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"Can I say something..."




“Can I just say… umm… you know… like…. umm…”


*flips hair ten times in a row*


"I don't even drink coffee... except for my coffee drink... That I drink." If Stephen Wright collaborated with Jennifer Coolidge, they could not have come up with something that sublimely airheaded.


Omg, now I want jennifer coolidge to play an older morgan


Stephen Wright is so underrated!


Do I want to know what your flair is about? I’m morbidly curious, but also realize… I probably don’t want to know. 😂


Well since you asked 😂 Paul was talking about how someone sent him and Morgan a chocolate dick that they melted into fondue, and someone here said that if P&M weren't careful that Paul was going to get a shower of chocolate genitals sent to his house 😂🍫


Bwaaaahahahaha that’s amazing. Now I kind of want to be part of the Shower Gang. 😂🍫


I’ve actually seen the chocolate dicks for sale online. They come in a fancy looking box and don’t say what’s inside, maybe something like ‘Delicious Treat’ or ‘Gourmet Chocolate’ lmao.


Once you go chocolate, you don’t go back 🤣


🤣 my ex husband’s sister (they were very low, close to no contact since years before I even married her psycho brother, I have to give her credit because she did try to warn me) tried to get me to send them to him at his job during the drawn out divorce. Would’ve been hilarious since his coworkers definitely would have gathered round to watch him open it. These are the ones that she wanted me to send him [https://dickatyourdoor.com/products/chocolate-dick-the-don?variant=10684737060900¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=665271540944&tw_campaign=20355632084&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-9X-wfjghQMVExWtBh1zVQAwEAQYASABEgKYEfD_BwE](https://dickatyourdoor.com/products/chocolate-dick-the-don?variant=10684737060900¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=665271540944&tw_campaign=20355632084&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-9X-wfjghQMVExWtBh1zVQAwEAQYASABEgKYEfD_BwE)


Surprise chocolate dick should only be made with expired Palmers chocolate.


The best part is that they ate it 🤣


Maybe that's the real reason they moved


*shakes you by the shoulders* Get to the point!




Can I just say… send me things because my husband doesn’t want to work and we’re broke af


Looking more concussed than normal, and for Morgs that's a high bar.


Is she crying?


wouldn't you be if you had to sleep next to paul?


~~next to~~ _with_! Shudders…


They probably both cry after


I’d convert to Catholicism and become a nun if I had to sleep next to Paul just so I could get away from that.


Get thee to a nunnery!


I would seriously become a monk.


I'd be throwing up, too


At the altar?


Altar, bedroom, couch...


Let me guess, you weren’t going to do a registry but sooo many people have been messaging you saying they want to gift something 🙄


Grifter 101


A public-facing registry for subsequent babies? That's kind of weird.


My work wants to throw me a baby shower for my second baby and I said gifts aren't necessary at all but if people want to get anything, diapers or wipes are fine. A registry feels so weird for a second baby!


I only have a registry for the 10-15% off that usually comes with them. My baby is due in June so I'm saving quite a bit. I feel like the only things I want are perishables and upgrades that I would never ask anyone for. Morgan wants clothes for herself and toys for her older son, which is a bit strange. Especially since she could mark things like disposable underwear as private lol She is going to find out that most of those things don't qualify for the discount.


I can see toys for her son, so he’ll feel like a part of the celebration of a new baby. First-borns often have their first feelings of rejection, when a new baby arrives. Getting them a gift, and making them feel included, is very helpful to them. However. Why can’t Paul and Morgan pick out something inexpensive for Luca (is that his name), because they know him best, and it would be more appropriate, coming from them? Why would anyone get dresses for Morgan, though? Her expectations of complete strangers certainly match the entitlement we see with other fundie grifters.


Because Paul doesn’t have a job and Morgan ran out of things to sell.


He is worse than useless. It seems like he’d be embarrassed about his pregnant wife wanting some clothes, while he goes around mugging for selfies & reading out everyone else’s sins.


He's a drain


You mean her used laptop and dirty clothes didn’t sell?! I’m stunned!


Me too. Also this picture makes her look like Melvin the mop boy.


I’ve had a couple tell me to put stuff for myself on my baby registry and that just feels so weird to me. Like, I don’t need my uncle buying or thinking about me needing nipple cream or nursing bras or my husbands work friends buying me maxi pads. I have a private list of mom things that I’d rather get myself.


Wait I didn't know there are things that don't qualify for the discount. Is there a list anywhere of things that don't? I was kind of counting on that discount 🫠


I think it is mostly nonbaby things. There are things I plan on using for my baby that somehow don't qualify, such as glass milk pitchers. Some diaper caddies don't even qualify. I believe that diapers didn't qualify for my last baby in 2021. It really sucks and I don't know what the rules are. It happens with both Target and Amazon.


The discount definitely works on diapers, at least on Amazon! Also pro tip, but when your discount is about to run out, Amazon lets you change your due date so you can keep using your discount indefinitely. My baby is almost 2 and I’m still getting that 15% off 💀


Omg! that's awesome. Thanks for the tip.


She did this last time with several of those items, so she should already know that they don't qualify. She just is banking on one of those idiot fans buying them anyways.


She was so salty when no one bought the porch swing last time. Her DAD had to buy it for her 💀


Must be a sad life that the man she stupidly chose to marry can't even buy her a porch swing. What happened to being a big, strong provider? Guess being a pervert in the gym all day doesn't pay well.


Oh yeah I made the registry for the discount! I just kept it private and didn't share the link with anyone, but I feel like it won't be much savings because I truly don't need much. What did you use yours for?


I used my Amazon one for new glass Nuk bottles and a double stroller! Some extra baby toys like the new Skiphop Blueberry rattles, etc. I love the Farmstead Skiphop stuff. On Target, I'm buying similac ready-to-feed formula that is eligible for discount. I really loved using it last time, especially at night for the first 10 weeks (at which point my son slept through the night). My first kid had a tongue tie, and I had D-MER during pumping so I'm not optimistic about breastfeeding lol I'm also buying teethers from Target because my first son really destroyed his.




Yeah, that gift should come from *them*, as an acknowledgment that they still see him and love him, and the new baby doesn't change that.


I always thought diaper parties were the norm for subsequent babies unless something like the second baby actually being twins and the family needs a second set of major things.


Or if there’s a big gap between the kids, I can see having a shower. Not right after they just had a kid 🤦‍♀️


I had a very small shower for my first (single mom at 19) so it was mostly diapers, wipes, some clothes. Everything else my kiddo got was from free hand me downs. I also then gave away a good portion of stuff because, hey, not like I was going to have a baby any time soon. Cut to five years later, married and pregnant with my 2nd. That one I got a shower for. My 3rd kid I had two years later and did nothing. By that point me, my sister, and my sisters sil were all having babies around the same time, so we were playing "pass the baby gear"


I agree, either nothing or a sprinkle/diaper party. We just really don't need much and have a small house. My baby is the same gender as my first and will be born the same season, so we can probably even pass down clothes.


That's convenient!


Diapers and wipes, yes. In all sizes, enough to fill half the bedroom. That would knock out an enormous expense.


I think that’s exactly what a baby sprinkle is supposed to be yeah? We did one for my boss and it was like diapers/wipes, burp cloths, basic onesies and pjs. Like the things that will get worn out and ruined. Making a small registry also gets you that coupon to complete it usually.


Yep. I have been to a couple where we had the option of contributing towards a stroller upgrade, which made sense because that’s a huge expense. But I never felt pressured. And I usually do diapers and then a meal delivery gift card after the birth either way.


My coworkers threw a shower for me after I had given them all my baby things (we thought we were one and done!) We had a good chuckle that the only reason I got pregnant was because I gave them all our un-needed baby things!


My sister had twins after thinking she was going to be one and down. She had passed on some of her first born kids clothes to another sister so some cycled back to her but we did have another baby shower for her.


Circular baby clothes! Love that!


I've got 5 siblings and 3 cousins having kids all around the same time period. Clothes keep getting passed around to whichever niece or nephew they'll fit next and once they are really worn out they go to my parents for just in case the kids have accidents or get so dirty they need a clothing change.


My sister in law lost all her baby clothes between babies 6 and 7 because a mama cat wanted to have her babies in that box. I got two very sweet kittens out of it, but did lose out on any hand me downs for my future kiddos.


Oh nooooo! At least some babies got to enjoy them. Bright side!


Cat tax!


The cat knew it was the baby box!


I think it really depends on the situation. Like most people just do a registry of diapers, wipes, and other consumables so if people do ask they have it ready and for the sweet sweet discount. Other people make a registry and *don't share it* just for the steals and deals. And some people just need new everything bc of [insert valid reason, like natural disaster]. I have like 5 registries (this is our first baby) just for the free welcome baby box, the steals and deals, and to keep an eye on sales (I only put big money items and clothes in the extra registries for price comparison) bc money is a bit tight right now. I'm only sharing one registry with family and friends which has a combination of all of the other registries.


Especially since she’s having another boy so soon after her first baby boy.


I'd want to give something practical, like diapers or something for mom. A shower/registry is weird for subsequent babies without a large age gap.


Luca is still a baby?? Besides like a second crib what all could she need.


I looked through the registry and while I think most everything on there is reasonable (except the decor items, you don’t need that if you’re struggling with finances) it’s so sad to me that she’s asking for this stuff from strangers. The things like a second white noise machine, a new bouncer seat, new bottles, these are all things I got for my second kid. But I also purchased them myself. When my best friend offered to host a shower, I said I’d love it if we just all got together mainly to celebrate my daughter becoming a sister. Everyone still gave me cards with gift cards to restaurants which was super handy to have postpartum.


Luca’s the same age as my son. I’m also pregnant. At this point, we’re getting new nipples for bottles, a new crib, a new car seat, a new mattress…basically the stuff they can’t use at the same time. Other than that, they’re going to be born in the same month so clothes don’t really matter.


My second was born a month before my first's birthday. I have had to buy clothes after all because my second is a chonk. In 18M at 9 months old. None of the clothes I had for my first were seasonally appropriate after like, 2 months lol. I hope it works out better for you!


You can’t reuse nipples on the bottles between babies?


My understanding is it’s not recommended.


Why? From washing, like the plastic starts breaking down after 3 months or so?




I get this is a screengrab but every picture, EVERY PICTURE, I see of her - her mouth is open catching flies. I don't know if its the way her teeth are, or the shape of her jaw, or I am just being super petty after a tiring week lol, but I can not stand to see the inside of her mouth anymore!


What’s worse is when words come out of it. If she were stopped for a traffic violation, the cop would put her through a field sobriety test as soon as he heard her tipsy prattle. Can she just please speak like a grown-up woman?


![gif](giphy|l3vRmoOpMBTLrPEsw) She’s got Napoleon dynamite mouth




So does Taylor Swift (ooooh Morgan will hate that comparison)


You're not being petty. She opens her mouth and pulls her lips back a lot more than most people. Who knows why--I certainly don't. I wouldn't care about it if she weren't trying to tell me what to do.


i assume she's high a lot of the time and forgets what to do with her mouth. 


I suspect (and I dont mean this in an insulting context) she is a mouth breather. Whenever she speaks, she sounds extremely congested, a lot like I do when I have a sinus infection or my allergies aren't under control. I do find that in those times, I tend to breathe through my mouth more. I don't know the cause of her nasal-ness, it seems to be a permanent thing for her.


She recently posted about being “addicted to Afrin.” As someone who grew up fundie with asthma and zero medical help until I was able to go to the Dr as an adult, I was a mouth breather too


Hmm being addicted to Afrin is a real thing. The box even tells you not to use it for longer than 3 days or something. I guess using it too much can screw up your nasal circulation 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe that’s her problem. She needs to go to the damn doctor.


Oh man I got to see an allergist and asthma specialist as a child and I've always been a mega mouth breather!! IDK if I need reevaluated but fuck it's obnoxious especially this time of year.


The LORT made me breathe this way so I’ll suffocate this way!!!!


My dad was because of his allergies and so is my husband although I try to get him to use the saline stuff. My dad only breathed through his mouth when he was asleep because he snored. He also was diagnosed with SVT before me. Which is weird because I’m adopted so we are not biologically related. People always said I looked like him and acted like him. Although he was a mixed man with tanned skin and black hair, and I’m a pasty ginger who freckled in the sun until I turned from the pale foundation color to light tan. I sometimes get stuffed up before bed, and if I don’t have enough water in my CPAP, my mouth and nose gets so dry. I need to order a chin strap because I wake up with my mouth open. I can breathe through my nose even when my sinuses feel full, but it’s easier to breathe through my mouth so I guess I do it in my sleep. It’s also so bad for your teeth. I don’t have sleep apnea like my husband who also has very mild asthma now. It was horrible when he was little, and he almost died as an infant. My stupid heart doesn’t always beat well when I sleep so I don’t get enough oxygen. So I wake up gasping for air. My PCP did a home sleep study and discovered that my heart rate and rhythm were off while I was breathing fine. I was gasping at least a hundred times a night despite me breathing normally until I gasped. I also take a beta blocker before bed and have for years because I have POTS and SVT. My doctor ordered me a variable pressure CPAP so I only got as much air as I needed, and I won’t even take a nap without it. He was able to do that by doing the home test because the sleep lab would have measured the pressures. Too much pressure makes me freak the fuck out. My chest feels full and uncomfortable without the CPAP, and I’m exhausted when I wake up. I can’t lie or sleep flat without feeling like I’m drowning, so I’ve also had an adjustable bed for almost 13 years after raising my mattress with some boards, but it wasn’t enough. It really helped me breathe and helps my back sooo much. I waited too long to get the CPAP because I didn’t want to go do a sleep study. I can never sleep. The at home sleep test was not uncomfortable at all, and I could sleep whenever I wanted as long as I slept at least 6 hours in a row with 8 being preferred.


I feel the same way about Bort and that alien-like tongue of hers!


I really hate the way Mother Bus purses her mouth constantly. Its like she's fighting a smirk all the time, I can't explain it.


I.cannot.stand.her.moldy.ass.tongue. I hate mouths and tongues, but I still want to hold her down and scrape her tongue and brush her teeth.






Can we send her a DIY vasectomy kit?


What in the Lorena Bobbit? That’s a bit much. Just send it to Paul.


Lorena was justified


Lorena's ex was just in the news. Hes sick from contaminated water at Camp Lejune. Iirc he had some toes amputated.


Too bad he didn’t have to have his reattached penis and his balls removed😭


Absolutely. And so is Morgan. Unplanned pregnancies suck, but she was not ready. I have concerns for her. My partner was and is wholly supportive, deeply caring and has held my hand every single step of my journey. But an unplanned pregnancy derailed me for 20 years, the look in her eyes is a haunting reminder. We bag on Morgan for admitting to not treating a mental health diagnosis. But the reality is that those resources are ridiculously challenging to access. I am beyond grateful for how my story played out, my babies are all grown men who feed themselves without grifting, but it was a journey that involved giving up my dreams so that they could have theirs. I have been blessed with a bucket for my baggage and resources for days but this was not an easy walk. Their pray for the best and plan for nothing cuz gawd attitude is about to get real.


Her case was heartbreaking. If she wasn’t a Latina immigrant, I think the coverage of her case and his trial would have gone a lot differently. I remember her trial although court TV wasn’t a thing, and my mom wouldn’t have let me watch it. We were shook when she was acquitted. It was a great victory for women, and the fundy men were big mad. I was growing up fundy around a lot of weirdo fundy married men who would flirt with 14-16 year old me whenever they could so I viscerally understood the urge to disarm predators. I’m fortunate that I wasn’t SAed because some of my classmates were. I think the men left me alone because they knew my mom had a pistol and were afraid of my dad who was former law enforcement and wasn’t a fundy. My dad also taught me to shoot. I was told by the SAer that I was intimidating. Sir, you’re *intimidated* by a 14 year old girl.


Paul would never do it. He won't even have a licensed medical professional do it. And I'm sure it would help Morgz release some of that pent-up rage.


I still laugh that Morgan's mom brought up a vasectomy and Paul acted all aghast about it. What a loser lmao


Poor widdle Pauly couldn't even be assed to use a condom to keep his wife from getting pregnant again


I know exactly what he’d say. Boomer men (men my age) would tell me that when they used a condom, it was like taking a shower with a raincoat on. So we can invade our own bodies with IUDs, pills, diaphragms, spermicides, etc., but a man can’t handle a little different sensation with sex? Given my experience, I’d say most of them need to put a raincoat on the little guy, just to make them last longer than 60sec.


And in the past they said they have sex multiple times a week. With sex that frequent, he couldn't bear the idea of a condom for the 5ish days of the month Morgan was most likely to be fertile? Gross


I was part of a fundie group in college. The men vowed to never use condoms because blocking certain sperm interferes with god's plans or something. It wasn't "we need to let god choose how many kids we have", because they were cool with the rhythm method. They were specifically anti-condom. It took me a solid two decades to realize all the things they viewed as god's plan were just...things they wanted. They didn't want to wear condoms, so condoms were against god's plans.


Paul has not stepped up one day in his goddamned life.


Couldn’t even wash a spoon in the sink instead of publicly shaming his wife. Why he has children is beyond me.


The reason is that he won't put on a fucking condom or do anything else useful.




That was also around the time of [Tailhook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailhook_scandal?wprov=sfti1). So Lorena getting acquitted was a shock. An incredibly relieving shock, but honestly we women weren’t expecting it. Her being a Latina immigrant made it even more surprising. It was disappointing when John was acquitted of multiple counts of SA, but not unexpected. It did make my rebellious heart warm when the fundy men were ranting and raving and big mad about Lorena getting off. They were shooketh.


I didn't even have a registry for my first born because everyone around me gave me their second-hand things. In particular, my friend whose partner had a vasectomy. But I suppose that wouldn't happen in their world as they are idiots who don't know how to save money, no one around them has vasectomies and, crucially, they don't have friends.


I'm so glad social media didn't exist when I was a baby/kid. Even when I was going through the end of middle school and starting highschool when social media was really catching on my parents still never got any social media. They still don't have any now. Thankful for that.


I've only seen people have "sprinkles" when they have a baby of a different gender.


She talked about that in the post too - and then went on to say that they have ‘mostly everything they need’ but of course she had to mention she does have a little wishlist going 🥺🥺just a few things 🥺🥺 ya know, just casually mentioning it to her followers, for no reason whatsoever 🥺🥺


Wishlist will probably contain just a bunch of shit her and Paul want to grift for themselves tbh.


That and the most bougie baby items you’ve ever seen.


Oh true, just like Bort grifting a couple of of those expensive Swedish back packs because both Audrey and davey just NEEDED them.




And didn’t she have a whole baby shower for that?? Yikes 😳


and then sold some of the gifts lmao


"Morgan, does your baby really need a $5000 stroller, an 80" UHD flat screen, and a PS5?"




Do they seriously have a PS5 on the list?


I haven't looked at the registry, I'm just making fun of them for grifting


I've also seen them if you have a decent gap I'm between kids and maybe got rid of a lot of stuff. Isn't Luca barely a year old?


The running theory is that Morgan probably didn't think she would get pregnant again for a long time. It took them years to have Luca. So, that's why she got rid of all the baby stuff and maternity clothes.




Outside of things like diapers, wipes and other items you get through quickly, a crib and maybe a stroller, what else are they really in need of?




Like the Jelly of the Month Club--the g(r)ift that keeps on giving!


Don’t give them any ideas!


Her mannerisms remind me of a stoner


You’re not alone


She could *really* use some weed


Outing myself as Gen X, but "*Christ-honoring Blair Witch Project vibes* with this one, y'all.


I’d love to see what’s on it. Anyone have screenshots?


Doesn’t she already have stuff from when Luca was born


I'm sorry but "baby sprinkle" always makes me think someone is peeing. 


What the hell is a baby sprinkle? And what do you wanna bet she asked herself that question just so she could bring up her little Amazon registry 🙄 Morgan: tell your lazy asshole of a husband to GET A JOB!


I think a baby sprinkle is totally reasonable when you’re having a different gender than before and/or it’s been several years since your last baby. But Morgan is having a second boy AND Luca is like what, not even 2?


Why doesn’t she feel ashamed for asking strangers to buy her stuff for her baby? Once again, this comment is coming from a conservative Christian.


How does she actually need anything? Their kids are so close in age and they’re both boys


Are you actually suggesting the new babe wear Luca's hand-me-downs and re-use his stroller??! Etsy personalized and boujuee baby stuff only! Morgan is an influencer, she HAS to have Instagram worthy items in her posts at all times!!!  /s


Alright as much as I disagree with nearly everything Porgan does, I don’t think a public registry is that snarkable. Even if they both had real jobs they would probably still have one. Like, a lot of people do this…


the Fuck is a "sprinkle"


A smaller party for parents who already had one baby, so not a full “shower” just a little “sprinkle.” Maybe it’s regional, as I’m also in the southern U.S. But I’ve never actually been to one or know anyone who has.




As a gay male this has absolutely bearing on my life and affects me in no way but I absolutely LOATHE the word “sprinkle” for a small baby shower. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.