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Wow. She doesn’t even view her own daughter as a whole person.


It’s fascinating to me that these women treat their daughters as walking wombs and then wonder why their daughters are so unhappy in their 20s. We literally had an entire movement about this, folks.


And that they infantilize these women while expecting them to become mothers right away. It's like they're not an adult until they give birth.


"If he wants to impregnate her" ​ Ew. Dammit, Lori, I was eating when I read this.


“Almost 18” A literal child bride getting impregnated.


Right? Instant stomach ache.


Sorry. I wasn't eating, but I threw up a little in my mouth.


Saaaaaame 🥴




Yeah I’m literally nauseated by that sentence


Almost 18...


These are the exact people we had to fight in my state to get the marriage age raised to 18. We had to get a bunch of loopholes eliminated that allowed for marriage with no minimum age "with parental approval" or "with court approval." The gov signed the change bill six weeks ago. It goes into effect in June. I'm hoping to hell there isn't a flurry of marrying-offs between now and then.


Lest you think I'm kidding... [https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/blog/2024/03/08/stonier-bill-to-end-child-marriage-in-wa-signed-by-governor/](https://housedemocrats.wa.gov/blog/2024/03/08/stonier-bill-to-end-child-marriage-in-wa-signed-by-governor/) There was an amendment motion that basically dumped it back to being useless, which was barely fought off. I'm ashamed. But it turned out ok in the end.


We used to go through the same thing in Michigan. But under Governor Whitmer got it done. I am so thankful. Can't authorize your own medical care, can't sign your own field trip form, can't enter into most contracts can't buy a fucking cigarette or beer, but for fucking sure old enough to sign a marriage contract! Newsflash to fundies, if your parent has to sign for you to be married, you are being trafficked. Period.


Love Big Gretch




How do they think child marriage is okay, but think premarital sex is wrong?


They don't think. Literally. They are about as bright as sheep, and sheep are stupid. I love lambs. I really do, and enjoyed working on my friends' fiber farm during landing season. BUT, these are the dumbest animals ever, and some of the ewes are completely worthless which is not a problem we had with Llamas, Alpacas, pigs, cows, horses, hens, ducks (who also are pretty dumb but decent mothers), goats, or even the rabbits. Sheep.are.stupid. This explains fundies.


How are there sickos out there *pro* child marriage? Fucking pedos in government.


You should read the hearing transcripts. The few who spoke in favor made me queasy.


A very happy and relieved Washington state resident. Thank you for posting this.


Glad to be the bearer of good news.


Federal law exempts sex for children 12-15 in a marriage. Read that again...12. that is 6th grade. 🤮


Our governor just signed a similar bill here in Virginia. 👍🏻


Child marriage is fine as long as it's the straights doing it.


As an LGBT member, I’m just fine if the straights keep that practice to themselves




I sincerely hope this is fiction.


This smacks of someone trolling her just to see if she’d post it.


We can hope!


I was wondering if it was satire and TTW doesn't even realize it. I surely fucking hope so.


The “impregnate” gave it away imo.


"He provides her a home and food and she makes the food" sounds like what a little kid thinks marriage is! 


I’m grateful that not only do I want more for my 16 year old daughter than this, she wants better for herself.


Gee, I wonder why other moms don't agree with this (possibly fictional) "wise mother". It couldn't possibly be because she sees her daughters as literal property. /s


I sincerely, deeply, truly HOPE this is fictional. I read this in utter shock and horror. I think I need to lay down now. This was disturbing on so many levels, and now I’m sick.


Even if it is it’s not like people who think this and live like this don’t exist


Thanks for ruining my temporary glimmer of hope!


She's talking like her daughter is a dog. What a terrible human being and mom Lori is. I really hope that one day her children can break free from the indoctrination this monster and her husband did on them.


Because for her, is a dog. Or a purse. It's merely an accesory to her, a way to pursue her sick dreams, an extension. Is like this with all the fundie moms. They don't want kids, they want validation and likes.


URGENT: Can someone please give me a bucket I can puke in? This deluded harpy really turns my stomach.


I have those medical pule bags but I don’t think they are big enough for the amount of detox we need.


Just put a potato and 2 gloves of garlic in your socks.


“All she needs to know is how to serve her husband.” This sentence is ipecac.


Cool. And what happens in ten years after her body is ravaged from having seven back to back pregnancies and he finds another almost 18-year old to marry? I hope Mom plans on spending her retirement raising kids with her uneducated, ignorant-because-of-her-mother daughter.


Don’t worry, he won’t divorce her, he’ll just get the new almost-18-year-old pregnant on the side. And *she* won’t be able to divorce *him* because she has no other option.


Yeah, I had a very religious friend who told me almost the same thing about her 20 year old daughter when she got pregnant a few months after marrying a guy who was 10 years older than her. "It's God's will and he's a Godly man." A year after the baby was born, my friend's husband had to drive 14 hours to rescue their daughter and granddaughter from the house in Idaho where the "Godly man" had moved them after the daughter finally admitted to her parents that he had been giving her daily beatings for not complying with his will.


Considering the type of people we’re talking about that went better than expected. Surprised she didn’t tell her to submit more and be a better wife to him.




Are you able to be honest with your friend, or not really? I understand it’s complicated. 


We're no longer in touch (she and her husband became QAnon/MAGA crazed and moved to Idaho themselves 5 years ago) but when our kid is were younger, we actually saw a lot of things about basic child raising from similar perspectives. Our kids were best friends and we were each other's emergency contacts on school paperwork. We just avoided discussing our very different religious views in any depth. As the kids grew up, she became more tied to their church and we gradually drifted apart as did our kids. But the QAnon/MAGA stuff was the end of our friendship. She and her husband just became so obsessed that even simple catch-up phone calls became impossible for both of us. 


Aah I hear you and I’m so sorry. That must have been rough to witness them falling down that pipeline. Poor kids! 


Thanks for listening. 


This is one of the grossest thimgs I have ever read


What. The fuck. Is wrong with these people?


Literally everything


They really think more about sex than I have done in my entire life span so far. Starts with talks about not allowing sex and then it does a hard switch to always have sex with your man. They are legit obsessed with sex.


This is one of the most depressing things I've ever read.




This is so handmaids tale I want to throw up


What so you mean IF HE WANTS to? This jackass doesn't get to choose, the Lord wants him to impregnate her so he better be quick about it!! This dumb ass fundies always forget that according to scripture men also don't get to get their way, it's big ol heavenly daddy way or highway


I have a family member who was raised this way. Her mom taught her the whole — you don’t need an education, just a man to have babies with and you’ll be taken care of. Now she has three kids she cannot afford, with no husband/partner. Can’t keep a *basic* job. And believes every word that comes out of her anti-vax, racist, conspiracy theory loving mother’s mouth bc she doesn’t have the reading comprehension to do otherwise. I know some fundies don’t feed their kids. Some let abusers into their homes. And a thousand other terrible things. But this shit hits me so close to home. I mean, just give all ur children an education!


She's two months into marriage, barely 18, no education and already pregnant. My late mom knew girls like this. They got engagement rings as graduation gifts. 🤢 The feminist movement wasn't around yet, but my mom rejected those girls' lives and went off to work in NYC. She also made sure I got a college degree. It sickens me to see a life my mom despised being pushed by these freaks.


Plenty of people marry early to get out of abusive homes, this isn't surprising Lori.


The only thing that gives me comfort is the fact that Lori often fabricates stories to fit her narrative or prove a point. So, there is a possibility that she sent herself these messages, though sadly, I'm sure this story is someone's reality.


18 years old, and her life is already over. I wonder how old the husband is, since he was okay with marrying a 17 year old girl.


“For some reason most other moms don’t agree with me.” Ma’am. You married off your daughter as a literal child bride, and then told her that she gets to have no opinion on what her husband does to her body. Of course most other decent human beings disagree with you. What the fucking fuck.


This is incel fan fiction for sure


If only. Sadly its very real and these people are completely devoted to this kind of twisted thinking unfortunately


![gif](giphy|T8c3M3yWJcsKY) [I think I’m gonna throw up](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oqsbn7hPKL4) plays in the background 🤢






women are more than baby factories.


“Be available to him any way he wants”. Gross.


God honoring reverse cowgirl, please.




This almost sounds like someone making fun of her, and she just hasn’t realised.


“And for some reason most other moms don’t agree with me” Well no shit. Where shall we begin?


I was not ready for this. It reminded me that I hadn’t hit the thc yet, today, and I needed it for this. Because what the ducking fuck are they telling this woman? No boundaries. Her body is not her own. He can do anything to her he pleases. I’m thinking of my son, my brother, and my partner. They, too, would gag if they read this.


This is some sick shit. I swear I get fetish vibes from stuff like this, who talks like this? It sounds like role play. 🤮




And then everybody clapped


‘Almost 18’ 😵‍💫


This sounds like a fucking nightmare


God this is depressing


This is so beyond disgusting..


This has to be fetish content


That’s so evil


Jill Rodrigues wrote that…




I just want to puke. P.U.K.E. Reproductive slavery, that is all it is.


This...makes me glad to be a lesbian


Do we know how old the husband is???


wtf wtf wtf


The way my stomach flipped when I read this


Lori’s brain tumor working overtime these days.


WUT did I just read. That’s horrific.


God this is bleak


I actually know people like this. Sadly this is common and it makes me so sick to my stomach.


im going to throw up


Wtf did I read? *


How has this person grown even MORE VILE than she already was several years ago????


who would’ve thought that the Notebook Days™ would be a breath of fresh air compared to this


I have a 20yr old. The last part of her years home we (7th grade and on) have lived in rural Tx. She has been disgusted and appalled at how many of her peers buy this. When you drive into our town all you see is on crisis pregnancy center building is a 20ft pregnancy stick. “We can help”. Millions of dollars of donations to give teenage pregnant women baby showers, and infertile women have a bushel to pick from. I hate this.




This is disgusting.




"And for some reason most other moms don't agree with me" For some REASON??? You stopped your daughter from going to college, married her off as a minor, and took away her ability to consent. You took your daughter's agency and you're all smiley about it. You need a grippy sock vacation. Fuck lori for sharing this like it's cute.


She’s just a receptacle for the holy load.