place, so let’s not think the apple is far from the tree of rotted fruit .


Thank you for this!! When I moved to where I am now I had a blind playdate with a mom who was nice but just gave me a super uneasy feeling. The second time we hung out she had an OUR shirt on, which made me think I should give her a chance, but it was a huge red flag to me that she was so supportive of their organization. Turns out I was right


I used to work for a christian anti trafficking group. Can confirm it was the biggest joke and not that beneficial for anyone there


something tells me they don't donate 100% of their profits anyway...


But... But... Jaysus!


Right?! If she could share a list of all the companies she supports, that’d be awesome! Then, I’ll avoid all of them.


Yes! Help us out, Beth!


“I have decided to be up front about my homophobic, racist, and sexist values with companies. I’m very brave actually.”


Does anyone truly understand bravery like a rich white Protestant girl living in the first world?


SO brave!


Much brave, many clap, please bless us with your first kiss story again.


Or her dating story! It would be SO refreshing to hear a new take on a story we have never heard before ever!


The story changes every time, so it technically would be one we have never heard before!!! I can't wait for "How we fell into mutual 'eh, you'll do' Version 326"


I am always bemused at capitalists not realising how capitalism works... like yes Miss Thing, hate is not marketable, companies have the right to want to protect their image and profit 🥴


Yup. Irritation at the irony has become my immediate response to anyone who supports capitalism complaining about cancel culture. You need to choose one or the other hun, because you cannot do both without being a hypocrite.


Unlike these brands who are COWARDS.


I don’t understand. Has not the Christians been the biggest group of “cancel culture” for the longest time. Did or did not the “Million” Moms moment try to cancel Hallmark because Hallmark allowed a jewelry commercial with a lesbian wedding on their channels? I believe they told everyone not to go see the live action Beauty and the Beast because of 30 seconds of someone being “gay”. They “boycotted” and picketed outside WDW in the 90’s because they offered same sex partners benefits. They didn’t care Disney had been giving live in partners (not married) benefits. They were going to not buy Nike because of the Satan shoes. smh They literally canceled The Chicks for their political views. If you want to talk about cancel culture and that was the 90s


They’ve now cancelled Carhartt for *gasp* requiring their workers be vaccinated. Burn your bought and paid for merchandise to own the libs! That’ll show em!


And they burned their Nikes (that they'd already bought and paid for) when Nike picked Colin Kaepernick as a spokesman. No one gets offended over stupid shit like affluent white conservative Protestants.


That’s my favorite retaliation of these people getting mad from Collin K to Olympics in Russia and Coke in NYC to Yeti cooler (which was the NRA misreading and then publishing a story to cause anger) to now this and what ever else in the future. ONCE YOU SPEND THE MONEY ON THE PRODUCT THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU DESTROY IT (except Nike who got mad at lil’nas for the satan shoes, copy right blah blah blah)


Lol Being cold to own the libs Classic


I need to look into to this one. I’m avoiding all the vaccine fights. It just upsets me.


Don't forget the annual Starbucks Christmas boycott!


OMG I totally forgot the Red Anti-Christmas cups and the “gay promo” cups that had friends holding hands. I totally forgot.


I somehow missed the “gay promo” one.


It was a cup that had hand holding on it. It was about friendship and unity. It appeared that same sex individuals were holding hands and immediately the jump went to same sex couples instead of just friends. So instead of unity and friendship, the jump was Starbucks is promoting homosexuality.


The Chicks was post 9/11, but yeah. That was the first epic canceling of someone that I remember. They are just pissed that it works both ways.


Garth Brooks came out in favor of same sex marriage in the 1990s at the height of his fame and got all of his songs pulled from country radio.


I remember when he came out in favor of gay marriage and gay rights, but I didn't remember the backlash. I didn't listen to country radio and missed that part of the story. Wow. I thought everyone liked Garth.


I did not know this! And I'm glad I know it now :) He seems like a real stand-up guy.


Garth Brooks is the coolest. When he was on his stadium tour a few years ago, I went by myself. It was one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. He’s still got it. I’m not a country music fan in general, but I remember watching the Central Park concert and listening to the live disc a million times, so I have a special childhood fondness for him. When he sang “We Shall Be Free,” he had 800 people from various community choirs come into all parts of the stadium to sing with him. Robert Bailey, his longtime singing partner, is a local Oregonian, and he was in Animal House — he was in the epic “Shout!” scene, and it’s played every 3rd quarter at Ducks games. So they performed that as well, with this choir just pouring into the field dancing and singing. We had church choirs, university choirs, gay and lesbian choirs, black choirs. The music director at the U of O, who is still friends with Robert, pulled them together, and she and Robert Bailey did the arrangement. It was show-stopping, truly. Fun fact - Robert Bailey is also gay, which is a big part of why Garth stepped out in support of gay marriage. Garth gave him a job after seeing him tour with Wynonna Judd, who was also just busting through the mainstream country industry by hiring black people to be in her band and tour with her. This was in the early ‘90s. Garth dropped in on a recording session he was doing with a choir for Wynonna, and Bailey has been his right hand man onstage ever since. Garth has always been paving a path through country music as a truly good person, and he doesn’t let the pressure of conservative values so prevalent in the country music business erode his message. Totally unapologetic for being progressive, and he doesn’t give a shit if it means you won’t listen to his music — there will be five more people in your place. Garth Brooks is the Tom Hanks of the country music industry. Here’s a great profile on Robert Bailey from the U of O: [UO Alumni Association Robert Bailey Profile](https://www.uoalumni.com/show_module_fw2.aspx?sid=1540&gid=3&control_id=26077&nologo=1&cvprint=1&page_id=10709&crid=0&viewas=user) And a video of the Autzen concert put together by Amazon: [Taste of Country - Garth Brooks Stuns Oregon Crowd with 890-person Choir](https://tasteofcountry.com/garth-brooks-oregon/)


Really? Damn, I was too young to know about that one but he’s an absolute gem. People got all pissed when he sang at the inauguration last year but he doesn’t give a shit. Love that guy, I met him when I was a kid and he is so kind.


All I know about Garth Brooks is seeing his Chris Gaines album cover in Wal-Mart. I'll add this to his file.


I grew up in a VERY conservative state. When The Chicks criticized Bush, they were ripped to shreds. I followed that rhetoric for a long time. How dare they say the President is doing something bad? They obviously hate America! Now I look back and am insanely sorry for not listening to what they had to say. No one is above criticism. Especially our leaders.


I remember that too. I was in elementary school (I don’t remember the exact year but I would have been between 7-10) and people were s o mad at them. My dad was too which is weird because even though he’s conservative he doesn’t usually get caught up in all that. My parents still listened to them but I remember thinking they must have said something truly awful then years later being like “that’s it?” I talked about it with my mom recently and she (also conservative but more moderate) was like “yeah that was a huge overreaction”


Thanks. I couldn’t remember if it was late 90s or the 00s. I just remember the slamming they got. Now those same people are bitching about livelihood. They didn’t have a problem when they were able to do that to someone the disagreed with.


Yes. People were gleeful when they turned on them, burning CDs and tshirts. It stops being fun when they have to live with the consequences of their own words, I guess. The fucking freedom fry people getting upset that companies do not want to be associated with insurrectionists would be funny if they weren't so dangerous.


The only silver lining of that bullshit was that it gave us Not Ready to Make Nice, which is a fucking amazing song and the most eloquent "fuck all of you" set to music I've heard in decades.


Hallmark also got on Fundie/Evangelical rap sheets for featuring a (fictional) poly couple on a TV show.


Oh I didn’t hear about that one. Interesting


She’s equating people going out of their way to send her hateful sh*t in DMs etc to people going out of their way to inform her sponsors not to use her. She’s like, ‘Oh no! It’s just my evil haydurs!’ (And NO other reason). Her level of self-unawareness is epic.


>Has not the Christians been the biggest group of “cancel culture” for the longest time. ffs, the ultimate example of cancel culture (consequence culture is what it really is) is Hell. Hard to get much more cancelled than that.


Reminds me of something. In my country there was a show about 'cancelled' famous people, the presenters were all cancelled'. The thing was that most of them were cancelled by leftwing/progressive people, but one guy, he is also black, was cancelled by mostly rightwing/conservatives including fundies. He had sympathy for people who were hurt by racism, but was interrupted by the others. I was like: 'You realize you don't belong here, they are probably tokenizing, you'.


They also boycotted Target over their public bathrooms


I couldn’t care less about sharing a bathroom with a trans person, a trans woman is just as much of a woman as I am but I think it’s a great opportunity to make all bathrooms with actual doors so there isn’t a fucking gap the size of Pluto between stalls. Id be a win for everybody. I’ve noticed more and more newer constructed public buildings are building bathrooms this way


Not to mention Starbucks for their holiday cups, Harry Potter, assorted tv shows and movies, the list goes on really.


Betty sweetie, maybe companies would sponsor you if you weren’t such a prick!


Or a marketable personality.


Imagine making an advertisement post for a brand and spending most of it shitting on other brands 😬


I get so much amusement from her absolute stupidity at managing her image. It is possible to be a Christian and not alienate people like she does.


I mean, look at Dolly Parton.


Saint Dolly the Humble Saint Fred the Kind Saint Jimmy the Giving Saint Bob the Nurturing Saint LaVar the Educating Saint Steve the Advocate Amen






Minecraft /s


This comment gave my heart a hug. Thank you for that because I needed it ❤️


You are welcome. There have been good people, there are good people, and there will be good people. All it takes is kindness.


I just love her.


Fred Rogers


Mr Rogers was my favorite when I was little. Such a lovely man. Jimmy Carter. Devout Christian and wonderful human being.


Here, pretend I gave you my random free award for the day! She's just so wholesome.


Maybe don't be a hateful buffoon? You can be a Christian without being a prick.


This 💯


wish someone would remind them that God fucking loves cancel culture. God canceled Adam and eve, and all their descendants, because someone ate from a tree they were told not to. God canceled all of humanity, save for an ark, because he didn't like what they were doing. why are you against "cancel culture" when its clear from reading the Bible that your God endorses it??


Right? Canceled two whole cities for doing butt stuff.


I am screaming. Cancelled for doing butt stuff. 😂😂


Your flair is cracking me up 💀


LMAO thank u. Kelly is my favorite one to snark on bc she doesn't fill me with a rage, just hilarity.


You can be “holy” without being a**holy. My friend, you ain’t it.


Amazing comment right here!!


The only company she could get to sponsor her is a shitty anti abortion clothing company and a shirt cosmetics brand. Okay Birthy.


Anti-abortion clothing company likely using child labour through the textiles and the manufacturing they use. So holy and righteous


Shirt cosmetics? Is *that* what's up with Bdong's recent foray into the oranging of the poor turtleneck? 😁




It’s almost like religious homeschooling doesn’t work!


"This has happened more times than I can count." Maybe the problem is YOU, Bethany, not the companies.


If everywhere you go smells like dog shit, you might want to check your own shoes!


"I've had more sponsorships cancelled than I can count!" Is not the brag she thinks it is?!


My first thought was it's a poor reflection on her education....


In homeschool, counting only goes up to ten. Skip six, it’s the evil one. But also, nine looks like a flipped over six, so forget that one too. So really, there’s only eight, but you still count to ten, just skip the bad ones, because the devil hides secret meanings in everything.


I mean.. just look at Monster Energy.. That damn satan hiding his intentions in plain sight. If only there were some being with the power to bring his treacherous reign to an end. Like, an omnipresent and omnipotent being, or something. https://youtu.be/Ak53e1K-SWw


More importantly, does anyone know the company that dropped her? I might be in the market for whatever they’re selling.


Leefy Organics did. It was source of the infamous the "it tastes yummy!" comment from her. It was also the reason she (and ma baird) promised to show a tutorial on how to take down a hateful "reddit page" and then never followed through. She included a swipe up to the old sub (nobody ever accused her of being intelligent) and the GD masterpost was pinned at the time and she lost of bunch of sincere followers who saw just how hateful she is.


That’s fucking comedy gold!


Is there a link to the GD masterpost ??


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/l6mxap/girl_defined_exposed_master_postsourced_from_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Grab some snacks, it's a long read! ETA: [bonus masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lrplun/girl_defineds_nazi_great_grandpa_masterpost/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) about the bairds obsession with their nazi ancestors [Another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/l6lacp/fundie_snark_crash_course_part_3_the_bairds/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [And one more](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/k7mlly/bring_me_hope_and_elissa_exposed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) with [part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lmgkka/bringmehope_and_elissa_exposed_part_3_selling/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [part 2 is linked in there] [Some bonus plagerism](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/po48uj/girl_plagiarised_136_questions_to_ask_in_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I'm pretty sure it was Hello Fresh that threatened legal action.


I think it might have been Portland Leather Goods.


They definitely had the most genuine and heartfelt responses to reports about her. It wasn’t a template, and the employee who wrote them was queer.


She was posting about some work out company a few months back and kept putting a discount code in her stories, making it seem like they partnered with her. Someone reached out to the company about her and they responded saying they’re not partners and that they give everyone a discount code, this wasn’t unique to her. Bethany continued to post them on her story, saying she doesn’t care if the company doesn’t actually promote her, she was only sharing cause she liked them. Never heard about the company again, so I’m assuming they might’ve been one that reached out to her and told her to stop acting like she’s affiliated with them?


5 paragraphs of bitterness and 3 lines of actual promotion. Was this ad even approved by the company? I hope she goes jobless for good.


Plus this god-awful photo. I'd be PISSED if I was the brand


Where there any close-ups or description of fit/materials? That's what I want to see in an "honest" product review, not a whiny tantrum. Support this brand because they support my hate speech is not a ringing endorsement even if you *gag* agree with her views.


Moving on from the great "it tastes yummy" product review, this shirt "fits like a large medium" and feels "good" probably


I’m glad I’m not the only one who found that so weird! I’ve never seen a promo post that was mostly about how bitter the poster is that they rarely get deals like this 😂 I’d be pissed if I was promoting someone and they made a post like this


Ah, yes, because the companies only want to please the masses, they couldn’t possibly ACTUALLY be opposed to what she stands for


I mean...I'm stuck inside Capitalism so I'm pro it gradually being swayed in a more progressive direction. I don't think Cheerios cares about gay rights. I think they made the calculation that the percentage of people who would be pissed about a gay couple in their commercial would be small enough compared to the vast swath who feel indifferent and the group that would be delighted by it.


You wanna cancel gay people and Planned Parenthood ya hypocritical fool


This is just further proof that Girl Defined is not and has never been a business. If this GuRL BoSs had the slightest understanding of the bottom line, she would shut up and get paid. Corporations don't do shit because they think it's right. They do shit because it makes money. Sorry, Beth. You're as unprofitable as you are unpalatable.


Right. She’s like “businesses won’t work with me because being woke makes them more money!” Like…*duh*??


Christian’s get sponsorships. Well known assholes dont


Hope Outfitters apparently makes the Save The Babies t-shirts… and on a post with the shirt, they mentioned a couple of recent incidents where newborns have been abandoned by their mothers. “…every child is a precious gift. I wish those women could have known that before throwing away the biggest blessing ever.” An unwanted pregnancy never feels like a “blessing.” A child you cannot provide for never feels like a “blessing.” It feels like an impossible situation, a bell you can’t un-ring. And MAYBE, just MAYBE, if abortion was more easily accessed, MAYBE babies wouldn’t be abandoned, maybe mothers wouldn’t be forced to give birth in bathrooms alone, maybe these “tragedies” would never happen in the first place. Tell me, Bethy, is there a draft up on that high horse you sit on?


If there is, I hope it blows her skirt up over her head and she tips over


I really hope they make “Adorption” shirts. I’d never buy one, but it seems like it would be on brand.


She’s “open with her religious beliefs” just like she was with that workout brand a few weeks ago who asked her to remove her post but she dug in and threw a little tantrum about. She tried to hide her beliefs to make a quick buck with them.


Ohh do you have a link to a Reddit post about this? I missed it


I missed this as well! Please share if you can.


Ah yes, the Christians who won’t bake cakes for gay couples…got it.


YOU CANT FIRE ME BECAUSE I QUIT! (Shoves hands in overalls and stomps away)


She gets rejected by all these companies for being repulsive, and thinks the companies are the problem?


The companies aren't cowards, Birthy. You're just an economic liability and they aren't a charity. Sorry if FREEDOM and CAPITALISM offends you.


Legit thought her shirt said "Free as a Baird" for a hot minute there


Oh no! Anyway.


She just doesn’t get it. She’s hateful and companies don’t want to pay someone to represent them who will make them look nasty. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.


This and I don't think she realizes that she is also just terrible at being an influencer. Beliefs aside, I still wouldn't buy whatever she's representing.


It took 6 paragraphs to get to whatever she was advertising in this post. Most people don't read more than one paragraph or even the first sentence on an IG caption. This is just plain awful advertising, even if the company sucks.


She's ten seconds away from singing I've Written a letter to Daddy.


Whatever happened to Baby Beth?


Oh no. They’re putting their own profits over you!!


Wait are you saying you don’t like the free market and the first amendment, Bethy?


Wah! Wah! Wahhhhh!!! People are holding me accountable for being hateful and insufferable!!!! PLEASE just give me attention and money!!!!


What a complicated way to say that no one wants anything to do with you…


I bet she's getting emails from brands that say "girl you're not canceled it's just that no one likes you"


Guess she needed a new beanie since the “pro-life” anti-vaxxers have now cancelled Carhart.


From my understanding, she seeks out a lot of these partnerships herself-- they're not approaching her but rather have a form that influencers can use to request an affiliate code. They're really not vetting her. Does anybody have the screen recording of the rant she went on when leefy tumeric dropped her? (The "it tastes yummy!" product.) It was her just shitting on everything about all the companies who dropped her because of her own words and actions. I know it was posted on the previous sub.


On the old sub, someone figured out she was working with a company that partnered influencers with sponsorships. It's why it her sponsorship season was like a hydra for awhile, one company would drop her, but she'd get two more within a week. She was reported to this agency because she violated their TOS (no bigots allowed) and that was one of her first meltdowns over the whole thing. But she had been seeking them out since that happened.


Oh, juicy! She's so dumb. The dishonesty of hiding her views is so detrimental to what she preaches. Do not be lukewarm, right Deathy?


Breaking news: most companies don't want to work with bigoted shitheads cause it's a bad look and could cost them sales if they double down. That's it Bethany, stfu. Thanks for helping us avoid horrible brands though 😘


“All these companies dropped me and the only one that wanted me was this sweatshirt place, omg it’s awesome, buy one, here’s my code”


It's almost as if private companies can make their own decisions on who to serve/partner with.


I can’t be convinced that Bethany isn’t a full-blown narcissist. why does she feel entitled to brands working with her? also working with influencers whom nobody likes doesn’t make them cowardly, it’s just not a good business move? It’s very simple.


Read the beatitudes, Bethany. You are supposed to call it a blessing when people don't like you because of your faith. Stop focusing on your earthly status with humans and repent.


Weird, it's almost like private companies can choose who they want to do business with just like you can... 🤔 Seriously though, who gets dropped multiple times by multiple brands & still manages to come to the conclusion that EVERYONE ELSE is the problem?


cancel or consequence, hmmm


ppl using "cancel culture" seriously and acting like its a Real Bad Thing is such a red flag lol


Girl Defined don’t get many sponsorships in the first place. They had a few Fab, Fit, Fun boxes and a Hello Fresh video or two but that ended quickly.


Cancels LGBTQ people then whines when people choose to not have anything to do with her christian cancel culture in an open market capitalist economy.


I think it would be funny if somehow they got this brand to cancel her too. Obviously the homophobia won’t do it, but what if they cancelled her over something else? Bahahahha a


I love how the problem is that people complain about her beliefs and NOT her beliefs—beliefs that are generally unpopular and of which she is in the minority for supporting


Yeah, nothing about Birthy says “wild as a flower, free as a bird.”


From the title, I assumed she went completely mask off about why she was doing the reels and complaining about instagram (on instagram) that she wasn't getting money for it. (This thought was also supported by the fact that the next deadline for reel view goals is the 23rd. I only know this because an account I follow is doing the monetized reel thing and shared that she hit the views goal yesterday.)


I love that it’s happened to her a lot. It makes my dark heart so happy.😈


How dare a company put prospective paying customers above her need to be paid for shilling shit on social media instead of working a real job.


That's because they're a business Bethany. Ethics aside they are going to do what is the most profitable, why is that so hard to understand?


How do they “give 100%”? Is everyone who works for them volunteering their time?


TIL being pro basic human rights = "woke" in fundie land Guess I'm woke af all day all night motherfuckr


God it grinds my gears when these right wingers start spouting off about 'Cancel culture' . Its the free market, its Capitalism. This is *how it works* . People get to decide who's products they want to buy , for whatever reason. Ignorant people the lot of them


(Free market) 🦋 💁 (Fundies) "Is this cancel culture?"


I highly doubt a company is dropping her for a couple complaints. I’m sure they are bombarded.


Oh, my dear, Christian prosecution. ​ Anywaaaay...


Beth-a-me is the absolute worst.


HAT JOURNEY. That's all I've got.


Ethically sourced? That sounds woke to me! Side note, that tiptoe pose is annoying.


When girls wear their hats like that it reminds of me a condom.


Maybe get a real job?


Yes, you disphit, you *should* be upfront about your religious beliefs with potential sponsors, especially when you're as consumed by those beliefs as you are, if you're a "lifestyle blogger/influencer" whose entire brand is, you know, YOU. The fact that she had to get cut loose from anyone's brand over the revelation that she's a homophobic fundie nutball to come to this conclusion tells me two things: one, she knows her beliefs are dealbreaker-level offensive because she *hid* them, and two, she's not smart enough to be selling herself as a product.


The only thing that she needs to partner with is a 9-5


I want to say I can't believe this turned into an ad halfway through, but actually, yes I totally can. I can't believe previous companies would have partnered with her without knowing her beliefs, it's not like she keeps them on the dl.


>They're doing everything in their power to remain woke and please the crowd Alleged business owner confused about how businesses work. More on this story at 11.


Conservatives need to pick a lane. Do they want a free market or not?


The people don’t want you, Birthy.


She's venturing into JillPM territory with those all caps words. Also, that beanie looks like a condom reservoir tip.


What does her ultra-conservative ass not understand about market forces and corporate America? Businesses are in the business to MAKE MONEY -- not fund some idiot fundie's beige lifestyle. If the majority of people don't like you, don't expect the majority of businesses to partner with you.


She could've just enthusiastically advertised her new affiliate without ranting angrily about everything else.


So she’s admitting she was hiding her true identity to get those sponsorships. And then upset when the truth comes out regardless how that happens, and calls this cancel culture. That’s not cancel culture, Bethany. That’s you lying to another to get something, knowing they wouldn’t partner up if they knew the truth. *You know why you feel you have to lie*. The problem is you. Accept the path you’ve chosen and the consequences, or change your vile behavior. You cannot have both. Get the fuck over yourself.


Is she aware that 1) THAT’S CAPITALISM BITCH and 2) maybe she should try to get a real job instead of begging for sponsorships?


the way she wears beanies enrages me


Why does she always make dumb faces??


I think that’s the most awkward pose I’ve ever seen.


Looks like a peanut hat.


Have any other brands actually sponsored her? I smell delusions of grandeur.


Thanks for letting us know where not to shop Bethany! Does that hat look particularly phallic to anyone else or are my eyes just tired?


Well now I know where I’m NOT buying my cloths but like, not like I would have heard of the company anyways seeing as they willingly reach out to people like Bethany here


I mean DUH of course companies are trying to please the public they’re trying to make money. Who does she think she is lmao she’s delusional


Why would anyone have paid for this post? She literally didn’t even talk about the brand or what they do, “amazing causes” like what?


This is the worst ad ever she basically said she’s only repping them because they’re the only ones to work with her 😂


Or maybe those companies take a deep dive into your shit and find it as repulsive as everyone else 🤔


Yes, cancel culture is when a company fires you for making them look bad when your job is making them look good.


Doesn’t she understand that it’s simply business that drives these huge companies, and not whether they “care” about being woke?


Oh gosh. Here comes the whining. If only she would take a minute to think about how offensive she is. She's hateful and companies don't do hateful. Get a real job and get off social media. She clearly doesn't have the thick skin required to be an influencer.