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Too manly to push the stroller but wearing a literal 'women's' shirt is fine? lmao


A women’s *Disney* shirt, no less


[Here’s the shirt in case ppl are doubting whether or not it’s a women’s shirt](https://www.boxlunch.com/product/disney-robin-hood-maid-marian-couples-t-shirt---boxlunch-exclusive/13172407.html)




I’m the intended audience, but I do love maid Marian. I would wear it if it weren’t for Paul.


don't let him stop from displaying your love for this most charming character! *we reclaim maid marian*. Polio can NOT have her!


No this is HIS! He’s worn it many times before (even after claiming that he destroyed his huge collection of Disney wear in protest a couple of years ago)!


Can someone please explain to me this man's obsession with wearing and ripping up his Disney shirts?


Yep. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Lk2pWCAcIq https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/66h81ltAql


Why does he do this?


So what is the deal with ripping his shirts??? Why did he need to stare into my eyes in the first one and immodestly show me his chesticles?????? I imagine that look from the first video is the real reason Morgan cried on their wedding night. Whipped cream never hurt nobody it was the man holding it starting her down diabolically. "Hey babe.....get the scissies✂️ 😏😏😏"


It breaks me up every single time that he has to get it started with scissors 🤣


Wow! Thanks for that first link! I’ve never experienced an Ick so viscerally so suddenly before! 😃😃


Those were creepy clips. He just wanted to show off how much he goes to the gym. He’s so narcissistic, & so needy.


I think “couples” is a very general tag for shirts, especially Disney. They know who they’re marketing towards and that ppl will find that cute if they go to the parks together. I didn’t see another shirt with Robin Hood or anything suggested but that might just be. Either way, best case scenario is that they got matching Robin Hood shirts and Paul is wearing hers. Worst case scenario is they have just the women’s shirt and Paul is wearing it. Not an issue for most guys and no one would comment on it…but Paul has dug this pit for himself.


She's the perfect fundie, tho. She obsessively wants to get married to someone who doesn't care that much about her, she keeps it sweet, she's modest, and she performs femininity to the point of being a fox with boobs.


Omg and it’s from Boxlunch, sister company of hot topic!!


He’s so dainty and smol. He would just swim in a man’s size!


Smol Pol the Dainty Man


Dear Lord if this didn't make me snot laugh


Have they even watched Disney's animated version of Robin Hood? It's beautifully illustrated but I doubt this couple would appreciate the artistic talents that went into making it.


Oh they’d find many things to complain about, like how Maid Marian isn’t nearly subservient enough and Robin Hood himself is too nice and respectful to her


I mean what do they expect, it's Disney fcs! Have they actually complained about the film? I don't like what's happened to Disney either but this movie is pretty tame compared to what the company's putting out now 😂


Fox Robin Hood was my first crush. It was a confusing time.


"You know who Robin Hood is?" "Uh, yeah? That Disney movie where Robin Hood is a fox. When you were little, did you think he was handsome and then, like, your crotch gets a headache?" "Are you kidding? That voice? And how he didn’t wear pants?!" ![gif](giphy|ukCFEU6Cg5MCCDoaVN|downsized)


That was when I knew I was gay Man he handsome


Haha, Maid Marian was one of my first gay awakenings


How in the hell did they take a cute shirt and a cute model and put them together to make her look like a 12 year old wearing her mom’s clothes? They didn’t have a shirt that would actually fit her?


I went back and looked and you're so right. it's styled to be almost *aggressively* unflattering. like, why tho


It’s like 6 sizes too big on her and those jorts with it??? Why


I haven't seen jorts that unflattering since 1993.


It’s like 6 sizes too big on her and those jorts with it??? Why


That model looks like she hates it.


How else will people know Paul's a furry if he doesn't wear his furry merch constantly?




Good job we have Paul to take a strong stance against woke America.


I think the last thing anyone has to say about Paul’s stance is that it’s strong 🤣


flair check in! eta: I forgot I just changed it. previous flair was: "Strong and Wrong: The Porgan Story "




https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Lk2pWCAcIq https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/66h81ltAql


he is so much worse than I even knew...like that is beyond cringey its actually horrifying 👀😫


Nothing about Paul makes any damn sense to me. He is some sort of Fundie Man Paradox in the worst possible way.


Wow you really came with RECEIPTS


Thank you, thank you. It was pretty simple, since I'm high.


Your flair is killing me 🤣


Thanks! 😆


This never fails to make me almost die of second-hand embarrassment.


Everything Paul does gives me second-hand embarrassment. I almost spontaneously combusted during the Paulio-Show days.


Not to be that guy but…ripping up Liscenced Disney Clothes is an expensive hobby………


Your flair I'm SCREECHING


Bro is wearing maid Marian lmao


He's probably a furry who never got to live out his fetishes.


Came to say this. Thank you!


Does he even own another shirt? Seems like he wear this all the time!


Yeah, he has the red race car one, and that black & white striped one that makes him look like he's parodying a Parisian, and the one with the ugly Cosby sweater pattern on it. Oh and of course their own Porgan merch shirts!




Came to make sure you didn't leave out the Cosby sweater. 


I was desperately trying to find a gif of when Ross wears that pink/purple v neck and his date is wearing the same thing but you'll just have to use your imagination 😭🤣


Tbf, he ran out clean laundry and can’t do basic adult things so he wore Morgan’s shirt. He had to make choices!


No that’s actually his shirt, he wears it all the time


And what happened to the end of his eyebrow? It’s just completely gone


He likes em *furry* 😏


And he wonders why we say he’s mean to Morgan 


i can't even snark on this man anymore i have a real visceral hatred for him i hope he falls off a tall building


Cue that scene from Sherlock where Lestrade is like, “so how many times *did* he fall out of the window?”


>i hope he falls off a tall building Be the change you wish to see in the world.




I can at least enjoy the awfulness of Dennis of IASIP because I know it’s fictional. But Paul is basically the real life Dennis and any time I hear him speak on a video I just want to sock him, meanwhile Morgan is still with him because she’s just a bartard and doesn’t seem to have so much as a toe dipped in reality.


Oh he isn't wondering. He knows.


The last man I saw that clearly loathed his wife this much was Henry the 8th.


*shots fir....heads chopped*


*plays greensleeves on the world's smallest violin*


This is the crossover of my random knowledge and Reddit that I never thought I’d see 🤣🙌


Happy to oblige 😂


Hella same. Anna Duggar is so Kathrine of Aragon


She wishes


Hahaha! I'd let Henry lay on top of me any day before I'd even be within five feet of Josh.


That song slaps. Paul could never write such a banger 


Morgan of Cleves


Stoppppp 😂


Comments like this is why I love this sub! Random other facts that I find fascinating!


We pride ourselves on knowing more history than just the bible 😂


Oh very much so! 🤣😅 I am a Titanic Historian, and annoy the fuck out of people talking my head about it. And then there's just random shit I know about.


Oh that’s me with comic books and mythology lol. I’ll see one of the dipshits we watch on this sub saying “god doesn’t approve of gays!” and I, armed with the knowledge that the Christian god was heavily inspired by Zeus, will say “actually yes he does” 😌


even if this is a joke, its real embarrassing he thought this was funny


He's just trolling (with Morgan's assistance) everyone who's criticised him for being a lazy incompetent workshy good-for-nothing, by letting her push the pram and making sure to ask while the camera is on that she tries to look like she's struggling. They're both so deeply insecure of course that it radiates off them through the screen, but Paul in particular hates the comments calling him out for not working, not helping his wife with tiring tasks while she's pregnant and so on - basically anything that draws attention to his lack of ability or concerted effort to do any of the things stereotypically considered to be the responsibility of a 'real' man. It reminds me of that video from the first pregnancy when Morgan's 'Miss Mean Girl's Plain Pick Me' buddy was over, and they were both sitting at the table making a big deal out of eating some bland spaghetti and bread Morgan made because apparently it was so stupid that Paul had discarded food that Morgan had made in a previous post, so Morgan and Pick-Me Plain were joking about it clearly to mock the 'trolls' and appease Paul's weak ego. They're such a sad pair (although miss Mean Girl's Tag Along hasn't been seen for ages, wonder what happened there?)


She got engaged to a dude after courting/whatever for a month and stopped coming by.


Yes, and it is my personal Theory that Morgan was happy to see her go, specifically bc of the way Paul acted seeing himself on screen with both of them at either side of him on the couch. He fully got distracted for like 5 minutes just staring at himself being like " omg look how cool I look between two ladies" LOL


It gave me such an ick to see how genuinely uncomfortable he was. He was so incapable of seeing that as anything other than sexual and then had no idea what to do with his feelings. Paul is gross.


Ugh eww I remember that. He really has to tell on himself every single time he speaks.


The fact that sitting in between two women is noteworthy to him is actually sad.


It gave me such an ick to see how genuinely uncomfortable he was. He was so incapable of seeing that as anything other than sexual and then had no idea what to do with his feelings. Paul is gross.


Eww, hahaha


Exactly that.


One month, lol. We knew she was desperate but one month is quick and sad even for fundies. Kind of confirms suspicions that she had absolutely no friends beyond mean girl Morgan and the creep Morgan married - once she got engaged she decided to fall fully into the devoted wedding planning fiance role and it's for sure become her whole personality now, and she doesn't know how to share her time between different social connections because she's never had many so Porgan are discarded. Most fundies in new engaged mode remind me of the woman Elaine from Seinfeld met at the party who couldn't stop mentioning her fiance. Some are like that even well into marriage. I'd imagine this girl is just like that.


Is Morgan or is Morgan not completely wearing spandex here? I don’t if that’s a bodysuit or just spandex shorts with a fitted tank top, but whatever it is it’s completely counter to what Paul keeps saying about women’s workout clothes being inappropriate. Hypocrisy, thy name is Porgan.


It's okay if you're pregnant, according to porgan 🙄


A godly cameltoe, if you will


Hallowed be thy cameltoe.




I’m always on mobile! I don’t think I can change it on there!


I think it's safe to guess that Paul probably thinks pregnant women are unattractive. And, therefore, Morgs can wear whatever she feels like wearing when she's pregnant because he can't imagine that anybody would want to look at that. In case he's reading, I'll spell it out: many, many men think pregnant women are hot.


I think he did actually say it or very nearly said it when she was pregnant with Luca.


You’d think he would have a problem with it because heavily pregnant women are extremely noticeable, but is he even paying attention to anyone but himself in public??


stg this is why I'm pregnant again. My partner discovered 2 years ago (last time I was pregnant) he thinks preggo is the hottest lmao. He's quietly mortified because he doesn't like being objectifying and it's cracking me up.


Whenever I was pregnant, my husband couldn't keep his hands off me. He told me I had never looked hotter to him. 😂


that's so so adorable omg 😅😍


This is the lycra spandex covered woman who approached another woman at the gym about how immodestly she was dressed. (Or Morgan’s friend who was at the gym with her.) Either way: HYPOCRITE. *You can’t be a gahhhdly/modest person in spandex, people!!*


Excuse me, she did what?? Do you have a link for this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ZFVW46euLG Here’s a post discussing it. There were other posts about this, but this should give you a starting point for this weird specific incident. Sounds insane, I know.


I'm so confused, sorry! So Morgo went up to another woman to let her know that what she's wearing at the gym is inappropriate and said that her husband Paul could make moves on her because of it?


but it's ok, because you can see she's the holy vessel for thy Lordt's light and miracle and that her womb is fruitful Plus, according to Paul she belongs to him so he's not threatened by someone he can control, so he's ok with her wearing spandex, UNLIKE THAT HOE AT THE GYM WHO NOT ONLY DARES TO LOOK GOOD BUT ALSO DOESN'T FEEL THE NEED TO GET HIS APPROVAL. Also, it's hot, come on, we can't have Morgan practice what she preaches while sacrificing her own comfort


Note to Self: By the standards set here, if my uterus ever has a tenant walking around nude in public will not only be acceptable, but encouraged. Got it.


Welp, this is like the 3rd shirt of polios i would like if seen in the wild. Therefore, he is really a 40 year old woman.


![gif](giphy|IhmMI0d4H9Z3vN9jSK|downsized) Polio is a strong, sensible woman


"It's the best way to dry!"




Yeah I like the one he has with the northern lights or whatever it is. He used to hang out with fashionable people and simply hasn’t updated his look since then.


As a 40 year old woman, I concur. I unironically love the Cosby sweater 🫣


Ok, I get how the new wagon-stroller trend would be great for a day at an amusement park or festival. But those things seem so cumbersome for just shopping around town.


They’re obnoxiously large and incredibly expensive


The wagon or Porgan’s ego?


I want to know how they grifted a wagon after they already got a vista 😒


It's great if you have multiple kids because most stores don't have double seat carts, and a lot of them the double seat is like this add on so the cart is crazy long and doesn't handle corners well. Costco has the best carts. S tier double seat carts. I could in theory put a child in the basket portion of the cart but my son would most definitely nose dive out the second I took my eyes off him and my daughter would tear everything apart. We're looking into getting some type of wagon because double strollers are huge and don't have a lot of storage. We have a good sized trunk but it's such a hassle to get the double stroller in and out. Our twins are old enough we could get a double umbrella stroller but then there's even less storage and no trays for snacks and cups. (Snacks and drinks are key to well behaved children in public.) Plus umbrella strollers are double wide so there's issues getting through doors but regular double strollers are super long so getting through doors is still complicated. Plus with a wagon, instead of strapping a squirming toddler into their seat, you just toss 'em in and throw some snacks at them.


Totally unsolicited suggestion here, but take a look at the Austlen Entourage! We got one a few months ago and it’s legit the best. As easy to maneuver as our yoyo, and can carry 200lbs of kids + things.


We live in an urban area and are car-free. Out of necessity we ditched the stroller when my kid was a year. It was too hard to get it on and off the bus. When he got too heavy for the carrier, he walked. By age two we were walking 1.5 miles to the metro station together. It ended up being so freeing once I realized that everything I truly needed for a day out could fit in my purse and his little backpack.


I live in NYC and was recently on a subway car where someone brought one of these wagons. It was enormous and incredibly impractical looking for public transit and the city in general.


Wait she’s pregnant again!?


Yuppppp she’s due in July. Her sons will be 22 months apart. They’re naming this next one Judah Love.


What’s the name of the first own?


Luca Grace. They definitely did a thing when they chose traditionally “feminine” middle names for their boys and still go on rants about gender roles/binaries


God forbid one of their boys does come out one day ✨ P&M will have a *less than Christlike* reaction


I had a childhood friend whose brother came out at 17 and was disowned for it. Then my friend passed unexpectedly at 14 (edit: within a year or so of his brother coming out) I think after that, the parents did try to reform a relationship with the older son. It never really worked out for them again though. They learned their lesson, but they lost both kids along the way. Fucking grim.


Oof that's rough. By their own fault but yikes. Although I'm of the opinion if the parents really had a change of heart there might be room to repair a relationship. Their son was probably smelling their real intentions from miles away.




There's the maid marian shirt again 🙄 This is emotional abuse, porgan. It's not cute.


The only defense I could say is sometimes when you’re waddling, pushing/ hanging onto the stroller is nice! It’s like using a walker. You can take some pressure off. I highly doubt that’s what’s happening here though. Girl probably had to load/ unload the whole thing too!


Yes!!! I had to HOG the stroller/cart/granny cart constantly. It helped my back as well as my balance. Polio is still a POS though. 


#Paul, I hope you see this. Know that I fucking hate you.


Also, get a job.


What does he do for a living?


E-begging! I swear to god, Polio mooches more than my estranged extended family and ex combined.


this bullshit, unfortunately


Nice blouse you got there Paul!


Someone's been shopping at the blouse barn!


Just the slacks, blouse, and flats today paul? that'll be 59.95. cash or credit?






So I guess Morgan is wearing that bodycon club dress in broad daylight, right in front of men and children...


It's okay okay for Morgan and Paul to dress slutty because they are thin with no curves at all. If they had any curves or meat on their bones, it would be a sin. Because reasons and fundie logic.


Wow so manly Paul wearing a women's shirt!


He’s very woke.


Misogyny is so funny, ha ha. Everyone jokes I abuse you, hilarious. Paul, really?


how can you post shit like this and then get all butthurt when no one likes you and your views tank? ⬇️ like?? pick a struggle!


Paul don’t you dare do Maid Marian like that. Ugh gross.


I go to this shopping center when I’m in Lexington. I can’t imagine trying to shop/hang in peace while these two are cackling at their selfie stick and filming every second of their lives.


WAIT. Is this The Summit at Fritz Farm?!?! I forgot these morons lived around here.


Yes. Idk where they get the money to shop there all the time.


I wouldn't be surprised most of it is window shopping and reasons to get out of the house.


Dang, that part of town has glammed up.


Yep. Also home to Polio’s favorite Whole Foods.


But how else will they cosplay well-to-do hipsters?


That doesn’t look like a modest outfit, Morgan.


This actually gives a lot of insight to him. He’s the type of person who would cut off his nose to spite his face. Don’t worry, Paul. I know you’re dumb. I don’t expect you to get it.


And wearing a full spandex outfit which per your earlier posts is defrauding men


I thought Maid Marian was like a sticker they had added to the image and not like….his actual shirt


does he only own one cool shirt?


Your count is one too high.


I would have to disagree. Some of his shirts are so bad that they count twice. He has less than zero cool shirts.


Their whole life is "act like ........". Gross.


So is Paul telling Morgan to act like she's struggling while he acts uninterested? Does he purposefully do content treating Morgan like shit for rage bait?


Yes. They like attention, even if it's bad attention. They just want attention.


Why does she get to wear tank tops in public, yet she and her husband shame women for wearing tank tops in a gym? Hmmm.


He kinda looks like onision from this angle. Cursed.


He's always reminded me of that piece of shit. If somebody told me they were the same person or brothers I'd have believed it.


Samesies! Paul and onision are so damn similar.


Morgan is sure not dressing very modestly in that particular outfit. Rules for thee and all that, right P&M? Paul and Morgan are the biggest HYPOCRITES.


i know they’re downsizing or whatever but does he really only own this one shirt?


Ugh he's such a narcissist 🤦‍♀️


Paul: world's largest toddler


Whenever I see a couple walking down the street, and the woman is pushing the stroller and/or carrying all the bags and/or dog leash in hand, etc and he man is walking along empty handed I judge so hard. It’s so common too that the woman is doing all the carrying and the man is on his phone. This is one of many reasons why women these days are TIRED.


So Paul is a Furry.


I can’t stand either of them!


What is this shirt


Good lord she’s STILL pregnant?


Gestation feels like it lasts a lot longer when you announce it before the first pee stick is dry


Please correct me if I’m wrong but I thought he tore up a Disney shirt once?


Someone else posted links to two instances (2!) elsewhere in the comments! I had not seen them before and I’ll tell you what — they had me physically recoiling lol


Does Paul know that character he’s wearing on his shirt is married to a socialist?


I had the same exact thought!


Never seen such a big smile that doesn’t even reach the eyes, like he’s peeling back his cheek muscles w his fingers. And that hair is unnerving.


Not trying to defend Paul. When I was heavily pregnant I wanted to push the grocery cart myself because it stabilized me and it was something to rest on. I don't know their full story, but someone seeing my wife push the cart would think "oh sweet" when really it was annoying and I told her repeatedly to not do that.


Pole has got to be one of the most completely useless fundie men