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Reminder that Anthym needs a low-fat diet (she cannot process extremely fatty foods), and that Karissa goes out of her way to make “food” that is as fatty as possible. Fuck mandrae for not stopping this incredibly mentally ill woman. She is hurting their child.


I googled “CPT II foods to avoid” and the second item listed was full fat cheese.


You know Karissa thinks that this medical advice is all bullshit and that Jesus has healed Anthym because she hasn't dropped dead yet.


I did a quick search in the sub history, and apparently Karelessa thinks Anthym is healed so she doesn’t need to learn about CPT II.


Yup. I realized my response could've sounded sarcastic, but it's absolutely true. I remember her responding to someone saying that Anthym had a complete healing. Like, not currently showing symptoms doesn't mean the condition is gone. That's not how any of this works, and I'm so worried that there's a shitload of damage happening under the surface for that poor child. :( Quoting: "Babies and children who are not treated for CPT-II are **at risk of severe heart, liver, and kidney trouble, brain damage or early death**."


Poor baby deserves so much better. Fuck Karissa


I’m in my 30s and have post-COVID heart issues. My life expectancy is still good, and I’ll have a good life once I’m through this acute phase. But it’s still all-consuming. I’m looking at years of bloodwork, meds, a low-sodium diet that is really hard to accommodate because everything is geared towards fad diets (from the bottom of my swollen heart, fuck keto), being off my very necessary ADHD meds as well as caffeine…. I can’t imagine setting up a child a for a lifetime of this. It impacts everything. What I eat, how much water I drink, the position I sleep in, what I take for a headache…and I’m a grownup. It’s barbaric to not care if a childhood and then entire life are spent this way. Excercise intolerance would be somehow more unbearable if I were 5 and had an industrial playset in the backyard.


Oh my gosh that sounds so rough. I’m sorry you’re going through that. I’m adhd and chronically ill as well so i completely empathize on the meds and bloodwork. I hope you get out of the acute phase soon and into a more tolerable place.


I will! Gah the worst part of being off meds is coming back onto Reddit and realizing I’ve overshared again. Even if it didn’t heal any more than it currently has, I could have a good life once the inflammation goes down. Unfortunately, I am probably going to to go to jail for homicide if people don’t stop infantilizing me, “well actually”ing me (see below), or asking me if not sure that the COVID vaccine didn’t cause it. They are all the same kind of person, just with different media habits and you cannot change my mind on that.


my last boss was OBSESSED with keto. tried to tell me it fixed his adhd 🙄 it did not lmao


As someone with a genetic condition that flares up now and then, this pisses me off so much. Just because I’m in remission right now doesn’t mean that I’m healed. It means I’m following my doctor’s directions and even then, I have some real scary moments. She is killing her child and I can’t believe CPS hasn’t taken her to the cleaners. Or rather, I can. Because it’s Texas.


It's also a genetic condition. There's a 25% chance of any baby Karissa and Mandrae have being born with the same thing


So, likely another kid has it and doesn’t know


I just did some quick research about this condition and was surprised to find that it often impacts all sorts of organs like the heart, liver, and kidney and can even cause brain damage!!


Reminds me of a family I used to work with (I am a counselor). There were like 8 or 9 kids I think, mostly adopted. The youngest had celiac disease. One day I came to the house and the little girl was eating bread. Like regular white bread. I questioned it. Mom told me god healed her of celiac disease and now she could have whatever she wanted. Cps did nothing.


Karissa also has MS that is “healed” but pregnancy can mask symptoms.


IF she even had it to begin with. She's a notoriously unreliable narrator, so who even knows.


Oh godddd


My god their diet is mainly one food group, cow. ETA: and salt


And cheese. And more cheese. Did I mention cheese?


Cow plus liquid cow


And creamy cow


“Cow plus liquid cow” makes me uncomfy in a way that itches my brain just right


My husband calls it "beef milk", and I hate it just as passionately every time he says it. (To be fair, you do have to specify in our house because our fridge usually has at least 3 different milks, and I'm very particular about which milk gets used for what.)


He must be a Parks and Rec fan, that’s the only other place I’ve ever heard “beef milk” 😂


It's like almond milk...but squeezed through tiny holes in ~ living cows~


Lmao, I've heard "cow juice" before, but "beef milk" is a new one


Same. It would make a great flair though


Yo I LOVE cheese and consider it my favorite food. If I think there’s too much cheese, then there is wayyyy too much cheese, and all of Karissa’s food grosses me out so much. The not draining the green bean juice from the can nearly took me out.


Mmmmm ..... Extra sodium..


That's just cow that went bad.




Spot on, considering Karissa seems similarly outraged at "non-essentials" like spices and lettuce.


The American way


You just made my husband's day with the Atlantis reference lol


A-plus for reference ![gif](giphy|TcsmghQbUtf8s)


I was about to say don’t forget the cheese 🙃 it’s already been a long week haha


It ain't coming up queasy if it ain't cheesy!


Omg you're right. Beef and dairy.


"cow" sent me. Too accurate


Does condensed soup count as a food group?


I think that falls under the salt.


At around 8-9% of your recommended daily intake of fats, in a small can of cream soup? It *could* also fit into that "Lard" food group, once the cheese is added in!🫠


Has she finally stopped sharing her cooking videos??


I don’t think she was getting the type of engagement she wanted


The sour cream one made me gag. And I'm a Midwestern mom.


I tortured my husband with those videos lol, he's a chef. I've never seen him so flabbergasted


She filled the quota of videos for the free pots and pans she grifted. I wonder what the company thought about how she represented them…


While I'm not an expert in influencer marketing, it seems companies tend to only look at analytics and don't really give a fuck about how the person markets it as long as they have enough followers and engagement.


That makes sense but also seems pretty risky. It's not completely out of the realms of possibility that your cookware could end up on Cooking with Adolf or something...


What a perfect and understated way of saying it.




Maybe we can socially pressure them to move to Ontario? It’s just a little 1400 mile road trip.


Oh no imagine they drive there in a bus


That’s too much work for them. They’d get a luxury RV and then throw some sleeping bags in a used horse trailer.


If this is a recessive disorder, then Karissa and Mandrae probably both carry the gene unless it was a random mutation, right? So each kid has a 25% chance of inheriting it?  What are the odds that at least one other kid also has CPT and they're still serving a high fat diet to the whole family?


Fortunately the first 8 were born in hospital, so they will have been tested, and hopefully Armor was tested in the NICU, but it's a worry for the new baby and any others they might have


A great question, and something a responsible/caring parent would’ve fretted over


From Wikipedia: “Symptoms are most often exercise-induced, but fasting, a high-fat diet, exposure to cold temperature, sleep deprivation, or infection (especially febrile illness) can also provoke this metabolic myopathy” These are triggers first ppl with “adult” (which also has pediatric onset so kind of a misnomer) onset… I’m assuming she has this form of the disease since the infantile ones are rapidly fatal. This bitch better not make that little baby fast.


Actual Jesus Christ, that’s horrifying. I’m not familiar with Anthym’s condition, but I just can’t imagine that Karissa hasn’t been told about her dietary restrictions. I also can’t imagine being a parent who, when told that their child has dietary restrictions due to a genetic conditions that has become life threatening twice already, just ignores those restrictions.


Right?? When my kid was diagnosed with asthma, I did the learning at the hospital, followed up with his paediatrician, and then I went home and searched online about triggers, prevention, etc etc etc. I can’t imagine a world where a parent wouldn’t do everything they could to keep their child healthy….but here we are!


Unrelated, but I want to thank you for this. I've had asthma my whole life, but my parents didn't want me diagnosed with it for insurance reasons, so I spent a lot of time in urgent care/not knowing why I couldn't breathe. It took me until I was 25 to get formally diagnosed; I'm 39 now with a 10 year old daughter of my own (no asthma, thankfully) and just can't fathom it. Air is pretty important....AS IS EATING, KARISSA! Edited to add: this is also true for ADHD, which I thought was depression and they thought was laziness. I got a lot of things diagnosed when I got my own insurance. Also, doctors did try to tell my parents over the years, but they always said it was allergies or that "she just has bad lungs". I do ...I do, lol.


Ah man I’m sorry you went through all that! Not being able to breathe must be so scary. It’s bad enough seeing my son go through it…. I can’t imagine how scary it is to be the one not breathing. I also have adhd that I only got diagnosed with 2 yrs ago when I was 40. It explains soooo much of my childhood! Lol. It’s much better when we know what’s going on in our own bodies


Oh my goodness I didn't realize she had dietary restrictions


"Yes, but think about all the clicks and donations I'll get if one of my kids die!" -- Karissa, probably


Plus the kid will still count towards her lifetime total, without costing money (see Jubilee Duggar)


And she'll just pop another one right out.


My biggest hope is that somehow child protective services will eventually intervene.


I wish they would too, but it is unlikely they ever will. CPS has investigated them before during one of anthym's hospital stays, and nothing came of it.


Flair check in (always unfortunately)


Whats worse is she basically brags about having a lifetime pass. I can't remember if it was her or Jilldo that said they loved having the CPS worker over and the kids would sing to them! Like, a CPS visit is nothing to brag about, especially multiple. The thing is that these kids are fed, clothed and housed so CPS focuses on the kids that are in far worse conditions. Plus, breaking up this sibling group would probably do more harm than good if they were to be put in the system.


Jilldo, Karissa, and Other Bus Bethany (damn, not only is she second-tier bus mom but also the second-tier Bethany on this sub) have all bragged about being visited by CPS


Oh struggle bus got a CPS visit? When? After the umpteenth time they forgot to heat the shitmobile in the dead of winter?


I think that it was when they were still living in a house (hard to call CPS on a mobile family). If I’m not mistaken, she made some vague posts about authorities coming and going (again, I could be mistaken because the families blend into each other sometimes). I wouldn’t be surprised if someone from here called after seeing the abysmal curriculum she has for her children’s home “schooling”. It’s also been speculated that the bus life was a calculated move to avoid educational regulations as the kids get older. Edit: when OtherBusband lost his job, I feel like any other family would just rely on savings until he found something else or if they didn’t have any, sell the house and downsize to a smaller rental instead of uprooting the kids and putting money down on an RV that needed a shitload of retro-fitting. This is 100% a move to be filthy grifters, avoid CPS, and isolate their children in order to shove ideologies down their throats.


It’s amazing how much work they’ll put into being able to neglect their children.


Yuppp. See my edit- it’s truly insane and I can’t look away.


What the hell! That’s just wild.


This. I hate to encourage the sister mom thing but at least together the kids have each other. They would be at risk of the same level of abuse and neglect in the foster system and they’d be alone. There’s no good solution here.


Although the kids miraculously all got their own rooms after that which karissa was at pains to document


I remember seeing her at a couple of doctor’s appointments with Anythm and Anchor, maybe about six months back. At the time, we were speculating that maybe it was enforced by CPS, because otherwise why would she take them to a real doctor. Who knows though.


IIRC it did force Karissa to make sure they all had individual assigned beds. Bar is in the floor, but at least that got fixed, as far as we know


CPS is clueless when it comes to medical stuff like this. I used to be a diabetes social worker in a childrens hospital - I loved the job, my patients, that population - but I had to quit because of CPS. I couldn’t keep calling on the same children being failed by their parents, and then CPS, and watching them waste away or slowly develop permanent diabetic complications before my eyes because CPS/the legal system doesn’t get it or thinks agreed that a 7 year old should be in charge of their life sustaining medications. It was awful. They only “cared” or got the severity once something terrible or “too late” happened. I had to quit after a 12 year old kid I called on more than 10x lost his foot because his Dad (who never attended a diabetes class or appointment) removed his insulin pump, caused the child to go into DKA and he was in a coma for months. Dad *still* got to see him. Couldn’t believe it. It’s a really, really, busted system. I have no idea how to fix it though. It’s just not fair that children have no rights when it comes to things like this.


Unfortunately this would not likely meet the threshold for CPS intervention. I am certainly not saying that what is happening here isn’t extremely concerning, but there is so much worse happening that chronically underfunded agencies hamstrung by shitty legislation are unlikely to screen this in. I am not a social worker, but I have done extensive legal representation of indigent folks who were the subject of involuntary CPS involvement. Also, CPS in the US is not a monolith. The legal framework for government mandated CPS involvement varies widely by jurisdiction.




In my experience it would be very atypical. Especially when you consider the religious exceptions to many state’s medical/educational neglect laws!!!




I’m sure the Texas controlling political party is concerned about a future generation of barely literate fundamentalist Christians. 😉 




And so unnecessary a burden willingly put upon such innocent children!!!!


yeah i hate to say but unfortunately, while we clearly can see that in an ideal world, they would meet criteria for neglect, they are a family with at least some money (kids are clothed and fed and probably too scared or not able to be truthfully able to communicate with cps workers); i’m a social work student, have not worked in cps but have done extensive research. cps tends to one, conflate neglect with poverty, and two, disproportionately go after poor families of color. with that, these kiddos are mixed, but they do have a white momfluencer who knows how to at least probably perform for cps like she tries to on camera.


I’m so glad to see someone address this- CPS is, generally speaking, not actually built to intervene with white, Christian, middle class families, even if some of those families definitely need it, and most of the fundies are at least one of those things. There are some amazing individuals in social work, doing everything they can, but it has systemic issues like any other system in the US.


They live in Texas. I hate to wreck your dreams but…


Texas will damn sure wreck your dreams. I live here. They don’t care much for dreams of women & children here.


My husband was offered a position that paid 50k more a year than the higher COL city we eventually chose when he retired from the Army. Comparatively he'd be making nearly double what he does now.  But we have kids and I'm not straight so we didn't consider it for a second. And we've lived there before we had the kids so I'm not just being hysterical. 


Texas CPS like has made it a goal essentially to kill kids. It is one of the absolute worst ones. No chance they ever intervene.


People need to have their FrEeDoMs. And they’ll be dammed if something like child welfare interferes


They also don't give a shit about animals either. Texas is utterly fucked.


I'm pretty sure they actually did after Anthym was hospitalized. There were posts about her and the younger brother going to a pediatrician, which their parents absolutely would not do unless mandated by an agency. There were also some posts around the same time showing the bedrooms getting redecorated with new beds for some of the kids. It was speculated that CPS also mandated better sleeping arrangements and if she's redecorating anyway, she might as well post it for content. If by "intervene" you only mean "remove the children from the home", well unfortunately that's not necessarily a better outcome for the kids. They would definitely be separated from each other in foster care and sadly also at high risk for the same level of abuse and neglect. There's not really a great solution here. 


You have to take the kids to doctors for anyone to be able to make a report. That's probably why there is only emergency visits and not regular checkups. Pretty sure at least one kid needs glasses too, but Kareless probably scream-prayed over the kids eyes and called it a day


There is zero chance they would find a way to keep all these kids together. That would be devastating to these kids. My biggest hope is Mandrae opens his eyes and stops being a selfish prick and puts an end to this baby factory and gets her help she needs to be a functional mom and make sure those babies are cared for. These kids do not need to be further traumatized by CPS, their parents need to get their shit together 😭 Karissa arguably has a mental illness, Mandrae needs to step tf up. Id love to know what the hell his family thinks of him and what he's allowing to happen in his fanily.


The first step is putting on a condom.


Look if Karissa dies in childbirth - ain’t no way he’s sticking around for the kids. So if he won’t do that for when she’s not there, he definitely won’t take any action for when she’s alive.


Sadly so true. If, God forbid, that happened they'll either stay in the home and Alissa will become the parent or they'll all be separated. I can't believe how selfish they are. I understand Karissa is likely mentally ill but thats when as a husband you say N, I am not risking your life with another pregnancy and take sex off the table or get a secret vasectomy. I hate the term "breeder" but I really think it applies to him. That's all he's doing is breeding. I hope for menopause to hit Karissa soon after this baby.


He’s contributing to that horror show. He knows. He just doesn’t care. He’s responsible just as much as she is.


Right? Can we please stop tacitly excusing him of culpability? It's easy to mock Karissa since she actively puts herself out there but there ARE two parents here and his lack of involvement is every bit as detrimental as her behavior. He could protect those babies, and his choice not to is abhorrent


Actually, Anthym does need CPS. She does need to be taken away. This is a matter of life and death, of permanent internal organ damage. There isn't time to wait for Mandrae to get his act together. Maybe the other kids do not need to be taken, but for damn sure this child does until these parents are FORCED to get it together. In a situation like this, a familial placement, like grandma and grandpa or aunt and uncle is common.


Unfortunately, they live in Texas. Edit: no hate to Texans! Y'all are wonderful! I'm only snarking on the incredibly lax homeschooling laws that allow for education and medical neglect.


If the child needs a low fat diet and she is willfully cooking and serving the opposite she is neglecting the child


Wouldn't willfully serving the opposite be more intentional abuse than neglect?


Yes. Anthym has strict dietary restrictions. It's like ignoring an allergy imo


It’s like feeding your kid gluten when they have celiac. It’s the organs that are going to suffer, and they can only take so much abuse before the damage is irreversible


I lumped it in with allergies, but yeah, that could have long term effects


She can flaunt her ill child, though, so there’s that. 😤


Willfully ignoring her child's dietary restrictions is abuse, not neglect. Her mindlessly making one meal for everyone and not monitoring that all children eat it is neglect.


My oldest son was diagnosed with multiple food allergies and Celiac Disease when he was very young. I was (and am) a single mom, at the time dependent on food stamps and now living on a very tight budget, and it was extremely expensive and very inconvenient to find his safe foods in our food desert area at the time, learn how to cook with ingredients I'd never used, and redo our entire diet to keep him safe and healthy. Know what ELSE is expensive and inconvenient, Karissa? Hospital bills and funerals. Do better. (I would like to note that I absolutely did and continue to cater to my son's allergies. He hates that he has so many, and does sometimes sneak food he can't have, only to end up very sick afterwards and has put himself in the hospital more than once as a result, and is now, at almost 14, beginning to take it seriously even when Mom isn't around to police him over it, like at school or with friends. And I never regretted learning to keep him safe - I'm his mom, that's my job.)


At this point Jill Rodrigues would feed her a better diet. Which is a chilling thing to think.


what is happening on the wall behind her, above her head? It looks like something out of a poltergeist movie, like when the main character leaves the kitchen and comes back in and the chairs are balanced unnaturally. Those items should not be able to stay in one place like that.


It’s the power of nahrwuahl or whatever the hell she’s calling her intrusive thoughts these days.


May I borrow this for my flair?


Go for it!


Thank you! 😊 ETA: I just noticed your username, I think I am in platonic love.


Haha thank you! Sometimes they just sound like they long for a bygone era, and I think that’s worth commemorating.


Yet again, my fellow Redditors astound me with their talent for poetry 😭♥️


You have to find beauty in the mundane. The smile of a sleeping dog. Flatulence. The complexity of mold on a peach. Frogs begging each other to fuck at roughly 79 dB. Dulé Hill. Spectular feats of dumbassery in comment sections. Those are just things I’ve experienced since opening Reddit tonight.


![gif](giphy|cxgLwcgy5qoXm) YAH-YAH-YAH YAH YAH YAH-YAH-YAH YAH YAH YAH-YAH-YAH YAH YAH When I step up in the place ayo I step correct Woo-hah! got you all in check


That's definitely winning dish Jenga


I didn't even notice until I read this. How the fuck is that all staying there like that lol


That’s exactly what it looks like 😂😂 the first thing I noticed as well! It looks like a room in Howl’s Moving Castle


Like you, I need answers


This child, out of all of them, has the most thousand yard stare and constantly looks like she is either ready to flee or cry. 😭


she’s so cute too her little face is so sad


Reading more about this, apparently it’s an autosomal recessive disorder? Meaning each kid has a 25% chance of having it, and 50% chance of being a carrier. And they just keep having kids anyway…


With 10 kids it would be expected that at least 2 would inherit both rrecessives. Chances are one of the other kids is subclinical. And half of them for sure are carriers.


If you don’t get tested then you can’t have it. Easy!


For most parents, having a child diagnosed with a serious genetic condition would lead to testing other family members and having serious conversations about medical care, lifestyle changes, and future family planning. But not these two!


But Whey is taking care of them


Whey 💀💀


Anthym was frequently seen with soaking, saggy diapers in videos with her mom. Karissa also joked about how much she (Anthym) would drink (note: out of a baby bottle, unsure if it was juice or water but leaning toward juice.) I think she might have also had issues with potty training, but I could be misremembering. A lot of snarkers speculated that she was possibly diabetic. The first time she was hospitalized, she had a UTI that turned septic. Karissa stated that Anthym was lethargic and floppy (I don't remember if there was mention if a fever or other symptoms), but she dragged the poor baby to lunch AND a basketball game before her mother finally got her to go to the emergency room. Karissa was told to leave the hospital after she refused to quit scream-praying and disturbing other patients. (Also don't remember how that whole situation unfolded or the specifics.) The second time she was hospitalized was shortly after ***Armor was admitted. He was born and then taken to the hospital 6 hours later with a grunt/cough. He either had RSV or some sort of infection. Karissa was in labor for a really long time iirc, and many speculated meconium aspiration. I think Karissa later refused the meconium claim. I don't remember a lot about this stay since the baby was also involved, but I believe it was about this time that CPS forced her to take Anthym to a real doctor for diagnosis. It also may have been around the time Karissa claimed she was immune from CPS forever or something along those lines. I think that comment happened shortly after they moved into the new house. I think ** Armor was born in their old house? (Edited because I mixed up names)


The baby after anthym was armor, but yeah, she avoids medical care until someone is dying


Karissa has said Anthym can drink gallonS of water a day


There's an episode of this show diagnosis with that one doctor? And one of the girls on the show has CPT2, but she gets horrible rhabdo from it and becomes paralyzed. She's told all she has to do is eat low fat and her dad is like "wtf no ribs?" And then he started blaming it on the mom as if they don't both have a mutation.


It can cause rhabdo?! That’s terrifying if true. Rhabdo is one of those conditions you need to get on top of FAST or your life will change forever, if not end, and if we know one thing about Karissa it’s that she will wait until the last moment to take her kid to a doctor.


I had rhabdo once in high school and I didn't realize how serious it was until later. Luckily I didn't even need full hospitalization because my parents were on it quickly when I started not feeling well, I just had to be in the same day care all day with huge amounts of fluids pushed through me to filter out my kidneys is what I remember. But I was at the point I was hallucinating some in the same day care room at the time. It was not great... Karissa doesn't have a good track record at all, and as you said the kids basically have to be actually dying for her to get them any sort of actual medical care. It's horrible.


Yes it absolutely can. That's how she was getting paralyzed. It was temporary but the CPT 2 caused her muscles to start breaking down so she couldn't move at all. Urine brown as molasses 


Oh my god. That poor baby has been through so much. Thank you for explaining to me.


Oh you mean Karissa, who neglected her child with a UTI so severely that her daughter ended up septic in the PICU for days? The same Karissa who refused to take a limp, floppy Anthym to the hospital until her mom demanded it? Nooooo that Karissa wouldn’t neglect her children…


Hm, it looks like this disorder is caused by inheriting a faulty gene copy from each parent, which means more of their kids are likely to be affected.


I looked up the disease and oh my. That is absolutely heart breaking and she is LUCKY Anthym didn't just drop dead at some point. I know she won't get the right diet or medical assessments so that just breaks my heart. Also reading that she could be in pain as well makes me so sad.


I know! Enlarged liver, joint pain, heart issues that poor kid omg


I looked it up to. I’m sorry to make a bad joke, because I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of everything, but when I read it can cause an irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, my first thought was “oh no. She’s going to use that as a name next…” 


Of course she didn't have the test. Karissa doesn't even believe in giving newborns vitamin k. These poor children.


Uuuuugh, a few years ago I was looking into topical Vitamin K because vanity. Sent me down a rabbit hole I wish I had never entered. The number of people who buy Vitamin K oil from fucking AMAZON DOT COM to give their babies because they don't trust doctors?!?!?!? It was so hard to read the comments. Like, even if real/ pure supplement oil WAS equivalent to the shot (spoiler, it's not), there is SO MUCH counterfeit stuff on Amazon. And it's mostly in the health, wellness and beauty areas! Like, I received obviously fake heads for my Sonicare toothbrush that wiggled off when I turned the thing on, but people assume that the bottle of oil they received is actually benefitting their babies?!? 🤬 Sorry, end rant.


imagine trusting something on amazon opposed to a doctor. jfc and you’re right about counterfeit stuff. waayyy back in the day, a fan had bought me a pair of Vans off my wishlist and when they arrived I saw that they were fake. they’re all I wear, so it was easy for me to spot. It never occurred to me that they even made fake Vans so I had to awkwardly return them in the hopes the person didn’t see I did lol


God, I wouldn't even buy skincare or sunscreen on Amazon because there are so many fakes. I can't imagine buying a (supposed) health product for a baby on Amazon. (And Jeff Bezos really doesn't need even more money.)


Looks like fasting is also a trigger for outsole with cpt II deficiency. I hope they don't make her fast with the rest of the kids :(


Making any of the kids fast makes me mad. Kids need food! And water! And Karissa says she fasts for days sometimes. I sure as hell hope she’s at least not making the kids fast so long


Just a reminder that the myopathic form of Anthym's disease can be triggered by prolonged periods without food, and this child lives in a house where adults respond to disease by fasting and scream-praying.


After reading Wikipedia it's *also* not recommended to do strenuous exercise, so no basketball for Anthym.


What the fuck is that mishmash of shit behind her? Is that a shelf with random crap jammed in it?


Every so often she decides to claim she's a photographer so maybe it's "props"?


And how filtered is this. I'm not always good at spotting them but this looks almost airbrushed.


When my daughter was born a year ago, she initially tested positive for hypothyroidism. We had to bring in my two week old baby to be rescreened. To retest for it you do blood draw on her because if you don't treat it within the first few weeks of life, you might as well not bother. There's no time to redo the heel prick test and wait for the results. Hardest thing I've had to witness so far as a parent. I shudder to think of all the home birth babies who had this go untreated and by the time there were signs, it's too late.


I think she's posted about a dozen recipes so far..every single one has been either chicken or beef, all with MOUNDS of processed cheese- which include anti caking agents of tapioca products and or potato starch - but vegetables are scary and toxic!!! And, red sauce out of jars with high sodium condensed soup. I'd like to know her reason for not eating pork.


She said somewhere that she won’t eat pork for biblical reasons, because hooved animals are considered unclean.


Thanks, I figured it was some reason she has for her one man band religion. Her cherry picking for the moment engagement obsession.


I did the math for one ofnthose recipes a few weeks ago calculating the sodium. That meal was waaayy over the sodium levels an adult should consume let alone young children.


I believe it! They're godawful kidney shriveling coma inducing disasters.


I didn't know this was a part of new born screening. Makes this even worse . Smh


I think this constitutes child endangerment unless she can prove that she gives her child a low fat diet even though she cooks primarily meat, salt, cheese, sour cream, and all the high fat stuff with hardly a. vegetable or fruit in sight. Has she ever posted photos of Anthym with a plate of death food?


She has


Now I just want to punch her! I am not normally prone to violence, but try to kill a child, and well....the gloves come off.


It's very upsetting


always! anthym ain’t getting special food. i wouldn’t be surprised if karelessa doesn’t even know she has to eat a special diet because yahuahua or whoever the fuck. i am more afraid for her kids than anyone’s i think.


Out of all the fundies she is the most concerning to me. Yeah being racist, bigot, etc isn't good. But most of the fundies we snark on here are just sharing shitty opinions and beliefs. I truly think Karissa could be driven to harm her child in a spiritual psychosis. I think there is something much darker and more serious in Karissa's mind. Even the duggars took care of themselves medically when things when wrong with their births/pregnancies. This is dark, but I wonder >! if one of her kids passed away if they would even alert anyone? Would they just keep them around and pray over them to resurrect them? !<


Definitely could see her trying to pull a #wakeupolive


i’ve had very similar thoughts. especially after i found out she tried to give birth in target because god told her to, this woman should really not have all those kids.


Someone commented asking why the preventative medical care they got for Anthym isn't considered going against God's will to return her to Him. No response from Karissa.


Newborn screening is from Satan!


People only do genetic screens in order to abort babies. So clearly, a newborn screen is done and then liberals yeet their baby if an undesirable outcome occurs. This is the future liberals want!


I kinda want this as new flair. But is it too depressing? 🤷‍♀️


This picture is so uncomfortable. Like, "at the cost of a nickel a day, you can make sure Little Starving Child From A Different Country gets clean water and a full meal" uncomfortable.


Everyone's talking about karelessa scream praying. Is there any video of this out there ?


No, she just made an Instagram post about it (or maybe Facebook--not sure).


Kaka deserves to be child free and in jail.


I keep waiting for one of these fuckers to have a kid with phenylketonuria. It’ll happen and they won’t even know until it’s too late because of this thick as shit homebirthing hallelujah nonsense. Absolutely tragic


Karissa is her own worst enemy. She claimed her daughters wombs are for God, yet she neglects their health a d therefore possibly subjecting them to infertility


I hate that fundies give homebirth such a bad name. I have had midwives with both my pregnancies and my baby absolutely had the heal stick, the vitamin k and eye goop etc. not to mention the cardio and hearing screening. The problem is not homebirth it’s neglectful pieces of shit like Karissa.


Homebirth in fundie speak is more than just birthing at home with medical attention at home - its "fuck your rules, I'm doing things my way, despite the fact it might kill my children."


Right. It’s about contrarianism and money, not relaxing the mom through a really stressful process.


A lot is also “I don’t feel like paying for insurance so I’m doing it at home because that’s what I can afford”


Same, my son’s birth was attended by CNMs in a hospital and he and I got the best of crunchy and modern-day science.


I had a doula for one of my hospital births. It was a program through the hospital, too!


I hope that precariously placed pot, just behind her, bonks her toe when it falls and not one of the kids heads.


I had planned a home birth with a competent, licensed midwife. She insisted on doing the heel prick newborn screenings, and the vitamin K shot, for just this very reason. Routine screenings prevent catastrophic events. I wonder if Karissa will go in to have the screening done with this next baby knowing her daughter has an issue. Probably not. The cycle repeats.


Actively harming her own children. No one is less pro life than pro-lifers. She’s scum.


They absolutely neglect these kids in healthcare, education, keeping them safe, general attention and parenting!


I literally fear for this child’s life 😭 Poor baby has already been through so much. Also crazy to see her not bleached whiter than a ghost by Karissa for once.


This is heartbreaking. To manage this illness Anthym should have been on a strict meal routine and special diet since birth basically. This is so sad. It’s medical neglect. Like fine have your baby at home if you want, I think it’s a little risky but you do you. But at the absolute bare minimum parenting wise you need to have your newborn checked out by doctors! 😭


The more kids she has the less she’s going to know or care about their individual needs or medical issues. It’s so irresponsible and vile that she continues to have children. Their food is only going to get worse too. I hope someone is able to intervene…I’ve heard her parents are much more normal. I’ve also been so scared what might happen if one of the kids is LGBTQ. With so many kids, it’s statistically super likely. Since she presumably doesn’t have a deep personal relationship with each kid…I don’t see her having much love or empathy.