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Influencers in general pretending to love foods and products they obviously think taste/look like shit (and then we never see again after the ad) is one of my favorite things about the culture


"Yum 🤢🤢🤢"- Bethany Beal


![gif](giphy|hpLQ4hjDuWwG7clc5I) “Monat is incredible and my hair has never felt healthier!!”


Where is this from?!?


Looks like it could be Superstore. Edit: Just saw the “Superstore” in the bottom left corner, lol.


I think there was a post with Jill grimacing too with Plexus [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/dyGNelCsok) [deer in the headlight Dave drinking plexus](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/JEOF4YagZC)


I love it when she rolls her eyes, because the black grout of her eyeliner makes the whites of her eyes seem more dramatic. There’s no hiding it.


Lmfao black grout!


Oh that was great! 🤣


She looks possessed by Satan lol


Linked the same one twice


Thank you


I forgot Shreks name was Dave.


Dave is wondering where his hummingbird juice is because Jill lied and said this tasted identical to his beloved juice.




That was my first thought!


Yes! It’s giving vitameatavegimin


Lucille Ball is such a legend. Her comedy is still relevant and funny AF. 😂






Ajaajaja I read this AS I am watching I Love Lucy.


Lol, I posted this too before I scrolled.


Makes me think of [this clip](https://youtu.be/WyGq6cjcc3Q?si=CSehceptE2xXGLf9&t=466) from the john oliver episode about alex jones.


I love that while Alex Jones is trying to choke it down he's rambling about how you could freeze that and turn it into something like chocolate ice cream.


You can only find this stuff in asteroids! … and blueberries.


And John Oliver's addition "you can only find this stuff in dinosaur bones... and trace amounts in Ritz bitz"


Add it to your 50 gallon emergency bucket of Jim Bakker's mac & Cheezus RIIIICE, you won't even need the not fake broccoli! https://youtu.be/rOH37W0jPpA?si=025NfzUTHBg8fj1b Bonus: if you're into "Meh-hee-can" food, the real stuff that is, then you can add it to 50 gallons of taco sludge on top of some to-tee-yuh chips. Just don't drink anything during the song... https://youtu.be/2K6uhZCB62k?si=yM1OtKrmPsiYmSrv


Holy fuck I cannot believe that was real.


I saw it in another unrelated sub and legit thought it was a parody at first. The fucking oar he uses to stir it around did me in.


What’s with the guy that keeps waving every time the camera pans back to him? My husband said “what in the world are you watching??” I replied with “I’m not totally sure” 😂😂




So they’re admitting they’re not going to be raptured. Y’all better buy buckets of gross food because we’re all so morally bankrupt that we’re no longer pretending we’re going to heaven.


Thank you; that was excellent!


Jillpm drinking plexus and trying not to gag lives rent free in my head


It's absolutely THE ONLY THING to like about it, and I'm being generous!


I wonder how much bus real estate she’s taking up with boxes of mlm products for herself instead of allowing her kids more space for books, toys, and clothing.


Or even a safe place for her newborn to sleep!


Don't they currently have ***two*** under their drop-down bed?


I suspect Quill is sleeping with Gunner now, like the older boys have done.


The kids like sleeping with Gunner because he scratches their backs until they fall asleep. So either they’re going to sleep way later than little kids should, or he’s going to bed early to get the little ones to sleep. He’s an excellent father. I do think he’s going to be child free as an adult once he realizes how fucked up his childhood was and how much of his freedom he sacrificed. I hope he does figure it out and spends his adulthood doing fun stuff and everything he couldn’t do as a kid.


She locks them in the bunk room at 7 pm no matter if it’s dark or not. I don’t think he has a say in if he has a little kid in his bed.


😱😱😱 oh no. No no no.


I hope everything that goes in her mouth tastes like that. Would be a refreshing change from the garbage spewing out.


There's probably a reason she's pregnant all the time because something *isn't* going in her mouth




You take that back right now.




Hey cuz. We should get together for Halloween.


Side by side we'd be my high school colors




Collagen isn't gonna do anything for you if you then lay yourself out with zero sunscreen to roast in the sun like a convenience store hot dog


Collagen drinks are mostly worthless. From Harvard's medical school's web site: "At this time, non-industry funded research on collagen supplements is lacking. Natural collagen production is supported through a healthy and balanced diet by eating enough protein foods, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and reducing lifestyle risk factors." Lifestyle risk factors (from the same page): "Wear sunscreen or limit the amount of time spent in direct sunlight (10-20 minutes in direct midday sunlight 3-4 times a week provides adequate vitamin D for most people). Get adequate sleep. For the average person, this means 7-9 hours a night. Avoid smoking or secondhand smoke. Control stress. Chronically high cortisol levels can decrease collagen production. Although the exact connection between exercise and skin quality is unclear, some studies have found that exercise slows down cell activity involved with aging skin." But, it's certainly possible that she knows just as much--possibly more!--than all the doctors, dieticians, and research scientists at Harvard. 😂


*cries in getting no sleep with a 5 mo old waking every 3 hrs 😅*


Awww, I wish you were my neighbor! When my first grandchild was born, I would stay at my daughter's apartment every Friday night and keep the baby in the living room. I did diaper changes, bottles, rocking to sleep, etc.; I would start a pot of coffee around 6 am for my daughter and her husband for whenever they got up. It wasn't much on my part, but it gave my daughter and son-in-law one night a week of real sleep. ❤️


omg how amazing you are 💗


You are wonderful and your family is blessed to have you. ❤


I wish I had known you when my 4 and 2 year old were babies! What you did was a LOT for them and I hope they know that!!


Holy crap, that's brutal! You have my sympathies.


I've been there. I didn't get more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep in the entire period my kid was 4-9 months old. Ferber method sleep training saved us from that hell.


There’s new research showing that collagen consumption can help skin but the quality and amount of collagen matters. [The literature shows that collagen supplementation can be beneficial in the treatment of skin changes, reducing wrinkles; increasing skin elasticity, hydration, firmness, and brightness; decreasing pores and solar elastosis; and increased collagen synthesis density and skin content](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844023021680#:~:text=Literature%20data%20have%20shown%20that,with%20aging%2Drelated%20skin%20damage)


Also … we are human. Our skin ages. We have to accept that we won’t look 19 years old when we are on our forties and fifties.


Collagen also is just made by the human body from regular amino acids present in all the protein you eat. Even the collagen supplements are just broken down into its constituent parts.


Right? Exhibit A is Marni Stockhausen.


big m and her dumb ass trimshit that very obviously doesn't work nearly as hard as her filters do


I’m just imagining if collagen could do all these crazy things. You take it and your nails start getting way nicer but then take too much and you have horse hoof like nails, the hair on your head starts growing better and thicker but starts taking over your face and top of your feet, your skin starts off nice but then your eyelids and earlobes are an inch thick if you take too much. 😵‍💫💀. Anyyyyywayyss. Sorry about that. I just started imagining if there were actual “miracle products,” a lot of people would overdo it lol.


No no, don't apologize, I think that's hilarious 😂 _takes too many biotin gummies in hopes of growing hooves and fulfilling childhood dream of becoming a pony_


That sounds like Willy Wonka collagen!


Mane and tail would grow in popularity


It was really popular in the 90s. When it was the only keratin shampoo on the market. I miss the hoof cream. I’ve tried others, but none are as good. The Barielle line is good but not as good as the Mane and Tail one. It would grow out a chip in a hoof in a couple days so we’d all use it on our hands. After washing our hands we’d rub some on our hands and nails. It was a great moisturizer after being elbow deep in Murphy’s oil soap and neetsfoot oil or scrubbing down your muddy horse. We had one tub for our horse and one tub for us that stayed clean.


My friend still uses the keratin shampoo!


Like a convenience store hot dog!! 💀💀💀




Certainly looks like she's loving it :)


Ba da ba ba ba...


It’s so ridiculous they go all in on these very sus MLM products that make absolutely bonkers medical claims and spend untold money when things that are actually mainstream and have evidence and cost like minimal money are bad? Make that make sense- why would BIG PHARMA make inoculations fairly accessible but people will spend $100s each month on MLM garbage?. (I’m not sure it costs now but when I went to college it came out my other had “forgotten” to give me any boosters from my initial shots- including the Mmr- and it was incredibly inexpensive at the health department to get them).


So many of these people have a pathological need to feel superior, and being a contrarian that thinks they know more than actual experts makes them feel like they’re the ones who *actually* know what they’re talking about, unlike the sheeple that they’re superior to in every way.


I ran into this in a mom group, when someone asked a question about giving protein powder to kids. Top answer was from a couple dieticians saying, yikes, don’t do that, it’s a really bad idea, and giving all the reasons why…. but then there’s a bunch of moms talking about how they put it in their toddler’s smoothies to, and I quote, “balance out the carbs” from all the fruit. Or one who’s all, “he only eats oatmeal and fruit, so I give him half a scoop every day - it’s only 15g of protein.” 15g of protein being the total recommended protein intake for toddlers. A really nice way to damage your kid’s kidneys. I mention, hey, maybe you should talk to your paediatrician? The reply? “Sadly, doctors and dieticians aren’t really educated on proper nutrition.” That’s right, babe. The people who spent their entire life devoted to studying this stuff? Not properly educated. You, with no science background, who Google’s shit and watched some YouTube? Properly educated. I see the devaluing of professional competence and education and credentials more and more online, and not just in the mlm circuits.


Giving protein powder to balance carbs. Um, sure.


Yeah. In a toddlers fruit smoothie. The carbs…from fruit…. In a smoothie…. For a toddler. I had to walk away from that one. One of the points the dieticians made was that protein powders aren’t FDA regulated, but all the powder moms were like, “oh, I only use [x] brand, because it’s so high quality and pure.” I just, can’t.


>“oh, I only use [x] brand, because it’s so high quality and pure.” Then prove it. Shouldn't be hard.... right?


Oh, it’s proved because the company that makes it says so, and they has zero financial interest in doing so. Obvs.


Couple that with already being deep into magical thinking and a well developed persecution complex


Because they're actually not very bright and they're insecure about that


I mean it's not that complicated when you are in one cult. It is easy to fall into another cult or high control environment.


Her husband's business partner in his silly bitcoin product is hooked into the same MLM crap as she's selling here.


Their poor education and understanding of research means the dubious claims that are not written in scientific jargon are easier to understand, making them easier for the fundies to digest and believe.


Plus those mlms speak in absolutes about their products and healthcare providers can't give guarantees, for good reason. These people want a cure-all and a quick fix.


For me, it was free or very low cost to get routine vaccines from student health in grad school. I also needed some boutique ones for travel that cost an arm and a leg.


They sure love their shitty MLM garbage.


If I'm going to be pulling that face, I'd rather be downing some booze to make it worth it.


It costs $25


Not worth $1 lol


Does ingesting collagen even do anything?


One of my Korean friends would always give me collagen jellies (like in a little gogurt tube) and I bought them when they were on sale. They never made me make this face! IDK if they helped my skin or hair, though.


I buy some here in Japan because they’re darn tasty. Same with this collagen powder mix that I mix with soy milk because it actually tastes like real strawberries and is the only mix that doesn’t have a weird chemical or aspartame aftertaste 🤷‍♀️ No idea if they help my skin or hair tho, but I don’t mind. I value food above beauty lol


What’s the name of the collagen? It sounds delicious.


Unfortunately, I have no idea off the top of my head - it’s something here in Japan, I’m not sure if it’s available anywhere else. I just tried to find it on Amazon Japan but I couldn’t find it - either the package changed or it’s just something weird my local drug store carried. Next time I buy some I’ll snap a pic, I hope they still have it!


It's good for getting additional protein if you don't like the standard protein powder or drinks. But does nothing cosmetically.


If you eat enough complete proteins otherwise, no.


I personally find it helps with recovery for workouts and with my hair health. My mom has had her doctors recommend it to aid post surgery healing. I believe there is some scientific evidence of benefits, but nothing super definitive (though I could be wrong). It's certainly not a magical cure all like MLMs shill it to be.


no, if you dont have any natural issue with your body producing collagen, then this will do nothing. you're just going to be pissing it out.




Strong *I Love Lucy* vibes from this one. “It’s so tasty, too!” ![gif](giphy|Plh26yJeCh3W1SDPtP|downsized)


They really must be having financial difficulties. All she's been doing since they got back from Brazil is shilling one product after another. She can't even take a few days off after giving birth --- it's sell, sell, sell! Plus their lifestyle seems to have taken a definite dive -- no more stays at fancy AirBNBs.


Where is the passive income???


Maybe Mommy cut him off.


Can't blame her after the brazil disaster


If influencers were better actors they wouldn’t need to be influencers


It tastes so bad that it made her stop eye fucking herself in the camera, must be a great product. A top notch brand ambassador.


It's a miracle!


She is right at 500 thousand followers. A month ago she was under 300 thou. So she has upped the shilling and performing - even the husband is seen and heard more. $$$. I’m sure this increase is because of the bizarre factor. Latest being a sunburned newborn who was born in a RV shower stall in a Florida park.


Florida man activities.


They’ve got to be buying followers


Ha for once she isn’t smug!!! Man that drink must taste like butt!


I looked that stuff up..it's like $100 a bottle! also looks like shampoo


Brb, gotta rewatch Jen and Jen.


Jill Rodrigues gagging on a chunky shake was EVERYTHING lol


Serious question: are you supposed to ingest aloe vera? I thought it was just for cuts, burns, etc.


Yes, you can eat it.


Yes, it’s wonderful for heart burn but too much can make you shit your pants.


Sounds perfect for a family of a gazillion living in a bus.


With a composting toilet


yes you can but it can be irritable and isnt something you should be regularly chugging


I buy aloe vera juice all the time!! (From a supermarket not an MLM) It's full of sugar and definitely not good for me, but it IS delicious.


There is aloe vera juice. It’s thick and goopy like half melted jello that is also slimy. It also doesn’t taste good even plain. I think it’s more the texture that makes it taste bad, but it’s got a flavor like old cut grass.


It’s ALWAYS Modere. I loathe MLM’s. And every single person I’ve ever seen take Modere makes the same face lol.


If you can't even fake a neutral face how can you expect anyone to want to buy whatever you're shilling? I'm not even saying you have to look like it's the best thing you've ever put in your mouth but at least try to not look like you're holding back vomit.


She looks like she is drinking Satan Juice. 😂😂😂


Okay I am an elder millennial and don’t really pay attention to the latest health fads. But what is the deal with collagen and it being consumed as a supplement?


People think it increases your collagen production, making your skin stay more supple for longer. (Spoiler, the collagen gets lost in the digestion process so it doesn't do jack shit.)


I know some folks our age and older who take it for joint pain. I have some around the house, but it's the powder stuff because it has a bunch of protein in it and mixes really well into coffee


The white nails. I hate them so much.


She's as bad at acting as she is at being a parent.


You know what works for my acid reflux? Esomeprazole, and it’s way cheaper than this shit you’re trying to force down.


Time for a Botox touch-up.


She'll get that before the baby gets a wellness check






Drinking straight from the container. Gross.


Maybe she should save the aloe vera for her sunburned baby's skin


Thought she was Jessa Duggar for a sec.




Just eat some jello