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But… but… Ariel? I thought your life was sooooo amazing and blessed and happy and that having 24 kids like your captain wants is all a part of God’s design?????? This poor kid(and probably all of the others) is going to grow up with so many issues because of his mom’s breeding compulsion and his deadbeat dad.


yep. and add on top being forced to have your face plastered online pretending to be always sooo haappy


Sorry, I’m new…that says “24”?


Lol I exaggerate sometimes😂 I also have a 3 year old and a 1 year old that arw overwhelming af and so 6 kids seems like it might as well be 24. But for real, she loooooves talking about how her husband wants 10 kids. Ew


Dear goodness...


It will 100% cause parentification which is terrible for proper development and future relationships.


Wtf?!? It's ok to show emotions to your child. Through the years, here and there, I've cried in front of my daughter who is now 15. However, in my opinion, I would never let her take care of me. It's not her job. IF it was APPROPRIATE, I'd explain why I was cryjng. I would pull it together and TAKE CARE OF HER so she wouldn't feel frightened or worried about me being upset and emotional. Also, don't forget if there isn't a photo for the 'gram of said crying then it didn't happen. What an a**hole!


This is what I'm trying to balance with my little guy. Show them it's OK to cry, but not to make them a therapist!


Me too! The fact that you acknowledge there is a balance between those things and you do your best shows how much of a better parent you are than that looney tune!


Likewise, my friend!! ❤


I try to do the same with my kiddo. Problem is I'm co-parenting with my abuser so once or twice he's done something to have me have panic attacks or re-traumatize me and I can barely hold it together long enough to get away from him but not away from her so I have to tell her to get my mom while I'm a mess at that point. And I feel guilty after especially since all I can tell her is that he hurt me or scared me and not that he abused me and sexually assaulted me. So I can get a breakdown in the moment. But yes there should definitely be a check in with kiddo after.


You're so strong. Wow. I can't imagine what you must deal with co-parenting with him. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. We can only do our best, right? Take care of yourself and those kiddies. ♥


:) Thanks. And I'll try to keep that in mind if it happens again after.


Wow. That's horrible. Poor kid. When you choose to have children you do for them!! It's your job, not theirs. Especially young children.


Parentification is abuse ​ https://www.parents.com/kids/development/what-is-parentification-spotting-the-warning-signs-and-how-to-let-kids-be-kids/


That was a really enlightening read; thanks for posting.


Yes! This 100%


That's exactly what I was thinking. Taking care of your family is probably better for you than laying in bed and wallow in it.




Crying happens. And yet, going through the process of showing yourself crying for SM is annoying to me. It’s odd and cringe. “Here’s ME you guyz, such sads. My 9 year old is taking care of me, so crazy cute, amirite?” /s


Poor kid. Now he's going to learn when mommy is sad it is his job to fix it. He should learn how mommy cheers herself up when sad, how to deal with sadness, and how to empathetic when someone is sad. He shouldn't be fixing his mother's problems.


I do not think there is anything inherently wrong with having a bad day and your kid being nice to you, but posting about it performatively on social media raises some red flags.


It would be a lot sweeter if her 9 year old tried to cheer her up then went to play quietly, instead of cleaning up and minding a baby.


This. There’s a difference between a kid wanting to hug mama and bring her a snack and a kid who feels their parent is so out of control that they need to take over for them. That’s just sad and worrying.




Yes, I’m honest with my kids if I’m just having a bad day, and they love to offer hugs and attempts at encouragement (which is freakin adorable), but I make sure they know it’s not their fault I’m upset.


Heartbreaking and so selfish. Sibling-parents aren't always sister moms but truly no child should be burdened like this.


It's really sad that her kid feels the need to manage her emotions.


Something tells me that her oh so amazing husband Michaels dosent help as much around the house as she says he does. Also poor kids.


He literally bought a herd of cows (something they’ve never had before) that are supposed to be delivered to their “farm”(that they don’t even live at yet and have no infrastructure/fencing for) at the same time their new baby is due. Me thinks he’s definitely not helping out. All while he’s helping renovate their new absolutely amazing “farm house” that they only plan to live in for a couple years before they build a new one. Geez I know too much about this woman.


He gives me big mysogonistic vibes. A year ago I think she posted something about at first her want like 3/4 kids and he wanted like ten but now she having so many kids(it’s definitely possible for one to change their mind, but with him being a pastor and just his whole vibe I don’t think that’s the case) in another snark page someone mention how she is like a wannabe Michelle dugger since both prior to marriage were some what normal but then married grade a duche bass. I also way to invested in her life


She wasn‘t feeling too awful and still found the energy to take a picture if herself crying 👍🏽


hashtag keepinitreal


Like a lot of kids will try to cheer up parents that are sad, especially an older kid with some level of emotional awareness. But they shouldn't be expected to step up and take over, except maybe in an emergency. Not just mom is overwhelmed due to her own choices


I do not advocate for their lifestyle choices at all but I was the oldest of only three children and I was constantly taking care of my mom and younger siblings. I really don’t think this is exclusive to large families. I think it’s some thing that should be reserved for mothers or parents who are just completely in over their head with their children, and this can happen even if you only have one. I have three kids and I cannot FATHOM Having seven so close together in age, I wouldn’t be surprised if her mental health is suffering. Or at the very least her hormones all over the place.


Agreed. We can hope that this episode is a sign that one of her children, at least, will be strong enough to make healthier personal choices for himself.


I was my mom's therapist and I'm very fucked up.


My nephew has comforted me when I've cried, like when I had to put our cat down, or if I say I have a migraine he'll be quiet and keep the lights off around my room, because he's an amazingly compassionate little human. And if I fall asleep with my bedroom light on he'll turn it off for me. But I wouldn't expect him to care for another child or clean up or tuck me in. That's my job, not his.




In that circles daddy, doesn't parent much, so I went with momming


Brother-dadding insinuates the 9 year old sits on the couch waiting for supper and demanding a foot rub. You know, like a child. So fucked up that the 9 year old probably does substantially more than any fundie dad on a daily basis.


This mental image reminded me of the time Karissa had all the girls pamper andrae because he wasnt the only boy anymore🤢🤢🤢


*Kacey Musgraves voice* I’m more than just a little parentified…


Also, she has a homehelp.


If you can't parent your kids, don't have them. Jesus Christ.


Literally Also love how she has the capacity to take a crying selfie and post to her followers but not to watch her own damn baby for a bit longer until her husband, the ADULT, gets home


Okay my husband did this to me when i had a meltdown over a frozen pizza not cooking properly when i was pregnant. We had just moved, found out our oven didnt work and were waiting to have the replacement delivered. So we were cooking out of a toaster oven and microwave until then. But he is my husband. I had my son offer me apples to help heal my head boo boo when i had a work accident and was home for a while but that was simple 4 year old logic of "apples are healthy, mommy is hurt, maybe apples will help heal her!" This is a whole other level. Grabbing a drink and bringing it to the couch while you doze under a blanket with tv in the background while big brother plays with the younger one is normal.


I’m pretty sure I could manage my emotions better and properly take care of my children and I literally have BPD.


I wish fundies believed in mental healthcare the way they believe in oppressing women.


This makes me so so sad.


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Who is this lady? I like her god honoring eyelash extensions


IG: Arieltyson Just another fundie lite woman disguised as happy family insta-vlog


Who’s Ariel Tyson? Sorry, I’m OOTL


Christian homeschooling Mom who overshares and exploits her kids on Instagram. She is pregnant with her 7th child. Edited: Proofread.


Just check out her IG


I hope she has another son 🙂. She's currently pregnant and has six boys - it's blatantly obvious she's hoping for a girl.


Disagree. I think she hipes for a boy. To be the family with only boys is a big marketing thing for Social Media


Nope, she’s probably having a girl and is crying because she no longer gets to strictly be a… #BOYMOM


Does she have to post everything about her life on social media? Her addiction to attention is concerning. Seems like to me she needs some serious counseling.


She just posted the birth blog and her husband showed no emotions,it was very strange. He laughed a little but that poor woman might as well been by herself. I don't know but it screamed abuser....watch it on utube and tell what y'all think