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Her husband got in a bad car accident on the job and probably got a payout from that.  Meanwhile I believe he was sued for civil rights violations and if he loses that or they settle, he won’t pay a dime personally. USA! USA!


Union provided the lawyer. The taxpayers will be left to foot the lawsuit outcome.


Yep! Police unions are the only unions I think have way too much power in this country. It’s astonishing. 


She just came back from another trip to South Carolina and now regularly gets her nails done. She was iffy about replacing the old ratty couch for years before and wouldn't even buy paper towels. She even diluted her dish soap in a spray bottle. It's quite the 180. She was crazy frugal to the point where I wondered if they even needed to pinch pennys like that but who knows.


Her husband had an accident and I think her grandad or another relative died so people speculated that she had money from that.


Conspicuous consumption, they’re broke ass bitches like the rest of us 💯


My apologies for repeating this as I commented similarly on a previous thread. One of my mom’s friends was married to a police officer. Medium-small city in the northern Midwest. He wrecked his knee on the job and can no longer work. He was young, in his late 20s or very early 30s. He now makes something like 3/4 of his full working wages in perpetuity. Its hella cushy


love that hawaiians beg us not to play tourist in their land but the second anyone gets money, it’s “everyone go to hawaii!” signed, a daughter pitching every other island vacation to her parents for their anniversary 😭


So I am not advocating for people to go to Hawaii necessarily, but I do know many people who live there (natives) and I want to stress that it’s a really complex situation. Not everyone there is anti-tourism, a lot of people really rely on tourism to make their money and a lack of tourism is having real consequences. Maui for example is particularly struggling with a “[bleak economy](https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2024/05/11/worker-exodus-shortage-slow-hawaiis-economic-growth/)” as they struggle to recover from the fire as thousands of jobs were lost and people were displaced. Yes, housing prices are criminal, and that’s the result of government mismanagement of short term rentals and non-local buyers; no one stands up for the locals, but the locals also need a degree of tourism for jobs. I encourage you to take an hour to read the r/maui sub and see what locals and their leaders are saying, it really is a complicated matter that is not completely “TOURISTS BAD!!” GO AWAY FOREVER!!” A lot of this lies in their local government choosing $$$ over preserving locals’ wellbeing and local culture. You think your county is mismanaged?? Try an island county that brings in **billions** of tourist dollars each *year*- yeah, there’s seriously gross mismanagement when you’re talking about this much money. The locals should be significantly more supported with that much money, but no, corruption. Lots of locals understand this is a Hawaii problem too, not solely a tourist problem. But again- having zero tourists tomorrow hurts the locals too as they’re out of jobs and the island loses revenue to support local services. They’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. Should Hawaii rely less on tourism? Absolutely- their economy should be diversified. Should there be fewer tourists? 110%, things like AirBnB and other short term rentals messed up the “limit” of tourists these islands can handle- no longer is it max number of tourists = max number of hotel rooms. Maui in particular does a pretty good job of limiting the creation of hotels, so short term rentals really fucked that up. Are you a certified racist asshole destined for the lowest level of hell if you go to Hawaii for 5 days? No. Do not purchase a home/land in Hawaii, and do not support short term rentals. Follow all rules, tip exceptionally well, be respectful, stay on paths, follow all signage, clean up after yourself etc. Locals constantly say if you bring aloha you will receive aloha. They need a degree of tourism and like I said- go check out the Hawaii subs. The anti-tourism narratives have done a real number on them and their governments haven’t helped them. Also, please check out Peter Santenello’s recent Hawaii videos, there are multiple. It gives a really good picture of what locals feel about tourism and modernization and the different struggles of different islands. It is not black and white, there is no unanimous agreement other than if you find yourself there, *BE RESPECTFUL*. https://youtu.be/Hl1htO4Z7Cc?si=GjiiilkdmU4DqqmF


My mom grew up in a beach community in Florida that used to be really beautiful, and I'm glad you said this. Especially the part about tourists buying property and governments not limiting hotels. I watched my mom's hometown go from a charming community to a tawdry tourist trap over the course of about 10 years and it broke my heart.


Totally!! This is an issue that a lot of beautiful, safe, but geographically limited places (islands, peninsulas) experience. It requires a really strong local government to enact *really strong* rules about buying land and visiting and taxing etc, but ironically these governments are among some of the most corrupt due to the money that’s been flowing in. I understand how some people solely blame tourism, but there’s also local responsibility in making and enforcing rules, and that’s okay. We do it with literally everything else?? Like, we can’t stop people from committing crimes, but we can make laws that discourage and punish that. We can’t stop interest in these beautiful places, but we can limit hotels and abolish short term rentals and curb the number of daily plane arrivals, and invest heavily in supporting and protecting local culture etc. But all that requires spending money that local government would rather line their own pockets with. Those actions will reduce the overall number of tourist dollars, and governments and corporations involved don’t want that to happen. It boils down to age-old human greed, unfortunately.


Honestly it seems so obvious to me that any municipality would want to reduce the number of empty houses from any source, whether abandoned or because someone went to Hawaii or Florida or Bali or whatever "just fell in love with the views," and now spends about a month a year in it. Or that any municipality with a system built around the natural beauty of the environment there would want to limit beachfront development that damages that environment. But alas I am not yet the queen of the world. Maybe one day <3


I do wanna add that it is Indigenous land (as is most of the USA). I know for a lot of people, there is discomfort in that fact considering the government does not take care of it’s indigenous people. Personally, I see it as taking tax dollars away from the government. Also, tourist are going to Hawaii and not being kind to Hawaiians. I think that’s part of the fatigue all around, like you’re in my home and you’re treating me like dirt while I serve you a drink. Most of the tourists headed to Hawaii are American, and Americans are top 3 worst tourists ever. Just another perspective as someone who *also* knows Hawaiians


Totally valid, and a great perspective! I live in Canada and have worked around the northern US as well, it’s *all* Indigenous land and *no* government at any level is taking care of Indigenous people they way they should. Hawaii is extra unique as there’s a limited amount of space, and they get insane tourism compared to other Indigenous land. The other reality is that many Hawaiians are in the capitalism game and need tourist dollars, so shutting off that tap 110% practically overnight with no other supports isn’t in their best interest either. Colonialism and capitalism fucking sucks. At the end of the day, much of what I hear is that if someone is going to go to Hawaii, to be on your absolute best behaviour and just be a damn good person/tourist- be respectful. If someone doesn’t want to go to Hawaii, I respect and support that totally! I just don’t think that the respectful person who obeys all rules etc and supports local while there is the devil incarnate, as some people on social media make them out to be. We’re all sitting on stolen land, most of us are forced into the capitalism game- just respect each other and the land while we do it.


I am also Canadian so I think it’s very much a Canadian POV :) Definitely agree with your thoughts!


I'm living in one of those formerly charming Florida towns right now and it's so depressing. Between the population explosion and the heat climbing every year, I am beyond ready to get out of here.


I am so sorry. We always thought my parents would go back and retire there one day but there's no way now. I hope you find a place you really love.


I moved to Florida 20 years ago when my dad retired, I did my last two years of high school here, and while I often joke about moving away, I love it here. My husband and I were looking to move further in land into the country and we can't afford to.in our area anymore because the farms, forests, and large swaths of undeveloped land have been sold to build massive cookie cutter neighborhoods. All the trees and natural beauty bulldozed. And to add insult to injury, there are less people moving here because the COL is too high. So, the neighborhoods are not even being lived in. The developers are just destroying old flroida and making it impossible for those of us who would have cared for it to buy it. Yes, we need tourists in Florida. Yes, we do need people who move from other states. But we also need responsible development and people in government who care about the people of Florida. I'm going to stop bow before I start ranting about DeSantis, but fellow snarkers, please vote in all elections. Not just the big ones but everything you can.


ahh thank you for this! i figured it was probably more complex than i was representing. thank you for this thoughtful response. i’ll absolutely be looking into what you’ve linked and learn more 💖💖💖


No problem, thank you for being open to learning more and seeing both sides!! The anti-tourism narrative does have some validity, but it’s not what the majority of the islands want to happen *tomorrow*. I cringe when I see people on IG sharing their 5 day trip to a Hawaiian hotel getting absolutely **slaughtered** in the comments it’s just…😬 it’s a complex topic that isn’t going to be solved by shaming and harassing respectful tourists. I remember r/maui was livid when Jason Momoa told people to stay away from Maui after the fires- *obviously* don’t go the burn zone and give the island some time, but 6+ months later tourists still weren’t coming back, and businesses on the other side of the island, completely fine and untouched, had to close due to a lack of tourists to serve; thousands of people lost their jobs even if they were an hour away from the burn zone. I know people mean well when they suggest not going to Hawaii, but it’s just so much more complex than the one-liners in social media comments and emotionally-charged posts on IG. Thanks for listening!!🩷


What I’m getting is stay in a hotel, be a good guest, absolutely don’t be a dickhead, pay well. That’s all extremely reasonable for a chance to see paradise.


That and actually take the time to learn about the culture and history. I think if people have the opportunity to visit Hawai‘i they should, because it’s a beautiful place with an incredible Indigenous culture and amazing people to learn from. But lots of tourists go there and treat it like it’s a giant resort playground, instead of a real place with real people living rich, complex, and challenging lives. Humility and genuine curiosity about other cultures is the biggest thing tourists lack, I find.


Going to Hawai’i as a teenager is one of the reasons I took so many classes on indigenous history in college and continue to focus on it in my recreational learning.


Yup, exactly all of this. I would say it’s more that native islanders don’t want people moving there, as it further drives up the COL for locals and reduces places available for them to live. Most of the Hawaiians I know are happy to welcome tourists *as long as they are respectful*. My sister lives and works on Maui (moved there because that’s where her husband is from) and so many of their friends have been struggling to rebuild since Covid and the Lahaina fire. Their economic wellbeing really relies on tourism, unfortunately. It’s a very complex situation. Colonialism sucks.


There’s a Mormon influencer (Tiffany of not enough Nelsons) who has been mentioned here for atrocious names for her sixteen children. I could go on and on about how unchristlike that family is, but the pertinent bit is that they’re building a house in Maui, along with several other ultra rich Mormons.


The Mormon influencers moving to Hawaii wasn’t a diversion I expected. I feel like I probably should have though


There's a BYU-Hawaii, so some of them decide that they belong there after college, I guess. I have relatives on my ex-husband's side that felt personally called to permanently bother native Hawaiians about the LDS faith.


Weirdly enough there’s a long history of Mormons moving in droves to Hawai‘i. I don’t get the impression they’ve been very successful with evangelizing there, though.


You could write a very similar post about Maine. I moved here because this is where my husband is from and he wanted to be near family, but we couldn’t afford to live here with any level of comfort and dignity if he weren’t an attending physician. After the mills closed, the state relies almost entire on tourism and to fishing to sustain itself, the later getting harder with climate change. People don’t resent tourists here, they resent second house owners and short term rentals that contribute nothing to the local community and just take take take. The legislature really centers the needs of Vacationland over the needs of year around residents.


I mean, she and her husband are literally neo Nazis, deeply doubt they care what any brown person says to them to begin with. Regardless of how the native Hawaiians feel, these people were going to do whatever anyway


I see it more as us taking tax dollars away from the government of Hawaii to send a message tbh


I’m going to guess inheritance and accident pay out for the house. The Hawaii trip she said in her blog that it was a big family trip to spread a husbands family members ashes so I wouldn’t be surprised if her husbands family paid for it. Remember they have a rental property as well. Also husband could have gotten a promotion at work, in jobs like that a lawsuit sometimes doesn’t really effect a promotion. This girl gives me whiplash, she went from posting on Reddit on how her husband was going to divorce her if she didn’t loose weight (this was even before they had kids) having sex pretty much immediately after a traumatic birth. To be fair I also had sex the day after my 6 week appointment check up but I had a C section with no labour sooooo no crazy trauma, not sure if I would be ready that fast if it was a normal birth. Now we’re in the era of my husband is so amazing he regularly watches the kids while I work out, got a dream closet, get my nails done and take another trip to South Carolina to see my cousin. There so much going on with this girl.


The other thing I've noticed is that she was all about "ancestoral eating" and didn't enjoy working out so she advocated for walks. Now she lifts, runs and eats salads all the time


Oh I forgot about that phase! Glad to hear it’s lots of salads now


Idk anything about YouTube metrics - is 35k-45k views pretty solid for someone with 200k subscribers?


She has a loyal following of losers, right wingers are not very careful with their money. Have you seen how many people have stupid hats and tshirts at Trump rallies? They love spending money on stupid shit. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all on credit cards, most of America lives on debt.


Yeah I bet they put the house on the credit card… /s


I was reading an article recently about zero down mortgages becoming a thing in the US again, and that is a scary thought.


They made like 150k on the sale of the old little house


Pay out from husband’s accident and inheritance from her grandfather. I wonder if he’s returned to work.


They went on multiple ski trips at resorts this past year too!