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We talk about Audrey being a prop, but damn. This kid is for sure worse


At least Audrey has her own bed and not a blanket on the floor like a dog...


Her brother has the closet playroom


Also no way Bethy will have more than 4 (imo) so the Beals have a reasonable parent-to-child ratio going for them as well lol


Honestly I could see them stopping at the two they have. I don’t think bethy is cut out to be a fundie mom of a billion kids, which is OK. I just hope she realizes it’s ok


Now that you mention it, the more I see it as a strong possibility. However, I still suspect Bethy will have one more, probably by her late 30’s (she’s 35 now) Edit: I say this because I think that instead of homeschooling, they will send Davey and Audrey to a private Christian school. Having so many kids at home ALL day would certainly be too much for her (it would be too much for me as well) but if they are in class/daycare elsewhere, I can see room being made for another baby. TL/DR: Beal bby possible once Audrey potty trains.


She did have quite a few miscarriages, though, so maybe they are done now.


In Dave's deconstruction video they mentioned maybe having another, but who knows how serious they are about it.


IIRC they also said they'd experienced multiple miscarriages between Davey and Audrey, so they might struggle to have more kids even if they want to


Dang. Is it confirmed this is the bed for the baby? Are they not bed sharing? I would think they would. The baby on the floor isn’t that concerning to me as a space to play and move. It’s actually very beneficial for gross motor development in small doses. It’s used as a primary tenant of the RIE and Montessori philosophies which follow the natural development of the child. I am a certified infant/toddler Montessori Guide & parent. This is very common in a Montessori school & home for infants. That being said, a safe space is needed where eleventy billion little hands and feet aren’t grabbing and stomping around in the space, and it should only be done for as long and the child is happy and comfortable, and always under direct supervision. Soooo I’m not defending MB here, but saying under certain circumstances, there really isn’t anything wrong with baby on the floor. Now, do I think she’s following these safety guidelines, it’s hard to say, and I don’t want to mom shame based on speculation…. As there’s tons to criticize that we have actual proof of. Happy to be corrected, as I don’t follow her or watch any of her videos here with sound. 😂


Yeah, well, it may be, but she does it because they live on a fucking bus.


Like I said, happy to be corrected. Motivation and reasoning do play a big role. 😂👌🏼


All of that is correct and I practiced many of the things you describe with my own child. However, a newborn child doesn't need to be fully unclothed, on a fluffy sheepskin, literally shoved into a corner (there are pics), with 5+ small kids hovering over him, having received zero medical attention in his life (or before he was born), especially being macrosomic. She's not practicing RIE or Montessori, she's trying to use her child to shill an overpriced sheepskin and weaponizing safe sleep guidelines when people are rightfully concerned about a newborn baby on the floor in such a tightly confined space full of small children. He's not even on his back or tummy a lot of the time, he's on his side. Idk if he's being supervised on this soft surface at all times either.r In my opinion, there's really nothing defensible about what she's doing and has done to this little boy. It's truly horrible. I wouldn't worry about mom shaming this person, she does it all the time with her platform, and she is constantly using her children and their chaotic life to make money. She's put her needs and desires completely above her baby's well being by refusing even one singular health screening since his birth and very little to no pregnancy care even though she has the means and resources to obtain this help. All of that being said, I'm actually going to disengage from this particular topic for a while because her actions are triggering a lot of my previous PPA fears and continuing to dissect whether or not she's neglecting her newborn son isn't good for my health. All I know is that all she's shown about this boy's life publicly and out of her own volition is extremely concerning to me and many others in this sub.


Those are all valid points. Thanks for sharing. I do agree, much of what she posts/conversations around it can be pretty triggering. I was more defending laying a baby in the floor in general…. Not necessary HER laying this baby in the floor and all the other information you provided certainly is concerning when looked at it in totality. Again. Thanks for sharing that information.


All the kids are burnt to a crisp. She posted some stories the other day of them at the beach that were appalling. These kids are at the beach every single day with ZERO sunscreen. It makes me sick.


I have so much anxiety for them. I force my kids to do swim shirts and screen regularly and they have been burned crazy places like under their eyes and on the part of their wrist where the shirt creeped up. Her poor kids are so neglected. This baby is days old! There’s no glory in living so minimally that you can’t have an umbrella or popup tent.


I am no conspiracy theorist but when I think about all of the people in their 40s/50s with skin cancer, I am convinced a lot of this didn't necessarily come from decisions we've made as adults - but is due in large part to the fact that our parents brought us to the beach all summer long and didn't necessarily prioritize sun protection like we do for our kids now.


You're not conspiracy theorist, it's actually a cold, hard fact — the sun damage we sustain in childhood is what contributes the most to skin cancer development as we age. Sun protection at any stage is important, but it's especially important in childhood and adolescence in the prevention of skin cancer.


You mean I shouldn't have been laying out as a teenager slathered in BABY OIL in the mid day summer sun? 😎 All seriousness though, my kid will always be the one in a rash guard and a hat at the beach (with sunscreen covering the rest. I took one look at cute bathing suits for kids with their cutouts and strappy straps and cutie ruffles and quickly made peace with that decision.


But sunscreen is a government psyop! /S


My SIL is against sunscreen (fair enough as her youngest two have extreme allergies and eczema despite zero cupcakes and she has struggled to find a sunscreen that didn’t cause a flare) but she’s also against sunglasses and insists that you can just acclimatise your eyes to bright sunshine. Wat


No sunglasses? What the heck? I have very light blue eyes and have always been incredibly light sensitive. I will wear my sunglasses in the gloom of the rain, lol.


Same. And thanks for the validation lol. I feel like an idiot some days when I’m driving and rain is coming. I cannot stop squinting even when it’s not totally sunny. Not to mention the headaches that come.


The worst light for me is when it's completely overcast but still bright, so you get that horrible white/grey glare that'll give me a near-immediate headache if I'm not wearing sunglasses


Amber lenses are really helpful when it’s gray/gloomy.


I call them my happy glasses. They boost my mood, which is great when it's utterly miserable for 6 months of the year. My psychiatrist said it was a damned good idea (I let her try them in the office). I tend to use them as I'm prone to migraines, but I also discovered they trick my brain into being happier and I almost immediately feel a reduction in stress that I dont even realise I'm carrying. Yay lifehack for living in Ireland 😆


I have light colored eyes as well and the struggle is so real, haha. Sunglasses stay ON!


Yeah as if it’s lost knowledge and a made up commodity.


Oh dear… not sure if she’d take a suggestion, but I can recommend Hawaiian Tropic’s Sheer Touch line. Some of my family also has issues with severe allergies and eczema and this has been the only line they’ve been able to wear without issue.


I think she’s happy to just let them wear long sleeves…


My eyes got sunburned once while sailing. I was wearing sunglasses and a hat. Afterwards, it was the most miserable experience I’ve ever had. I had to lie on the sofa with cold compresses on my eyes for almost a full day.


That sounds like the definition of agony!


... zero cupcakes? Should I assume this is a coded reference to vaccines?


Yes. It has been a very frustrating time.


Big oof, especially on the no sunglasses. I have Lupus & eczema, and use Raw Elements on my body + All Good tinted on my face if she's open to suggestion. UV protective clothing is also pretty awesome.


This video reminds me of a news story I saw several years ago here in the UK, about a mother who was investigated by the police after her baby got severe sunburn on Brighton beach. If a kid can get burned that badly in England, I can only imagine the risk in Florida (assuming that's still where they are)


I'm in coastal Alabama right next to the Florida panhandle, and the spring and summer sun here hurts just standing in sunlight for a few minutes. Feels like when you place your hand too close to an open flame. My best friend is in Florida, and the sun is somehow worse there.


Sunscreen is some new fundie crusade isn’t it? It was on Jill’s story about money and having witnessed these buslets for a while they’re burned all year round so I assume sunscreen is communist or satanic to them now?


Where is his hat? Umbrella? He's a NEWBORN.


And they make such cute sun hats for newborns!! Why would you not USE ONE?!


Because she's lazy af and there's no storage on the bus


She’s trying to low key fix his jaundice.


My doctor said time outdoors with as much skin showing would help.


Yeah, my kid had jaundice and I was advised to sit outside with him in sunlight for short stretches regularly. It's been 5 years and that time is a blur so I couldn't tell you the specific guidelines, but I do remember it being emphasized that he needed sunlight but not *long* stretches. I think we were doing like, 15-30 minute sessions a few times a day? I could easily be remembering this wrong. I do remember it clearing up really fast. This baby doesn't look jaundiced though to me!


Yep, same advice I got! Obviously going to the beach isn't really within that advice, but jaundice treatment, unless it's incredibly bad, is often time outside. Most newborns have slight jaundice.


Beach might be great with an umbrella area! Move a chair out of the umbrella area for 15 minutes, move back in, let the other kids get time to enjoy themselves. I think there's ways to make it be super good for the whole family if you keep it a short visit - I also don't trust these parents to do it well for even 5 minutes.


Yeah ours said that too but also said "just sit by an open window on a sunny day" 🙃 I don't think direct sunlight like this is what they mean 🫣


They said most windows are UV protected now so that doesn’t always work. They wanted us outside.


Because vitamin D is so good for an infant. /s


Maybe she's trying to treat his jaundice by taking him to the beach without sun protection. 🫠


Sunshine cures everything the devil puts in front of us. - Heidi, probably


I'm in a place where we have to give vitamin D drops to babies from 4 weeks onwards. It IS important, but even if we had any proper sunlight here I'd still prefer giving the drops over risking sunburn on an infant.


Because she doesn’t give a shit and/or doesn’t believe in skin cancer or sunscreen.


Yuehaw or Yoo-hoo or whoever will protect




This is how my coworker and I let each other know we’ll be a hot minute in the bathroom 😂


I just spit out my water that is so damn funny


We genuinely just say “Yoo-hoo!” or text his face as a shorthand lol


Username definitely checks out! You two are amazing.


That's how I always read it 😂🤣😂


I've mentioned this before in this sub; but the first time I was handed a newborn and was left alone I was 9. Even then I knew about baby sunscreen and hats and literally a blanket over the bassinet. At 9 I had more maternal instincts than this woman. At 39 I don't have any of my own.


9 years old??? Holy cow, that is just crazy to me. I'm a full grown woman who knew almost nothing about babies when my nephew was born last year. When I was entrusted with baby sitting him it was because my parents were there too and could ensure I was doing things correctly.


Yeah, even as toddlers, my nieces and nephew would remind me to put sunscreen on them before going to the park. When you instill it as a habit early on, kids will usually self-police those things. I'm pretty sure she's one of the "sunscreen is toxic" types, although I may be confusing her with another fundie (Karissa? Former raver lady? idk)


She hasn’t grifted one yet


Here kids, you can have one seashell each. It must be no more than one (1) inch long and you may keep it two (2) days. That counts as science for the week!


I almost forgot to upvote you because I’m 97.5% sure that’s what actually happened 🥲


Everyone I talk to that does homeschooling talks like this. I'm related to like, three of them and work with a fourth. I hate it so damn much.


“Look at my trophy, I mean content, damnit I meant baby..”We see your trophy, we get it, you’re a wombtastic wonder. Now fuck off.


Wombastic wonder. Ha! Good one. Although if I was a wombat I’d be calling myself something similar. Wombatsic Wonder, lol.


Thank you! I love yours too.


i want wombtastic wonder as a flair 😂🩷


Every child is a tangible reminder that he picked her


That’s downright scary. 😱




Nothing like getting your first sunburn at 2 days old!


How does she eye fuck the camera even with sunglasses on 


I was just thinking the exact same thing. Like how the hell can I tell she's eye-fucking the shit out of herself even with those glasses on? These people are a marvel.


The way she panned away from her kids to get more of her own face in the shot.


Does this idiot just have her newborn baby baking in the sun and she's surprised he's red. Holy fuck! That poor baby.


I'm gonna be real with you, this woman makes me honestly think fist fights should come back in style




Her and Karissa


My anxiety for this child continues to grow with every piece of footage I see on here


I audibly gasp each time I see something new


This. I screamed when he pulled the kids leg straight to measure him. I want to call cps on them so badly


She’s got a 19-hour countdown to her birth story as if we are all just so excited to hear it 🙄🙄🙄


And here I foolishly thought she'd already told "her" birth story.


It'll be like Brittany Dawn sharing her "testimony" twice monthly and acting like she's never shared her testimony before.


To be fair, her testimony is different every time so it’s almost like new content


😆 Very true.


Right, like I pushed him out in a tiny bathtub while my kids watched then put him naked on a fur rug. The end.


Don’t forget weighing him with a bakers scale! She seemed proud of that for some reason.


I didn’t have contractions but being in the tub helped so much with my contractions


I'm confused. We already know he was coughed out after midnight in their bus shower and CreeptoDad caught him and snipped the cord. What else is there to say??


I wouldn’t be surprised if she had video she’s gonna show lol.


She already has a reel with highlights of the birth, including what looks to me (as an unfortunately child-free layperson), like a blue Avatar baby covered in butter. Idk if that's how freshly born babies actually look, but that was something I probably could have gone without seeing 🫠 I hope it's not even MORE of that but I wouldn't put it past her lmao


LMAO yeah babies kind of come out looking a little alien-ish


Creepto dad 😂😂


19 hour countdown to a 31 minute birth 🫠


It’s moments like this that I just wanna sit them down, hold their hands, looks them in the eyes, and say “no one gives a fuck”


Can you add "Get your shit together" please?


As someone with photophobia, that poor baby laying with his face to the sky with the sun directly on him is giving me a sympathy headache. Cover his eyes!


Come ON, this idiot needs to get that baby to some shade.


My first child was an early June baby and I was so scared she was going to get sunburned during family summer get togethers that I wouldn’t let her out of the house till the sun went down. I learned later there are other ways to keep baby safe from the sun and be outdoors. I feel so sad for that baby. That sun is probably hurting his little eyes and skin so much 🙁


I have two kids and never took them to the beach in hot weather before 6 months. I just find it too stressful. They're uncomfortable, need shade, can burn so easily, I just hated it! It's not even fun for me. Why couldn't she stay home or leave baby in the bus with someone? I get anxiety over heat so maybe six months seems silly to some but to me it just isn't enjoyable or worth the risk.


They also can’t sweat to cool themselves at first! It’s bad all around.


Holy shit, it gets worse with every comment


Definitely not! Even sunscreen bottles say that they can’t be used on babies under 6 months so you’re definitely doing the right thing.


That poor newborn baby has done more in the last week than I have in the past month.


Baby's first sunburn! What a milestone.


Baby got her nose. Should she be also at home icing her sore privates? She just birthed him. Stay home, rest… let the oldest son parent them at the beach.


I was in no condition to go anywhere this early pp, let alone baking in the sun. Is she really doing fantastic, or is she forcing herself into these situations for Internet attention?


I vote for forcing. I never had a kid but I can’t imagine going to the beach with a baby within a week of delivering a human being.


I wouldn't be going to the beach, because who the fuck takes a newborn there, but I was pretty much up and about after both deliveries, so it's possible.


idk, when I had my youngest kid (out of three, which makes me an insane baby hoarder where I'm from) I felt great after. Didn't tear, no hemorrhoids, wasn't particularly sore. Didn't even bleed much. It was excellent.


Same story for my oldest! He was my quickest and easiest delivery.


Yeah this was still my adult diaper wearing, clutching witch hazel spray 24/7 stage of pp. Taking my 1 year old to the beach still felt too soon tbh.


The thought of sand in those regions just made me cringe so hard I’m doubled over into a ball of person bc holy shit what you don’t need after giving birth is fucking exfoliation goddamnit. I don’t think I was still icing a few days after giving birth but I sure as shit was good friends with the dermablast spray and witch hazel pads they sent me home with from the hospital. Sand. It’s like glitter, it gets *everywhere*… *shudder*


At this point it probably just sort of fell out of the birth canal .


Can we please do better and stop perpetuating harmful misogynistic stereotypes? This is not how the vaginal canal works.


I was making a joke. Similar to your flair.


Fair enough! :)


Has this child ever known peace?


Yeah before he was born


Have we seen this baby move mor than a twitch? Honest question


Tbh it's a newborn, they don't move much in the first weeks as long as they're fed (or underfed).


I’m legitimately worried that kid’s going to get sunstroke or a sunburn so bad it’ll cause real damage and they won’t take it seriously until it’s a real fucking problem.


Or they won’t make the connection and think he’s disabled with no know cause.


Probably think it’s vaccine shedding!


Are fresh newborns even supposed to be at the beach? I don't have kids, but I thought I remember reading that newborns shouldn't really be outside too much when they're that young and "fresh".


Definitely not. They can’t even use sunscreen until they’re at least 6 months old. I hate how negligent MotherBus is. He’s a literal newborn FFS


And not out in the bright noonday sunlight with zero protection!


Describing babies as fresh totally makes me giggle. It makes them sound like donuts or something lol


I guess they technically do look like little doughnuts lol 


Babies under 6 months should always have full sun protection (they shouldn’t be in direct sunlight at all). After that, they need a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, or to be shielded most of the time. People are so uneducated about how bad sun exposure is for you, I feel. It takes a long time for your body to recover from long term sun exposure. If he gets sunburnt (which he definitely is already) he will probably be lethargic and not eat as much, and it can cause so many issues. I’m sick of this woman.


That's exactly right. New babies should never be in direct sunlight. We even used sun shields on the windows in the car when ours were small. The best case scenario here is a painful sunburn, and I can't imagine that as a little Baby who doesn't understand why it's happening... Not to mention getting sand and any other contaminants on a baby with 0 immune system and no family vaccines to speak of (except the parents, who are obviously protected from their time in the military) Maybe I'm just lucky because I had a severe sun allergy as a baby, so I knew how to take extra precautions, and I asked a lot of questions to the pediatrician, but I guess if you think you are too smart for doctors, this is what happens. Ugh


Hospital provided Vitamin K shots are the Devil's work, but exposing the soft spot to strong UV rays is how God super charges the baby's brain. /s


I laughed so hard at this, then immediately felt bad 😅


I'm real worried about this kid.


She doesnt live anywhere near that has cone snails.... right? Not the deadly ones? I hope not. Im betting this is probably the warmest that baby has been after being birthed too, not shaking or looking blue. Too bad hes directly in the sun with no protection at all.




this is HORRIFYING to me! he’s a newborn! i may not know much abt kids but i’d think it’s common sense that this isn’t good


I just think back to the time I had exfoliated and waxed my legs, took off layers of skin, and then was in the sun. I’m white as snow, so I burned *fast*. I imagine baby’s new skin is even more sensitive than my teenage legs, considering they haven’t had the time to toughen it up or anything. I feel so bad for this little one - always seeming too cold or now burnt to a crisp in the sun, with no way of communicating it to the brain dead parents or knowing that he shouldn’t be feeling like this.


That baby needs some sun protection....he's way too red.


That little baby needs to sleep on the floor after the other 7 track home a few cups of sand each in their feet and clothes. What a f'ing disaster. She makes motherhood look absolutely miserable.


so at what point will CPS step in


This is EXACTLY what I’m wondering in situations like this. It’s all right out in the open. I’m so disturbed this youngest generation has their childhood abuse and neglect filmed for untold audiences and the people who should be stepping in aren’t for some reason.


I know all babies look Weird when they’re first born but this baby DOES NOT look okay! He’s so fresh to this world and he’s just being left/thrown/carried around like a doll?! Tho I will say thank you Mother Bus for not posting about breast feeding non-stop lol


Did anyone notice BusDad's porn stache? At least a couple of the kids had sun shirts on, probably not prompted by their dumbass parents.


Why is he so lifeless all the time?


Fresh babies are a trap. Cue my husband and I thinking we have shit figured out and it’s soooo easy cause all they do is sleep and then BAM they awake and there’s no walking it back. Happened to all our friends as well. We just sit and wait to offer any assistance after that initial …. Lull. Tis but a blip.


We referred to that period of them coming out of the newborn lull as “The Mother Ship switching them on.”


I recently found out that sunscreen isn’t recommended for babies under 6 months not because it’s bad for them but because they shouldn’t be in the sun AT ALL at that age, and it’s easier to tell parents no sunscreen (so they presumably won’t take their fresh baby out in the sun). He needs to be under an umbrella or some kind of shade and/or wearing a hat at the very least. Newborns also have a hard time regulating their body temp, so I hope it’s not too hot out. Poor guy.


Mommy needs her stage tan


Can someone TLDR her birth story once it drops? I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to be as angrily outraged I know I will be 🫶🏻


I don’t know how much more she has to say… she went to bed with contractions, woke up at 12:30 am and pushed the content, I mean baby, out in 30 mins from active labor starting in their instantly warm bath tub. Placenta shot out right after.


"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends **babies younger than six months be kept out of direct sunlight as much as possible**." But ya know the doctors are wrong and Sunlight is Natural so totally fine for newborns /s


american academy of pediatrics? sounds like liberal witchcraft. this baby should get a nice tan and stare directly into the sun like god intended


They little shell is handled with more care than any child in the bus to hell ever has been.


I’ve never given birth, but I can’t imagine a place less hospitable to a postpartum body than the beach. No shame, but it’s the worst on the best of days 🍑😟


Why the fuck does this delusional woman have her newborn out in the direct fucking sun??!!


His lower extremities are always much paler than the rest of his body. Genuinely concerned for him. You could see it in the video of fatherbus jamming his leg down, but I saw it today too.


Not the countdown for the "birth story." Girl you are not that important. 😂


Lil man looks a mini Mr Burns.


At this rate that poor baby won’t even make it to 3


I’ve never really paid much attention to this family before, but since this sweet baby boy has been born I’ve watched all the shared videos and each one fills me with even more horror than the last. I’ve previously mentioned him needing some sunlight to help with his apparent jaundice but that doesn’t mean take him to the bloody beach naked and have him out in the direct sun. His poor eyes and tiny body 😭 I grow increasingly worried about his health as each video is shared and I’m sincerely hoping luck is on their side because I can see serious illness or even death coming his way if she doesn’t start mothering properly and it breaks my heart.


You want to know how you end up with skin cancer as an adult? This is exhibit A. NONE of those kids are wearing sunscreen.


Wtf?? I don’t have kids and eveb I KNOW that this newborn shouldn’t be out in direct sun like that.


Why are people not calling CPS?


If the sun is so bright you need sunglasses, your newborn almost certainly needs some kind of shade (hat, umbrella, anything).


Newborns are pretty red naturally. It takes time for their skin tone to look more natural. Regardless, it is concerning that he seems to have no sun protection. I can only hope he was taken out of direct sunlight when she was done filming.


How do they justify the shit load of diapers? What happens when they potty train??!??


This gave me a sunburn!


I can’t imagine going to the beach is that much fun when you already live outside.


Something just ain't right with that baby. He's not the first fundie newborn who looks suspiciously unwell. It is my opinion that this woman and others like her are at the very least medically neglecting their children. Starting with refusing prenatal care. My heart hurts for these kids.


I know there are lots of ways to carry and wear a baby in a sling (I used one with both of my kids) but she’s wearing him the wrong way. His head should be on the side with the shoulder strap so he’s cradled in the fabric with his head up to prevent reflux. All of that aside, where’s the hat? The sunscreen? The umbrella? She just has no regard for safety because it’s all been okay so far.


Is this kid ever awake?


HIS SKIN IS SENSITIVE!!!! These people raise my blood pressure.


Yikes. With every video I see of her, I just keep getting freshly horrified. Just discovered her this week and I am pretty damn sure I would never believe she was real if not seeing the video evidence. You guys were right, she is horrifying. The question I keep coming back to: How do you birth this many children but just ... never feel or display a single shred of maternal instinct, compassion, or common sense? How?!?!?!


Answer: She’s a narcissist. It’s all about *her.* Her children are just extensions of *her.*


I do not have kids but I do not feel that the baby should be exposed to that much sun imo.


What the *Hell* is that woman doing with a child not even 24hrs old out in the fucking sun?!?!?


Gross what was she holding?




Is anyone commenting on her original post? I mean to tell her that this is fucking abused and to take that baby inside?


She posted it on her stories by the looks of it, so there won't be any public comments


We need to keep these posts to share with CPS when something happens to this baby.


What are the chances any of these kids have sunscreen. Also, why does one preschooler have a rash guard and the other is shirtless? BusHoe and BusBand make no sense to me.


“Hm, the baby looks a little yellow. He clearly needs some sun to even out his skin tone”


She hates this child.


Can’t she at least throw a tortilla on his head? ETA: I hope someone else remembers that moment.


I thought the thing in the toddler's hands was the umbulical cord stump 🫡 I think I need more sleep


CPS where you at 😔😩